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- All HBS Web
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- December 2014
- Article
Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance
By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This paper evaluates the role of regional cluster composition in regional industry performance. On the one hand, diminishing returns to specialization in a location can result in a convergence effect: the growth rate of an industry within a region may be declining in... View Details
Delgado, Mercedes, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern. "Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance." Research Policy 43, no. 10 (December 2014): 1785–1799.
- 2015
- Book
Political Standards: Corporate Interest, Ideology, and Leadership in the Shaping of Accounting Rules for the Market Economy
By: Karthik Ramanna
There are certain institutions underlying our modern market-capitalist system that are largely outside the interest and understanding of the general public—e.g., rulemaking for bank capital adequacy, actuarial standards, accounting standards, and auditing practice. In... View Details
Keywords: Business And Society; Financial Institutions; Financial Reporting; GAAP; IFRS; Lobbying; Capitalism; Sustainability; Accounting; Finance; Business and Government Relations; Leadership; Accounting Industry; Financial Services Industry; United States; China; India
Ramanna, Karthik. Political Standards: Corporate Interest, Ideology, and Leadership in the Shaping of Accounting Rules for the Market Economy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. (Reviews by Anat Admati, S.P. Kothari, Lynn Stout, Lawrence Summers, and Luigi Zingales, among others.)
- 2021
- Working Paper
Going to Extremes: Crucibles, Multiple Sensitive Periods, and Career Progression
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Sunasir Dutta, Hise O. Gibson and Eric Lin
We study the effects of crucible experiences along multiple sensitive periods on career progression. While prior literature has hinted that individuals can be imprinted during multiple sensitive periods, not just during the early career, there has been scant attention... View Details
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Sunasir Dutta, Hise O. Gibson, and Eric Lin. "Going to Extremes: Crucibles, Multiple Sensitive Periods, and Career Progression." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-006, August 2021.
- February 2015
- Case
TouchTunes and the Connected Digital Jukebox Platform
By: Alan MacCormack and Noah Fisher
The case describes innovation and new product development at TouchTunes, the leader in the Digital Jukebox market. In March 2013, after releasing its innovative "Virtuo" jukebox developed in collaboration with frog design, TouchTunes was at a crossroads. Having... View Details
- Program
Designing and Executing Corporate Revitalization
you will explore the multiple dimensions of corporate revitalization, including strategy, finance, organization, culture, and the leader's role. Whether your company seeks to maximize View Details
- Article
Price and Quality Decisions by Self-Serving Managers
By: Marco Bertini, Daniel Halbheer and Oded Koenigsberg
We present a theory of price and quality decisions by managers who are self-serving. In the theory, firms stress the price or quality of their products, but not both. Accounting for this, managers exploit any uncertainty about the cause of market outcomes to credit... View Details
Keywords: Causal Reasoning; Self-serving Bias; Strategic Orientation; Managerial Decision-making; Price; Quality; Decision Making; Theory
Bertini, Marco, Daniel Halbheer, and Oded Koenigsberg. "Price and Quality Decisions by Self-Serving Managers." International Journal of Research in Marketing 37, no. 2 (June 2020): 236–257.
- Research Summary
Leadership, Innovation, and Talent Management
By: Linda A. Hill
Hill is working on various research projects. The first, Leadership as Collective Genius, explores the relationships among leadership, creativity and diversity, more specifically the kind of collaborative work necessary for innovation in today's global enterprise. The... View Details
- January 2022
- Article
Pushed into a Crowd: Repositioning Costs, Resources, and Competition in the RTE Cereal Industry
By: Young Hou and Dennis Yao
This paper exploits a natural experiment involving self-regulation in the ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereal industry to evaluate the performance impact of product repositioning. It then examines how a product's brand equity value declines with repositioning distance... View Details
Keywords: Positioning; Resources; Brand Equity; Competitive Dynamics; Non-market Strategy; Regulation; Repositioning; Product Positioning; Performance Evaluation; Brands and Branding; Competitive Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Hou, Young, and Dennis Yao. "Pushed into a Crowd: Repositioning Costs, Resources, and Competition in the RTE Cereal Industry." Strategic Management Journal 43, no. 1 (January 2022): 3–29.
- 2009
- Report
Clusters, Cluster Policy, and Swedish Competitiveness
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
Proximity enables firms to take advantage of knowledge spill-overs and exploit supplierdemand linkages with other entities engaged in related activities. Cluster strength thus seems to be one of the important determinants of prosperity differences across geographies.... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Industry Clusters; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Sweden
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Clusters, Cluster Policy, and Swedish Competitiveness." Expert Report to Sweden's Globalisation Council, Globalisation Council (Sweden), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
- Article
The Harmonization of Lending Standards within Banks through Mandated Loan-Level Transparency
By: Jung Koo Kang, Maria Loumioti and Regina Wittenberg-Moerman
We explore whether the introduction of transparent reporting rules increases credit standard harmonization within a bank. We exploit the new loan-level reporting rules imposed on banks that borrow from the European Central Bank using repurchase agreements... View Details
Keywords: Transparency; External And Internal Reporting; Credit Term Harmonization; Regulatory Scrutiny; Banks and Banking; Credit; Financial Reporting; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Learning
Kang, Jung Koo, Maria Loumioti, and Regina Wittenberg-Moerman. "The Harmonization of Lending Standards within Banks through Mandated Loan-Level Transparency." Journal of Accounting & Economics 72, no. 1 (August 2021): 101386.
