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- All HBS Web
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- Article
Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
This paper surveys recent empirical studies on the economic impacts of immigration. The survey first examines the magnitude of immigration as an economic phenomenon in various host countries. The second part deals with the assimilation of immigrant workers into... View Details
Keywords: Surveys; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Immigration; Economic Systems; Human Capital; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Fluctuation; Situation or Environment; Labor and Management Relations; United States; Europe
Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. "Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey." Finnish Economic Papers 24, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 1–32.
- 2010
- Chapter
Breakthrough Inventions and the Growth of Innovation Clusters
By: William R. Kerr
This report provides a comprehensive look at the role of innovation in promoting economic and social development. It examines the impact of innovation on the economic growth of developing countries and the future role of technological innovation in international... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Developing Countries and Economies; Society; Growth and Development; Climate Change; Social Issues; Industry Clusters; Business and Government Relations
Kerr, William R. "Breakthrough Inventions and the Growth of Innovation Clusters." In The Innovation for Development Report 2010-2011, edited by Augusto Lopez-Claros, 103–107. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
- July 2013 (Revised October 2013)
- Supplement
United Rentals (B)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Kathleen Durante
In April 2012, Jenne Britell, the Chairman of the board of directors of United Rentals, Inc. (NYSE: URI) was preparing her notes for an upcoming stockholders' meeting. It was a meeting unlike most other meetings she had chaired. Stockholders were about to vote on a... View Details
Keywords: Boards Of Directors; Board Committees; Chairman; Governing and Advisory Boards; Corporate Governance; Construction Industry; North America
Lorsch, Jay W., and Kathleen Durante. "United Rentals (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 414-031, July 2013. (Revised October 2013.)
- June 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
The Role of Real Estate in Endowment Portfolios: The Case of Christ Church, Oxford
By: David Chambers, Elroy Dimson, Arthur I Segel and Eva Steiner
The case centers on Christ Church's Treasurer, James Lawrie, who is contemplating his options for investing a portion of the College's endowment in real estate. Approximately 1/3 of the total $690 million endowment was allocated towards real estate, much higher than... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Endowment Management; Endowments; United Kingdom; Oxford; Portfolio Allocation; Higher Education; Investment Portfolio; Property; Corporate Finance; Financial Services Industry; United Kingdom
Chambers, David, Elroy Dimson, Arthur I Segel, and Eva Steiner. "The Role of Real Estate in Endowment Portfolios: The Case of Christ Church, Oxford." Harvard Business School Case 216-086, June 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
Migration, Climate Similarity, and the Consequences of Climate Mismatch
By: Marguerite Obolensky, Marco Tabellini and Charles Taylor
This paper examines the concept of “climate matching” in migration—the idea that migrants seek out destinations with familiar climates. Focusing on the US, we document that temperature distance between origin and destination predicts the distribution of migrants across... View Details
Keywords: Migration; Climate; Immigration; Residency; Weather; Ethnicity; Climate Change; Geographic Location; Policy; United States
Obolensky, Marguerite, Marco Tabellini, and Charles Taylor. "Migration, Climate Similarity, and the Consequences of Climate Mismatch." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-031, November 2023. (Revised November 2024. Also available from VoxEU, e-axes, and HBS Working Knowledge.)
- Winter 2009
- Article
Is Private Equity Out of Control in Latin America?: The Impact of Structures on Private Equity Transactions in Latin America 1988-2007
By: Roberto Charvel
This article explores the private equity industries in 25 Latin American countries from 1988 to 2007. View Details
Keywords: Latin America; Entrepreneurial Finance; Business Startups; Business Cycles; Development Economics; Economic Systems; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Assets; Capital Markets; Venture Capital; Capital Structure; Private Equity; Latin America; North and Central America
Charvel, Roberto. "Is Private Equity Out of Control in Latin America? The Impact of Structures on Private Equity Transactions in Latin America 1988-2007." Journal of Private Equity 13, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 80–88.
- 21 Mar 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Speaking of Corporate Social Responsibility
- 19 Jun 2019
- Working Paper Summaries
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
- April 2006 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
Peoplepower, Inc.: The Republic of the Philippines
By: Noel Maurer
In 2006, the Philippines faces a difficult choice. Japan has offered the country a trade agreement that includes access to the Japanese labor market for Philippine nurses and other professionals. The same trade agreement, however, means opening the country's... View Details
Keywords: Diasporas; Developing Countries and Economies; Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Human Capital; Business and Government Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Japan; Philippines
Maurer, Noel. "Peoplepower, Inc.: The Republic of the Philippines." Harvard Business School Case 706-052, April 2006. (Revised June 2008.)
- February 2016 (Revised April 2020)
- Case
In the Name of Democracy? The Rise and Decline of India's Congress Party
By: Akshay Mangla and Jonathan Schlefer
In 1950 it looked highly doubtful that Indian democracy would hold—typical family income was $6 a month, only about 15% of the population was literate, there were deep religious and ethnic differences, and more than a dozen national languages were spoken. But after a... View Details
Keywords: Congress Party; Economic Development; Democratization; Economic Reform; Economic Systems; Government and Politics; Developing Countries and Economies; Development Economics; India
Mangla, Akshay, and Jonathan Schlefer. "In the Name of Democracy? The Rise and Decline of India's Congress Party." Harvard Business School Case 716-068, February 2016. (Revised April 2020.)
