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- Faculty Publications (925)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (925)
- September 2012 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Natalie Kindred and Sara M. McKinley
Would the advent of global payment models and ACOs create sufficient demand for a telemedicine offering covering the care continuum, from hospitals to the home? This was the decision facing Royal Philips Electronics (Philips), the Netherlands-based producer of... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Philips; Visicu; Telemedicine; eICU; Accountable Care Organization; ACO; Bundled Payment; Hospital To Home; Patient Monitoring Devices; Home Health Care; Health Care and Treatment; Communication Technology; Quality; Safety; Performance Productivity; Performance Capacity; Performance Efficiency; Consumer Behavior; Emerging Markets; Health Industry; Health Industry; Netherlands
Herzlinger, Regina E., Natalie Kindred, and Sara M. McKinley. "Philips-Visicu." Harvard Business School Case 313-015, September 2012. (Revised May 2015.) (As companion reading for this case, see Regina E. Herzlinger and Charles Huang, "Note on Bundled Payment in Health Care," HBS No. 312-032 (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, 2012).)
- 2012
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Shelly London and Ethics Education—'Strengthening Our Moral Compass'
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Anne Arlinghaus
Shelly London and Ethics Education — 'Strengthening Our Moral Compass'
2009 AL Fellow
Following a successful career as a Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Chief Communications Officer at two large corporate companies, Shelly London set out to promote... View Details
Following a successful career as a Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Chief Communications Officer at two large corporate companies, Shelly London set out to promote... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Skills; Ethics Education; Initiatives; Morality; Moral Compass; Prima Facie; Grassroots Movement; Ethical Reasoning; Decision-making; Social Media; Media Relations; Family Dinner Project; Public Conversations Project; Laura Chasin; Computer Games; Video Games; Quandary; Organizational Structure; Infrastructure; Ethics; Education; Moral Sensibility; Behavior; Decision Making; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Education Industry; Education Industry; North and Central America
- August 2012 (Revised October 2015)
- Case
LinkedIn Corporation, 2012
By: David Yoffie and Liz Kind
Since its inception in 2003, LinkedIn had become a leading Silicon Valley institution with a brand name that was recognizable throughout the U.S. and in many countries overseas. As of March 2012, LinkedIn was the world's largest professional network on the Internet... View Details
Keywords: Social Networking; Media; Technology; Strategy; Growth Management; Internet and the Web; Corporate Strategy; Social and Collaborative Networks; Brands and Branding; Social Media; Service Industry; Service Industry; California
Yoffie, David, and Liz Kind. "LinkedIn Corporation, 2012." Harvard Business School Case 713-420, August 2012. (Revised October 2015.)
- August 2012 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Porto Adriatico
By: Arthur I Segel
In March 2012, Jack Dawkins is in the early stages of leading the development of an old navy yard in Croatia into a mixed-use waterfront community of residences, hotel rooms, shops and dining. Catering to those arriving by superyachts and other leisure boats, and set... View Details
Segel, Arthur I. "Porto Adriatico." Harvard Business School Case 213-024, August 2012. (Revised February 2017.)
- July 2012 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
Friend Bank: The Time for Hope (Abridged)
By: Clayton Rose and Aldo Sesia
In 2010, Friend Bank was entering the fifth year of Hope Harris Johnson's ambitious 20-year growth plan to transform her family's one-branch community bank into an institution with a substantial presence in southeastern Alabama. Harris Johnson was pleased, so far, with... View Details
Keywords: Banking; Family Business; Strategy And Execution; Banks and Banking; Family Ownership; Financial Institutions; Strategy; Banking Industry; United States; Alabama
Rose, Clayton, and Aldo Sesia. "Friend Bank: The Time for Hope (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 313-010, July 2012. (Revised August 2012.)
- July 2012 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
Global Knowledge Management at Danone (A) (Abridged)
By: Amy C. Edmondson and David Lane
This case explores French consumer goods company Danone's novel approach to knowledge management. In 2007, Human Resource Chief (Executive Vice President) Franck Mougin assesses the company's knowledge-sharing tools and considers his options going forward. Through... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Employee Relationship Management; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Social and Collaborative Networks; Expansion; Consumer Products Industry; France
Edmondson, Amy C., and David Lane. "Global Knowledge Management at Danone (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 613-003, July 2012. (Revised August 2012.)
- June 2012
- Article
Reality versus Propaganda in the Formation of Beliefs about Privatization
By: Rafael Di Tella, Sebastian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky
Argentina privatized most public utilities during the 1990s but re-nationalized the main water company in 2006. We study beliefs about the benefits of the privatization of water services amongst low- and middle-income groups immediately after the 2006 nationalization.... View Details
Keywords: Privatization; Business and Community Relations; Household; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Public Ownership; Utilities Industry; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael, Sebastian Galiani, and Ernesto Schargrodsky. "Reality versus Propaganda in the Formation of Beliefs about Privatization." Journal of Public Economics 96, nos. 5-6 (June 2012): 553–567.
