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- November 2011 (Revised December 2012)
- Case
Making Lemonade in Chicago's Troubled Neighborhoods
By: Nicolas Retsinas, Jazzmin Lamas and Lisa Strope
This case focuses on the complexities of building a real estate investment company in two Chicago low-income neighborhoods, Roseland and Englewood, during the foreclosure crisis in 2011. View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Investment Management; Financial Management; Social Issues; Investment; Real Estate Industry; Chicago
Retsinas, Nicolas, Jazzmin Lamas, and Lisa Strope. "Making Lemonade in Chicago's Troubled Neighborhoods." Harvard Business School Case 212-042, November 2011. (Revised December 2012.)
- 25 Mar 2013
- Research & Ideas
How Chapter 11 Saved the US Economy
relatively short time, much of the corporate debt that defaulted during the financial crisis has been managed down, mass liquidations have been averted, and corporate profits, balance sheets, and values have rebounded with remarkable... View Details
- October 2008 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
New Century Financial Corporation
By: Krishna G. Palepu, Suraj Srinivasan and Aldo Sesia
After years of rapid growth and stock price appreciation, New Century Financial Corporation, one of the largest subprime loan originators in the U.S., reported accounting problems in early 2007. The resulting liquidity crisis forced the company to file for Chapter 11... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Audits; Financial Reporting; Business Model; Financial Crisis; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Mortgages; Financial Services Industry; United States
Palepu, Krishna G., Suraj Srinivasan, and Aldo Sesia. "New Century Financial Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 109-034, October 2008. (Revised October 2009.)
- August 2007 (Revised June 2010)
- Case
JetBlue Airways: Valentine's Day 2007 (A)
By: Robert S. Huckman, Gary P. Pisano and Virginia Fuller
Describes an operational crisis for JetBlue Airways during an ice storm in the eastern United States in February 2007 and chronicles the airline's immediate response. Provides detail concerning the history of the airline from its founding in 1999 through the February... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Crisis Management; Growth Management; Management Teams; Service Delivery; Air Transportation Industry; Eastern United States
Huckman, Robert S., Gary P. Pisano, and Virginia Fuller. "JetBlue Airways: Valentine's Day 2007 (A)." Harvard Business School Case 608-001, August 2007. (Revised June 2010.)
- November 1999
- Case
Reshaping Apple Computer's Destiny 1992 (Abridged)
By: Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan
Examines John Sculley's management approach toward transforming Apple Computer during the personal computer industry crisis in 1992. Focuses on Sculley's management style, his creation of a new management team, and his efforts to create a professional management system... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Crisis Management; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management Style; Management Systems; Management Teams; Computer Industry; California
Christensen, Clayton M., and Tara Donovan. "Reshaping Apple Computer's Destiny 1992 (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 300-002, November 1999.
- October 2009 (Revised January 2010)
- Case
The University of Notre Dame Endowment
By: Andre F. Perold and Paul Michael Buser
The Endowment Model of Investing, which was based on creating high risk-adjusted performance through diversification, a long time horizon, top-notch outside managers, and illiquid investments, had served Notre Dame and other large universities well over the past... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Higher Education; Asset Management; Private Equity; Financial Liquidity; Investment; Risk Management; Performance Evaluation; Education Industry; Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F., and Paul Michael Buser. "The University of Notre Dame Endowment." Harvard Business School Case 210-007, October 2009. (Revised January 2010.)
- Teaching Interest
By: Dutch Leonard
Professor Leonard teaches about leadership and strategy for both private sector and social organizations. Topics covered in his courses include leadership and the design of strategy for social-mission organizations (including the corporate social responsibility efforts... View Details
- 15 Oct 2019
- Cold Call Podcast
Goldman Sachs’ $500 Million Bet on Small Businesses
- March 2013
- Case
First Green Bank: Bringing Bloom to Desert Landscapes
By: Christopher Marquis and Juan Almandoz
First Green Bank is a bank start-up in the midst of the financial crisis which aims to promote sustainability while making money as a bank. The case presents an ethical dilemma as it considers a loan to an arms manufacturer. View Details
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship; Financial Crisis; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Business and Community Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Ethics; Banking Industry; United States; Florida
Marquis, Christopher, and Juan Almandoz. "First Green Bank: Bringing Bloom to Desert Landscapes." Harvard Business School Case 413-073, March 2013.
