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- Faculty Publications (505)
- February 1997 (Revised April 1997)
- Case
Harrington Financial Group
By: Robert C. Merton and Alberto Moel
In early 1997, Harrington Bank, a small Indiana savings and loan (thrift) wondered what its next move should be. Harrington was acquired in 1988 by the principals of Smith Breeden Associates, a money-management and consulting firm specializing in the application of... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Mergers and Acquisitions; Price; Risk Management; Mortgages; Contracts; Asset Management; Investment; Financial Services Industry
Merton, Robert C., and Alberto Moel. "Harrington Financial Group." Harvard Business School Case 297-088, February 1997. (Revised April 1997.)
- February 1997
- Case
Enron Development Corp.: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (B) (Abridged)
A new administration takes power in a state in India and cancels a power project agreed upon by the previous state government and a U.S.-based energy company. The project cancellation is based on allegations of irregularities, exorbitant costs, and political pressures. View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Fairness; Cost; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Policy; Government and Politics; Contracts; Market Entry and Exit; Negotiation Process; Conflict Management; Energy Industry
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Enron Development Corp.: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (B) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 797-086, February 1997.
- February 1997
- Case
Enron Development Corp.: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (C) (Abridged)
Discusses the resolution of the canceled power project in Maharashtra. The contract between the American gas giant and Indian state government is renegotiated. View Details
- January 1997
- Article
A Model of Contract Guarantees for Credit-Sensitive, Opaque Financial Intermediaries
By: Robert C. Merton
Merton, Robert C. "A Model of Contract Guarantees for Credit-Sensitive, Opaque Financial Intermediaries." European Finance Review 1, no. 1 (January 1997): 1–13.
- October 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Case
Boston Beer Company: Samuel Adams, Brewmaster Leading a Revolution
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Mollie H. Carter
Boston Beer Co. revolutionized the beer industry by identifying and responding to a new consumer segment. Using the excess capacity in the brewing industry to establish contract brewing arrangements and an extremely capable sales force, the company opened the... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Leadership; Product Marketing; Product Development; Production; Quality; Salesforce Management; Segmentation; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Mollie H. Carter. "Boston Beer Company: Samuel Adams, Brewmaster Leading a Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 597-040, October 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- October 1996
- Article
The Changing Social Contract in American Business
By: D. Q. Mills
Mills, D. Q. "The Changing Social Contract in American Business." European Management Journal 14, no. 5 (October 1996).
- June 1996 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (C)
By: Krishna G. Palepu, V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarayu Srinivasan
Discusses the resolution of the canceled power project in Maharashtra. The contract between the American gas giant and Indian state government is renegotiated. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Deal; Infrastructure; Outcome or Result; Performance Effectiveness; Energy Industry; United States
Palepu, Krishna G., V. Kasturi Rangan, and Sarayu Srinivasan. "Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (C)." Harvard Business School Case 596-101, June 1996. (Revised July 2004.)
- May 1996
- Background Note
The GM's Operational Challenge: Managing Through People
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Ashish Nanda
Highlights and explores how a general manager adds value to the firm at the operational level by managing through people. Discusses how assumptions about human motivation influence the employment contract that the general manager implicitly enters into with the workers... View Details
Keywords: Employee Relationship Management; Selection and Staffing; Contracts; Managerial Roles; Operations; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Motivation and Incentives; Value
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Ashish Nanda. "The GM's Operational Challenge: Managing Through People." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-400, May 1996.
- April 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Case
BAE Automated Systems (A): Denver International Airport Baggage-Handling System
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Ramiro Montealegre, Carin-Isabel Knoop and H. James Nelson
Describes the events surrounding the construction of the BAE baggage-handling system at the Denver International Airport. It looks specifically at project management, including decisions regarding budget, scheduling, and the overall management structure. Also examines... View Details
Keywords: Management; Decisions; Contracts; Time Management; Problems and Challenges; Projects; Budgets and Budgeting; Construction Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Colorado
Applegate, Lynda M., Ramiro Montealegre, Carin-Isabel Knoop, and H. James Nelson. "BAE Automated Systems (A): Denver International Airport Baggage-Handling System." Harvard Business School Case 396-311, April 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- January 1996 (Revised January 1996)
- Teaching Note
Colonial Broadcasting Co. TN
By: Arthur Schleifer Jr. and George Wu
Teaching Note for (9-894-011). View Details
- August 1995
- Teaching Note
Xerox: Outsourcing Global Information Technology Resources TN
By: Richard L. Nolan
Teaching Note for (9-195-158). View Details
- August 1995 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Futures on the Mexican Peso
By: Kenneth A. Froot, Matthew McBrady and Mark Seasholes
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange needs to decide how to design, and whether and when to introduce, a futures contract on the Mexican peso. View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; Money Markets; Futures Market; Country Analysis; International Finance; Financial Markets; Futures and Commodity Futures; Financial Services Industry; Chicago; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., Matthew McBrady, and Mark Seasholes. "Futures on the Mexican Peso." Harvard Business School Case 296-004, August 1995. (Revised October 1996.)
