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- March 2006
- Module Note
Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 3: Expanding Diversity
Describes the third module of the 30-session Harvard Business School elective course Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World. The course helps students understand the challenges that uncertainty implies for innovation and how to overcome them. The course emphasizes... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Business Processes; Projects; Risk and Uncertainty; Product Development; Managerial Roles; Opportunities; Perspective; Expansion; Goals and Objectives
MacCormack, Alan D. "Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 3: Expanding Diversity." Harvard Business School Module Note 606-126, March 2006.
- 05 Sep 2012
- First Look
First Look: September 5
Business School Case 812-172 This case examines the PowerPoint presentation that Ranjith Kumaran, founder of the start-up PunchTab, Inc., is using for his investment pitches to venture capital firms. Students can discuss the materials... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 03 Oct 2023
- Research Event
Build the Life You Want: Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey Share Happiness Tips
these are-- it is a school where people come to learn how to be very successful in the material world. Brooks: Yeah. Goldberg: Right? What are you teaching then about happiness if you're telling us in the book that wanting less is one of... View Details
Keywords: by HBS Staff
- January 2025
- Case
Arsenal Capital Partners’ Refinancing of Pinnacle
By: Victoria Ivashina and Srimayi Mylavarapu
Arsenal Capital Partners’ portfolio company, Pinnacle, a leading producer of high-performance adhesive technologies, has experienced rapid growth under Arsenal’s ownership. Over just two years, Pinnacle's EBITDA increased from $13.5 million to $60 million. By mid-2021,... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, and Srimayi Mylavarapu. "Arsenal Capital Partners’ Refinancing of Pinnacle." Harvard Business School Case 225-075, January 2025.
- December 2013 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
The widespread cheating scandal that rocked the Atlanta public school system in 2010 and 2011 illustrates how high-stakes performance pressure, without sufficient risk controls, can drive dangerous behavior. After becoming superintendent of the low-income and... View Details
Keywords: Atlanta; Test; Testing; Standardized Test; Standardized Testing; No Child Left Behind; NCLB; Cheating; Performance Pressure; Measurement; Incentives; Atlanta Public Schools; Management; Leadership; Ethics; Performance; Performance Evaluation; Performance Expectations; Risk Management; Education; Education Industry; United States; Georgia (state, US); Atlanta
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance." Harvard Business School Case 114-001, December 2013. (Revised September 2017.)
- July 2004 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Hines Goes to Rio
By: Arthur I Segel and Ricardo Reisen De Pinho
The Torre Almirante office tower, Hines' newest project in Rio de Janeiro, was a 36-story, Class AA office tower with an adjoining 420-stall parking structure and a preserved 14-story historic facade. It was completely different from anything that had previously been... View Details
Keywords: Property; Design; Construction; Buildings and Facilities; Risk Management; Problems and Challenges; Real Estate Industry; Brazil; New York (city, NY)
Segel, Arthur I., and Ricardo Reisen De Pinho. "Hines Goes to Rio." Harvard Business School Case 805-001, July 2004. (Revised July 2020.)
- December 2020
- Article
Unwanted Attention: Swiss Multinationals and the Creation of International Corporate Guidelines in the 1970s
By: Sabine Pitteloud
During the last decade, we have seen an increased opposition to globalization. Within this wave of criticism, firms and more specifically multinational corporations have been major targets, accused of multiple wrongdoings, such as social dumping, fiscal evasion, job... View Details
Keywords: Multinationals; Guidelines; Lobbying; Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Global Range; Switzerland
Pitteloud, Sabine. "Unwanted Attention: Swiss Multinationals and the Creation of International Corporate Guidelines in the 1970s." Special Issue on Multinational Corporations and the Politics of International Trade. Business and Politics 22, no. 4 (December 2020).
- October 2017
- Article
American Danger: United States Empire, Eurafrica, and the Territorialization of Industrial Capitalism, 1870–1950
By: Sven Beckert
During the last third of the nineteenth century, a debate emerged in a number of European countries on the “American danger.” Responding to the rapid rise of the United States as the world’s most important economy, some European observers feared their nations’... View Details
Keywords: Atlantropa; Colonial Expansion; Economic Nationalism; Second Great Divergence; Economics; Global Range; History; United States; Europe; Africa
Beckert, Sven. "American Danger: United States Empire, Eurafrica, and the Territorialization of Industrial Capitalism, 1870–1950." American Historical Review 122, no. 4 (October 2017): 1137–1170.
- April 2013
- Article
Rx: Human Nature: How Behavioral Economics Is Promoting Better Health Around the World
By: Nava Ashraf
Why doesn't a woman who continues to have unwanted pregnancies avail herself of the free contraception at a nearby clinic? What keeps people from using free chlorine tablets to purify their drinking water? Behavioral economics has shown us that we don't always act in... View Details
Ashraf, Nava. "Rx: Human Nature: How Behavioral Economics Is Promoting Better Health Around the World." Harvard Business Review 91, no. 4 (April 2013): 119–125.
- July 2011 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
Digital Microscopy Is Making Me Crazy!
By: Willy Shih
For Carl Zeiss Microimaging, modular hardware and software enabled customers to tailor Zeiss's broad range of microscopy systems hardware and software to meet a wide range of needs from basic scientific research in the biological and medical sciences to clinical... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Corporate Strategy; Disruptive Innovation; Science-Based Business; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Business Conglomerates; Digital Platforms; Opportunities; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Computer Industry
Shih, Willy. "Digital Microscopy Is Making Me Crazy!" Harvard Business School Case 612-002, July 2011. (Revised January 2013.)
