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- 2019
- Working Paper
Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 10 Variations on the Theme of Flow Production
The purpose of this chapter is to explore how technologies and organizations engaged in flow production evolve over time. To allow for an apples-to-apples comparison, I examine organizations using essentially the same physical technologies, making similar products, and... View Details
Keywords: Flow Production; Ford; General Motors; Competitiveness; Information Technology; Organizational Design; Production; Auto Industry
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 10 Variations on the Theme of Flow Production." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-034, September 2019.
- 2021
- Book
The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It, Lose It, Regain It
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Shalene Gupta
Trust is the most powerful force underlying the success of every business. Yet it can be shattered in an instant, with a devastating impact on a company’s market cap and reputation. How to build and sustain trust requires fresh insight into why customers, employees,... View Details
Keywords: Power; Corporate Culture; Future Of Work; Innovation; Technology Strategy; Automation; Stakeholder Engagement; Employee Attitude; Customer Behavior; Shareholder Value; Government And Business; Impact Investing; Corporate Change And Sustainability; Trust; Power and Influence; Globalization; Leadership; Organizational Culture; Innovation and Invention; Human Resources; Information Technology; Strategy; Corporate Accountability; Asia; Europe; South America; Middle East; North and Central America
Sucher, Sandra J., and Shalene Gupta. The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It, Lose It, Regain It. New York: PublicAffairs, 2021.
- June 2020
- Supplement
RBC: Transforming Transformation (B)
By: Ethan Bernstein, Francesca Gino and Aldo Sesia
In 2017, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), a Canadian financial icon, mandated a swat team of “enablers of collaboration” (their job description) to support the personal and commercial bank in the enterprise-wide RBC Cultural Transformation initiative. Historically,... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Information Technology; Transformation; Change Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Decision Making; Human Resources; Management Systems; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Groups and Teams; Management Teams; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Canada
Bernstein, Ethan, Francesca Gino, and Aldo Sesia. "RBC: Transforming Transformation (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 920-045, June 2020.
- March 2013
- Case
Robin Ash and Printzhof Press
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Lynda St. Clair
Robin Ash has just been promoted to Chief Operating Officer of Printzhof Press and Vice President of its parent company, Education and Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Her first objective is to create an action plan that will achieve two seemingly contradictory corporate... View Details
Keywords: United States; Organizational Change; Management Styles; General Management; Change Management; Morale; Communication; Human Resource Management; Book Publishing; Information Technology; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Conflict Management; Leading Change; Competitive Strategy; Organizational Culture; Planning; Education Industry; Publishing Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Lynda St. Clair. "Robin Ash and Printzhof Press." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-554, March 2013.
- December 2007
- Article
Bankers, Industrialists, and Their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil during Early Industrialization
By: Aldo Musacchio and Ian Read
The historiographies of Mexico and Brazil have implicitly stated that business networks were crucial for the initial industrialization of these two countries. Recently, differing visions on the importance of business networks have arisen. In the case of Mexico, the... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Networks; Business History; Market Entry and Exit; Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship; Financial Markets; Supply and Industry; Banks and Banking; Brazil; Mexico
Musacchio, Aldo, and Ian Read. "Bankers, Industrialists, and Their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil during Early Industrialization." Enterprise & Society 8, no. 4 (December 2007): 842–880.
- January 1995
- Case
Oticon A/S: Consolidated
A condensed version of Oticon A/S: "Cogitate Incognito" ("Think the Unthinkable"; Oticon A/S Company Motto) & Oticon A/S: Project 330. In this case the presentations of the company, its products, competitive position, and use of information technology have been... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure
Hagstrom, N. Peter. "Oticon A/S: Consolidated." Harvard Business School Case 195-142, January 1995.
- February 1993 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (A) (Updated)
The setting is a food manufacturing company that has stumbled in terms of its historic growth and profit achievements. In trying to recapture momentum, the president has used information technology as one element in his program of transition. The case focuses on the... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Information Technology; Growth and Development Strategy; Transition; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Food and Beverage Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (A) (Updated)." Harvard Business School Case 193-129, February 1993. (Revised March 1993.)
- 20 Oct 2008
- Research & Ideas
The Seven Things That Surprise New CEOs
new CEOs. See a video interview with Porter.Most new chief executives are taken aback by the unexpected and unfamiliar new roles, the time and information limitations, and the altered professional relationships they run up against. Here... View Details
- April 2023 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System
By: Joseph B. Fuller and George Gonzalez
Levels is a highly innovative startup in the health care space. They intend to revolutionize health by linking behavior—eating, exercise, sleeping, etc.—to changes in metabolism. They believe metabolic health can be managed through careful monitoring of changes in... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Business Startups; Organizational Culture; Management Style; Technology Industry; United States
Fuller, Joseph B., and George Gonzalez. "Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System." Harvard Business School Case 323-069, April 2023. (Revised September 2023.)
