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- Faculty Publications (658)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (658)
- July 2015 (Revised April 2016)
- Case
Lomography: Analog in a Digital World
By: John T. Gourville, Karol Misztal and Emer Moloney
In spite of the world's move to digital photography, in 2013 Lomography continues to design and offer analog (film) cameras to a loyal following of artistic photographers. Now it must decide whether to stick to its traditional offerings, to expand into artistic lenses... View Details
Keywords: Positioning; Product Lines; Product Line Management; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Technological Innovation; Brands and Branding; Fine Arts Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry
Gourville, John T., Karol Misztal, and Emer Moloney. "Lomography: Analog in a Digital World." Harvard Business School Case 516-006, July 2015. (Revised April 2016.)
- Article
Professionalism, Fiduciary Duty, and Health-Related Business Leadership
Expanding fiduciary duty to leaders of health-related businesses can help leaders meet the challenges of caring for not only the corporation and shareholders but also the patients and medical professionals. How should leaders of health-related businesses weigh the... View Details
Margolis, Joshua D. "Professionalism, Fiduciary Duty, and Health-Related Business Leadership." JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association 313, no. 18 (May 12, 2015): 1819–1820.
- Article
Why Do Firms Have 'Purpose'? The Firm's Role as a Carrier of Identity and Reputation
By: Rebecca Henderson and Eric Van den Steen
Why do so many firms publicly espouse a "purpose" beyond simple profit maximization? And why do so many managers and employees appear to care deeply about this purpose and to believe that it is critically important? In this paper we argue that the conventional answers... View Details
Henderson, Rebecca, and Eric Van den Steen. "Why Do Firms Have 'Purpose'? The Firm's Role as a Carrier of Identity and Reputation." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 105, no. 5 (May 2015): 326–330.
- 2015
- Report
Decoding the Iran Nuclear Deal: Key Questions, Points of Divergence, Pros and Cons, Pending Legislation, and Essential Facts
By: Gary Samore, Graham T. Allison, Matthew Bunn, Nicholas Burns, Shai Feldman, Chuck Freilich, Olli Heinonen, Martin B. Malin, Steven E. Miller, Payam Mohseni, Laura Rockwood, James K. Sebenius and William Tobey
On April 2, 2015, the EU (on behalf of the P5+1 countries) and Iran announced agreement on "key parameters" for a comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran. The EU-Iran Joint Statement is buttressed by unilateral fact sheets issued by the U.S. and Iran, which provide... View Details
Samore, Gary, Graham T. Allison, Matthew Bunn, Nicholas Burns, Shai Feldman, Chuck Freilich, Olli Heinonen, Martin B. Malin, Steven E. Miller, Payam Mohseni, Laura Rockwood, James K. Sebenius, and William Tobey., ed. "Decoding the Iran Nuclear Deal: Key Questions, Points of Divergence, Pros and Cons, Pending Legislation, and Essential Facts." Report, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, April 2015.
- March 2015
- Teaching Note
McKinsey & Co.—Protecting its Reputation (A) and (B)
By: Jay Lorsch and Emily McTague
McKinsey & Co—Protecting its Reputation (A&B) is a field case written from the perspective of the Firm's Managing Director Dominic Barton. The two cases describe the actions McKinsey & Co took to protect the firm's reputation after the Rajat Gupta matter.
