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- Faculty Publications (5,403)
- May 1988
- Background Note
Roles and Relationships of Business and Government
By: George C. Lodge
Synthesizes a wide range of literature and experience concerning comparative government-business relations, focusing especially on Japan, Europe, and the United States with some references to Brazil and Mexico. Designed for discussion in two consecutive class sessions.... View Details
Keywords: Economic Systems; Framework; Government and Politics; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Structure; Business and Government Relations; Mathematical Methods; System; Japan; Europe; Mexico; United States; Brazil
Lodge, George C. "Roles and Relationships of Business and Government." Harvard Business School Background Note 388-159, May 1988.
- May 1988 (Revised November 1990)
- Case
Airbus vs. Boeing (B): The Storm Intensifies
Discusses the growing competition faced by U.S. producers of civil aircraft due to the success and expanding product line of Airbus Industries. Designed to foster discussion of international trade policy as it affects producers in the industry and to encourage firm... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Policy; Negotiation; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Aerospace Industry; United States
Salter, Malcolm S. "Airbus vs. Boeing (B): The Storm Intensifies." Harvard Business School Case 388-145, May 1988. (Revised November 1990.)
- May 1988 (Revised November 1990)
- Supplement
Airbus vs. Boeing (C): Steps Toward Dispute Resolution
Presents partial resolution of problem. Cites points still to be resolved in trade dispute between U.S. aircraft manufacturers and Airbus Industrie. To be used as a handout after discussion of the case. View Details
Keywords: Trade; Problems and Challenges; Conflict and Resolution; Aerospace Industry; United States
Salter, Malcolm S. "Airbus vs. Boeing (C): Steps Toward Dispute Resolution." Harvard Business School Supplement 388-146, May 1988. (Revised November 1990.)
- 16 May 1988
- Lecture
Bank-Manufacturer Relationships in the United States and Japan
By: W. Carl Kester
- March 1988
- Case
U.S. Farm Credit System: Regrouping and Rebuilding
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "U.S. Farm Credit System: Regrouping and Rebuilding." Harvard Business School Case 588-062, March 1988.
- 1988
- Book
Creating the Future: The Massachusetts Comeback and Its Promise for America
By: M. S. Dukakis and Rosabeth M. Kanter
Dukakis, M. S., and Rosabeth M. Kanter. Creating the Future: The Massachusetts Comeback and Its Promise for America. New York: Summit Books, 1988.
- February 1988 (Revised July 1988)
- Case
Debt-Equity Swaps in Latin American Agriculture: The Case of LAAD in Costa Rica
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Debt-Equity Swaps in Latin American Agriculture: The Case of LAAD in Costa Rica." Harvard Business School Case 588-058, February 1988. (Revised July 1988.)
- February 1988 (Revised August 2000)
- Background Note
Note on the U.S. Freight Transportation Industry
By: Janice H. Hammond and John E. P. Morrison
Describes the major modes of domestic freight transportation (motor carrier, rail, air, water, and pipelines). Examines the characteristics of the transportation service that each mode provides and discusses changes in the industry that have resulted from recent... View Details
Keywords: Change; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Industry Structures; Logistics; Service Operations; Transportation; United States
Hammond, Janice H., and John E. P. Morrison. "Note on the U.S. Freight Transportation Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 688-080, February 1988. (Revised August 2000.)
- 1988
- Article
The Process of Economic Concentration in the American Economy
By: R. S. Tedlow
Tedlow, R. S. "The Process of Economic Concentration in the American Economy." Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (1988): 91–111.
- 1988
- Article
The Struggle for Dominance in the Automobile Market: The Early Years of Ford and General Motors
Tedlow, Richard S. "The Struggle for Dominance in the Automobile Market: The Early Years of Ford and General Motors." Business and Economic History 17 (1988): 49–62.
- December 1987 (Revised May 1991)
- Case
One Leather Street
By: William J. Poorvu and Jeffrey A. Libert
Presents a problem involving rehabilitating a small office building in Boston. Describes an investment decision which is knowingly underfunded. As construction proceeds, the developer realizes that it is not up to building code and faces difficult business and ethical... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Ethics; Investment; Decisions; Decision Choices and Conditions; Property; Real Estate Industry; Construction Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J., and Jeffrey A. Libert. "One Leather Street." Harvard Business School Case 388-084, December 1987. (Revised May 1991.)
- November 1987 (Revised February 1988)
- Case
Loblaw Companies Ltd.--1987
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Loblaw Companies Ltd.--1987." Harvard Business School Case 588-039, November 1987. (Revised February 1988.)
- November 1987 (Revised March 1988)
- Case
Searching for Trade Remedies: The U.S. Machine Tool Industry--1983
By: David B. Yoffie
In 1983 the National Machine Tools Builder Association was predicting a declining market for the United States and rising imports. Machine tool manufacturers had to decide if they should ask the U.S. government for help, and if they did, which administrative channels... View Details
Keywords: Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Machinery and Machining; Government and Politics; Law; Production; Business and Government Relations; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; Japan; Germany; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Searching for Trade Remedies: The U.S. Machine Tool Industry--1983." Harvard Business School Case 388-071, November 1987. (Revised March 1988.)
- November 1987 (Revised April 2017)
- Teaching Note
Polysar Limited
By: Robert Simons
Teaching Note for (9-187-098). View Details
- October 1987 (Revised November 1994)
- Case
Boston Fights Drugs (A): Designing Communications Research
Describes in detail the research mounted by five individuals with a $20,000 budget to combat drug abuse among Boston's school-going population. Using the focus group methodology they discover that most of the current anti-drug advertising is useless. They create their... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Misleading and Fraudulent Advertising; Communication Intention and Meaning; Brands and Branding; Performance Evaluation; Research and Development; Segmentation; Pharmaceutical Industry; Boston
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Boston Fights Drugs (A): Designing Communications Research." Harvard Business School Case 588-031, October 1987. (Revised November 1994.)
- October 1987 (Revised March 1992)
- Supplement
Boston Fights Drugs (B): Converting Research to Action
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Jennifer Lawrence
Describes the results of the advertising pre-test described in the (A) case. The group must now decide how to implement its findings for maximum impact. View Details
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Jennifer Lawrence. "Boston Fights Drugs (B): Converting Research to Action." Harvard Business School Supplement 588-032, October 1987. (Revised March 1992.)
- October 1987 (Revised November 1988)
- Case
Farms of Texas
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Farms of Texas." Harvard Business School Case 588-030, October 1987. (Revised November 1988.)
- September 1987 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Semiconductor Industry Association and the Trade Dispute with Japan (C), The
By: David B. Yoffie and John J. Coleman
Yoffie, David B., and John J. Coleman. "Semiconductor Industry Association and the Trade Dispute with Japan (C), The." Harvard Business School Case 388-049, September 1987. (Revised January 1992.)