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- All HBS Web
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- August 2020
- Teaching Note
Sesame Workshop (B): Celebrating 50 Years of Helping Kids Grow Smarter, Stronger, and Kinder
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Joyce J. Kim
Teaching Note for Case No. 321-015. In 2019, Sesame Workshop celebrated its 50th anniversary while on a winning streak of social impact, innovation, and peak media and financial results. Over the past four years, CEO Jeff Dunn and his turnaround team exhibited... View Details
- 11 Jan 2021
- Working Paper Summaries
Accounting for Product Impact in the Airlines Industry
- January 2023
- Case
Year Up: Measuring and Scaling Impact
Year Up, a non-profit that provides training and practical work experience to low-income young people, has for years prioritized impact measurement. By 2022, it had built a robust body of evidence demonstrating that its program yields higher earnings for participants.... View Details
Keywords: Demographics; Education; Jobs and Positions; Measurement and Metrics; Performance; Research; Social Enterprise; Growth Management; Education Industry; United States; Massachusetts; Boston
Rigol, Natalia, Benjamin N. Roth, Brian Trelstad, and Sarah Mehta. "Year Up: Measuring and Scaling Impact." Harvard Business School Case 823-004, January 2023.
- 27 Oct 2020
- News
Growing a Manufacturing Company with a Social Mission
- January 2007 (Revised December 2007)
- Case
PSI: Social Marketing Clean Water
By: V. Kasturi Rangan, Nava Ashraf and Marie Bell
Senior management at PSI, arguably the world's largest and most successful social marketer with impressive achievements in the field of family planning, HIV/AIDS, and malaria prevention must determine what to do about their slow-to-take-off clean water initiative.... View Details
Keywords: Investment Funds; Health Care and Treatment; Social Marketing; Natural Environment; Social Enterprise; Business Strategy
Rangan, V. Kasturi, Nava Ashraf, and Marie Bell. "PSI: Social Marketing Clean Water." Harvard Business School Case 507-052, January 2007. (Revised December 2007.) (Request a courtesy copy.)
- 16 Mar 2016
- Video
Testing Your Social Venture: Iterating Based on Market Feedback
- September 2022
- Case
ROI vs. ROI: The Grupo Baobá Family Office
By: Lauren Cohen, Hao Gao, Jiawei Ye and Grace Headinger
Fernando Scodro, a third-generation member of his family, mulled over the next step in integrating an ESG strategy into his family office’s investment portfolio. While his family office, Grupo Baobá, had made excellent progress in incorporating his family’s values into... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; ESG; Green Building; Family; Partnership; Latin America; Brazil; Buildings and Facilities; Green Buildings; Family Business; Family and Family Relationships; Financial Management; Partners and Partnerships; Financial Services Industry; Brazil; Latin America
Cohen, Lauren, Hao Gao, Jiawei Ye, and Grace Headinger. "ROI vs. ROI: The Grupo Baobá Family Office." Harvard Business School Case 223-018, September 2022.
- 04 Feb 2008
- Research & Ideas
Putting Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector
interest in developing social entrepreneurship courses, and last but not least, practitioners themselves, who are seeking to achieve mission impact as effectively, efficiently, and sustainably as possible.... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- Web
Your Social Entrepreneurship checklist | Social Enterprise | Harvard Business School
Year Fall Student clubs: Connect with students who share your interest in social enterprise and entrepreneurship through clubs such as the Entrepreneurship Club , Social Enterprise Club , View Details
- September 2011 (Revised February 2013)
- Case
Trucost: Valuing Corporate Environmental Impacts
By: Michael W. Toffel and Stephanie van Sice
Trucost provided corporate environmental performance data and analysis to institutional investors and corporate managers, but after operating for a decade had yet to achieve profitability. Trucost was struggling to effectively differentiate its high quality products... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Distribution Channels; Investment; Measurement and Metrics; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Information; Value; Environmental Sustainability; Financial Services Industry
Toffel, Michael W., and Stephanie van Sice. "Trucost: Valuing Corporate Environmental Impacts." Harvard Business School Case 612-025, September 2011. (Revised February 2013.)