The... View Details
The... View Details
Keywords: Consulting Firms; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Leadership And Change Management; Leadership And Managing People; Leading A Global Business; Corporate Culture; Professional Service Firms; Professional Service Firm; Leadership; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Consulting Industry; United States
- 2015
- Chapter
Staying the Same While Changing: Organizational Identity in the Face of Environmental Challenges
By: Mary Ann Glynn, Christi Lockwood and Ryan Raffaelli
We explore the role of organizational identity in the adoption of new sustainability practices, focusing on how identity functions as a driver of (or sometimes a drag on) adoption. Drawing on illustrations from the U.S. hotel industry, we examine how sustainability... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Environmental Sustainability; Adoption; Accommodations Industry; United States
Glynn, Mary Ann, Christi Lockwood, and Ryan Raffaelli. "Staying the Same While Changing: Organizational Identity in the Face of Environmental Challenges." In Leading Sustainable Change: An Organizational Perspective, edited by Rebecca Henderson, Ranjay Gulati, and Michael Tushman. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- 2015
- Chapter
The Role of Multiplier Firms and Megaprojects in Leading Change for Sustainability
In both the private and public sectors, organizations around the world face increasingly pressing questions about how to stimulate and manage change for long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight the roles... View Details
Keywords: Blueprint Logic; Learning Logic; Megaprojects; Multiplier Firms; Leading Change; Environmental Sustainability
Edmondson, Amy C., Martine Haas, John D. Macomber, and Tiona Zuzul. "The Role of Multiplier Firms and Megaprojects in Leading Change for Sustainability." Chap. 11 in Leading Sustainable Change: An Organizational Perspective, edited by Rebecca Henderson, Ranjay Gulati, and Michael Tushman. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Higher-Ambition CEOs Need Higher-Ambition Boards
By: Edward Ludwig, Elise Walton and Michael Beer
Over the past years, forward-looking CEOs have adopted a higher-ambition approach to strategy and leadership. These "higher-ambition CEOs" are driven by a sense of purpose that goes beyond achieving financial success. They aspire to build organizations that succeed in... View Details
Ludwig, Edward, Elise Walton, and Michael Beer. "Higher-Ambition CEOs Need Higher-Ambition Boards." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-052, December 2014.
- December 2014 (Revised January 2018)
- Background Note
Troubled Marriages
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Daniel Fox
Compilation of articles looking at merger integration strategies: "business marriages." Problems of culture, management style, and business goals are revealed. View Details
- 2014
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Marketing Reading: Creating Customer Value
By: Sunil Gupta
This Reading explores how firms can create value for their customers. The goal of any business is to delight customers by understanding its customers' needs and to provide products and services to meet those needs. As a result, it is critical to understand what... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Behavior; Consumer Marketing; Customer Experience; Network Effects; Service Profit Chain; Total Customer Value
Gupta, Sunil. "Marketing Reading: Creating Customer Value." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing 8176, 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
The NTU-Value of Stochastic Games
By: Elon Kohlberg and Abraham Neyman
Since the seminal paper of Shapley, the theory of stochastic games has been developed in many different directions. However, there has been practically no work on the interplay between stochastic games and cooperative game theory. Our purpose here is to make a first... View Details
Kohlberg, Elon, and Abraham Neyman. "The NTU-Value of Stochastic Games." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-014, September 2014.
- September 2014
- Case
Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI)
By: Gary Pisano, James Weber and Kait Szydlowski
In 2010, Pfizer established four small research units in New York, Boston, San Francisco, and San Diego located close to several premier Academic Medical Centers (AMCs), or hospitals with adjoining medical schools. The goal of these units was to redesign collaboration... View Details
Keywords: Drug Development; Academic Collaboration; Research And Development; Innovation; Translational Research; Management; Operations; Problems and Challenges; Research; Science; Information Technology; Strategy; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; North and Central America; Europe; Asia
Pisano, Gary, James Weber, and Kait Szydlowski. "Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI)." Harvard Business School Case 615-024, September 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage-based' Brand-oriented Network
By: Mats Urde and Stephen A. Greyser
Purpose — Understanding the Nobel Prize as a 'true' heritage brand in a networked situation and its management challenges, especially regarding identity and reputation.
Methodology — The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within... View Details
Methodology — The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within... View Details
Keywords: Nobel Prize; Heritage Brand; Brand Network; Networked Brand; Brand Within A Network; Brand Orientation; Brand Stewardship; Corporate Brand Identity; Reputation; Networks; Organizations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Brands and Branding
Urde, Mats, and Stephen A. Greyser. "The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage-based' Brand-oriented Network." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-010, August 2014.
