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- Faculty Publications (659)
- June 2008
- Case
From xiaonei to hainei: The Quest for the Social Networking Service Market in China
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, Michael Shih-Ta Chen and Keith Chi-ho Wong
Wang Xing, the founder of, one of the fastest growing social networking service (SNS) providers in China, was preparing to raise funds from venture capitalists. Since late 2003, Wang had established several Internet startups in China., which he... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Social and Collaborative Networks; Competition; Internet; China
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, Michael Shih-Ta Chen, and Keith Chi-ho Wong. "From xiaonei to hainei: The Quest for the Social Networking Service Market in China." Harvard Business School Case 808-164, June 2008.
- May 2008 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
Kenny Kahn at Muzak (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
Founded in 1934, Muzak pioneered the industry of background music. Equipped with propriety technology and a vast music library, over the ensuing decades the Muzak franchise organization expanded geographically. Despite a history of innovation, by the late 1990s Muzak... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Design; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Brands and Branding; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Franchise Ownership; Music Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Kenny Kahn at Muzak (A)." Harvard Business School Case 408-057, May 2008. (Revised June 2008.)
- May 2008
- Supplement
Kenny Kahn at Muzak (B)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
Supplemental Material for 408-057 View Details
Keywords: Organizations; Geographic Location; Innovation and Invention; Employees; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Design; Music Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Kenny Kahn at Muzak (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 408-069, May 2008.
- May 2008 (Revised August 2009)
- Case
Intel NBI: Handheld Graphics Organization
By: Willy C. Shih and Thomas Thurston
The Handheld Graphics Organization (HGO) was an internal start-up under Intel's New Business Incubator program. The unit designed a graphics co-processor for the handheld PDA market, to be sold with Intel's Xscale processor. Though NBI ventures were designed for a high... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Resource Allocation; Business Processes; Organizational Structure; Semiconductor Industry; United States
Shih, Willy C., and Thomas Thurston. "Intel NBI: Handheld Graphics Organization." Harvard Business School Case 608-098, May 2008. (Revised August 2009.)
- April 2008
- Teaching Note
New Service Design Exercise (TN)
By: Frances X. Frei
Teaching Note for [605053]. View Details
- March 2008
- Article
Deferred Acceptance Algorithms: History, Theory, Practice, and Open Questions
By: Alvin E. Roth
The deferred acceptance algorithm proposed by Gale and Shapley (1962) has had a profound influence on market design, both directly, by being adapted into practical matching mechanisms, and, indirectly, by raising new theoretical questions. Deferred acceptance... View Details
Keywords: History; Market Design; Labor; System; Practice; Performance; Theory; Boston; New York (city, NY)
Roth, Alvin E. "Deferred Acceptance Algorithms: History, Theory, Practice, and Open Questions." Prepared for Gale's Feast: A Day in Honor of the 85th Birthday of David Gale International Journal of Game Theory 36, nos. 3-4 (March 2008): 537–569.
- March 2008
- Article
Market Reactions to Export Subsidies
By: M. A. Desai and James R. Hines Jr.
This paper analyzes the economic impact of export subsidies by investigating stock price reactions to a critical event in 1997. On November 18, 1997, the European Union announced its intention to file a complaint before the World Trade Organization (WTO), arguing that... View Details
Keywords: Economic Systems; Trade; Development Economics; Financial Markets; Profit; Taxation; Volume; Value Creation; Market Design; Business Subsidiaries; Utilities Industry; Financial Services Industry; Europe; North and Central America
Desai, M. A., and James R. Hines Jr. "Market Reactions to Export Subsidies." Journal of International Economics 74, no. 2 (March 2008).
- March 2008
- Article
What Have We Learned from Market Design?
By: Alvin E. Roth
This essay discusses some things we have learned about markets, in the process of designing marketplaces to fix market failures. To work well, marketplaces have to provide thickness, i.e. they need to attract a large enough proportion of the potential participants in... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Market Design; Market Participation; Market Transactions; Failure; Safety
Roth, Alvin E. "What Have We Learned from Market Design?" Economic Journal 118, no. 527 (March 2008): 285–310. (Hahn Lecture.)
- January 2008
- Case
Lenovo: Building A Global Brand (Multimedia case)
By: John A. Quelch and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Announced in December 2004, the $1.75 billion acquisition of IBM's PC division by Lenovo, China's largest PC maker, made headlines around the world. A relative upstart in the business, Lenovo acquired the division of IBM that invented the PC in 1981. While Lenovo was... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Information Infrastructure; Global Strategy; Acquisition; Brands and Branding; Manufacturing Industry; Computer Industry; China
Quelch, John A., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Lenovo: Building A Global Brand (Multimedia case)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 508-703, January 2008.
