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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (506)
- August 2014
- Article
The Varied Work of Challenger Movements: Identifying Challenger Roles in the U.S. Environmental Movement
By: Stephanie Bertels, Andrew J. Hoffman and Rich Dejordy
Organizations within challenger movements often exhibit differences in what they do, with whom they interact, and how they understand or present themselves. This article attempts to understand what underlies such heterogeneity in challenger movements. Adopting a mixed... View Details
Keywords: Status and Position; Environmental Management; Non-Governmental Organizations; Social and Collaborative Networks
Bertels, Stephanie, Andrew J. Hoffman, and Rich Dejordy. "The Varied Work of Challenger Movements: Identifying Challenger Roles in the U.S. Environmental Movement." Organization Studies 35, no. 8 (August 2014): 1171–1210.
Srikant M. Datar
Srikant M. Datar became the eleventh dean of Harvard Business School on 1 January 2021. During his tenure as a faculty member, he served as Senior Associate Dean for University Affairs (including Faculty Chair of the Harvard Innovation Lab), for Research, for... View Details
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Project on Impact Investments' Impact Investment Database
By: M. Diane Burton, Shawn Cole, Abhishek Dev, Christina Jarymowycz, Leslie Jeng, Josh Lerner, Fanele Mashwama, Yue (Cynthia) Xu and T. Robert Zochowski
Impact investing has grown significantly over the past 15 years. From a niche investing segment with only $25 billion AUM in 2013 (WEF 2013), it experienced double-digit growth and developed into a market with an estimated $502 billion AUM (Mudaliapar and Dithrich... View Details
Burton, M. Diane, Shawn Cole, Abhishek Dev, Christina Jarymowycz, Leslie Jeng, Josh Lerner, Fanele Mashwama, Yue (Cynthia) Xu, and T. Robert Zochowski. "The Project on Impact Investments' Impact Investment Database." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-117, May 2020. (Revised August 2021.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Disagreement Problem in Explainable Machine Learning: A Practitioner's Perspective
By: Satyapriya Krishna, Tessa Han, Alex Gu, Javin Pombra, Shahin Jabbari, Steven Wu and Himabindu Lakkaraju
As various post hoc explanation methods are increasingly being leveraged to explain complex models in high-stakes settings, it becomes critical to develop a deeper understanding of if and when the explanations output by these methods disagree with each other, and how... View Details
Krishna, Satyapriya, Tessa Han, Alex Gu, Javin Pombra, Shahin Jabbari, Steven Wu, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "The Disagreement Problem in Explainable Machine Learning: A Practitioner's Perspective." Working Paper, 2022.
- 28 Feb 2018
- HBS Seminar
Kartik Hosanagar, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
- Research Summary
Navid has worked with different organizations across various industries, from the Federal Reserve to medical device manufacturers, heavy construction equipment sellers, and B2B software providers, to assemble proprietary datasets in studying organizational buying.... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
Dynamic Pricing, Intertemporal Spillovers, and Efficiency
By: Alexander J. MacKay, Dennis Svartbäck and Anders G. Ekholm
Pricing technology that allows firms to rapidly adjust prices has two potential benefits.
Time-varying prices can respond to high-frequency demand shocks to generate greater revenues,
and they can also be used to smooth out demand to reduce costs. Using data... View Details
MacKay, Alexander J., Dennis Svartbäck, and Anders G. Ekholm. "Dynamic Pricing, Intertemporal Spillovers, and Efficiency." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-007, July 2022. (Revised December 2023.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy Across Races: Evidence from the U.S. Credit Register
By: Laura Alfaro, Ester Faia and Camelia Minoiu
We examine the consequences of monetary policy on racial disparities, focusing on the role of bank lending to firms through collateral and selection channels. Leveraging comprehensive loan-level data from the U.S. credit register (Y-14Q) of the Federal Reserve, we show... View Details
Keywords: Monetary Policy Transmission; Inequity; Credit Registry; Wealth; Collateral Channel; Selection; Racial Disparity; Racial Inequality; Equality and Inequality; Banks and Banking; Credit; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Banking Industry; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Ester Faia, and Camelia Minoiu. "Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy Across Races: Evidence from the U.S. Credit Register." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-068, April 2022.
- March – April 2008
- Article
Interorganizational Trust, Governance Choice, and Exchange Performance
By: Ranjay Gulati and Jackson Nickerson
This paper looks at when and how preexisting interorganizational trust influences the choice of governance and in turn the performance of exchange relationships. We theorize that preexisting interorganizational trust complements the choice of governance mode (make,... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Conflict and Resolution; Trust
Gulati, Ranjay, and Jackson Nickerson. "Interorganizational Trust, Governance Choice, and Exchange Performance." Organization Science 19, no. 2 (March–April 2008): 1–21.
