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- All HBS Web
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- 23 Sep 2013
- News
Give Yourself 5 Stars? Online, It Might Cost You
- 04 Apr 2022
- News
Cost of Distancing May Outweigh Benefits for Healthy Adults
- May 16, 2016
- Article
Food Safety Economics: The Cost of a Sick Customer
By: Dina Gerdeman and John A. Quelch
Chipotle Mexican Grill’s ongoing struggle to win customers back months after a contaminated food crisis highlights the challenges companies face with keeping food safe.
Chipotle has seen its shares tumble and recently reported its first-ever quarterly loss... View Details
Chipotle has seen its shares tumble and recently reported its first-ever quarterly loss... View Details
Keywords: Food Safety; Organic Food; Supply Chain Management; Globalization Of Food Business; Mérieux NutriSciences: Marketing Food Safety Testing; Food Safety Modernization Act 2011; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Transition; Economic Systems; Food; Health; Supply and Industry; Logistics; Practice; Problems and Challenges; Quality; Safety; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Customization and Personalization; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Insurance Industry; Public Administration Industry; Public Relations Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Mexico; North America; United States; Canada
Gerdeman, Dina, and John A. Quelch. "Food Safety Economics: The Cost of a Sick Customer." Harvard Business School Working Knowledge (May 16, 2016).
- 2001
- Working Paper
Virtuous Cycles: Improving Service and Lowering Costs in E-Commerce
- 04 Aug 2014
- News
‘Cowboy Doctors’ May Contribute To High Health Care Costs
- Article
Administrative Costs Associated with Physician Billing and Insurance-Related Activities at an Academic Health Care System
By: Phillip Tseng, Robert S. Kaplan, Barak D. Richman, Mahek A. Shah and Kevin A. Schulman
The federal government mandated adoption of certified electronic health record systems (EHR), at least in part, to reduce administrative costs for physicians. This study used time-driven activity-based costing to determine the administrative costs associated with... View Details
Tseng, Phillip, Robert S. Kaplan, Barak D. Richman, Mahek A. Shah, and Kevin A. Schulman. "Administrative Costs Associated with Physician Billing and Insurance-Related Activities at an Academic Health Care System." JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association 319, no. 7 (February 20, 2018): 691–697.
- March 2002
- Article
The Potential Role of Economic Cost Models in the Regulation of Telecommunications in Developing Countries
What is the efficient cost of providing telecommunications services to a certain area or type of customer? As developing countries build up their capacity to regulate infrastructure monopolies, cost models are likely to prove increasingly important in answering... View Details
Keywords: Information; Cost; Mathematical Methods; Developing Countries and Economies; Telecommunications Industry
Ruzzier, Christian Alejandro, D. Benitez, A. Estache, and D. M. Kennet. "The Potential Role of Economic Cost Models in the Regulation of Telecommunications in Developing Countries." Information Economics and Policy 14, no. 1 (March 2002): 21–38.
- August 2004 (Revised February 2008)
- Case
Land Securities Group (A): Choosing Cost or Fair Value on Adoption of IFRS
A U.K. real estate firm, required to adopt international accounting standards (IAS) by 2005, must change the reporting of its primary asset (investment property) from the revaluation model under U.K. GAAP to either the cost or fair-value model under IAS. This would... View Details
Keywords: Cost Accounting; Fair Value Accounting; Financial Reporting; International Accounting; Investment; Standards; Real Estate Industry; Europe; United Kingdom
Riedl, Edward J. "Land Securities Group (A): Choosing Cost or Fair Value on Adoption of IFRS." Harvard Business School Case 105-014, August 2004. (Revised February 2008.)
- December 2015
- Teaching Note
Nextel Peru: Emerging Market Cost of Capital (Brief Case)
By: Luis M. Viceira and Joel L. Heilprin
- March 2011
- Article
Institutional Demand Pressure and the Cost of Corporate Loans
By: Victoria Ivashina and Zheng Sun
Between 2001 and 2007, annual institutional funding in highly leveraged loans went up from $32 billion to $426 billion, accounting for nearly 70% of the jump in total syndicated loan issuance over the same period. Did the inflow of institutional funding in the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Financial Crisis; Credit; Debt Securities; Financing and Loans; Interest Rates; Investment
Ivashina, Victoria, and Zheng Sun. "Institutional Demand Pressure and the Cost of Corporate Loans." Journal of Financial Economics 99, no. 3 (March 2011): 500–522.