- 30 Mar 2023
- Video
Generating Breakthrough Therapies: Risk and Reward
- August 2003
- Case
BRAC and Aarong Commercial Brands, The
By: John A. Quelch
BRAC is the world's largest NGO and has recently initiated a number of successful profit-making commercial enterprises, ranging from dairy processing to vegetable exports, as well as a university. Explores the tensions and benefits of a major nonprofit entering the... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Commercialization; For-Profit Firms; Non-Governmental Organizations
Quelch, John A., and Nathalie Laidler. "BRAC and Aarong Commercial Brands, The." Harvard Business School Case 504-013, August 2003.
- 2019
- Chapter
Origins and Development of Global Business
By: Geoffrey Jones
This chapter explores how business enterprises have been powerful actors in the spread of global capitalism between 1840 and the present day. Emerging out of the industrialized Western economies, global firms created and co-created markets and ecosystems through their... View Details
Keywords: Global Business; Multinational; Globalization; Business History; Strategy; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Oceania
Jones, Geoffrey. "Origins and Development of Global Business." Chap. 2 in The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business, edited by Teresa da Silva Lopes, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi J.S. Tworek, 17–34. New York: Routledge, 2019.
- July 2010 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Werner von Siemens and the Electric Telegraph
By: Geoffrey Jones and Bjoern von Siemens
This case describes the nineteenth century founding by Werner Siemens of the Siemens electrical business in Germany. Werner's dual role as inventor and entrepreneur is explored as he created one of the world's first multinational enterprises, whose growth initially... View Details
Keywords: Business Organization; Family Business; Entrepreneurship; Multinational Firms and Management; Business History; Growth and Development Strategy; Electronics Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Germany
Jones, Geoffrey, and Bjoern von Siemens. "Werner von Siemens and the Electric Telegraph." Harvard Business School Case 811-004, July 2010. (Revised September 2023.)
- September 2014
- Article
Metropolitan Blueprints of Colonial Taxation? Lessons from Fiscal Capacity Building in British and French Africa, 1880-1940
By: Ewout Frankema and Marlous van Waijenburg
The historical and social science literature is divided about the importance of metropolitan blueprints of colonial rule for the development of colonial states. We exploit historical records of colonial state finances to explore the importance of metropolitan identity... View Details
Keywords: Colonial Administration; Quantitative Sources; Governance; Money; Taxation; Trade; History; Africa
Frankema, Ewout, and Marlous van Waijenburg. "Metropolitan Blueprints of Colonial Taxation? Lessons from Fiscal Capacity Building in British and French Africa, 1880-1940." Journal of African History 55, no. 3 (September 2014): 371–400.
- April 2004 (Revised May 2006)
- Background Note
Achieving Profitable Growth and Market Value
By: James L. Heskett and Richard G. Hamermesh
Provides an overview of how a new venture needs to change as it passes from the initial start-up to the growth phase. Explores how a venture's leadership, strategy, and execution need to evolve to deal with rapid growth. View Details
Heskett, James L., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Achieving Profitable Growth and Market Value." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-157, April 2004. (Revised May 2006.)
- October 2008 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering
Explores the journey of aggressive learning and capability building in the operations of a major Korean Shipbuilder. While DSHM had once used its superior learning capability to topple its Japanese competition, it now faced the potential for a similar attack from new... View Details
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Ship Transportation; Competitive Strategy; Globalization; Manufacturing Industry; Japan; China; South Korea
Upton, David M., and Bowon Kim. "Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering." Harvard Business School Case 609-018, October 2008. (Revised February 2009.)
- Article
Emodiversity and the Emotional Ecosystem
By: Jordi Quoidbach, June Gruber, Moira Mikolajczak, Alexsandr Kogan, Ilios Kotsou and Michael I. Norton
Bridging psychological research exploring emotional complexity and research in the natural sciences on the measurement of biodiversity, we introduce—and demonstrate the benefits of—emodiversity: the variety and relative abundance of the emotions that humans experience.... View Details
Quoidbach, Jordi, June Gruber, Moira Mikolajczak, Alexsandr Kogan, Ilios Kotsou, and Michael I. Norton. "Emodiversity and the Emotional Ecosystem." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, no. 6 (December 2014): 2057–2066.
- February 1999 (Revised October 2009)
- Background Note
Debt v. Equity: Definitions and Consequences
By: Henry B. Reiling and Mark Pollard
Explores the location of the somewhat imprecise line between debt and equity. Identifies the primary business contexts that give rise to problems, the alternative tax consequences attending the debt versus equity determination, and the most prominent tests used to... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Equity; Interest Rates; Taxation; Business and Government Relations; Public Administration Industry
Reiling, Henry B., and Mark Pollard. "Debt v. Equity: Definitions and Consequences." Harvard Business School Background Note 299-041, February 1999. (Revised October 2009.)
- 25 Jun 2015
- News