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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (484)
- May 2016 (Revised September 2016)
- Case
Hillside Beach Club: Delivering the Ultimate Family Vacation in the Mediterranean
By: Rajiv Lal and Gamze Yucaoglu
In 2015, Edip Ilkbahar, HBC’s founder and CEO, was looking over the plans for a new branch in Cyprus. Since the inception of the company by the Alarko Group of companies in 1994, Ilkbahar’s company had enjoyed high occupancy, high guest satisfaction, and high... View Details
Keywords: Customer Experience; Customer Service; Hotel Industry; Emerging Market; Customer Focus; Leading Growth; Feedback Culture; Employee Empowerment; Employee Engagement; Employee Training; Staffing; Operations Management; Quality Management; Service Management; Service Quality; Continuous Improvement; Hillside; HBC; Turkey; Vacation; Customer Relationship Management; Quality; Employee Relationship Management; Service Operations; Organizational Culture; Customer Satisfaction; Selection and Staffing; Service Delivery; Competitive Advantage; Emerging Markets; Growth and Development; Accommodations Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Turkey
Lal, Rajiv, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "Hillside Beach Club: Delivering the Ultimate Family Vacation in the Mediterranean." Harvard Business School Case 516-110, May 2016. (Revised September 2016.)
- 17 Aug 2020
- Research & Ideas
What the Stockdale Paradox Tells Us About Crisis Leadership
survival behaviour: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic survival is supported by our daily, regular, routine behaviours within our normative environment. Extrinsic survival refers to those new behaviours we need to survive in an... View Details
Keywords: by Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams
- Article
Making Exit Interviews Count
By: Everett Spain and Boris Groysberg
In the knowledge economy, skilled employees are the assets that drive organizational success. Thus companies must learn from them—why they stay, why they leave, and how the organization needs to change. A thoughtful exit interview—whether it be a face-to-face... View Details
Spain, Everett, and Boris Groysberg. "Making Exit Interviews Count." Harvard Business Review 94, no. 4 (April 2016): 88–95.
- Program
Aligning Strategy and Sales
sales recruitment, development, compensation, and performance management systems support corporate strategy Coordinate sales activities across different sales groups and throughout the enterprise Establish a flexible approach that enables you to readjust strategies as... View Details
- December 2008 (Revised February 2015)
- Case
A.J. Washington: Retaining an NFL Star
By: Andrew Wasynczuk and Nicole Shae Bennett
General Manager Luke Kolville, of the Los Angeles Spartans, struggles with the best approach to negotiate a long-term contract for his star quarterback. The agent for Washington is relatively new to the industry and has his sights set particularly high. Kolville needs... View Details
Keywords: Retention; Human Capital; Contracts; Managerial Roles; Negotiation; Groups and Teams; Sports Industry; Los Angeles
Wasynczuk, Andrew, and Nicole Shae Bennett. "A.J. Washington: Retaining an NFL Star." Harvard Business School Case 909-033, December 2008. (Revised February 2015.)
- 16 May 2023
- HBS Case
How KKR Got More by Giving Ownership to the Factory Floor: ‘My Kids Are Going to College!’
variable that would make a big difference to costs that they needed shop workers vested in controlling. They tied its reduction to dividends, but that “didn’t move the needle one bit,” Bangert recalls in the case. Employees “still felt... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- September 1999 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Eggrock Partners, LLC (A)
By: Thomas J. DeLong, Myra M. Hart and Sharon Peyus
Explores the challenges of choosing how to grow a professional services firm (PSF). Before developing a growth strategy, the partners need to agree on what business(es) the company should be in. Each of the three partners has differing views of what the company should... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Model; Expansion; Business Processes; Industry Structures; Customer Focus and Relationships; Employees; Partners and Partnerships; Service Industry
DeLong, Thomas J., Myra M. Hart, and Sharon Peyus. "Eggrock Partners, LLC (A)." Harvard Business School Case 800-047, September 1999. (Revised October 2000.)
- 28 May 2024
- In Practice
Job Search Advice for a Tough Market: Think Broadly and Stay Flexible
need to get to breakeven and to deal with unreasonable valuation expectations of the last several years. That being said, my research and research by others has shown that venture capital and startup market slowdowns are opportune times... View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 20 Mar 2000
- Research & Ideas
No Place Like Home: America’s Housing Crisis and Its Impact on Business
food, shelter is perhaps the most basic human need. In modern society, stable, safe housing is more than a matter of comfort and convenience; it positively affects childhood development, individual self-esteem, and family viability.... View Details
- Article
Why Leadership Training Fails—and What to Do about It
By: Michael Beer, Magnus Finnström and Derek Schrader
U.S. corporations spend enormous amounts of money—some $456 billion globally in 2015 alone—on employee training and education, but they aren't getting a good return on their investment. People soon revert to old ways of doing things, and company performance doesn't... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership Development; Organizational Design; Employees; Business Processes; United States
Beer, Michael, Magnus Finnström, and Derek Schrader. "Why Leadership Training Fails—and What to Do about It." Harvard Business Review 94, no. 10 (October 2016): 50–57.