- May 1995
- Article
Contractual Arrangements in Franchising: An Empirical Investigation
By: D. Agrawal and R. Lal
Agrawal, D., and R. Lal. "Contractual Arrangements in Franchising: An Empirical Investigation." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 32, no. 2 (May 1995).
- April 1995 (Revised June 2002)
- Case
Xerox: Outsourcing Global Information Technology Resources
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Kevin Davis
In order to increase revenues, develop new technologies, and manage information technology more efficiently, Xerox decided to sign a 10-year, $3.2 billion contract with Electronic Data Systems (EDS). This case describes the events that preceded Xerox's decision to... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Kevin Davis. "Xerox: Outsourcing Global Information Technology Resources." Harvard Business School Case 195-158, April 1995. (Revised June 2002.)
- March 1995 (Revised April 1995)
- Background Note
Scope of the Corporation, The
By: David J. Collis
Describes analyses that determine the appropriate limit to the scope of the firm. Examines both the production cost justification for firm diversification--economies of scope and shared resources, and the governance cost justification for including transactions inside... View Details
Collis, David J. "Scope of the Corporation, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 795-139, March 1995. (Revised April 1995.)
- February 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
Microsoft in the People's Republic of China, 1993
By: Tarun Khanna
Explores some of the economic and political tradeoffs that need to be negotiated by a firm seeking to influence industry structure. The setting is the nascent personal computer software industry in the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1993. Microsoft has to localize... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Product Marketing; Market Entry and Exit; Market Transactions; Industry Structures; Partners and Partnerships; Vertical Integration; Software; Information Technology Industry; China
Khanna, Tarun. "Microsoft in the People's Republic of China, 1993." Harvard Business School Case 795-115, February 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- February 1995
- Article
Does Familiarity Breed Trust? The Implications of Repeated Ties on Contractual Choice in Alliances
By: Ranjay Gulati
Gulati, Ranjay. "Does Familiarity Breed Trust? The Implications of Repeated Ties on Contractual Choice in Alliances." Academy of Management Journal 38, no. 1 (February 1995): 85–112.
- January 1995
- Background Note
Note on Foreign Direct Investment
By: Debora L. Spar
Between 1985 and 1990, the global economy witnessed an unprecedented surge in flows of foreign direct investment (FDI). This sudden increase called back into prominence the range of questions that have long surrounded FDI. What causes firms to expand or contract their... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment
Spar, Debora L., and Julia Kou. "Note on Foreign Direct Investment." Harvard Business School Background Note 795-031, January 1995.
- Article
Non-verifiability, Costly Renegotiation, and Efficiency
By: Jerry R. Green and J. J. Laffont
We study the implications of the non verifiability of information for the allocation of resources and the bearing of risk in a two party relationship. We consider a two step approach. In step one the two parties define a non contingent contract which will be executed... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation
Green, Jerry R., and J. J. Laffont. "Non-verifiability, Costly Renegotiation, and Efficiency." Annales d'économie et de statistique, no. 36 (October–December 1994): 81–95.
- October 1994
- Background Note
Note on Crude Oil and Crude Oil Derivatives Markets
By: Andre F. Perold, Wai Lee and Kuljot Singh
Briefly describes the crude oil markets and common derivatives contracts written on oil. The contracts are oil forward and futures contracts, and over-the-counter oil price swaps. View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Futures and Commodity Futures; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Contracts; Energy Industry
Perold, Andre F., Wai Lee, and Kuljot Singh. "Note on Crude Oil and Crude Oil Derivatives Markets." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-053, October 1994.