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- Faculty Publications (1,243)
- September 2017
- Article
The Advocacy Trap: When Legitimacy Building Inhibits Organizational Learning
By: Tiona Zuzul and Amy C. Edmondson
This paper describes a relationship between legitimacy building and learning for a new firm in a nascent industry. Through a longitudinal study of a new firm in the nascent smart city industry, we found that the firm failed to make progress on important internal... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Learning; Advocacy; Organizations; Learning; Organizational Culture; Entrepreneurship
Zuzul, Tiona, and Amy C. Edmondson. "The Advocacy Trap: When Legitimacy Building Inhibits Organizational Learning." Academy of Management Discoveries 3, no. 3 (September 2017): 302–321.
- August 2017
- Case
Wake Up Call
By: David G. Fubini and Christine Snively
In 1993, three consultants at different stages in their careers must decide how to respond to what they considered to be unethical behavior from a partner at their firm. They each considered the potential consequences of reporting a senior colleague and the impact it... View Details
Fubini, David G., and Christine Snively. "Wake Up Call." Harvard Business School Case 418-001, August 2017.
- August 2017 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Altoona State Investment Board & Bain Capital Fund XI
By: Josh Lerner and Ted Berk
Considers the decision faced by state pension fund manager Rod Calhoun as he decides whether to invest $200 million in Bain Capital's eleventh global buyout fund: Bain Capital Fund XI. For the fund, Bain was offering its limited partners a choice among three different... View Details
Keywords: Equity Method; Leveraged Buyout; Management Buyout; Capital; Design; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Leveraged Buyouts; Management; Private Equity; Venture Capital; Banking Industry; Massachusetts
Lerner, Josh, and Ted Berk. "Altoona State Investment Board & Bain Capital Fund XI." Harvard Business School Case 218-022, August 2017. (Revised September 2023.)
- August 2017 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
MannKind Corporation: Take a Deep Breath, This Time Afrezza Will Work
By: Elie Ofek and Amanda Dai
In June 2014, MannKind Corporation announced that after years of development and billions of dollars in expenses, the FDA had finally approved its drug, Afrezza. MannKind would thus be the only company with an inhalable insulin on the market. As an alternative to... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Adoption; Pharmaceutical Industry
Ofek, Elie, and Amanda Dai. "MannKind Corporation: Take a Deep Breath, This Time Afrezza Will Work." Harvard Business School Case 518-031, August 2017. (Revised July 2018.)
- July 2017
- Supplement
Centerbridge Partners and Great Wolf Resorts (B)
By: Josh Lerner, John D. Dionne and Amram Migdal
The case examines the aftermath of the March 2015 Centerbridge Partners acquisition of Great Wolf Resorts, a North American family-oriented indoor water parks and hotel operator, from a private equity (PE) competitor, Apollo Global Management. View Details
Keywords: Private Equity Financing; Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities; CMBS; Secondary Buyouts; Business Ventures; Acquisition; Leveraged Buyouts; Business Exit or Shutdown; Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Cost; Cost of Capital; Equity; Private Equity; Financial Instruments; Debt Securities; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; North and Central America; United States
Lerner, Josh, John D. Dionne, and Amram Migdal. "Centerbridge Partners and Great Wolf Resorts (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 818-024, July 2017.
- July 2017
- Case
Centerbridge Partners and Great Wolf Resorts: Buying from a Highly Regarded Competitor
By: Josh Lerner, John D. Dionne and Amram Migdal
The case examines the March 2015 Centerbridge Partners investment decision regarding whether to acquire Great Wolf Resorts, a North American family-oriented indoor water parks and hotel operator, from a private equity (PE) competitor, Apollo Global Management. The case... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity Financing; Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities; CMBS; Secondary Buyouts; Business Ventures; Acquisition; Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Cost; Cost of Capital; Equity; Private Equity; Financial Instruments; Debt Securities; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; North and Central America; United States
Lerner, Josh, John D. Dionne, and Amram Migdal. "Centerbridge Partners and Great Wolf Resorts: Buying from a Highly Regarded Competitor." Harvard Business School Case 818-023, July 2017.
- July 2017 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Sampark Foundation: Transforming Primary Education in India
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Shweta Bagai
Founders Vineet and Anupama Nayar had rapidly scaled their foundation to reach 3 million primary school children (grades 1 to 3) in two states with math and English programs. Their goal was to reach 10 million children by 2025 and completely spend down the $100 million... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Management; K-12 Education; Frugal Innovation; Government Partnership; Impact; Developing Countries; Education; Decision Choices and Conditions; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; Outcome or Result; India
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Shweta Bagai. "Sampark Foundation: Transforming Primary Education in India." Harvard Business School Case 518-006, July 2017. (Revised September 2017.)
- June 2017
- Case
Waze Connected Citizens Program
By: Mitchell Weiss and Alissa Davies
Di-Ann Eisnor, Director of Growth at Waze, founded the company’s Connected Citizens Program (CCP), a data-sharing partnership that provided officials with traffic incident and congestion data. Since 2015, her program had enabled officials in Kentucky and elsewhere to... View Details
Keywords: Public Entrepreneurship; Waze; Public-Private Partnerships; Scaling Technology Ventures; Di-Ann Eisnor; Paige Fitzgerald; Noam Bardin; Ehud Shabtai; Cities; Traffic; Crowdsourcing; API; Scaling Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; Information Technology; Transportation; Growth Management; Transportation Industry; Israel; Indonesia; United States; Brazil; Los Angeles; Kentucky
Weiss, Mitchell, and Alissa Davies. "Waze Connected Citizens Program." Harvard Business School Case 817-035, June 2017.
