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- Faculty Publications (664)
- November 2006 (Revised May 2014)
- Case
Li Ka-Shing and the Growth of Cheung Kong
By: Nitin Nohria, Anthony J. Mayo and Mark Benson
Events in the history of Cheung Kong's growth reveal how Li Ka-Shing applied his skills as a "first-class noticer" to complex political and socioeconomic environments. While Li's determination to succeed is legendary, so are his skills in reading and responding to the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Competency and Skills; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment Portfolio; Business History; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Hong Kong
Nohria, Nitin, Anthony J. Mayo, and Mark Benson. "Li Ka-Shing and the Growth of Cheung Kong." Harvard Business School Case 407-062, November 2006. (Revised May 2014.)
- November 2006
- Case
The Pine Street Initiative at Goldman Sachs
By: Boris Groysberg, Scott A. Snook and David Lane
Almost five years had passed since Goldman Sachs launched its innovative leadership development initiative called Pine Street. Focused primarily on developing Goldman's most senior managers, Pine Street had evolved significantly since its inception in November of 1999.... View Details
Keywords: Executive Education; Personal Development and Career; Leadership Development; Business Education; Financial Services Industry
Groysberg, Boris, Scott A. Snook, and David Lane. "The Pine Street Initiative at Goldman Sachs." Harvard Business School Case 407-053, November 2006.
- November 2006 (Revised May 2007)
- Background Note
International Capital Markets and Sovereign Debt: Crisis Avoidance and Resolution
By: Laura Alfaro and Ingrid Vogel
Successive economic crises of the 1990s and early 2000s intensified focus on reform of the "international financial architecture." Because many of these crises involved defaults on sovereign bonds, an important component of the discussion revolved around the... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, and Ingrid Vogel. "International Capital Markets and Sovereign Debt: Crisis Avoidance and Resolution." Harvard Business School Background Note 707-018, November 2006. (Revised May 2007.)
- August 2006 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Duane Morris: Balancing Growth and Culture at a Law Firm
By: Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams
After nearly 100 years as a mid-size regional law firm, Duane Morris entered a period of spectacular growth led by CEO Sheldon Bonovitz. Originally founded by Quakers, the firm had a distinct organizational culture featuring a number of unique or unusual business... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Culture; Competitive Advantage; San Francisco
Groysberg, Boris, and Robin Abrahams. "Duane Morris: Balancing Growth and Culture at a Law Firm." Harvard Business School Case 407-025, August 2006. (Revised September 2008.)
- July 2006 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
By: Dennis Campbell and Donglin Xia
Chairman Yin Jiaxu must communicate that the company's extraordinary reported performance in 2002 reflects Changan's unique strategy within the competitive dynamics of China's automobile industry. Changan's 2002 annual report demonstrated an extraordinary level of... View Details
Keywords: Financial Reporting; Ethics; Corporate Disclosure; Media; Business and Shareholder Relations; Auto Industry; China
Campbell, Dennis, and Donglin Xia. "Changan Automobile Co., Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 107-006, July 2006. (Revised March 2008.)
- May 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (F)- Alcatel and Strong Chinese Competition
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
The Chinese operations of Alcatel, a global communications solution provider based in France, were faced with strong local competition and a difficult market. It remained unclear how Alcatel would be able to recover growth in the Chinese market. Initiatives were... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; International Relations; Growth and Development Strategy; Research and Development; Competitive Strategy; Horizontal Integration; Communications Industry; China; France; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (F)- Alcatel and Strong Chinese Competition." Harvard Business School Case 706-036, May 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- April 2006
- Module Note
Cross-Border Financial Opportunities
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes the fifth module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. This module explores how segmented capital markets create financing opportunities for firms and the mechanisms that evolve to take advantage of those opportunities. The issues... View Details
Keywords: Opportunities; Capital Markets; Decisions; International Finance; Motivation and Incentives; Taxation
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Cross-Border Financial Opportunities." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-126, April 2006.
- April 2006 (Revised October 2006)
- Case
Chrysanthemum and Dragon: JAFCO Asia in China
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and David Lane
In the autumn of 2002, JAFCO Asia, a subsidiary of JAFCO Co., Ltd., became the first foreign private equity firm to open an office in Beijing's Haidian Science Park. JAFCO was the only Japanese private equity firm operating in China. As such, Managing Director Vincent... View Details
Keywords: History; International Relations; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business and Government Relations; Expansion; Market Entry and Exit; Performance Effectiveness; Foreign Direct Investment; Business Strategy; Financial Services Industry; China; Beijing; Japan
Abdelal, Rawi E., and David Lane. "Chrysanthemum and Dragon: JAFCO Asia in China." Harvard Business School Case 706-012, April 2006. (Revised October 2006.)
- March 2006 (Revised February 2007)
- Case
UBS: Towards the Integrated Firm
By: Rajiv Lal, Nitin Nohria and Carin-Isabel Knoop
In late June 2005, UBS Group CEO Peter Wuffli--anointed "Master of Zurich" by the financial press--was returning to Zurich from the firm's latest three-day Senior Leadership Conference (SLC). Tapping 600 top managers, this SLC featured an outdoor event at a former... View Details
Lal, Rajiv, Nitin Nohria, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "UBS: Towards the Integrated Firm." Harvard Business School Case 506-026, March 2006. (Revised February 2007.)
