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- All HBS Web
- News (140)
- Research (1,646)
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- Faculty Publications (1,170)
- 2012
- Book
Banks as Multinationals
By: G. Jones
This is a revised edition of a comparative, international study which looks at the history of multinational banks. Researchers from the United States, Japan, Europe, and Australia survey the evolution of multinational banks over time and suggest a conceptual framework... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Banks and Banking; Business Strategy; Geographic Location; Trends; Theory
Jones, G., ed. Banks as Multinationals. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- 12 Feb 2015
- Video
Can China Lead?
- Research Summary
On-line social networks
Professor Piskorski's current research examines why and how people use on-line social networks, both in the US and abroad. Using extensive fieldwork and large scale empirical analyses, he constructed theories of social failures and networks as covers... View Details
Keywords: Social Networks
- Book Review
Book Review of 'Organized Violence after Civil War: The Geography of Recruitment in Latin America' by Sarah Zukerman Daly
Why do some non-state actors, under the same peace accord, go back to violence in the aftermath of the disarming and demobilization of their armies, while others remain demilitarized? In her book, Organized Violence after Civil War: The Geography of Recruitment in... View Details
Keywords: Civil War; Government; Government and Politics; Governance; National Security; Governance Compliance; Latin America
Garbiras-Díaz, Natalia. "Book Review of 'Organized Violence after Civil War: The Geography of Recruitment in Latin America' by Sarah Zukerman Daly." Peace Review 30, no. 1 (First Quarter 2018): 120–123.
- May 2023
- Article
Political Ideology and International Capital Allocation
By: Elisabeth Kempf, Mancy Luo, Larissa Schäfer and Margarita Tsoutsoura
Does investors' political ideology shape international capital allocation? We provide evidence from two settings—syndicated corporate loans and equity mutual funds—to show ideological alignment with foreign governments affects the cross-border capital allocation by... View Details
Keywords: Capital Flows; Syndicated Loans; Mutual Funds; Partisanship; Polarization; Elections; Political Ideology; Banks and Banking; Institutional Investing; Behavioral Finance; Decision Choices and Conditions
Kempf, Elisabeth, Mancy Luo, Larissa Schäfer, and Margarita Tsoutsoura. "Political Ideology and International Capital Allocation." Journal of Financial Economics 148, no. 2 (May 2023): 150–173.
- October 2020
- Case
John Branca: Negotiating the Beatles' Northern Songs Catalog (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Alex Green
In 1985, pop music superstar Michael Jackson instructed his attorney, John Branca, to make a bid for the Northern Songs music catalog, which contained the songs of the Beatles. In a challenging negotiation with Australian media baron Robert Holmes à Court, Branca... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Entertainment; Music Entertainment; Strategy; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States; United Kingdom
Sebenius, James K., and Alex Green. "John Branca: Negotiating the Beatles' Northern Songs Catalog (A)." Harvard Business School Case 921-009, October 2020.
- 2014
- Working Paper
De Gustibus non est Taxandum: Heterogeneity in Preferences and Optimal Redistribution
By: Benjamin B Lockwood and Matthew Weinzierl
The prominent but unproven intuition that preference heterogeneity reduces redistribution in a standard optimal tax model is shown to hold under the plausible condition that the distribution of preferences for consumption relative to leisure rises, in terms of... View Details
Lockwood, Benjamin B., and Matthew Weinzierl. "De Gustibus non est Taxandum: Heterogeneity in Preferences and Optimal Redistribution." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-063, January 2012. (Updated September 2014. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 17784. Published in Journal of Public Economics.)
- fall 2007
- Article
The Design of Patent Pools: The Determinants of Licensing Rules
By: Josh Lerner, Marcin Strojwas and Jean Tirole
Patent pools are an important but little-studied economic institution. In this paper, we first make a set of predictions about the licensing terms associated with patent pools. The theoretical framework predicts that (a) pools consisting of complementary patents are... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Patents; Rights
Lerner, Josh, Marcin Strojwas, and Jean Tirole. "The Design of Patent Pools: The Determinants of Licensing Rules." RAND Journal of Economics 38, no. 3 (fall 2007): 610–625. (Earlier version distributed as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 9680.)
