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- Faculty Publications (780)
- August 2004 (Revised June 2005)
- Case
Fate of the Vasa, The
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Richard Mason
In 1628, the royal warship Vasa was launched. It was Sweden's most expensive naval vessel ever built, costing over 5% of GNP. On its maiden voyage, the ship sailed 1,400 yards in its own harbor, heeled over to the side, and then sank. One third of the 150 crew and... View Details
Keywords: History; Risk and Uncertainty; Technological Innovation; Ship Transportation; Product Design; Technology Adoption; Failure; Business and Government Relations; Product Development; Sweden
MacCormack, Alan D., and Richard Mason. "Fate of the Vasa, The." Harvard Business School Case 605-026, August 2004. (Revised June 2005.)
- August 2004
- Article
Capital Controls, Risk and Liberalization Cycles
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
The paper presents an overlapping-generations model where agents vote on whether to open or close the economy to international capital flows. Political decisions are shaped by the risk over capital and labor returns. In an open economy, the capitalists (old) completely... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Development Economics; Voting; Risk and Uncertainty; Cash Flow; Saving; Investment; Economy; Wages
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Capital Controls, Risk and Liberalization Cycles." Review of International Economics 12, no. 3 (August 2004): 412–434.
- July 2004 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Beacon Lakes
By: Arthur I Segel, Robert Barlick Jr and Jose Gonzalez
In September 2001, Armando Codina, the CEO and chairman of Codina Group, is facing the decision of whether to go ahead as planned with its $220 million Beacon Lakes project, a 6.6-million-square-foot warehouse and office park in Miami's Airport West submarket. Although... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Urban Scope; Business and Government Relations; Natural Environment; Expansion; Environmental Sustainability; Real Estate Industry; Everglades National Park; Miami
Segel, Arthur I., Robert Barlick Jr, and Jose Gonzalez. "Beacon Lakes." Harvard Business School Case 805-023, July 2004. (Revised May 2008.)
- May 2004 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)
By: Dwight B. Crane and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
Ultra is one of a small group of competing Brazilian petrochemical companies, each of which buys raw material and is a minority owner of Copene, a "cracking" company that provides ethylene and other materials. Because of an industry restructuring, an auction of shares... View Details
Keywords: Capital; Capital Budgeting; Investment; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Industry Structures; Cash Flow; Cost of Capital; Valuation; Bids and Bidding; Economy; Ownership Stake; Chemical Industry; Brazil
Crane, Dwight B., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)." Harvard Business School Case 204-146, May 2004. (Revised April 2006.)
- March 2004 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
Salt Lake Organizing Committee, The: 2002 Olympics
By: H. Kent Bowen, Bryce LaPierre and Courtney Purrington
After two and a half years of effort, Fraser Bullock, COO of the 2002 Winter Olympics, faced projected deficits and post-9/11 security requirements only five months before the opening ceremony. Summarizes the organizational structure and processes put in place by... View Details
Keywords: Framework; Knowledge Dissemination; Business or Company Management; Managerial Roles; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Planning; Practice; Risk and Uncertainty; Safety; Sports; System
Bowen, H. Kent, Bryce LaPierre, and Courtney Purrington. "Salt Lake Organizing Committee, The: 2002 Olympics." Harvard Business School Case 604-092, March 2004. (Revised February 2006.)
- March 2004 (Revised October 2013)
- Case
Innocents Abroad: Currencies and International Stock Returns
By: Mihir A. Desai, Kathleen Luchs, Elizabeth A. Meyer and Mark Veblen
What do international stocks contribute to the portfolio of a U.S. investor? How do currencies interact with stock price movements in determining the benefits of international diversification? This case helps students compare the risks and returns of foreign stock... View Details
Keywords: Diversification; International CAPM; CAPM; Home Bias; Currency Risk; Exchange Rate Risk; International Stock Market Returns; United States; Currency Exchange Rate; Stocks; Financial Markets; International Finance; Investment Return; Currency; Risk and Uncertainty; Emerging Markets; Investment Portfolio; Financial Services Industry; United States; Australia; Canada; China; Germany; India; Japan; United Kingdom
Desai, Mihir A., Kathleen Luchs, Elizabeth A. Meyer, and Mark Veblen. "Innocents Abroad: Currencies and International Stock Returns." Harvard Business School Case 204-141, March 2004. (Revised October 2013.)
- 2004
- Chapter
Genzyme's Gaucher Initiative: Global Risk and Responsibility
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Andrew N. McLean
- December 2003
- Case
Manville Corporation Fiber Glass Group (C) (Abridged)
By: Lynn S. Paine
Manville Corp.'s senior managers are surprised when Japanese government officials advise them not to go forward with their plan to add a cancer warning label to diatomaceous earth (DE) products sold in Japan. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has ruled... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Moral Sensibility; Safety; Government Administration; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Decision Choices and Conditions; Ethics; Announcements; Industrial Products Industry; Japan
Paine, Lynn S. "Manville Corporation Fiber Glass Group (C) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 304-078, December 2003.
- November 2003 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Dow Chemical's Bid for the Privatization of PBB in Argentina
By: Mihir A. Desai and Alexandra de Royere
What price should Dow Chemical bid for PBB, a petrochemical complex that is being privatized by the Argentine government? To answer this question, students are forced to consider the role of country risk, the underlying currency exposure of the business, and how to... View Details
Keywords: Bids and Bidding; Privatization; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Cash Flow; Emerging Markets; Valuation; Business and Government Relations; Multinational Firms and Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Energy Industry; Argentina
Desai, Mihir A., and Alexandra de Royere. "Dow Chemical's Bid for the Privatization of PBB in Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 204-021, November 2003. (Revised March 2006.)
