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- All HBS Web
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- 11 Feb 2015
- HBS Seminar
EVENT POSTPONED - Ohad Barzilay, Tel Aviv University
- May 2020
- Case
M-Lab: Enabling Innovation at Mitsubishi Corporation
By: Krishna Palepu and Allison M. Ciechanover
M-Lab’s founding goals were to infuse an innovation mindset into Mitsubishi Corporation; to catalyze new business opportunities; and to enable a dialogue between Japanese business and Silicon Valley. M-Lab housed representatives from each of Mitsubishi Corporation’s... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Disruption; Transformation; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Multinational Firms and Management; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Japan; United States
Palepu, Krishna, and Allison M. Ciechanover. "M-Lab: Enabling Innovation at Mitsubishi Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 120-061, May 2020.
- December 2018 (Revised March 2019)
- Case
iyzico: Fundraising in Emerging Markets (A)
By: Marco Di Maggio and Gamze Yucaoglu
The case opens in 2016 as Barbaros Ozbugutu, co-founder and CEO of the Istanbul-based payment technology start-up iyzico, contemplates the offers the company received for its Series C round. The case then describes iyzico’s origins and provides a detailed overview of... View Details
Keywords: Iyzico; Fundraising; Business Startups; Venture Capital; Emerging Markets; Private Sector; For-Profit Firms; Management; Information Technology; Growth Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Negotiation Offer; Decision Making; Turkey
Di Maggio, Marco, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "iyzico: Fundraising in Emerging Markets (A)." Harvard Business School Case 219-064, December 2018. (Revised March 2019.)
- 23 Feb 2022
- News
More-Experienced Entrepreneurs Have Bigger Deadline Problems
- June 1999 (Revised May 2000)
- Case
EndoSonics is a manufacturer of a sophisticated medical device--a catheter that can take ultrasonic images within the blood vessels of the heart. The company deals with a series of challenges that relate to implementing a difficult technology in the face of a complex... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Distribution; Decision Choices and Conditions; Corporate Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Problems and Challenges; Manufacturing Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Roberts, Michael J., and Diana S. Gardner. "EndoSonics." Harvard Business School Case 899-262, June 1999. (Revised May 2000.)
- February 2010 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
Tennant Company
By: Toby E. Stuart, Lynda M. Applegate and James Weber
Tennant, a leading producer of floor cleaning equipment, must determine how to create, finance, structure, staff, govern, measure, and manage a new venture for developing a fundamentally new product line. In 2005, Tennant Company had developed an innovative,... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Change Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Product Development; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Research and Development
Stuart, Toby E., Lynda M. Applegate, and James Weber. "Tennant Company." Harvard Business School Case 810-040, February 2010. (Revised January 2014.)
- 21 Nov 2006
- First Look
First Look: November 21, 2006
constrained domestically and those that are more technology intensive, exhibit a higher sensitivity of affiliate cash holdings to repatriation tax burdens. Download working paper: Skill vs. Luck... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- March 2020
- Case
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Kairavi Dey
Hotstar was an online video streaming platform owned by Star India Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney Corporation. Since its launch in 2015, the platform had grown to offer over 100,000 hours of TV content, movies in nine Indian languages... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Television Entertainment; Disruption; Business Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; India; Mumbai
Palepu, Krishna G., and Kairavi Dey. "Hotstar." Harvard Business School Case 120-015, March 2020.
- 03 Jun 2022
- Blog Post
HiHome Sweet HiHome
jointly by SEAS and Harvard Business School, while Shu was in the Undergraduate Technology Innovation Fellows program, run by SEAS, HBS, and the Harvard Faculty of Arts & Sciences. The two got to chatting, laying the seeds for HiHome,... View Details
- Web
Live from Klarman Hall - Alumni
from failure to effectively to thrive in an uncertain world. Video Recording 3 Technologies That Will Change the World. How Will They Affect Your Journey as a Leader? 11:45 a.m.–1:00 p.m. EDT Speaker: Shikhar Ghosh , MBA Class of 1961... View Details
- March 2020
- Technical Note
Intrapreneurship: Leading Innovation Efforts in Established Organizations
By: Karen G. Mills and Annie Dang
“Intrapreneurship” is the use of entrepreneurial management techniques within established companies to create new environments that foster innovation. Mature firms have consistently faced risk of elimination from competitors, shifting consumer preferences, and... View Details
Keywords: Intrapreneurship; Innovation; Corporate Venture Capital; Accelerators; Incubators; Lean Startup; Hypothesis Testing; Business Ventures; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Framework; Disruption
Mills, Karen G., and Annie Dang. "Intrapreneurship: Leading Innovation Efforts in Established Organizations." Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-096, March 2020.
- February 2011 (Revised September 2013)
- Case
Sarvajal: Water for All
By: John D. Macomber and Mona Sinha
Entrepreneur wrestles with business model using SMS and RFID technology, franchising, and leasing to rapidly grow off-the-grid water purification business without subsidies. The company seeks to provide potable water services to rural and urban India where the public... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Business Model; Communication Technology; Private Sector; Social Entrepreneurship; Cost Management; Rural Scope; Emerging Markets; Infrastructure; Problems and Challenges; Information Infrastructure; India
Macomber, John D., and Mona Sinha. "Sarvajal: Water for All." Harvard Business School Case 211-028, February 2011. (Revised September 2013.)
