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- Faculty Publications (564)
- February 2000 (Revised November 2002)
- Case
QuickenInsurance: The Race to Click and Close (A)
ES Technologies started in 1976 as a storefront in Tempe, Arizona selling personal computer kits to hobbyists. Twenty years later, revenues exceeded $3.5 billion, and the business had evolved from a computer store to a master reseller and full-line integrator of... View Details
Keywords: Customer Value and Value Chain; Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Structures; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology; Information Technology Industry; Arizona
Applegate, Lynda M. "QuickenInsurance: The Race to Click and Close (A)." Harvard Business School Case 800-295, February 2000. (Revised November 2002.)
- October 1999
- Case
Argentina's YFP Sociedad Anonima (E): A New Era
By: Michael Y. Yoshino, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Cate Reavis
In June 1999, Spain's former state-owned oil giant Repsol, acquired 97% of YPF, despite opposition from YPF management. The case describes the status of the two companies at the time of the acquisition and highlights concerns expressed by industry analysts on the deal. View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; State Ownership; Acquisition; Decisions; Profit; Privatization; Corporate Strategy; Mining Industry; Energy Industry; Argentina; Spain
Yoshino, Michael Y., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Cate Reavis. "Argentina's YFP Sociedad Anonima (E): A New Era." Harvard Business School Case 300-028, October 1999.
- October 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (A)
It is 1995 and Steinway & Sons has just been purchased by two young entrepreneurs. For 140 years, Steinway has held the reputation for making the finest quality grand pianos in the world. The past 25 years have proven to be a challenge, however. First, the company has... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Decisions; Entrepreneurship; Globalization; Crisis Management; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Quality; Competitive Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; Japan; New York (state, US)
Gourville, John T., and Joseph B. Lassiter III. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (A)." Harvard Business School Case 500-028, October 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- September 1999 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company
By: Richard L. Nolan
After phenomenal growth and market leadership in networking, founder and CEO Ray Noorda made a frontal assault on Microsoft's core strengths. In 1994, Noorda spend over $1.5 billion acquiring companies such as WordPerfect to combat Microsoft Word, products such as... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Competition; Internet and the Web; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company." Harvard Business School Case 300-038, September 1999. (Revised April 2000.)
- September 1999
- Case
Trisha Wilson of Wilson & Associates
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Sarah S. Khetani
Texan entrepreneur Trisha Wilson has founded an interior design firm and watched it grow into one of the most successful firms in the hospitality design services industry. After 20 years of building a company that is truly a reflection of her own personality, Wilson... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Employees; Innovation and Management; Management; Business or Company Management; Management Succession; Organizational Culture; Strategy; Service Industry; Texas
Amabile, Teresa M., and Sarah S. Khetani. "Trisha Wilson of Wilson & Associates." Harvard Business School Case 800-001, September 1999.
- July 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Jay R. Girotto
In the wake of major competitive moves, CEO Tim Koogle and his senior team at Yahoo!, an Internet portal, must decide whether and how to adjust their strategy. Following deals between AOL and Netscape, Excite and @Home, Infoseek and Disney, and Snap and NBS, Yahoo!... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Industry Structures; Internet and the Web; Risk Management; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Jay R. Girotto. "Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time." Harvard Business School Case 700-013, July 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- May 1999 (Revised August 1999)
- Case
Victory Supermarkets: Expansion Strategy?
By: David E. Bell and Ann Leamon
Jay DiGeronimo, president of a 16-store supermarket chain, is trying to decide the timing and method for expanding his chain. The family-owned company could continue in a maintenance mode, with each family member running one store. It could expand slowly using a new... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Cost vs Benefits; Trade; Investment; Market Entry and Exit; Supply Chain Management; Private Ownership; Competition; Expansion; Retail Industry
Bell, David E., and Ann Leamon. "Victory Supermarkets: Expansion Strategy?" Harvard Business School Case 599-054, May 1999. (Revised August 1999.)
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Network Associates: Securing the Internet
By: Debora L. Spar
Follows one company's path through the uncharted terrain of government regulation and the Internet. In March 1998, Network Associates announced it would begin selling powerful encryption software from its Dutch subsidiary. Such a move looked to the U.S. government like... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Information Technology Industry; Public Administration Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Spar, Debora L., and Jennifer Burns. "Network Associates: Securing the Internet." Harvard Business School Case 799-087, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- March 1, 1999
- Article
Time For the Big Small Company
By: L. M. Applegate
Keywords: Business Ventures
Applegate, L. M. "Time For the Big Small Company." Mastering Information Management Series Financial Times (March 1, 1999).
- February 1998 (Revised August 2006)
- Case
House of Tata, 1995: The Next Generation (A)
By: Tarun Khanna, Krishna G. Palepu and Danielle Melito Wu
The Tata Group began the 1990s as a confederation of loosely coupled firms. This case considers the rise to prominence of the new CEO of Tata Group, Ratan Tata, and his attempts to strengthen the inter-relationships among the group companies at a time when critics... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Business Conglomerates; Organizations; Corporate Strategy; Consolidation; Business Strategy; Alignment; Consumer Products Industry; Service Industry
Khanna, Tarun, Krishna G. Palepu, and Danielle Melito Wu. "House of Tata, 1995: The Next Generation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 798-037, February 1998. (Revised August 2006.)
