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- Faculty Publications (467)
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- Faculty Publications (467)
- Article
We Have a Rare Opportunity to Create a Stronger, More Equitable Society
By: Shai Davidai, Martin Day, Daniela Goya-Tocchetto, Oliver Hauser, Jon M. Jachimowicz, M. Usman Mirza, Nailya Ordabayeva, L. Taylor Phillips, Barnabas Szaszi and Stephanie Tepper
Income inequality in the United States was at historic levels before the coronavirus hit. Now, as the disease—and the social and economic implications it brings—spread across the country, it is likely to create even deeper fissures between the poor and rich. View Details
Keywords: Socioeconomic Status; Coronavirus; Inequality; Work; Income; Equality and Inequality; Health Pandemics; Gender; Money; Policy; Race; Society
Davidai, Shai, Martin Day, Daniela Goya-Tocchetto, Oliver Hauser, Jon M. Jachimowicz, M. Usman Mirza, Nailya Ordabayeva, L. Taylor Phillips, Barnabas Szaszi, and Stephanie Tepper. "We Have a Rare Opportunity to Create a Stronger, More Equitable Society." Behavioral Scientist (June 1, 2020).
- May 28, 2020
- Editorial
Populism, the Pandemic, and the Crisis of Globalization
By: Rawi Abdelal
Abdelal, Rawi. "Populism, the Pandemic, and the Crisis of Globalization." Valdai Discussion Club (May 28, 2020).
- May 27, 2020
- Editorial
Stable Democracies Better at Fostering Economic Growth
By: Ashish Nanda
Differences across countries in how the COVID-19 pandemic has been managed have led some to raise the broader question of whether democracies are necessarily a good way to organise a society. Research findings clearly show that compared to autocracies, democracies... View Details
Nanda, Ashish. "Stable Democracies Better at Fostering Economic Growth." The Hindu (May 27, 2020).
- Article
The Business of Medicine in the Era of COVID-19
By: David M. Cutler, Sayeh Nikpay and Robert S. Huckman
This Viewpoint discusses the shifting landscape of health care financing, regulation, and delivery as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and discusses regulatory and other changes that need to be in place if telehealth and physician practice and hospital mergers... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; COVID-19; Telemedicine; Business; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Change; Competition
Cutler, David M., Sayeh Nikpay, and Robert S. Huckman. "The Business of Medicine in the Era of COVID-19." JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association 323, no. 20 (May 26, 2020): 2003–2004.
- May 21, 2020
- Editorial
Primary Care Is Hurting: Why Aren't Private Insurers Pitching In?
By: Leemore S. Dafny and J. Michael McWilliams
Primary care clinicians are the front line for patients with suspected infection. We rely on them to diagnose, triage, and manage patients with potential or confirmed COVID infections. They are also responsible for keeping non-COVID medical conditions under control... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Primary Care; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Financial Condition; Insurance
Dafny, Leemore S., and J. Michael McWilliams. "Primary Care Is Hurting: Why Aren't Private Insurers Pitching In?" Health Affairs Blog (May 21, 2020).
- May 18, 2020
- Other Article
Media Bias? But Not What You Think It Is
The media are often accused of political bias. But news outlets reflect many political beliefs in a fragmented media environment. However, an almost across-the-board bias is how news media talk about digital business, and the pandemic has exacerbated that bias, which... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Media Bias? But Not What You Think It Is." Medium (May 18, 2020).
- May 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)
By: Alberto Cavallo and Christian Godwin
In April 2020, the world struggled to contain the exponential escalation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dozens of countries had imposed restrictions on travel, work, and social gatherings. A large share of the global population was under lockdowns and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Finance; Central Banking; Financial Markets; International Finance; Globalization; Government and Politics; Health Pandemics; Decision Making; Macroeconomics; Employment; Crisis Management; Supply Chain; Risk and Uncertainty; Air Transportation Industry; Banking Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Employment Industry; Financial Services Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Administration Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Shipping Industry; Tourism Industry; Travel Industry; Asia; China; Europe; Latin America; Africa; United States
Cavallo, Alberto, and Christian Godwin. "The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-031, May 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- Article
How to End the Plasma Shortage for Coronavirus Patients
Those who have recovered from the virus will donate more blood if given the right incentives. View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Convalescent Plasma; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Market Design; Strategy
Kominers, Scott Duke. "How to End the Plasma Shortage for Coronavirus Patients." Bloomberg Opinion (May 11, 2020).
- May 8, 2020
- Article
Lead Your Team Into a Post-Pandemic World
By: Hubert Joly
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has tested leaders, especially as it relates to how they lead their workers. As the crisis goes on, many that the author has spoken with have begun to frame it around three distinct phases: The Shelter-in-Place Phase, the Re-opening... View Details
Joly, Hubert. "Lead Your Team Into a Post-Pandemic World." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (May 8, 2020).
- May 8, 2020
- Article
Which Covid-19 Data Can You Trust?
By: Satchit Balsari, Caroline Buckee and Tarun Khanna
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a tidal wave of data, but how much of it is any good? And as a layperson, how can you sort the good from the bad? The authors suggest a few strategies for dividing the useful data from the misleading: Beware of data that’s too broad... View Details
Balsari, Satchit, Caroline Buckee, and Tarun Khanna. "Which Covid-19 Data Can You Trust?" Harvard Business Review (website) (May 8, 2020).