- Research Summary
The Strategic and Performance Consequences of CEO Succession
By: Rakesh Khurana
The argument of this paper (with Nitin Nohria) is that research on executive turnover treats the departures of predecessors and the origin of successors as independent events. This approach has led to mixed empirical findings with respect to measuring the effects of... View Details
- Research Summary
FDI and Economic Growth: The Role of the Local Financial Markets (joint with Areendam Chanda, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Selin Sayek)
By: Laura Alfaro
In this paper, we examine the various links among foreign direct investment (FDI), financial markets, and economic growth. We explore whether countries with better financial systems can exploit FDI more efficiently. Empirical analysis, using cross-country data between... View Details
- 2020
- Book
Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives
By: Asli M. Colpan and Geoffrey Jones
This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey and its predecessor the Ottoman Empire from the nineteenth century until the present. It places the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative... View Details
Keywords: Capitalism; Corruption; Business History; Ethics; Economic Systems; Crime and Corruption; Middle East; Central Asia; Turkey
Colpan, Asli M., and Geoffrey Jones, eds. Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- August 2017
- Article
The First Deal: The Division of Founder Equity in New Ventures
By: Thomas F. Hellmann and Noam Wasserman
We examine the trade-off between efficiency and equality within the context of entrepreneurial founding teams. Using a formal theory where founders may have preferences over relative outcomes, we derive predictions about the antecedents and consequences of dividing... View Details
Hellmann, Thomas F., and Noam Wasserman. "The First Deal: The Division of Founder Equity in New Ventures." Management Science 63, no. 8 (August 2017): 2647–2666.
- 2015
- Chapter
Modularity and Organizations
Modularity describes the degree to which a complex system can be broken apart into subunits (modules) that can be recombined in various ways. Modularity is important for organizations and the economy because the boundaries of organizational units and corporations are... View Details
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Modularity and Organizations." In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Edited by James D. Wright, 718–723. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015.
- Article
De Gustibus non est Taxandum: Heterogeneity in Preferences and Optimal Redistribution
By: Benjamin B Lockwood and Matthew Weinzierl
The prominent but unproven intuition that preference heterogeneity reduces redistribution in a standard optimal tax model is shown to hold under the plausible condition that the distribution of preferences for consumption relative to leisure rises, in terms of... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Income; Decision Choices and Conditions; Consumer Behavior; Taxation; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics
Lockwood, Benjamin B., and Matthew Weinzierl. "De Gustibus non est Taxandum: Heterogeneity in Preferences and Optimal Redistribution." Journal of Public Economics 124 (April 2015): 74–80. (Also NBER Working Paper Series, No. 17784, September 2014 and Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-063, January 2012.)
- Working Paper
Trade and Geography in the Origins and Spread of Islam
By: Stelios Michalopoulos, Alireza Naghavi and Giovanni Prarolo
This study examines the spatial distribution of Muslim societies shedding light on its geographic origins. The empirical analysis conducted across countries, virtual countries, and ethnicities establishes that geographic inequality and proximity to pre-Islamic trade... View Details
Michalopoulos, Stelios, Alireza Naghavi, and Giovanni Prarolo. "Trade and Geography in the Origins and Spread of Islam." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 18438, October 2013.
- December 2009
- Article
Strategy-proofness versus Efficiency in Matching with Indifferences: Redesigning the NYC High School Match
By: Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Parag A. Pathak and Alvin E. Roth
The design of the New York City (NYC) High School match involved tradeoffs among efficiency, stability, and strategy-proofness that raise new theoretical questions. We analyze a model with indifferences—ties—in school preferences. Simulations with field data and the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Secondary Education; Marketplace Matching; Performance Efficiency; Mathematical Methods; Motivation and Incentives; Strategy; Balance and Stability
Abdulkadiroglu, Atila, Parag A. Pathak, and Alvin E. Roth. "Strategy-proofness versus Efficiency in Matching with Indifferences: Redesigning the NYC High School Match." American Economic Review 99, no. 5 (December 2009). (AER links to access the Appendix and Downloadable Data Set.)
- 2007
- Working Paper
The Political Economy of 'Natural' Disasters
By: Charles Cohen and Eric D. Werker
Natural disasters occur in a political space. Although events beyond our control may trigger a disaster, the level of government preparedness and response greatly determines the extent of suffering incurred by the affected population. We use a political economy model... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Government and Politics; Strategic Planning; Mathematical Methods; Natural Disasters; Welfare or Wellbeing
Cohen, Charles, and Eric D. Werker. "The Political Economy of 'Natural' Disasters." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-040, December 2007. (Revised November 2008.)
- 02 Nov 2017
- HBS Seminar
Florian Ederer, Yale University
- Research Summary
Political Risk, Foreign Intervention and International Arbitration
The Empire Trap: America's Attempts to Protect Property Rights Overseas, 1898-2008, is a history of the U.S. government's attempts to protect the property rights of American investors when they venture outside the boundaries of the United... View Details
- 2011
- Working Paper
The First Deal: The Division of Founder Equity in New Ventures
By: Thomas F. Hellmann and Noam Wasserman
This paper examines the division of founder shares in entrepreneurial ventures, focusing on the decision of whether or not to divide the shares equally among all founders. To motivate the empirical analysis we develop a simple theory of costly bargaining, where... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Decision Choices and Conditions; Entrepreneurship; Fairness; Equity; Managerial Roles; Negotiation Deal; Ownership Stake; Value
Hellmann, Thomas F., and Noam Wasserman. "The First Deal: The Division of Founder Equity in New Ventures." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 16922, April 2011.