- December 2013 (Revised April 2014)
- Case
Seeding Growth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
By: Ray Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Djordjija Petkoski
By 2013, the agricultural sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) had long suffered from war, political instability, and dilapidated infrastructure. A country with 75 million inhabitants and the second lowest GDP per capita in the world in 2011, the DRC's... View Details
Keywords: National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA); Developing Agriculture; World Bank; Poverty Reduction; Special Economic Zones (SEZs); Small-scale Farmers; Agricultural Business Parks; Agriculture Reform; Agribusiness; Economic Growth; Infrastructure; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Africa; Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Goldberg, Ray, Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Djordjija Petkoski. "Seeding Growth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo." Harvard Business School Case 914-401, December 2013. (Revised April 2014.)
- April 2013 (Revised February 2018)
- Case
Norway: The Embarrassment of Riches
By: Sophus A. Reinert, Forest Reinhardt and Senny Munthe-Kaas
In early 2013, Norway was by many accounts the world’s most developed country; it topped various indices for everything from democracy to happiness, had a comprehensive welfare state, and massive oil revenues endowed it with a substantial, and growing, Sovereign Wealth... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Wealth Funds; Welfare State; Natural Resources; Internationalization; Dutch Disease; Happiness; Macroeconomics; Energy Sources; Values and Beliefs; Sovereign Finance; Immigration; Welfare; Energy Industry; Norway
Reinert, Sophus A., Forest Reinhardt, and Senny Munthe-Kaas. "Norway: The Embarrassment of Riches." Harvard Business School Case 713-061, April 2013. (Revised February 2018.)
- August 2023
- Article
Taking Stock of the Implementation Gap in Climate Policy
By: Taryn Fransen, Jonas Meckling, Anna Stunzi, Tobias Schmidt, Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid and Christopher Beaton
A gap persists between the emissions reductions pledged by countries under the Paris Agreement and those resulting from their domestic policies. We argue that this gap in fact contains two parts: one in the policies that countries adopt, and the other in the outcomes... View Details
Keywords: Emission Reduction; Outcome or Result; Policy; Environmental Regulation; Equality and Inequality
Fransen, Taryn, Jonas Meckling, Anna Stunzi, Tobias Schmidt, Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid, and Christopher Beaton. "Taking Stock of the Implementation Gap in Climate Policy." Nature Climate Change 13, no. 8 (August 2023): 752–755.
- 21 Nov 2019
- Blog Post
The Power of Business in the Energy Transition
How do countries and companies work to achieve their carbon reduction goals? Is a Green New Deal necessary to transform the United States economy? These were just a few of the questions driving discussions... View Details
- February 2016 (Revised April 2017)
- Case
James Madison, the 'Federal Negative,' and the Making of the U.S. Constitution
By: David Moss and Marc Campasano
On June 8th, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, delegates from across the United States began discussing a curious proposal to expand federal power over the states. James Madison of Virginia had suggested that the new constitution include a... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Law; Government and Politics; Power and Influence; History; South Carolina; Philadelphia; United States
Moss, David, and Marc Campasano. "James Madison, the 'Federal Negative,' and the Making of the U.S. Constitution." Harvard Business School Case 716-053, February 2016. (Revised April 2017.)
- July–August 2019
- Article
The Soul of a Startup
By: Ranjay Gulati
There’s an essential, intangible something in start-ups—an energy, a soul. It inspires enthusiasm and fosters a sense of deep connection and mutual purpose. While this spirit persists, engagement is high and businesses keep their edge.
But all too often,... View Details
But all too often,... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Mission and Purpose; Customer Focus and Relationships; Employees; Creativity; Business Growth and Maturation
Gulati, Ranjay. "The Soul of a Startup." Harvard Business Review 97, no. 4 (July–August 2019): 85–91.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Mexico's Financial Crisis of 1994-1995
By: Aldo Musacchio
This paper explains the causes leading to the Mexican crisis of 1994-1995 (known as "The Tequila Crisis"), and its short- and long-term consequences. It argues that excessive enthusiasm on the part of foreign investors, not based on Mexico's fundamentals, and weak... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Foreign Direct Investment; Banks and Banking; Government and Politics; Currency Exchange Rate; Banking Industry; Mexico
Musacchio, Aldo. "Mexico's Financial Crisis of 1994-1995." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-101, May 2012.
- 05 Jul 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
What Roosevelt Took: The Economic Impact of the Panama Canal, 1903-29
Keywords: by Noel Maurer & Carlos Yu
- October 2003 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Global Farmer and the Future of Soybean Production, The
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Kevin M. Allison
Three farmers from three different countries are looking at the global soybean system and how to position themselves in the future. View Details
Keywords: Animal-Based Agribusiness; Trade; Globalized Markets and Industries; Food; Strategic Planning; Forecasting and Prediction; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Kevin M. Allison. "Global Farmer and the Future of Soybean Production, The." Harvard Business School Case 904-402, October 2003. (Revised January 2004.)