- Research Summary
Managing the Advantages and Tradeoffs of Collaborative Structures
To solve complex problems, organizations must both collect facts and use them to solve problems. In one study, my coauthors and I show that increased connectivity—measured as network... View Details
- 2012
- Other Unpublished Work
Environmental corporate strategy and advancements in enhanced oil recovery technology among U.S. firms
By: Shon R. Hiatt
This study seeks to address how collective actors can affect technology development and adoption among organizations by creating regulatory uncertainty. Empirically, this paper focuses on the influence of environmental organizations concerned about climate change on... View Details
- November 2015 (Revised February 2020)
- Teaching Note
IDEO: Human-Centered Service Design
By: Ryan W. Buell
The case describes IDEO, one of the world's leading design firms, and its human-centered innovation culture and processes. It is an example of what managers can do to make their own organizations more innovative. In reaction to a rapidly changing competitive landscape,... View Details
- Spring 2014
- Article
Ex-Ante Agreements in Standard Setting and Patent Pool Formation
By: Gaston Llanes and Joaquin Poblete
We present a model of standard setting and patent-pool formation. We study the effects of alternative standard-setting and pool-formation rules on technology choice, prices, and welfare. We find three main results. First, we show that allowing patent pools may reduce... View Details
Keywords: Standard Setting; Patent Pools; Royalty Stacking; Ex-ante Agreements; Coalition Formation; Motivation and Incentives; Patents; Agreements and Arrangements; Standards
Llanes, Gaston, and Joaquin Poblete. "Ex-Ante Agreements in Standard Setting and Patent Pool Formation." Special Issue on Innovation Economics. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 23, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 50–67.
- November 2000 (Revised November 2002)
- Case
Activity-Based Management at W.S. Industries (A)
By: V.G. Narayanan and Sanjay Pothen
W.S. Industries undertakes the design and implementation of an activity based costing (ABC) system, and the ABC information empowers workers to make process improvement decisions. Workers' incentive pay is tied to cost savings from process improvements. View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Motivation and Incentives; Performance Evaluation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Knowledge Management; Energy Industry; India
Narayanan, V.G., and Sanjay Pothen. "Activity-Based Management at W.S. Industries (A)." Harvard Business School Case 101-062, November 2000. (Revised November 2002.)
- 09 Feb 2009
- Research & Ideas
Uncompromising Leadership in Tough Times
Commitment, High Performance: How to Build a Resilient Organization for Sustained Advantage describes organizations that, Beer says, "are diametrically opposite to the firms we saw fail on Wall Street.... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 2008
- Chapter
Artistic Methods and Business Disorganization
The idea that artists' work can usefully inform business practice has gained support in recent years. Managers have long described some business activities as "more art than science," but usually they've meant by this that they don't understand the activity and can't... View Details
Austin, Robert D., and Lee Devin. "Artistic Methods and Business Disorganization." In 21st Century Management: A Reference Handbook, edited by Charles Wankel, 490–499. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2008.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 3 Transaction Free Zones
In Chapter 2 we saw that the most economical locations for transactions in a task network are the so-called thin crossing points—places where transfers are easy to define, count and pay for. However, in many places in the task network, transfers of material, energy,... View Details
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 3 Transaction Free Zones." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-031, August 2020.
- July 1999 (Revised January 2003)
- Case
Harley-Davidson Motor Company: Enterprise Software Selection
Describes Harley-Davidson's decision process for defining and selecting an enterprise-wide procurement software package and the institutional changes introduced as part of this process. Tells the story of Harley-Davidson's approach in developing integrated business... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Groups and Teams; Software; Motorcycle Industry
Austin, Robert D., Deborah Soule, and Mark J. Cotteleer. "Harley-Davidson Motor Company: Enterprise Software Selection." Harvard Business School Case 600-006, July 1999. (Revised January 2003.)
- December 1999 (Revised May 2000)
- Case
Morgan Stanley: Becoming a "One-Firm Firm"
By: M. Diane Burton, Thomas J. DeLong and Katherine Lawrence
John Mack, the newly appointed president of Morgan Stanley, feels strongly that the firm needs to change in order to compete in a changing investment banking environment. Mack and his senior team undertake initiatives in order to transform the culture and working style... View Details
Keywords: Human Resources; Goals and Objectives; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Performance Evaluation; Competitive Strategy
Burton, M. Diane, Thomas J. DeLong, and Katherine Lawrence. Morgan Stanley: Becoming a "One-Firm Firm". Harvard Business School Case 400-043, December 1999. (Revised May 2000.)
- 19 Aug 2002
- Research & Ideas
Here Comes Internet2—Time to Shed Dot Vertigo
The dot-com implosion has left many managers wary of the promised wonders of information technology, but those who ignore the next phase of the Internet—dubbed Internet2—do so at their peril, says HBS professor Richard Nolan. "The... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace