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- Faculty Publications (595)
- August 2000 (Revised September 2000)
- Case
By: Srikant M. Datar, Krishna G. Palepu and Sarah S. Khetani
In the three years since it was founded, the Boston-based Internet strategy consulting firm, Extraprise, has changed its strategy three times. Jennifer Gabler, the CFO, considers what kinds of control systems she can put in place to ensure the company can continue to... View Details
- July 2000 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Cisco Systems: Are You Ready? (A)
By: James L. Heskett and John P. Morgridge
An Internet service provider, INS, in which Cisco Systems has a minority ownership stake, receives an offer of $3.1 billion from Cisco's rival Lucent. Cisco's management has to decide whether to act on a request from INS management that Cisco make a counteroffer. The... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Ownership Stake; Strategic Planning; Innovation and Management; Technology; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry
Heskett, James L., and John P. Morgridge. "Cisco Systems: Are You Ready? (A)." Harvard Business School Case 901-002, July 2000. (Revised October 2000.)
- July 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation
In the United States, genetically modified corn and soybeans are now widely grown and consumed. In Europe, however, they have been dubbed "Frankenstein foods," shunned by packaged food manufacturers, and subjected to a host of governmental restrictions. This case... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Genetics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Law; Goods and Commodities; Safety; Environmental Sustainability; Government and Politics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Europe; United States
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation." Harvard Business School Case 701-004, July 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- June 2000
- Case
Lifeline Systems, Inc. (A)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Marilyn Matis
Lifeline Systems provides emergency response equipment to the elderly who live at home. The company uses local hospitals to market, sell, and install these units in homes, while the hospital monitors and calls for aid to respond to emergency calls from the elderly... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Product Marketing; Sales; Problems and Challenges; Growth and Development Strategy; Managerial Roles; Service Operations; Information Infrastructure; Age; Service Delivery; Restructuring; Crisis Management; Health Industry; Service Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Marilyn Matis. "Lifeline Systems, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 600-099, June 2000.
- April 2000 (Revised June 2001)
- Case
DoubleClick Buys Abacus (A)
By: John A. Deighton
By acquiring Abacus, DoubleClick won the power to serve ads with unprecedented precision, because it brought together Web surfers' online and offline identities. Several competitors had developed advanced systems for serving ads on the web, but DoubleClick had the... View Details
Keywords: Information; Rights; Internet and the Web; Ethics; Competitive Advantage; Social Issues; Customer Focus and Relationships; Digital Marketing; Advertising Industry
Deighton, John A. "DoubleClick Buys Abacus (A)." Harvard Business School Case 500-091, April 2000. (Revised June 2001.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- March 2000
- Case
iXL, Inc. (B): Tessera Enterprise Systems
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Michelle Heskett
Keywords: Information Technology Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Michelle Heskett. "iXL, Inc. (B): Tessera Enterprise Systems." Harvard Business School Case 300-115, March 2000.
- March 2000
- Case
Heartport, Inc.
By: Gary P. Pisano and Shoshana Dobrow
Heartport, an entrepreneurial medical device maker, has introduced several innovative systems for conducting less-invasive cardiac surgery. Despite initially high expectations, the company has struggled to get its technology adopted by cardiac surgeons. The company's... View Details
Keywords: History; Product Positioning; Knowledge Acquisition; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Technology Adoption; Health Care and Treatment
Pisano, Gary P., and Shoshana Dobrow. "Heartport, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 600-020, March 2000.
- February 2000 (Revised August 2000)
- Case
Microsoft Latin America
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Alberto Ballve and Antonio Davila
Mauricio Santillan, regional vice president for the Latin American division of Microsoft, has introduced a new performance measurement system to help his country managers formulate and control strategy. Microsoft Latin America's priorities are rolling out of an... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Applications and Software; Emerging Markets; Crime and Corruption; Motivation and Incentives; Management Skills; Global Strategy; Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Latin America
Kaplan, Robert S., Alberto Ballve, and Antonio Davila. "Microsoft Latin America." Harvard Business School Case 100-040, February 2000. (Revised August 2000.)
- February 2000 (Revised August 2000)
- Case
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Jon K Rust
How aggressively should an incumbent move when developing an online business that threatens its core product? With Internet competitors taking direct aim at the traditional print newspaper business model, the Boston Globe fought back with its own web initiative,... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Decision Making; Change Management; Internet and the Web; Customer Relationship Management; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Jon K Rust. "" Harvard Business School Case 800-165, February 2000. (Revised August 2000.)
- February 2000 (Revised November 2000)
- Case
By: Myra M. Hart and Sarah S. Khetani
Entrepreneurs Ellen Pack and Marleen McDaniel have founded a women's online network and watched it grow from an online subscription service in 1992 to one of the best known, widely visited women's networks on the web in 1999. While the company's vision has remained... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Entrepreneurship; Internet and the Web; Partners and Partnerships; Initial Public Offering; Networks; Transition; Web Services Industry
Hart, Myra M., and Sarah S. Khetani. "" Harvard Business School Case 800-216, February 2000. (Revised November 2000.)
- December 1999
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A4): Sun Peak: Helen Yang and Mark Walden on "Running Sun on Sun"
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
SunPeak was the largest project Sun Microsystems, Inc. had ever undertaken: shifting Sun's entire business transaction system from a mainframe-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to a Sun-based system. Making the shift would be complicated and financially... View Details
- December 1999 (Revised May 2000)
- Case
Morgan Stanley: Becoming a "One-Firm Firm"
By: M. Diane Burton, Thomas J. DeLong and Katherine Lawrence
John Mack, the newly appointed president of Morgan Stanley, feels strongly that the firm needs to change in order to compete in a changing investment banking environment. Mack and his senior team undertake initiatives in order to transform the culture and working style... View Details
Keywords: Human Resources; Goals and Objectives; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Performance Evaluation; Competitive Strategy
Burton, M. Diane, Thomas J. DeLong, and Katherine Lawrence. Morgan Stanley: Becoming a "One-Firm Firm". Harvard Business School Case 400-043, December 1999. (Revised May 2000.)
- November 1999 (Revised March 2002)
- Case
Red Hat and the Linux Revolution
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Kerry Herman
The case describes the history of the Linux operating system and the open-source movement in general. Focuses on a critical decision being made by Red Hat, the largest distributor of Linux, about its future development efforts. The decision allows students to explore... View Details
Keywords: Open Source Distribution; Applications and Software; Product Development; Change Management; Research and Development; Business Processes; Disruptive Innovation; Information Technology Industry; North Carolina
MacCormack, Alan D., and Kerry Herman. "Red Hat and the Linux Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 600-009, November 1999. (Revised March 2002.)
- 1999
- Manual
Corporate Information Systems Management: Teaching Manual
By: Lynda M. Applegate, F. W. McFarlan and J. L. McKenney
Keywords: Information Management
- September 1999 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company
By: Richard L. Nolan
After phenomenal growth and market leadership in networking, founder and CEO Ray Noorda made a frontal assault on Microsoft's core strengths. In 1994, Noorda spend over $1.5 billion acquiring companies such as WordPerfect to combat Microsoft Word, products such as... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Competition; Internet and the Web; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company." Harvard Business School Case 300-038, September 1999. (Revised April 2000.)
- August 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Cisco Systems, Inc.: Acquisition Integration for Manufacturing (A)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright, Charles A. Holloway, Nicole Tempest and Christian G. Kasper
Describes the procedures and processes used by Cisco Systems in its acquisition of high-technology firms. Its goal is to retain key engineering talent and to leverage existing product development efforts, but to quickly merge acquired companies its own systems and... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Leveraged Buyouts; Acquisition; Integration; Mergers and Acquisitions; Production; Activity Based Costing and Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Management; Technological Innovation; Talent and Talent Management; Human Resources; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry; England
Wheelwright, Steven C., Charles A. Holloway, Nicole Tempest, and Christian G. Kasper. "Cisco Systems, Inc.: Acquisition Integration for Manufacturing (A)." Harvard Business School Case 600-015, August 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- May 1999 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Marshall Industries
Confounding predictions that the Internet would "disintermediate" commerce, making "middle man" companies all but obsolete, Marshall Industries, a leading electronics distributor, used the Internet and digital technologies to reinvent itself. Marshall continued to sell... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Supply Chain; Emerging Markets; Customer Focus and Relationships; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Cathy Olofson. "Marshall Industries." Harvard Business School Case 899-239, May 1999. (Revised March 2001.)
- 1999
- Book
Corporate Information Systems Management: The Challenge of Managing in an Information Age
By: L. M. Applegate, F. W. McFarlan and J. L. McKenney
Keywords: Information Management
Applegate, L. M., F. W. McFarlan, and J. L. McKenney. Corporate Information Systems Management: The Challenge of Managing in an Information Age. 5th ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
- February 1999
- Case
Lifeline Systems, Inc. (B)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Marilyn Matis
In 1997, Lifeline Systems continues to grow its service business to $32 million, 56% of the company's total revenues. More local hospital Lifeline programs turn over their monitoring service to Lifeline Central, expanding the company's subscriber base by 30%. The... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Expansion; Cost Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Change; Customer Relationship Management; Service Operations; Age; Investment; Health Industry; Technology Industry; Cambridge; Boston
Bowen, H. Kent, and Marilyn Matis. "Lifeline Systems, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 699-038, February 1999.
- 1999
- Book
Corporate Information Systems Management: Text and Cases
By: L. M. Applegate, F. W. McFarlan and J. L. McKenney
Applegate, L. M., F. W. McFarlan, and J. L. McKenney. Corporate Information Systems Management: Text and Cases. 5th ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.