- June 2012
- Article
The Transparency Paradox: A Role for Privacy in Organizational Learning and Operational Control
Using data from embedded participant-observers and a field experiment at the second largest mobile phone factory in the world, located in China, I theorize and test the implications of transparent organizational design on workers' productivity and organizational... View Details
Keywords: Transparency; Privacy; Organizational Learning; Operational Control; Organizational Performance; Chinese Manufacturing; Field Experiment; Rights; Interpersonal Communication; Management Practices and Processes; Ethics; Corporate Disclosure; Performance Productivity; Boundaries; Organizations; Social and Collaborative Networks; Labor and Management Relations; Power and Influence; Manufacturing Industry; China
Bernstein, Ethan S. "The Transparency Paradox: A Role for Privacy in Organizational Learning and Operational Control." Administrative Science Quarterly 57, no. 2 (June 2012): 181–216.
- May 2012
- Case
Evergreen Natural Markets 2012
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Paul S. Myers
Evergreen Natural Markets is a successful food retailer located in the Rocky Mountain region of the U.S. Having grown through acquisition, it has a reputation for improving the companies it purchases while retaining previous management. This strategy has succeeded due... View Details
Keywords: United States; Operating Systems; Acquisitions; Strategy; Human Resource Management; Consolidations; Retail Trade; Food; Growth Management; Organizational Culture; Consolidation; Acquisition; Business Processes; Retail Industry; Retail Industry; Las Vegas; Western United States
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Paul S. Myers. "Evergreen Natural Markets 2012." Harvard Business School Brief Case 124-450, May 2012.
- May 2012 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
Wikipedia: Project Esperanza
By: Mikolaj Jan Piskorski, Andreea Gorbatai and Tiona Zuzul
In October 2006, Wikipedia was the largest volunteer-run on-line encyclopedia which could be freely read and edited by anyone with internet access. Within almost six years of its founding in 2001, the project had attracted hundreds of thousands of editors who had... View Details
Keywords: Web-enabled Application; Internet; Information Publishing; Social and Collaborative Networks; Groups and Teams; Publishing Industry; United States
Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan, Andreea Gorbatai, and Tiona Zuzul. "Wikipedia: Project Esperanza." Harvard Business School Case 712-493, May 2012. (Revised January 2013.)
- April 2012 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
This case illustrates the implications of using stringent performance measurement systems to create performance pressure, motivate employee achievement, and sharpen a firm's competitiveness. It opens by describing the downsides of the ruthlessly competitive culture at... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Information Technology; Competitive Advantage; Decision Choices and Conditions; Organizational Culture; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits; Web Services Industry; Web Services Industry; Vancouver
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Dovernet." Harvard Business School Case 112-061, April 2012. (Revised February 2017.)
- April 2012 (Revised May 2012)
- Case
EILEEN FISHER: Repositioning the Brand
By: Anat Keinan, Jill Avery, Fiona Wilson and Michael Norton
Well-established fashion brand Eileen Fisher has traditionally appealed to older women. However, to drive growth, Eileen Fisher's management team wants to target a younger demographic and has revamped its Fall product line to offer more fashionable styles to appeal to... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brand Management; Brand Positioning; Market Segmentation And Target Market Selection; Retailing; Fashion; Corporate Social Responsibility; Brands and Branding; Product Positioning; Segmentation; Social and Collaborative Networks; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Media; Retail Industry; Retail Industry
Keinan, Anat, Jill Avery, Fiona Wilson, and Michael Norton. "EILEEN FISHER: Repositioning the Brand." Harvard Business School Case 512-085, April 2012. (Revised May 2012.)
- April 2012
- Article
Teamwork on the Fly
By: Amy C. Edmondson
In a fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, traditional teams aren't always practical. Instead, companies increasingly employ teaming: gathering experts in temporary groups to solve problems they may be encountering for the first and only time. This... View Details
Keywords: Teaming; Cross-functional Integration; Organizational Learning; Groups and Teams; Experience and Expertise; Interpersonal Communication; Projects; Social and Collaborative Networks; Competency and Skills; Learning
Edmondson, Amy C. "Teamwork on the Fly." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 4 (April 2012).