- 2008
- Chapter
Matching and Market Design
By: Muriel Niederle, Alvin E. Roth and Tayfun Sonmez
Matching is the part of economics concerned with who transacts with whom and how. Models of matching, starting with the Gale-Shapley deferred acceptance algorithm, have been particularly useful in studying labour markets and in helping design clearinghouses to fix... View Details
- 2008
- Working Paper
Performance and Control across Multiple Markets
By: Tatiana Sandino, Dennis Campbell and Shelby Yu
Chain organizations typically operate units across different types of markets, with significantly diverging customer bases. Such market-type dispersion potentially influences performance through two channels: it makes performance a noisier indicator of store manager... View Details
Keywords: Governance Controls; Organizational Design; Markets; Franchise Ownership; Performance; Retail Industry
Sandino, Tatiana, Dennis Campbell, and Shelby Yu. "Performance and Control across Multiple Markets." American Accounting Association Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Paper, January 2008.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Competition in Modular Clusters
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin and C. Jason Woodard
The last twenty years have witnessed the rise of disaggregated "clusters," "networks," or "ecosystems" of firms. In these clusters the activities of R&D, product design, production, distribution, and system integration may be split up among hundreds or even thousands... View Details
Keywords: Price; Profit; Digital Platforms; Industry Clusters; Competition; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration
Baldwin, Carliss Y., and C. Jason Woodard. "Competition in Modular Clusters." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-042, December 2007.
- November 2007
- Background Note
Asset Allocation I
By: Joshua D. Coval, Erik Stafford, Rodrigo Osmo, John Jernigan, Zack Page and Paulo Passoni
The goal of these simulations is to understand the mathematics of mean-variance optimization and the equilibrium pricing of risk if all investors use this rule with common information sets. Simulation A focuses on five to 10 years of monthly sector returns that are... View Details
- November 2007 (Revised March 2009)
- Case
Allston: Brand vs. Architecture
By: Andre F. Perold, Arthur I Segel and Christopher M. Gordon
Harvard President Lawrence Summers had presided over the final interviews of world-renowned architects being considered for the science complex planned for Harvard's expanded campus in Allston. The selection process had absorbed nine months in 2005 and amplified the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Brands and Branding; Design; Urban Development; Selection and Staffing; Construction Industry; Boston
Perold, Andre F., Arthur I Segel, and Christopher M. Gordon. "Allston: Brand vs. Architecture." Harvard Business School Case 208-079, November 2007. (Revised March 2009.)
- October 2007 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
Dove: Evolution of a Brand
By: John A. Deighton
Examines the evolution of Dove from functional brand to a brand with a point of view after Unilever designated it as a masterbrand, and expanded its portfolio to cover entries into a number of sectors beyond the original bath soap category. The development causes the... View Details
Keywords: History; Expansion; Marketing Strategy; Social Marketing; Digital Marketing; Brands and Branding; Consumer Products Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Deighton, John A. "Dove: Evolution of a Brand." Harvard Business School Case 508-047, October 2007. (Revised March 2008.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- Fourth Quarter 2007
- Article
Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Credit Risk
By: Dale . F. Gray, Robert C. Merton and Zvi Bodie
This paper proposes a new approach to measure, analyze, and manage sovereign risk based on the theory and practice of modern contingent claims analysis (CCA). The paper provides a new framework for adapting the CCA model to the sovereign balance sheet in a way that can... View Details
Keywords: Credit; Investment; Sovereign Finance; Risk Management; Emerging Markets; Market Transactions; Mathematical Methods; Valuation
Gray, Dale . F., Robert C. Merton, and Zvi Bodie. "Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Credit Risk." Special Issue on Credit Analysis. Journal of Investment Management 5, no. 4 (Fourth Quarter 2007): 5–28.
- October 2007
- Article
The Art of Designing Markets
By: Alvin E. Roth
Traditionally, markets have been viewed as simply the confluence of supply and demand. But to function properly, they must be able to attract a sufficient number of buyers and sellers, induce participants to make their preferences clear, and overcome congestion by... View Details
Keywords: Market Design; Market Participation; Market Transactions; Information Technology; Internet and the Web
Roth, Alvin E. "The Art of Designing Markets." Harvard Business Review 85, no. 10 (October 2007): 118–126.
- 2007
- Working Paper
What Have We Learned From Market Design?
By: Alvin E. Roth
This essay discusses some things we have learned about markets, in the process of designing marketplaces to fix market failures. To work well, marketplaces have to provide thickness, i.e. they need to attract a large enough proportion of the potential participants in... View Details
Roth, Alvin E. "What Have We Learned From Market Design?" NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13530, October 2007.
- September 2007 (Revised November 2007)
- Case
Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets
By: Tarun Khanna, Santiago Mingo and Jonathan West
In 2007, Bunge, an agribusiness company, had over $26 billion in worldwide sales and was considered, along with Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), one of three very integrated worldwide agribusiness companies. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, the company has... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Operations; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; White Plains; Brazil
Khanna, Tarun, Santiago Mingo, and Jonathan West. "Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets." Harvard Business School Case 708-443, September 2007. (Revised November 2007.)
- August 2007 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Marketing the "$100 Laptop" (A)
By: John A. Quelch and Carin-Isabel Knoop
In 2002, Professor Nicholas Negroponte, a successful venture capitalist, author, and co-founder and chairman emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, announced his intention to build a PC so cheap as to make it possible to provide... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Internet and the Web; Information Technology; Product Development; Technological Innovation; Nonprofit Organizations; Marketing Strategy; Information Infrastructure; Developing Countries and Economies; Manufacturing Industry; Information Technology Industry; Computer Industry; Cambridge
Quelch, John A., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. Marketing the "$100 Laptop" (A). Harvard Business School Case 508-024, August 2007. (Revised September 2008.)