- 01 Dec 2003
- News
A Legacy of Investment
capital campaign. Five historic panels recount the impact of major gifts at critical junctures. The exhibit also recognizes leadership donors to the campaign. Early gifts of confidence from the Boston and New York business communities... View Details
- October 2023 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
GameStop: Social Media Finds a Cheat Code (A)
By: Joseph Pacelli and Sarah Mehta
This case covers the events leading up to the 2021 GameStop short squeeze. Using GameStop as an illustrative example, the case explores the rise in retail trading, increased financial information sharing on social media, and the gamification of investing enabled by... View Details
Keywords: Value; Stocks; Financial Markets; Social Media; Investment; Applications and Software; Financial Services Industry; United States
Pacelli, Joseph, and Sarah Mehta. "GameStop: Social Media Finds a Cheat Code (A)." Harvard Business School Case 124-005, October 2023. (Revised March 2024.)
- Article
Business Investment in Education in Emerging Markets Since the 1960s
By: Valeria Giacomin, Geoffrey Jones and Erica Salvaj
This article examines non-profit investments by business in education in emerging markets between the 1960s and the present day. Using a sample of 110 interviews with business leaders from an oral history database, the study shows that more than three-quarters of such... View Details
Keywords: Economic History; Oral History; Education; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Business History; Emerging Markets; Reputation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Education Industry; Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East; India; Chile; Colombia; Sri Lanka; Kenya
Giacomin, Valeria, Geoffrey Jones, and Erica Salvaj. "Business Investment in Education in Emerging Markets Since the 1960s." Business History 63, no. 7 (September 2021): 1113–1143.
- 16 Jan 2018
- News
Celebrating the Impact of Nonprofits
participants develop a network of support for their organizations, the reunion at the Social Enterprise Greenhouse in Providence included a social hour and a panel featuring the club’s four 2017 SPNM... View Details
Keywords: Margie Kelley
- February 2020
- Teaching Note
Ariadne Labs: Building Impactful Partnerships
By: Ariel D. Stern and Sarah Mehta
Teaching Note for HBS No. 619-017. View Details
- 21 Aug 2014
- Blog Post
HBS Social Enterprise Initiative Visits NYC
get a peek into their day-to-day roles and the impact they are having. HBS Social Enterprise Summer Fellows: Urvesh Shelat, MBA 2015, arrived with a hardhat in hand for our breakfast with the HBS Club of New... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit / Government
- November 2014
- Article
The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance
By: Robert G. Eccles, Ioannis Ioannou and George Serafeim
We investigate the effect of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance. Using a matched sample of 180 U.S. companies, we find that corporations that voluntarily adopted sustainability policies by 1993—termed as High Sustainability... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Sustainability Research; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Targets; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Accountability; Reporting; Corporate Governance; Investor Clientele; Investor Communication; Stock Market; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Performance; United States
Eccles, Robert G., Ioannis Ioannou, and George Serafeim. "The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance." Management Science 60, no. 11 (November 2014): 2835–2857.
- February 2006 (Revised August 2006)
- Case
Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners
By: Malcolm P. Baker and Lauren Barley
Thomas Weisel Partners (TWP), a San Francisco-based bank focusing on emerging growth companies, is considering its strategy in the context of regulatory, competitive, and legal changes. Blake Jorgensen, the chief operating officer and co-director of investment banking,... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Business or Company Management; Conflict of Interests; Change Management; Investment Banking; Financing and Loans; Laws and Statutes; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Banking Industry; San Francisco
Baker, Malcolm P., and Lauren Barley. "Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners." Harvard Business School Case 206-091, February 2006. (Revised August 2006.)
- Article
Collection, Exploration and Analysis of Crowdfunding Social Networks
By: Miao Cheng, Anand Sriramulu, Sudarshan Muralidhar, Boon Thau Loo, Laura Huang and Po-Ling Loh
Crowdfunding is a recent financing phenomenon that is gaining wide popularity as a means for startups to raise seed funding for their companies. This paper presents our initial results at understanding this phenomenon using an exploratory data driven approach. We have... View Details
Cheng, Miao, Anand Sriramulu, Sudarshan Muralidhar, Boon Thau Loo, Laura Huang, and Po-Ling Loh. "Collection, Exploration and Analysis of Crowdfunding Social Networks." Proceedings of the International Workshop on Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web 3rd (2016): 25–30.
- Summer 2015
- Article
Investment Incentives in Open-Source and Proprietary Two-Sided Platforms
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Gaston Llanes
We study incentives to invest in platform quality in open-source and proprietary two-sided platforms. Open platforms have open access, and developers invest to improve the platform. Proprietary platforms have closed access, and investment is done by the platform owner.... View Details
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Gaston Llanes. "Investment Incentives in Open-Source and Proprietary Two-Sided Platforms." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 24, no. 2 (Summer 2015): 306–324.