- March 2012
- Article
Managing Political Risk in Global Business: Beiersdorf 1914-1990
By: Geoffrey Jones and Christina Lubinski
This article is concerned with business strategies of political risk management during the twentieth century. It focuses especially on Beiersdorf, a pharmaceutical and skin care company in Germany. During World War I, the expropriation of its brands and trademarks... View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Government and Politics; Risk Management; Brands and Branding; Problems and Challenges; Communication Technology; Cost; Trademarks; Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry; Germany
Jones, Geoffrey, and Christina Lubinski. "Managing Political Risk in Global Business: Beiersdorf 1914-1990." Enterprise & Society 13, no. 1 (March 2012): 85–119.
- February 2012 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
By: Paul Healy, Karthik Ramanna and Matthew Shaffer
What should business leaders do about corruption? In December 2011, four HBS alumni met to debate how to engage the unprecedented protests against Vladimir Putin's corrupt government, which had erupted in Russia in response to alleged fraud in the recent parliamentary... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Crime and Corruption; Government and Politics; Social and Collaborative Networks; Blogs; Information Industry; Russia
Healy, Paul, Karthik Ramanna, and Matthew Shaffer. "" Harvard Business School Case 112-033, February 2012. (Revised June 2012.)
- January 2012 (Revised September 2015)
- Case
Tough Decisions at Marks and Spencer
By: George Serafeim
In 2007, under the leadership of CEO Stuart Rose, the iconic British retailer Marks and Spencer, with great fanfare, announced its "Plan A" initiative. Based on the five essential pillars of climate change, waste, sustainable materials, fair partnership, and health,... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Corporate Strategy; Retail Industry
Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Kyle Armbrester. "Tough Decisions at Marks and Spencer." Harvard Business School Case 112-062, January 2012. (Revised September 2015.)
- January – February 2012
- Article
How Managers Use Multiple Media: Discrepant Events, Power, and Timing in Redundant Communication
By: Paul Leonardi, Tsedal Neeley and Elizabeth M. Gerber
Several recent studies have found that managers engage in redundant communication; that is, they send the same message to the same recipient through two or more unique media sequentially. Given how busy most managers are, and how much information their subordinates... View Details
Keywords: Communication; Media; Information; Groups and Teams; Projects; Management Style; Power and Influence; Motivation and Incentives; Technology
Leonardi, Paul, Tsedal Neeley, and Elizabeth M. Gerber. "How Managers Use Multiple Media: Discrepant Events, Power, and Timing in Redundant Communication." Organization Science 23, no. 1 (January–February 2012): 98–117.
- 2012
- Chapter
Sustainable Cities: Oxymoron or the Shape of the Future?
By: Robert G. Eccles, Annissa Alusi, Amy C. Edmondson and Tiona Zuzul
Two trends are likely to define the 21st century: threats to the sustainability of the natural environment and dramatic increases in urbanization. This paper reviews the goals, business models, and partnerships involved in eight early "ecocity" projects to begin to... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; City; Urban Development; Infrastructure; Housing; Urban Scope; Business Ventures; Business Model; Green Technology Industry
Eccles, Robert G., Annissa Alusi, Amy C. Edmondson, and Tiona Zuzul. "Sustainable Cities: Oxymoron or the Shape of the Future?" Chap. 18 in Infrastructure Sustainability and Design, edited by Spiro Pollalis, Andreas Georgoulias, Stephen Ramos, and Daniel Schodek, 247–265. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- 2011
- Working Paper
Discretion Within the Constraints of Opportunity: Gender Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization
By: Adam M. Kleinbaum, Toby E. Stuart and Michael L. Tushman
Homophily in social relations is widely documented. We know that homophily results from both individual preferences and uneven opportunities for interaction, but how these two mechanisms interact in formal organizations is not well understood. We argue that... View Details
Keywords: Interactive Communication; Analytics and Data Science; Organizational Structure; Partners and Partnerships; Behavior; Internet and the Web; Theory; Information Technology Industry
Kleinbaum, Adam M., Toby E. Stuart, and Michael L. Tushman. "Discretion Within the Constraints of Opportunity: Gender Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-050, December 2011.
- November 2011
- Case
Celeritas, Inc.: Leadership Challenges in a Fast-Growth Industry
By: Michael Beer and Ingrid Vargas
In 2011, Celeritas is a leading data communications company in the crowded, highly competitive, and ever-evolving enterprise-network optimization market. Having experienced rapid growth since its founding in 2003, Celeritas has recently seen sales decline and has begun... View Details
Keywords: Technology; Morale; Conflict; Organizational Change; Team Building; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Leadership; Communication; Groups and Teams; Attitudes; Conflict and Resolution; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry
Beer, Michael, and Ingrid Vargas. "Celeritas, Inc.: Leadership Challenges in a Fast-Growth Industry." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-360, November 2011.