- 2017
- Working Paper
And the Children Shall Lead: Gender Diversity and Performance in Venture Capital
By: Paul A. Gompers and Sophie Q. Wang
With an overall lack of gender and ethnic diversity in the innovation sector documented in Gompers and Wang (2017), we ask the natural next question: Does increased diversity lead to better firm performances? In this paper, we attempt to answer this question using a... View Details
Gompers, Paul A., and Sophie Q. Wang. "And the Children Shall Lead: Gender Diversity and Performance in Venture Capital." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-103, May 2017.
- May 2017
- Case
Cambridge Franchise Partners
By: Richard Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Two partners commence a rollup in the quick-service restaurant segment. They focus on operating improvements and spinning-off real estate. View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Mergers and Acquisitions; Operations; Performance Improvement; Property; Management
Ruback, Richard, and Royce Yudkoff. "Cambridge Franchise Partners." Harvard Business School Case 217-082, May 2017.
- May 2017
- Teaching Note
Partners Group: Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Partners Group (PG), a Swiss-based PE manager, initiated a series of strategic shifts and evolved from a predominately fund-of-funds manager into a large, multi-asset class PE firm focused on direct investments. PG was the first PE firm to go public in 2006. A number... View Details
- May 2017 (Revised December 2018)
- Teaching Note
Raising Capital at ShawSpring Partners
By: Adi Sunderam and David Biery
Teaching Note for HBS No. 217-002. View Details
- 2017
- Book
Global Marketing Management: A Casebook
By: John A. Quelch
During the last quarter century, international business was shaken by a revolution in global competition unlike any previously experienced. As companies move through the twenty-first century, they need to be aware of the range of powerful, dynamic, and often... View Details
Quelch, John A. Global Marketing Management: A Casebook. 6th ed. Redding, CA: BVT Publishing, 2017.
- March 2017 (Revised February 2018)
- Case
VMware and the Public Cloud
By: Raffaella Sadun and Christine Snively
In 2015, VMware, a pioneer in server and network virtualization and a member of parent company EMC’s “federation” of companies, had set its sights on becoming a leading public cloud provider. Two years prior, VMware first entered the public cloud market with its vCloud... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Growth and Development Strategy; Internet and the Web; Computer Industry; Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry
Sadun, Raffaella, and Christine Snively. "VMware and the Public Cloud." Harvard Business School Case 717-480, March 2017. (Revised February 2018.)
- March 2017 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
ABRY Partners and NSM Insurance Group
Scharfstein, David. "ABRY Partners and NSM Insurance Group." Harvard Business School Case 217-066, March 2017. (Revised January 2021.)
- March 2017 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
By: Jeffrey Rayport and Annelena Lobb
In 2017, executives at OpenNotes, a national movement to improve the relationship between doctors and patients by sharing doctors’ visit notes about patients with patients, were considering options in efforts to achieve scale. The movement hoped to reach 50 million... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Technology Adoption; Growth and Development Strategy; Technology Industry; Health Industry; United States
Rayport, Jeffrey, and Annelena Lobb. "OpenNotes." Harvard Business School Case 817-080, March 2017. (Revised March 2017.)
- March 2017
- Case
SEAS and HBS in Allston
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Kerry Herman
The case describes opportunities for and barriers to collaboration between the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and Harvard Business School as SEAS prepares to move two-thirds of its faculty and classes to a new campus in Allston, 1.5 miles... View Details
Keywords: Business Education; Engineering; Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Change Management; Education Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Kerry Herman. "SEAS and HBS in Allston." Harvard Business School Case 817-064, March 2017.
- February 2017 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market
By: Elie Ofek, Nobuo Sato and Akiko Kanno
In spring 2016, Kameda’s CEO, Michiyasu Tanaka, is facing difficult questions from board members over the lackluster performance of the company’s U.S. subsidiary. Kameda was the leading player in the Japanese rice cracker market and was looking to expand overseas to... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Adaptation; Performance Improvement; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Japan; United States
Ofek, Elie, Nobuo Sato, and Akiko Kanno. "Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market." Harvard Business School Case 517-095, February 2017. (Revised April 2018.)
- February 2017
- Teaching Note
Oversight Systems
By: Frank Cespedes
This Teaching Note accompanies the case, set in May 2016, which discusses sales strategy and channel partnerships at Oversight Systems, an early stage software firm that developed analytics for organizations to monitor their data for errors, fraud, and operational... View Details
- February 2017 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Akshaya Patra: Impact at Scale
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
Akshaya Patra, an Indian NGO, had set an ambitious goal of serving 5 million free meals daily to India's schoolchildren. Founded in 2000, Akshaya Patra had thus far opened 25 high-capacity kitchens in 10 different States to provide a midday meal to nearly 1.65 million... View Details
Keywords: Scaling; Public-private Partnership; Operational Excellence; Nonprofit Scaling; Social Impact; Social Enterprise; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; Performance Effectiveness; Nonprofit Organizations; India
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "Akshaya Patra: Impact at Scale." Harvard Business School Case 517-028, February 2017. (Revised September 2017.)