- July 3, 2020
- Article
Delivery Apps Need to Start Treating Suppliers As Partners
By: Scott Duke Kominers and Ian Macomber
Home delivery has shifted from a luxury service aimed at young urban professionals to a core part of many businesses, which is used by almost everyone. That upheaval has strained capacity of many delivery services and changed how they relate to the suppliers that they... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Supply Chain; Performance Capacity; Performance Efficiency; Entrepreneurship
Kominers, Scott Duke, and Ian Macomber. "Delivery Apps Need to Start Treating Suppliers As Partners." Harvard Business Review (website) (July 3, 2020).
- December 1999
- Case
E Ink: Financing Growth
By: William A. Sahlman and Matthew C. Lieb
A set of financial and strategic decisions confront the management of a company trying to develop a technology for creating "electronic ink." If successful, the company will be able to create "radio paper," essentially turning a piece of paper into a computer monitor... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Financial Management; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Strategy; Hardware
Sahlman, William A., and Matthew C. Lieb. "E Ink: Financing Growth." Harvard Business School Case 800-252, December 1999.
- June 2010 (Revised August 2011)
- Case
Tennant Company: Innovating Within and Beyond the Core
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Toby E. Stuart and James Weber
Tennant, a leading producer of floor cleaning equipment, must determine the business model to use for its new chemical-free cleaning technology. In 2005, Tennant Company had developed an innovative, environmentally friendly cleaning technology that could potentially... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Organizational Structure; Business Strategy; Value Creation; Consumer Products Industry; Industrial Products Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Toby E. Stuart, and James Weber. "Tennant Company: Innovating Within and Beyond the Core." Harvard Business School Case 810-139, June 2010. (Revised August 2011.)
- January 2014
- Case
Steven Carpenter at Cake Financial (Abridged)
Steven Carpenter reflects on the successes and failures of his recent venture, Cake Financial. Carpenter had just sold the four-year-old startup and was at work on a new business plan. But first, he wanted to understand why Cake Financial, a service that allowed users... View Details
- February 2010 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
CommonAngels (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Kaitlyn Simpson
Describes the motivations behind the founding of CommonAngels—a group of successful business owners who provide capital, connections, and expertise to entrepreneurs who are building new ventures. In 2005, the group is considering increasing its investment focus to... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Financing and Loans; Investment; Motivation and Incentives; Social and Collaborative Networks; Financial Services Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Kaitlyn Simpson. "CommonAngels (A)." Harvard Business School Case 810-082, February 2010. (Revised January 2014.)
- October 2023 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing
By: George Serafeim, Siko Sikochi and Namrata Arora
The problem was massive: two million hectares of African forests were lost annually to charcoal production for cooking, an area equivalent to 13 times Greater London, resulting in one billion tons of carbon emissions yearly. At the same time, an estimated 700,000... View Details
Keywords: Clean Tech; Digital; Carbon Credits; Carbon Offsetting; Climate Change; Entrepreneurship; Energy Sources; Environmental Sustainability; Health; Market Design; Business Startups; Transition; Environmental Regulation; Policy; Energy Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Africa; Kenya; Rwanda
Serafeim, George, Siko Sikochi, and Namrata Arora. "KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing." Harvard Business School Case 124-022, October 2023. (Revised March 2024.)
- May 2016 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Olivia Lum: Wanting to Save the World
By: Geoffrey Jones and Essie Alamsyah
This case considers the entrepreneurial career of Olivia Lum, who founded the Singaporean water company Hyflux in 1989. An orphan born in Malaysia, Lum provides a rare case of an entrepreneurial success in a country whose economic success has primarily rested on... View Details
Keywords: Industrial Organization; Chinitz; Agglomeration; Clusters; Cities; Mine; Environmental Management; Operations Management; Sustainable Operations; Environmental Regulation; Entrepreneurship; Globalization; History; Operations; Management; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology Industry; Green Technology Industry; China; Singapore
Jones, Geoffrey, and Essie Alamsyah. "Olivia Lum: Wanting to Save the World." Harvard Business School Case 316-178, May 2016. (Revised April 2019.)
- March 2007 (Revised April 2007)
- Case
The University of Utah and the Computer Graphics Revolution
By: H. Kent Bowen and Courtney Purrington
Computer science departments were new to universities in the 1960s, and the one created at the University of Utah by David Evans and Ivan Sutherland had a research mission to invent the field of computer graphics. Details the research process that led to many of the... View Details
Keywords: Engineering; Entrepreneurship; Management Practices and Processes; Mission and Purpose; Research and Development; Technology Adoption; Computer Industry; Education Industry; Utah
Bowen, H. Kent, and Courtney Purrington. "The University of Utah and the Computer Graphics Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 607-036, March 2007. (Revised April 2007.)