- 13 Jan 2003
- Research & Ideas
The Subconscious Mind of the Consumer (And How To Reach It)
proposition and becomes a more profound basis for developing marketing strategy than, say, technical superiority or long-lasting benefits. While the latter attributes are important, it is because they serve the deeper needs of connection... View Details
Keywords: by Manda Mahoney
- 02 Apr 2024
- What Do You Think?
What's Enough to Make Us Happy?
like the inscription “He Came Out Even” on my gravestone. To what degree do we compare ourselves to others in measuring? Years ago, a former student who became human resource director at a well-known Wall Street investment firm told me... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 14 Sep 2023
- Research & Ideas
Working Moms Are Mostly Thriving Again. Can We Finally Achieve Gender Parity?
McGinn also found that fathers are beginning to recognize the toll of parenting on work and the need for more flexible work-life balance. But there’s a catch. “From our data—and it looks like other scholars are seeing the same thing—dads... View Details
Keywords: by Kara Baskin
- November 1992 (Revised November 1998)
- Case
Focuses on the new CEO of a growing software firm, the culture he's tried to create, and the need to hire a manager to spearhead a new product division. Includes details on how the search was conducted and presents resumes of four candidates who are being considered... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Organizational Culture; Selection and Staffing; Recruitment; Cognition and Thinking; Applications and Software; Business Divisions; Information Technology Industry
Roberts, Michael J. "Bitstream." Harvard Business School Case 393-055, November 1992. (Revised November 1998.)
- Web
Technology & Operations Management - Faculty & Research
potential for outperforming humans in a wide variety of skilled and cognitive tasks, and dependence on a vast, varied, and high volume of data and other inputs from a broad ecosystem of actors. It has also not explored obstacles to junior... View Details
- Article
Individuals' Decision to Co-Donate or Donate Alone: An Archival Study of Married Whole Body Donors in Hawaii
By: Michel Anteby, Filiz Garip, Paul V. Martorana and Scott Lozanoff
Background: Human cadavers are crucial to numerous aspects of health care, including initial and continuing training of medical doctors and advancement of medical research. Concerns have periodically been raised about the limited number of whole body... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Health Care and Treatment; Personal Characteristics; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Industry; Hawaii
Anteby, Michel, Filiz Garip, Paul V. Martorana, and Scott Lozanoff. "Individuals' Decision to Co-Donate or Donate Alone: An Archival Study of Married Whole Body Donors in Hawaii." PLoS ONE 7, no. 8 (August 2012). (e42673. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042673.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
Rethinking Explainability as a Dialogue: A Practitioner's Perspective
By: Himabindu Lakkaraju, Dylan Slack, Yuxin Chen, Chenhao Tan and Sameer Singh
As practitioners increasingly deploy machine learning models in critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and policy, it becomes vital to ensure that domain experts function effectively alongside these models. Explainability is one way to bridge the gap between... View Details
Keywords: Natural Language Conversations; AI and Machine Learning; Experience and Expertise; Interactive Communication; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Lakkaraju, Himabindu, Dylan Slack, Yuxin Chen, Chenhao Tan, and Sameer Singh. "Rethinking Explainability as a Dialogue: A Practitioner's Perspective." Working Paper, 2022.
- 2022
- Chapter
Connecter les rêves
By: Hubert Joly and Mariana Arnaut
Trouver du sens dans son travail est plus que jamais vécu comme essentiel. L’entreprise, l’une des organisations humaines les plus capables d’innovation, a un rôle central à jouer face aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux. Reste à déterminer quels principes peuvent... View Details
Joly, Hubert, and Mariana Arnaut. "Connecter les rêves." Chap. 8 in En quête de sens: Un dialogue entre dirigeants et futurs dirigeants [In Search of Meaning: A Dialogue Between Leaders and Future Leaders], edited by Rodolphe Durand and Cécile Lavrard-Meyer de Lisle, 125–142. Paris: Dunod, 2022, French ed.
- November 1990 (Revised August 1992)
- Case
American Airlines (B): Compensation and Cost Reduction
American Airlines' strategy in the 1990s calls for continued growth, improvements in customer service, and cost reduction. Central to cost reduction efforts is the need to contain labor costs. After having signed a very expensive new contract with its pilots' union in... View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Labor Unions; Compensation and Benefits; Air Transportation Industry; United States
Loveman, Gary W. "American Airlines (B): Compensation and Cost Reduction." Harvard Business School Case 491-060, November 1990. (Revised August 1992.)
- September 1999 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
Deloitte & Touche (B): Changing the Workplace
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
Deloitte & Touche women's initiative changed the workplace culture at the firm, solved retention problems, and brought external benefits. Now a new CEO must decide how to take this a step further as competition for talent was even stronger, young people had different... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Organizational Culture; Accounting; Gender; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Loss; Change Management; Jobs and Positions; Resignation and Termination; Accounting Industry; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Jane Roessner. "Deloitte & Touche (B): Changing the Workplace." Harvard Business School Case 300-013, September 1999. (Revised May 2003.)