- 12 Jun 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Corporate Resilience and Response During COVID-19
- 09 Feb 2015
- Working Paper Summaries
Cashing Out: The Rise of M&A in Bankruptcy
- July 2010 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
China 'Unbalanced'
By: Diego A. Comin and Richard H.K. Vietor
In 2010, Wen Jiabao looked back at the financial crisis with some satisfaction. Using aggressive fiscal and monetary policy, China had weathered the crisis successfully, growing 8.7% annually in 2010. Most of the unemployed workers had returned to work, often... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Trade; Currency Exchange Rate; Investment; Local Range; Growth and Development Strategy; Demand and Consumers; China
Comin, Diego A., and Richard H.K. Vietor. "China 'Unbalanced'." Harvard Business School Case 711-010, July 2010. (Revised March 2012.)
- February 2012 (Revised December 2013)
- Case
Saks Incorporated
By: Carliss Baldwin and Stefon Burns
Saks Fifth Avenue, a luxury department store chain, has been hard hit by the 2008 financial crisis and stock market crash. Speculation about impending bankruptcy is rampant in the press. The CEO, Stephen Sadove, must decide how to respond. View Details
Keywords: Retail; Fashion; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Financial Crisis; Fashion Industry; Retail Industry; United States
Baldwin, Carliss, and Stefon Burns. "Saks Incorporated." Harvard Business School Case 212-060, February 2012. (Revised December 2013.)
- 25 Apr 2014
- Research & Ideas
To Pay or Not to Pay: Argentina and the International Debt Market
Costa Rica, recommends a course of action sure to anger banks and fund managers: absolute sovereign immunity, which is the way things were done before 1976. Argentina's escalating financial crisis is taking on the look and feel of 2002,... View Details
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro
- 02 Jun 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
HBS COVID-19 Global Policy Tracker
- July–August 2023
- Article
Investing in Growth Through Uncertainty
By: Ranjay Gulati
When faced with disruptions and downturns, many leaders and companies instinctively focus on cutting costs to maintain profitability. But some identify opportunities and then take thoughtful action to emerge from crisis even stronger. That means not only planning for... View Details
Gulati, Ranjay. "Investing in Growth Through Uncertainty." Harvard Business Review 101, no. 4 (July–August 2023): 36–42.
- Research Summary
By: Dutch Leonard
Professor Leonard's research focuses on understanding the role of leadership in the development of strategy and processes for execution in private sector and socially-oriented organizations, including an emphasis on innovation, uncertainty, building successful adaptive... View Details
- December 2007
- Book Review
Review of Stig Tenold's Tankers in Trouble
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
In "Tankers in Trouble," Stig Tenold looks at the experience of the Norwegian shipping industry during the 1970s and 1980s, specifically of those companies active in the tanker business. The review discusses some complementary insights that can be gained from applying... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Framework; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Crisis Management; Perspective; Demand and Consumers; Industry Clusters; Shipping Industry; Norway
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Review of Stig Tenold's Tankers in Trouble." International Journal of Maritime History 21, no. 2 (December 2007): 407–411.
- June 2002
- Case
"One Country, Two Systems"? Italy and the Mezzogiorno (B)
By: Bruce R. Scott and Jamie Matthews
In 1992, a corruption investigation and two assassinations created a crisis that prompted the Italian government to dispatch 7,000 troops to Sicily to "retake the island" from the Mafia. This case examines the crisis and the efforts of both the Italian state and the... View Details
Scott, Bruce R., and Jamie Matthews. "One Country, Two Systems"? Italy and the Mezzogiorno (B). Harvard Business School Case 702-097, June 2002.
- January 1996 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
1994-95 Mexican Peso Crisis, The
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Matthew McBrady
Explores the peso crisis of 1994-95 and why it occurred. Students must examine Mexico's policies, the capital market's reactions, and the implications of devaluation for future capital flows and growth. View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; International Capital Markets; Devaluation; Currency Exchange Rate; Financial Markets; International Finance; Capital; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., and Matthew McBrady. "1994-95 Mexican Peso Crisis, The." Harvard Business School Case 296-056, January 1996. (Revised December 1999.)