- 16 Dec 2015
- News
Harvard Business School Study Highlights Costs Of Toxic Workers
- 12 May 2015
- News
Nail Salons And The High Cost Of Conspicuous Consumption
- 02 Feb 2016
- News
The costs of inequality: When a fair shake isn’t
- Article
Product Positioning in a Two-Dimensional Vertical Differentiation Model: The Role of Quality Costs
By: Dominique Lauga and Elie Ofek
We study a duopoly model where consumers are heterogeneous with respect to their willingness to pay for two product characteristics and marginal costs are increasing with the quality level chosen on each attribute. We show that while firms seek to manage competition... View Details
Keywords: Duopoly and Oligopoly; Customers; Quality; Product Positioning; Competition; Management; Cost; Product
Lauga, Dominique, and Elie Ofek. "Product Positioning in a Two-Dimensional Vertical Differentiation Model: The Role of Quality Costs." Marketing Science 30, no. 5 (September–October 2011): 903–923.
- Article
Avoiding the Costs of Negotiation: A Commentary on "Is Unilateralism Always Bad?"
Why, if an outcome is in the interests of both sides, should it not be negotiated rather than unilaterally imposed? This comment offers additional reasons to prefer negotiation (beyond those adduced in the original article) over unilateral action, even where such... View Details
Sebenius, James K. Avoiding the Costs of Negotiation: A Commentary on "Is Unilateralism Always Bad?". Negotiation Journal 30, no. 2 (April 2014): 165–168.
- 2023
- Article
Probabilistically Robust Recourse: Navigating the Trade-offs between Costs and Robustness in Algorithmic Recourse
By: Martin Pawelczyk, Teresa Datta, Johannes van-den-Heuvel, Gjergji Kasneci and Himabindu Lakkaraju
As machine learning models are increasingly being employed to make consequential decisions in real-world settings, it becomes critical to ensure that individuals who are adversely impacted (e.g., loan denied) by the predictions of these models are provided with a means... View Details
Pawelczyk, Martin, Teresa Datta, Johannes van-den-Heuvel, Gjergji Kasneci, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "Probabilistically Robust Recourse: Navigating the Trade-offs between Costs and Robustness in Algorithmic Recourse." Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2023).
- 2012
- Chapter
Consumer-Driven Health Care: Conquering Health Care Cost and Quality Demons
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Cost Management; Quality; Demand and Consumers; Health Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Consumer-Driven Health Care: Conquering Health Care Cost and Quality Demons." In Accountability and Responsibility in Health Care: Issues in Addressing an Emerging Global Challenge. Vol. 1, edited by Bruce Rosen, Avi Israeli, and Stephen Shortell. World Scientific Series in Global Healthcare Economics and Public Policy. World Scientific, 2012.
- January 1993
- Article
Models for Measuring and Accounting for Cost of Conformance Quality
By: P. Nandakumar, S. Datar and R. Akella
Nandakumar, P., S. Datar, and R. Akella. "Models for Measuring and Accounting for Cost of Conformance Quality." Management Science 39, no. 1 (January 1993): 1–16.
- 1994
- Other Unpublished Work
Interest Allocation Rules and the Changing Cost of Debt Finance
By: K. A. Froot and J. Hines
- 1994
- Chapter
The Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow: Corporate Finance and Takeovers
By: Michael Jensen
Jensen, Michael. "The Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow: Corporate Finance and Takeovers." In Management Buy-Outs, edited by Mike Wright and Keith Bradley, series editor, pp. 3–9. International Library of Management. England and Vermont: Dartmouth Publishing, 1994. (Also in AER, Vol. 76, No. 2 (May, 1986); abridged in Simon Management Rev, (Win, 1986); & forthcoming in Jensen, Management Revolution: The Legacy of the Market for Corporate Control, Harvard University Press.)