- November 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Drilling South: Petrobras Evaluates Pecom
By: Mihir A. Desai and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
The Brazilian oil company, Petrobras, is evaluating the acquisition of an Argentine oil company, the Perez Companc Group (Pecom). The acquisition would increase Petrobras' oil reserves and expand its interests outside Brazil, a significant step for the largest company... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Forecasting and Prediction; Financial Crisis; Non-Renewable Energy; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Corporate Governance; Risk Management; Emerging Markets; State Ownership; Performance Evaluation; Risk and Uncertainty; Valuation; Energy Industry; Argentina; Brazil
Desai, Mihir A., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Drilling South: Petrobras Evaluates Pecom." Harvard Business School Case 204-043, November 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- November 2003 (Revised August 2005)
- Case
Reinventing the Automobile: General Motors' AUTOnomy Project
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Kerry Herman
Describes the history of General Motor's attempts to develop a hydrogen fuel-cell powered car. As of 2003, GM developed several prototypes of such a vehicle to demonstrate the viability of the overall concept. Many uncertainties remained, however, with respect to the... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Management; Information Technology; Transition; Competency and Skills; Disruptive Innovation; Machinery and Machining; Auto Industry
MacCormack, Alan D., and Kerry Herman. "Reinventing the Automobile: General Motors' AUTOnomy Project." Harvard Business School Case 604-064, November 2003. (Revised August 2005.)
- November 2003 (Revised May 2016)
- Case
Weetman Pearson and the Mexican Oil Industry (A)
By: Geoffrey Jones and Lisa Bud-Freirman
Taught in the MBA Evolution of Global Business course, a business history course on the growth of multinationals. Explores the role of the British entrepreneur Weetman Pearson in developing the Mexican oil industry before 1914. Shows this entrepreneur's evolution from... View Details
Keywords: History; Risk and Uncertainty; Non-Renewable Energy; Growth Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Developing Countries and Economies; Energy Industry; Mexico
Jones, Geoffrey, and Lisa Bud-Freirman. "Weetman Pearson and the Mexican Oil Industry (A)." Harvard Business School Case 804-085, November 2003. (Revised May 2016.)
- October 2003 (Revised January 2004)
- Exercise
Electric Maze Exercise, The
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar
This team-based exercise uses an educational tool called "The Electric Maze," developed by Interel Corp., to teach insights about the social and psychological challenges facing employees who must engage in collaborative learning. The tool is a grid-patterned rug with... View Details
Edmondson, Amy C., and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar. "Electric Maze Exercise, The." Harvard Business School Exercise 604-046, October 2003. (Revised January 2004.)
- October 2003 (Revised January 2016)
- Exercise
The BCPC Internet Strategy Team: An Exercise
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Laura Feldman
This short fictional case forms the basis of a team decision-making exercise. The case, inspired by a real decision facing a major telecommunications company, describes a cross-functional management team convened by the CEO for the purpose of developing a... View Details
Keywords: Groups and Teams; Decision Making; Risk and Uncertainty; Information Management; Perspective; Product Launch; Internet and the Web; Knowledge Sharing; Telecommunications Industry
Edmondson, Amy C., and Laura Feldman. "The BCPC Internet Strategy Team: An Exercise." Harvard Business School Exercise 604-035, October 2003. (Revised January 2016.) (Six supplements available for Chris Berkowitz, Dana Jones, Jan Trow, Kim Wilson, Leslie Rhee, and Terry Maneri.)
- 2003
- Other Unpublished Work
Short Selling in Practice--Intermediating Uncertain Share Availability
By: Gene M D'Avolio and André Perold
- September 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Yale University Investments Office: June 2003
By: Josh Lerner
The Yale Investments Office must decide whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university's endowment to illiquid investments--hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and so forth. Considers the risks and benefits of a different asset allocation strategy.... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Assets; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Investment Funds; Resource Allocation; Partners and Partnerships; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Education Industry
Lerner, Josh. "Yale University Investments Office: June 2003." Harvard Business School Case 204-055, September 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- September 2003 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Giant Cinema
The owner of Giant Cinema must decide whether to invest in a digital projector, a new technology for screening films, or purchase a traditional projector. The impact of the new technology is uncertain, and the case describes probabilities for different outcomes that... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Film Entertainment; Technology Adoption; Financial Strategy; Investment; Outcome or Result; Risk and Uncertainty; Technology; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Baker, Malcolm P., Richard S. Ruback, Erik Stafford, and Kathleen Luchs. "Giant Cinema." Harvard Business School Case 204-052, September 2003. (Revised January 2004.)
- July 2003
- Background Note
Expropriation in International Business
By: Geoffrey G. Jones and Meghan Gallagher-Kernstine
Covers several important expropriation cases in international business from the 20th century and highlights the legal and political difficulties these companies faced. Serves to explain expropriation, to stress the vulnerability of foreign direct investments to... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Global Strategy; Government and Politics; Common Law; Risk Management; Property; Risk and Uncertainty
Jones, Geoffrey G., and Meghan Gallagher-Kernstine. "Expropriation in International Business." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-020, July 2003.
- July 2003
- Article
Probabilistic Representation of Complexity
By: Nabil I Al-Najjar, Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Emre Ozdenoren
We study individuals' behavior in an environment that is deterministic, but too complex to permit tractable deterministic representation. Under mild conditions, behavior is represented by a unique probabilistic model in which the agent's inability to think through all... View Details
Al-Najjar, Nabil I., Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, and Emre Ozdenoren. "Probabilistic Representation of Complexity." Journal of Economic Theory 111, no. 1 (July 2003): 49–87.