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- All HBS Web
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- 25 Jan 2013
- Research & Ideas
Why a Harvard Finance Instructor Went to the Kumbh Mela
electricity, the thoughtful deployment of public-private partnerships, and the land allocation necessary to support up to 200 million pilgrims. There are extensible leadership and finance lessons for me here, and they can become Finance and Strategy teaching material.... View Details
- March 1975 (Revised April 1988)
- Case
Industrial Grinders N.V.
Focuses on a relevant cost decision. Which costs are relevant for the decision? How should they be taken into account? View Details
Barrett, M. Edgar, and Rohan Weerasinghe. "Industrial Grinders N.V." Harvard Business School Case 175-246, March 1975. (Revised April 1988.)
- 05 Dec 2012
- What Do You Think?
Should Managers Bother Listening to Predictions?
identify fairly reliable predictions from the guesses." Others identified people as the weak point in the process. Adam Hartung commented that " everyone should be evaluating trends and making forecasts they use to guide... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 10 Jun 2002
- Research & Ideas
Reinventing the Industrial Giant
great deal of time in the car." Combining these two things may well make OnStar extremely popular. However, there are several other aspects of OnStar that raise concerns that it might become the 1990s version of Roger Smith's robots.... View Details
- July 2009
- Teaching Note
Real Options Exercises (TN)
By: Timothy A. Luehrman
Teaching Note for [208045]. View Details
- Editorial
Risk Is a Choice Rather Than a Fate
By: Andre F. Perold
Perold, Andre F. "Risk Is a Choice Rather Than a Fate." Journal of Portfolio Management 36, no. 1 (Fall 2009). (Invited Editorial Comment.)
- July 1992
- Article
New Product Channel Choice: A Framework, a Method and an Application
By: V. K. Rangan, M. Menezes and E. P. Maier
Rangan, V. K., M. Menezes, and E. P. Maier. "New Product Channel Choice: A Framework, a Method and an Application." Journal of Marketing 56, no. 3 (July 1992): 69–82.
- 1 Aug 2003 - 6 Aug 2003
- Conference Presentation
Do I contribute more when I trust more? A study on two boundary conditions of trust
By: K. Y. Ng and Roy Y.J. Chua
- May 1986
- Article
Inertia, Environments and Strategic Choice: Quasi-Experimental Designs for Comparative Research
By: E. Romanelli and Michael Tushman
Romanelli, E., and Michael Tushman. "Inertia, Environments and Strategic Choice: Quasi-Experimental Designs for Comparative Research." Management Science 32, no. 5 (May 1986): 608–621.
- 1996
- Chapter
Sequencing to Build Coalitions: With Whom I Should I Talk First?
Sebenius, James K. "Sequencing to Build Coalitions: With Whom I Should I Talk First?" In Wise Choices: Decisions, Games, and Negotiations, edited by Richard Zeckhauser, Ralph Keeney, and James Sebenius, 324–348. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
- 01 Mar 2008
- News
Sarah Talley’s Key Negotiation Principles
When you have a problem, when there’s something you engage in with Wal-Mart that requires agreement so that it becomes a negotiation, the first advice is to think in partnership terms, really focus on a common goal, of getting costs out, for example, and ask questions.... View Details
- 2022
- Chapter
Redirecting Rawlsian Reasoning Toward the Greater Good
By: Joshua D. Greene, Karen Huang and Max Bazerman
In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls employed the ‘veil of Ignorance’ as a moral reasoning device designed to promote impartial thinking. By imagining the choices of decision-makers who are blind to biasing information, one might see more clearly the organizing... View Details
Greene, Joshua D., Karen Huang, and Max Bazerman. "Redirecting Rawlsian Reasoning Toward the Greater Good." Chap. 15 in The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology, edited by Manuel Vargas and John M. Doris, 246–261. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- December 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Teaching Note
Forecasting ClimaCell
By: Joshua Lev Krieger, Christopher Stanton and James Barnett
A weather technology startup, ClimaCell considers the R&D trade-offs and financing implications of pursuing a proposed contract with a major automobile maker, rather than continuing its focus on building a scalable, all-purpose weather prediction engine. View Details
- April 1997 (Revised July 2003)
- Case
Viacom, Inc.: Video Supplement
By: Joseph L. Bower, Thomas R. Eisenmann and Sonja Ellingson Hout
Viacom reached a powerful position in the global entertainment industry through skillful and very bold acquisitions. Now its further expansion is challenged by the moves of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Different businesses within Viacom have contradictory positions on... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Cost vs Benefits; Decisions; Entertainment; Competition; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Bower, Joseph L., Thomas R. Eisenmann, and Sonja Ellingson Hout. "Viacom, Inc.: Video Supplement." Harvard Business School Case 397-066, April 1997. (Revised July 2003.)
- May 2007
- Article
Aspects of Endowment: A Query Theory of Value Construction
By: Eric Johnson, Gerald Häubl and Anat Keinan
How do people judge the monetary value of objects? One clue is provided by the typical endowment study (D. Kahneman, J. L. Knetsch, & R. H. Thaler, 1991), in which participants are randomly given either a good, such as a coffee mug, that they may later sell ("sellers")... View Details
Keywords: Profit; Forecasting and Prediction; Theory; Valuation; Loss; Ownership; Decision Choices and Conditions
Johnson, Eric, Gerald Häubl, and Anat Keinan. "Aspects of Endowment: A Query Theory of Value Construction." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33, no. 3 (May 2007): 461–474.
- July 1997
- Article
Choice in Computer-Mediated Environments
By: John A. Deighton
Deighton, John A. "Choice in Computer-Mediated Environments." Marketing Letters 8, no. 3 (July 1997).
- June 2006 (Revised September 2006)
- Case
S&S Podcasts: Deciding to Launch
Describes the effort by two MBA students to find an opportunity for a new venture in the burgeoning "podcast" space. View Details
- October 1980 (Revised April 1981)
- Background Note
Structure of the U.S. Government Decision-Making Process
By: J. Ronald Fox
Fox, J. Ronald. "Structure of the U.S. Government Decision-Making Process." Harvard Business School Background Note 381-022, October 1980. (Revised April 1981.)
- December 1978 (Revised November 1985)
- Background Note
Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits
Austin, James E. "Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 379-073, December 1978. (Revised November 1985.)
- Article
Trimmed Opinion Pools and the Crowd's Calibration Problem
By: Victor Richmond R. Jose, Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Kenneth C. Lichtendahl
We introduce an alternative to the popular linear opinion pool for combining individual probability forecasts. One of the well-known problems with the linear opinion pool is that it can be poorly calibrated. It tends toward underconfidence as the crowd's diversity... View Details
Jose, Victor Richmond R., Yael Grushka-Cockayne, and Kenneth C. Lichtendahl. "Trimmed Opinion Pools and the Crowd's Calibration Problem." Management Science 60, no. 2 (February 2014): 463–475.