- March 2006
- Module Note
International Regulatory Regimes
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes the seventh module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module focuses on how national and international regulatory regimes influence financial decisions. The module explores how national regulatory regimes interact, the... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Markets and Industries; International Finance; Decisions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business Ventures; Teaching; International Relations; Education Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "International Regulatory Regimes." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-128, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
Financing Decisions within the Firm
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes a core module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module focuses on the financial and managerial issues that confront managers who make financial decisions within multinational firms: how subsidiaries should be financed and... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; International Finance; Taxation; Business Subsidiaries; Multinational Firms and Management; Framework; Performance Evaluation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Financing Decisions within the Firm." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-124, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Course Overview Note
International Finance: A Course Overview Note
By: Mihir A. Desai
Describes the International Finance course at Harvard Business School, which argues that the forces of globalization have fundamentally changed the scope and activities of firms, thereby altering the practice of finance within these firms. As a consequence of an... View Details
- March 2006 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
By: Li Jin, Kenneth A. Froot and Si Ping May Yu
A well-performing Chinese manufacturer faces major impediments raising funding to grow. Highlights various imperfections that shape the financing decision. View Details
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
With its $3 billion investment in Chinese state bank China Construction Bank, Bank of America--the second U.S. bank behind Citigroup in terms of assets and market capitalization--was one of several foreign banks directly participating in China's banking sector reform.... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Banks and Banking; Foreign Direct Investment; International Relations; Banking Industry; China; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank." Harvard Business School Case 706-031, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- Article
The Information Technology Ecosystem: Structure, Health, and Performance
By: Marco Iansiti and Gregory L. Richards
A number of modern industries are organized as complex networks of firms whose integrated efforts are necessary to deliver value to end customers. The complexity of these networks, or business ecosystems, and the associated interdependencies among firms, make... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Networks; Value; Customers; Performance Productivity; Product; Applications and Software; Innovation and Invention; Competition; Business Model; Information Infrastructure; Information Technology Industry
Iansiti, Marco, and Gregory L. Richards. "The Information Technology Ecosystem: Structure, Health, and Performance." Antitrust Bulletin 51, no. 1 (Spring 2006).
- January 2006 (Revised February 2015)
- Case
Innovation at Timberland: Thinking Outside the Shoe Box
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ryan Raffaelli
Innovation was linked to Timberland's heritage. In 2005, CEO Jeff Swartz and COO Ken Pucker hoped the Invention Factory, an advanced concept lab, would develop new breakthrough products and reinvigorate the company's culture of innovation. Since the 1960s, Timberland... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Development; Organizational Culture; Change Management
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ryan Raffaelli. "Innovation at Timberland: Thinking Outside the Shoe Box." Harvard Business School Case 306-064, January 2006. (Revised February 2015.)
- September 2005 (Revised April 2007)
- Case
Spyder Active Sports - 2004
By: Belen Villalonga, Dwight B. Crane and James Quinn
David Jacobs founded a high-end ski apparel company in 1978. He successfully built and grew the company, establishing a major international brand that appealed to ski racers and other active skiers. In 1995, he sought external financing to support further growth of the... View Details
Keywords: Private Ownership; Private Equity; Financial Liquidity; Business Exit or Shutdown; Valuation; Brands and Branding; Wealth; Family Business; Financing and Loans; Globalization; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Sports Industry; Colorado
Villalonga, Belen, Dwight B. Crane, and James Quinn. "Spyder Active Sports - 2004." Harvard Business School Case 206-027, September 2005. (Revised April 2007.)
- September 2005 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
New Songdo City
By: Arthur I Segel, Brandon Blaser, Gerardo Garza, Albert Kim, John Richard and Andrew Murphy
The government of South Korea has chosen John Hynes and Gale International to construct New Songdo City. This is an entirely new city, about the size of Boston, between the new Incheon airport and the capital of Seoul. The proposed city is the government's attempt to... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Urban Development; Construction; Design; Climate Change; South Korea
Segel, Arthur I., Brandon Blaser, Gerardo Garza, Albert Kim, John Richard, and Andrew Murphy. "New Songdo City." Harvard Business School Case 206-019, September 2005. (Revised June 2012.)
- August 2005 (Revised October 2010)
- Background Note
European Financial Integration
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and Christopher Bruner
Provides background on the history and status of financial integration in the European Union. Describes the pertinent treaty-based "fundamental freedoms," emphasizes challenges to further cross-border consolidation in the banking sector, and examines the regulatory... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Financial Markets; Financial Strategy; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Integration; Banking Industry; European Union
Abdelal, Rawi E., and Christopher Bruner. "European Financial Integration." Harvard Business School Background Note 706-010, August 2005. (Revised October 2010.)
- August 2005 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
Politics and Prudential Supervision: ABN Amro's Bid for Antonveneta (A)
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and Christopher Bruner
Involves the March 2005 takeover bid launched by ABN Amro, the Dutch bank, for Padua-based Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta S.p.A. (Antonveneta)--a bid that many would view as a test of Italy's commitment to the creation of a single European market for financial... View Details
Keywords: History; Transformation; Business and Government Relations; Integration; Competitive Strategy; Mergers and Acquisitions; Emerging Markets; Financial Markets; Banks and Banking; Financial Services Industry; European Union; Italy
Abdelal, Rawi E., and Christopher Bruner. "Politics and Prudential Supervision: ABN Amro's Bid for Antonveneta (A)." Harvard Business School Case 706-009, August 2005. (Revised March 2007.)