- 23 Jun 2009
- First Look
First Look: June 23
a surcharge for tall ones? The standard Utilitarian framework for tax analysis answers this question in the affirmative. Moreover, a plausible parameterization using data on height and wages implies a... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 2012
- Working Paper
~Why Do We Redistribute so Much but Tag so Little? Normative Diversity, Equal Sacrifice and Optimal Taxation
Tagging is a free lunch in conventional optimal tax theory because it eases the classic tradeoff between efficiency and equality. But tagging is used in only limited ways in tax policy. I propose one explanation: conventional optimal tax theory has yet to capture the... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Cost; Framework; Policy; Taxation; Analytics and Data Science; Performance Efficiency; United States
Weinzierl, Matthew. "~Why Do We Redistribute so Much but Tag so Little? Normative Diversity, Equal Sacrifice and Optimal Taxation." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-064, January 2012. (Revised August 2012. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 18045, August 2012)
- 31 Jul 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Communication (and Coordination?) in a Modern, Complex Organization
- Article
A Case for Contextual Intelligence
By: Tarun Khanna
In this perspective, I make a case for entrepreneurs and academics alike to focus on what I have referred to elsewhere as Contextual Intelligence, the ability to understand the limits of our knowledge, and to adapt that knowledge to a context different from the one in... View Details
Keywords: Contextual Intelligence; Institutional Voids; Entrepreneurship In Emerging Markets; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Situation or Environment; Developing Countries and Economies; Entrepreneurship
Khanna, Tarun. "A Case for Contextual Intelligence." Special Issue on Leveraging India: Strategies for Global Competitiveness. Management International Review 55, no. 2 (April 2015): 181–190.
- March 2009 (Revised September 2010)
- Case
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center: Spine Care
By: Robert S. Huckman, Michael E. Porter, Rachel Gordon and Natalie Kindred
Describes the Spine Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, a multidisciplinary unit that offers patients suffering from spinal problems "one-stop" access to a range of providers including orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists, medical specialists in... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Medical Specialties; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Integration; Value Creation; Health Industry; United States
Huckman, Robert S., Michael E. Porter, Rachel Gordon, and Natalie Kindred. "Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center: Spine Care." Harvard Business School Case 609-016, March 2009. (Revised September 2010.)
- December 2015
- Article
Harnessing Productive Tensions in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Work Integration Social Enterprises
By: Julie Battilana, Metin Sengul, Anne-Claire Pache and Jacob Model
We examine the factors that influence the social performance of hybrid organizations that pursue a social mission, and sustain their operations through commercial activities, by studying work integration social enterprises (WISEs). We argue that social imprinting and... View Details
Keywords: Hybrid Organizations; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Organizations; Performance Productivity
Battilana, Julie, Metin Sengul, Anne-Claire Pache, and Jacob Model. "Harnessing Productive Tensions in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Work Integration Social Enterprises." Academy of Management Journal 58, no. 6 (December 2015): 1658–1685.
- 2013
- Working Paper
Managing Firms in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from the Time Use of Indian CEOs
By: Raffaella Sadun
The success or failure of a company is often ascribed to the behavior of its CEO. Yet little is known about what top managers actually do, whether this matters for firm performance, and why it differs across firms. We provide some answers by developing a new survey... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Performance; Outcome or Result; Management Teams; Manufacturing Industry; India
Sadun, Raffaella. "Managing Firms in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from the Time Use of Indian CEOs." Working Paper, 2013.
- 07 Apr 2009
- First Look
First Look: April 7, 2009
inadequate updating of the customer database. Also, the budgeting data in the case may be used to teach regression model selection and R-squared. Purchase this case: View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 19 May 2014
- Research & Ideas
Why Companies Should Compete for Your Privacy
information. Social networking on Facebook would be of little value if users provided no personal information, and digital assistants such as Apple's Siri require access to consumers' location, contact lists, and calendar to be helpful. A consumer's shopping View Details
- May 29, 2019
- Article
A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail
By: David B. Yoffie, Annabelle Gawer and Michael A. Cusumano
This piece explores why digital platforms fail. We collected data on 250 failures over the last 20 years, analyzed the most common causes for a platform to disappear or morph into an alternative business. View Details
Yoffie, David B., Annabelle Gawer, and Michael A. Cusumano. "A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail." Harvard Business Review (website) (May 29, 2019).
- 2023
- Article
On the Impact of Actionable Explanations on Social Segregation
By: Ruijiang Gao and Himabindu Lakkaraju
As predictive models seep into several real-world applications, it has become critical to ensure that individuals who are negatively impacted by the outcomes of these models are provided with a means for recourse. To this end, there has been a growing body of research... View Details
Gao, Ruijiang, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "On the Impact of Actionable Explanations on Social Segregation." Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 40th (2023): 10727–10743.