- January 1998
- Case
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corporation (B)
By: H. Kent Bowen, Massimo Russo and Steven J. Spear
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corp. (CSSC), a 50-year-old spring manufacturing and metal stamping firm, is experiencing slow sales growth and feeling the impact of global competition. The company has over 800 customers but little understanding of those customers'... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Competency and Skills; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Production; Customer Relationship Management; Quality; Training; Performance Efficiency; Cost Management; Sales; System
Bowen, H. Kent, Massimo Russo, and Steven J. Spear. "Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corporation (B)." Harvard Business School Case 698-038, January 1998.
- April 1996 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
Times Mirror Company PEPS Proposal Review
By: Peter Tufano
Times Mirror Co. (TMC) owns a substantial block of Netscape common stock purchased prior to Netscape's IPO, on which it has substantial unrealized gains. TMC is restricted from selling the stock in a public offering and is therefore considering a proposal by Morgan... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Stocks; Taxation; Corporate Finance; Telecommunications Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. "Times Mirror Company PEPS Proposal Review." Harvard Business School Case 296-089, April 1996. (Revised January 2006.)
- April 1996 (Revised May 1997)
- Case
Netscape's Initial Public Offering
By: W. Carl Kester and Kendall Backstrand
In August 1995, Netscape's board of directors was confronted with a decision about what price to offer the company's shares in its initial public offering (IPO). Preliminary demand for shares was high, but the company had not generated any positive earnings at the time... View Details
Keywords: Initial Public Offering; Information Technology; Problems and Challenges; Valuation; Governing and Advisory Boards; Information Technology Industry
Kester, W. Carl, and Kendall Backstrand. "Netscape's Initial Public Offering." Harvard Business School Case 296-088, April 1996. (Revised May 1997.)
- April 1995 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition, 1987-1992 (Abridged)
A new CEO must take action to return the company to profitability, to clarify the vision, and then to build the infrastructure (human, capital, and information) needed to support the long-term change in strategy and organization. The case provides a rich description of... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Leading Change; Information Technology; Adaptation; Technology Adoption; Manufacturing Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition, 1987-1992 (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 195-238, April 1995. (Revised September 1997.)
- March 1995 (Revised February 1997)
- Case
Apple Computer (A)(Abridged): Corporate Strategy and Culture
By: Michael Beer and Gregory C. Rogers
Provides an overview of the company's history, industry, competitive position, strategy, and organization. Analyzes the culture and morale at Apple. Written at a time when the company faces a very compelling threat to their business, and when morale within the company... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Organizational Culture; Computer Industry
Beer, Michael, and Gregory C. Rogers. "Apple Computer (A)(Abridged): Corporate Strategy and Culture." Harvard Business School Case 495-044, March 1995. (Revised February 1997.)
- October 1994 (Revised July 1995)
- Case
RCI Master Distributor: Evolution of Supplier Relationships
Traces the evolution of RCI as a master distributor from the time it was founded in 1946 until 1994. The second-generation owner of the distribution company faces several challenges unique to the 1990s environment that his father did not face. As Danny Schwartz... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Distribution Channels; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Situation or Environment; Corporate Strategy; Distribution Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "RCI Master Distributor: Evolution of Supplier Relationships." Harvard Business School Case 595-001, October 1994. (Revised July 1995.)
- August 1994 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Engineering Inspection & Insurance Company
By: Robert H. Hayes
Engineering Inspection & Insurance Co. (EIIC) is a small but highly successful company that offers machinery and boiler inspection and insurance services. After years of above-average growth and profits, both are retreating toward the industry average, policy delivery... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Insurance; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges; Insurance Industry; United States
Hayes, Robert H. "Engineering Inspection & Insurance Company." Harvard Business School Case 695-009, August 1994. (Revised May 1995.)
- June 1994 (Revised September 1994)
- Background Note
Commercializing Technology: Imaginative Understanding of User Needs
The transformation of technology into commercially successful products is a process fraught with risk and uncertainty, and increasing pressure on time to market is exacerbating the difficulties. This note first describes a study conducted by Hewlett-Packard to improve... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Communication Strategy; Customers; Design; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Product Development; Research; Risk and Uncertainty; Commercialization; Technology Adoption
Leonard, Dorothy A. "Commercializing Technology: Imaginative Understanding of User Needs." Harvard Business School Background Note 694-102, June 1994. (Revised September 1994.)
- April 1994 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1987-1989)
Describes the actions taken by the new CEO to return the company to profitability, to clarify the vision, and then to build the infrastructure (human, capital, and information) needed to support the long-term change in strategy and organization. Ends with senior... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1987-1989)." Harvard Business School Case 194-108, April 1994. (Revised October 2002.)
- 1994
- Book
The Making of Global Enterprises
By: G. Jones
This volume presents new insights on the history of international business. Two main themes are addressed: how and when has global business developed over the last century? and what has been its impact on host economies? The volume includes a pioneering study by Mira... View Details
Keywords: Economic History; Business Subsidiaries; Economy; Trade; Globalized Firms and Management; Information Technology
Jones, G., ed. The Making of Global Enterprises. London: Frank Cass, 1994.