- 2020
- Working Paper
Paying It Backward and Forward: Expanding Access to Convalescent Plasma Therapy Through Market Design
By: Scott Duke Kominers, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez and M. Utku Ünver
COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) therapy is currently a leading treatment for COVID-19. At present, there is a shortage of CCP relative to demand. We develop and analyze a model of centralized CCP allocation that incorporates both donation and distribution. In order... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Convalescent Plasma; Vouchers; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Resource Allocation; Market Design
Kominers, Scott Duke, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez, and M. Utku Ünver. "Paying It Backward and Forward: Expanding Access to Convalescent Plasma Therapy Through Market Design." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-116, May 2020. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27143, May 2020.)
- May 6, 2020
- Article
We Shouldn't Wait for a Breakthrough in the COVID-19 Pandemic
By: Gary P. Pisano
The ultimate solutions to the COVID-19 crisis may be big breakthroughs in building massive test and trace capacity and developing vaccines and drug remedies. But in the meantime, we should not ignore the potential cumulative impact of the many small things we already... View Details
Pisano, Gary P. "We Shouldn't Wait for a Breakthrough in the COVID-19 Pandemic." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (May 6, 2020).
- May 2020 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
COVID-19: The Global Shutdown
By: Laura Alfaro and Sarah Jeong
In the first months of 2020, a pandemic overwhelmed the world. COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, spread from China and created a severe public health emergency across countries. While an immediate fear of the disease’s impact on human life permeated society,... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Financial Crisis; Economy; Economic Systems; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Economic Sectors; Health Pandemics
Alfaro, Laura, and Sarah Jeong. "COVID-19: The Global Shutdown." Harvard Business School Case 320-108, May 2020. (Revised July 2020.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Food Security and Human Mobility During the COVID-19 Lockdown
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Wesley W. Koo, Xina Li, Nishant Kishore, Satchit Balsari and Tarun Khanna
During the COVID-19 crisis, millions of migrants around the world face food insecurity. This could force migrants to travel during the pandemic, exposing them to health risks and accelerating the spread of the virus. Anecdotal evidence demonstrates the importance of... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Migrants; Food Security; Mobility; Health Pandemics; Food; Distribution; Policy; Global Range
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Wesley W. Koo, Xina Li, Nishant Kishore, Satchit Balsari, and Tarun Khanna. "Food Security and Human Mobility During the COVID-19 Lockdown." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-113, May 2020.
- May 2020 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
Gavi and COVID-19: Pandemic of the Century
By: Tarun Khanna and Sid Misra
Gavi has helped immunize over 760 million children in the world's poorest countries over the past 20 years saving 13 million lives. How should Gavi respond to the need for a vaccine for the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic? View Details
Keywords: Vaccine; Pandemics; Healthcare; COVID-19; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Emerging Markets; Crisis Management; Alliances
Khanna, Tarun, and Sid Misra. "Gavi and COVID-19: Pandemic of the Century." Harvard Business School Case 720-451, May 2020. (Revised April 2024.)
- Article
Predictions, Prophets, and Restarting Your Business
The first task of crisis management is a reasonably accurate view of the current situation and how it might evolve. There are many predictions about so-called “new normal” as a result of the semi-enforced social distancing necessitated by the coronavirus. But most are... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Predictions, Prophets, and Restarting Your Business." Harvard Business School Working Knowledge (May 4, 2020).
- May 1, 2020
- Article
COVID-19's Hard Lessons Might Prepare Business for Climate Change
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III and Danielle Kost
The coronavirus pandemic caught the business world by surprise, but the catastrophe might force companies to face a crisis that has been unfolding in plain sight: climate change.
We asked faculty members affiliated with the Business and Environment Initiative at... View Details
We asked faculty members affiliated with the Business and Environment Initiative at... View Details
"COVID-19's Hard Lessons Might Prepare Business for Climate Change." Harvard Business School Working Knowledge (May 1, 2020).
- May 2020
- Article
Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis
Because customer acquisition and retention are the lifeblood of a for-profit enterprise, sales activities establish foundational conditions for a business. In turn, sales managers’ responsibilities in a crisis extend beyond keeping the lights on. Their leadership makes... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis." Top Sales Magazine (May 2020), 28–29.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity
By: Laura Alfaro, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf and Farzad Saidi
In SIR models, homogeneous or with a network structure, infection rates are assumed to be exogenous. However, individuals adjust their behavior. Using daily data for 89 cities worldwide, we document that mobility falls in response to fear, as approximated by Google... View Details
Keywords: Social Interactions; Pandemics; Mobility; Cities; SIR Networks; Social Preferences; Social Planner; Targeted Policies; Health Pandemics; Interpersonal Communication; Behavior; Policy
Alfaro, Laura, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf, and Farzad Saidi. "Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27134, May 2020.
- May 5, 2020
- Article
Why the Crisis Is Putting Companies at Risk of Losing Female Talent
By: Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg
There has been a massive shift in how work gets done inside many companies and the global pivot to working remotely will likely change how many think about face time and rigid work schedules. Might these changes benefit women? The authors argue that will depend on how... View Details
Keywords: Coronavirus Pandemic; Remote Work; Flexible Work Arrangements; Health Pandemics; Employees; Working Conditions; Gender
Ammerman, Colleen, and Boris Groysberg. "Why the Crisis Is Putting Companies at Risk of Losing Female Talent." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (May 5, 2020).