- Article
Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries
By: Peter W. Roberts, Mukti Khaire and Christopher I. Rider
When a skilled employee moves from one organization to another, the effects on the hiring organization can be substantive (i.e., changes in actual outcomes) and symbolic (i.e., changes in expectations or valuations and therefore prices). We theorize that strong or even... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Organizations; Performance Expectations; Price; Competency and Skills; Quality; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Selection and Staffing; Valuation; Food and Beverage Industry
Roberts, Peter W., Mukti Khaire, and Christopher I. Rider. "Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101, no. 3 (May 2011): 147–151.
- January 2024 (Revised May 2024)
- Case
Pioneer Natural Resources: Enhancing the Capital Return Strategy with Variable Dividends
In February 2021, Scott Sheffield, the CEO of Pioneer Natural Resources (an independent oil and gas company based in Texas), was considering the possibility of enhancing the firm’s capital return strategy by introducing a variable dividend tied to cash flows in... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Finance; Cash Flow; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Value Creation; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment Return; Profit; Policy; Business and Shareholder Relations; Energy Industry; United States; North America; Texas
Esty, Benjamin C., Elisabeth Kempf, and E. Scott Mayfield. "Pioneer Natural Resources: Enhancing the Capital Return Strategy with Variable Dividends." Harvard Business School Case 224-001, January 2024. (Revised May 2024.)
- August 2018 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Revenue Recognition at HBP
By: Paul Healy and Siko Sikochi
In early 2014, Paul Bills, CFO of Harvard Business Publishing (HBP), sat down with David Wan, the company’s CEO, to discuss budget preparations for the coming year. Bills noted that the performance of Corporate Learning, one of HBP’s three business units, would be... View Details
Keywords: Accrual Accounting; Budgets and Budgeting; Revenue Recognition; Financial Reporting; Publishing Industry; Education Industry; United States
Healy, Paul, and Siko Sikochi. "Revenue Recognition at HBP." Harvard Business School Case 119-029, August 2018. (Revised July 2020.)
- October 2014 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Integrated Reporting at Aegon
By: Robert G. Eccles, George Serafeim, Sydney Ribot and Michael Krzus
In 2011, Aegon adopted integrated reporting—a corporate reporting approach that sought to present company performance in a holistic light by considering medium- to long-term issues, stakeholder opinions, and the relationship between material financial and nonfinancial... View Details
Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, Sydney Ribot, and Michael Krzus. "Integrated Reporting at Aegon." Harvard Business School Case 315-011, October 2014. (Revised March 2015.)
- 2010
- Working Paper
A 'Value-Free' Approach to Values (PDF File of PowerPoint Slides)
By: Michael C. Jensen and Werner Erhard
We argue here that the three factors we identify as constituting the foundation for being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership can also be seen as "A 'Value-Free' Approach to Values" that proves to be very effective in allowing students to acquire the... View Details
Jensen, Michael C., and Werner Erhard. "A 'Value-Free' Approach to Values (PDF File of PowerPoint Slides)." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-010, October 2010.
- Research Summary
Mutiny in the Workplace: When Leaders Are Challenged From Within
My dissertation focuses on the rarely studied phenomenon of mutiny in organizations. Based on three recent cases of mutiny in professional organizations, I examine the process by which employee dissatisfaction transforms into collective mobilization... View Details
- September–October 2023
- Article
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Effects of Common Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility
By: Mark R. DesJardine, Jody Grewal and Kala Viswanathan
Common owners face an incredible investment challenge: managing systematic risk. Because common owners hold shares in multiple firms across an industry, an action (or inaction) by one firm that affects industry peers is felt more severely by common owners than by... View Details
Keywords: Common Ownership; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Institutional Investing; Corporate Governance; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Return
DesJardine, Mark R., Jody Grewal, and Kala Viswanathan. "A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Effects of Common Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility." Organization Science 34, no. 5 (September–October 2023): 1716–1735.
- 12 Apr 2022
- Book
Racism, Colonialism, and Britain's Legacy of Violence
in Berlin in 1884 and 1885 to divvy up the continent. They agreed “to regulate the conditions most favourable to the development of trade and civilization ... [and] to watch over the preservation of the native tribes, and to care for the improvement of the conditions... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- 22 Aug 2016
- Research & Ideas
Master the One-on-One Meeting
are new numbers I should look at before we meet. Hear about your vacation! Your pics looked awesome. Let me know what else you’d like to cover. Looking forward to catching up! The 1:1 meeting With an agenda set and materials... View Details
Keywords: by Julia B. Austin
- November 2020
- Article
Tackling Youth Unemployment: Evidence from a Labor Market Experiment in Uganda
By: Livia Alfonsi, Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman and Anna Vitali
We design a labor market experiment to compare demand- and supply-side policies to tackle youth unemployment, a key issue in low-income countries. The experiment tracks 1700 workers and 1500 firms over four years to compare the effect of offering workers either... View Details
Alfonsi, Livia, Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman, and Anna Vitali. "Tackling Youth Unemployment: Evidence from a Labor Market Experiment in Uganda." Econometrica 88, no. 6 (November 2020): 2369–2414.