- 2014
- Article
The Governance of Social Enterprises: Mission Drift and Accountability Challenges in Hybrid Organizations
By: Alnoor Ebrahim, Julie Battilana and Johanna Mair
We examine the challenges of governance facing organizations that pursue a social mission through the use of market mechanisms. These hybrid organizations, often referred to as social enterprises, combine aspects of both charity and business at their core. In this... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Hybrid Organizations; Nonprofit; Performance Measurement; Legal Form; Agency Theory; Stakeholder Management; Mission and Purpose; Social Enterprise; Corporate Accountability
Ebrahim, Alnoor, Julie Battilana, and Johanna Mair. "The Governance of Social Enterprises: Mission Drift and Accountability Challenges in Hybrid Organizations." Research in Organizational Behavior 34 (2014): 81–100.
- May 2014 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Unilever's Lifebuoy in India: Implementing the Sustainability Plan
Unilever's new Global Brand VP must not only revitalize Lifebuoy soap's sagging market performance, but simultaneously impact the health of one billion people worldwide. The latter challenge comes from Unilever's new CEO who has introduced the Unilever Sustainable... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Management; Corporate Social Responsibility; Strategy Implementation; Marketing Strategy; Mission And Purpose; Change Management; International Business; Global; Fast-moving Consumer Goods; Soap; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Health Care and Treatment; Environmental Sustainability; Global Strategy; Developing Countries and Economies; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Health Industry; India
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Unilever's Lifebuoy in India: Implementing the Sustainability Plan." Harvard Business School Case 914-417, May 2014. (Revised March 2017.)
- 2014
- Chapter
Can For-Profit Corporations Be Good Citizens? Perspectives from Four Business Leaders
By: Nien-he Hsieh
This chapter serves an epilogue, turning to ask practitioners how they would answer the question, "Can for-profit corporations be good citizens?" In reflecting on their answers, the chapter puts forward an account that grounds the purpose and responsibilities of... View Details
Hsieh, Nien-he. "Can For-Profit Corporations Be Good Citizens? Perspectives from Four Business Leaders." Chap. 16 in Corporations and Citizenship, edited by Greg Urban. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.
- May 2014
- Article
Incorporating Field Data into Archival Research
By: Eugene F. Soltes
I explore the use of field data in conjunction with archival evidence by examining Iliev, Miller, and Roth's (2014) analysis of an amendment to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This regulatory amendment allowed depositary banks to cross-list firms without the... View Details
Soltes, Eugene F. "Incorporating Field Data into Archival Research." Journal of Accounting Research 52, no. 2 (May 2014): 521–540.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Better Deals Through Level II Strategies: Advance Your Interests by Helping to Solve Their Internal Problems
Many negotiators have constituencies that must formally or informally approve an agreement. Traditionally, it is the responsibility of each negotiator to manage the internal conflicts and constituencies on his or her own side. Far less familiar are the many valuable... View Details
Sebenius, James K. "Better Deals Through Level II Strategies: Advance Your Interests by Helping to Solve Their Internal Problems." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-091, March 2014.
- February 2014
- Article
Toward a Model of Work Redesign for Better Work and Better Life
By: Leslie A. Perlow and Erin L. Kelly
Flexible work accommodations provided by employers purport to help individuals struggling to manage work and family demands. The underlying model for change is accommodation—helping individuals accommodate their work demands with no changes in the structure of work or... View Details
Perlow, Leslie A., and Erin L. Kelly. "Toward a Model of Work Redesign for Better Work and Better Life." Work and Occupations 41, no. 1 (February 2014): 111–134.
- January 2014
- Supplement
Dana Hall: Funding a Mission (D)
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Kaitlyn Szydlowski
This case is a sequel to Dana Hall: Funding a Mission (A), (B) and (C) cases. It focuses on the causes of recent fund-raising success and the complex resource allocation problems the School faces as it tries to deliver on its mission. In conjunction with the (A), (B) &... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Mission and Purpose; Social Enterprise; Finance; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving
McFarlan, F. Warren, and Kaitlyn Szydlowski. "Dana Hall: Funding a Mission (D)." Harvard Business School Supplement 114-031, January 2014.