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- All HBS Web
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- Article
The Contingent Nature of Public Policy and the Growth of U.S. Commercial Banking
By: Christopher Marquis and Zhi Huang
That public policy affects organizational behaviors is well accepted, but less explored is how these effects may depend on other external environmental factors. We investigate how policy is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to understand the growth of... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Organizational Culture; Strategy; Commercial Banking; Growth and Development Strategy; United States
Marquis, Christopher, and Zhi Huang. "The Contingent Nature of Public Policy and the Growth of U.S. Commercial Banking." Academy of Management Journal 52, no. 6 (December 2009): 1222–1246. (Runner-up, Academy of Management's Best Published Paper in Organization and Management Theory in 2009. Earlier version distributed as Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 09-025.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
Corporate Culture Homogeneity and Top Executive Incentive Design: Evidence from CEO Compensation Contracts
By: Dennis Campbell, Ruidi Shang and Zhifang Zhang
We examine how corporate cultures characterized by high degrees of homogeneity in the underlying values and beliefs of organizational members are related to the design of CEO incentive compensation contracts. We argue that culture homogeneity within firms lowers... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Culture; Compensation Design; Accounting; Management Control; Incentive Systems; Organizational Culture; Job Design and Levels; Governance; Executive Compensation; Motivation and Incentives
Campbell, Dennis, Ruidi Shang, and Zhifang Zhang. "Corporate Culture Homogeneity and Top Executive Incentive Design: Evidence from CEO Compensation Contracts." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-054, February 2024.
- 1992
- Chapter
The EMS, the EMU and the Transition to a Common Currency
By: K. A. Froot and K. Rogoff
- September 2014
- Article
Colonial Institutions, Trade Stocks, and the Diffusion of Elementary Education in Brazil, 1889–1930
By: Aldo Musacchio, Andre C. Martinez Fritscher and Martina Viarengo
We show how the decentralization of fiscal responsibility among Brazilian states between 1889 and 1930 promoted an unequal expansion of public schooling. We document how the variation in state export tax revenues, product of commodity booms, explains improvements in... View Details
Musacchio, Aldo, Andre C. Martinez Fritscher, and Martina Viarengo. "Colonial Institutions, Trade Stocks, and the Diffusion of Elementary Education in Brazil, 1889–1930." Journal of Economic History 74, no. 3 (September 2014): 730 –766.
- 26 May 2022
- News
Apple vs. Feds: Is iPhone Privacy a Basic Human Right?
- September 2019
- Article
The Persistence of Broadband User Behavior: Implications for Universal Service and Competition Policy
By: Andre Boik, Shane Greenstein and Jeffrey Prince
In several markets, firms compete not for consumer expenditure but consumer attention. We examine user priorities over the allocation of their time, and interpret that behavior in light of salient tensions in policy discussions over universal service, data caps, and... View Details
Keywords: Broadband Service; Attention Allocation; Consumer Behavior; Household; Internet and the Web; Competition; Policy
Boik, Andre, Shane Greenstein, and Jeffrey Prince. "The Persistence of Broadband User Behavior: Implications for Universal Service and Competition Policy." Telecommunications Policy 43, no. 8 (September 2019).
- fall 2008
- Article
The Intermediation of Financial Risks: Evolution in the Catastrophe Reinsurance Market
By: Kenneth A. Froot
In this paper, I provide evidence concerning the imperfections in the reinsurance market. I try to get at some of the root causes of these imperfections, e.g., the behavior of ratings firms and the agency problems associated with the corporate form of ownership. I also... View Details
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, Kenneth A. "The Intermediation of Financial Risks: Evolution in the Catastrophe Reinsurance Market." Risk Management and Insurance Review 11, no. 2 (fall 2008): 281–294.
- 1997
- Chapter
Discussion of "Microeconomic Policy, Technological Change, and Small Business" by Edwin Mansfield
By: Joshua Lerner
Edwin Mansfield’s thoughtful review of the literature on the economics of technological change raises a variety of interesting issues, far too many to address in a few pages. Consequently I will focus my discussion on the section that I found most challenging and... View Details
Lerner, Joshua. Discussion of "Microeconomic Policy, Technological Change, and Small Business" by Edwin Mansfield. In Technology and Growth: Proceedings of the 40th Economic Conference, edited by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer and Jane Sneddon Little, 208–213. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1997.
- 28 Nov 2023
- Book
Economic Growth Draws Companies to Asia. Can They Handle Its Authoritarian Regimes?
leaders have no political competition, or open autocracies like that of Russia, Turkey, and Malaysia, which hold elections but may lack safeguards and transparency that keep... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 06 Mar 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Consumer Protection in an Online World: An Analysis of Occupational Licensing
- Forthcoming
- Article
You've Got Mail! The Late 19th-Century U.S. Postal Service Expansion, Firm Creation, and Firm Performance
By: Astrid Marinoni and Maria P. Roche
This paper examines the impact of the expansion of the US Postal Service in the late 19th century
on firm creation and performance. Utilizing newly digitized archival data on historic business establishments,
post office locations, and road networks in California,... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Innovation; Knowledge Exchange; US Postal Service; Firm Performance; Infrastructure; Expansion; Government Administration; Communication; Business History; Entrepreneurship; Public Administration Industry; California
Marinoni, Astrid, and Maria P. Roche. "You've Got Mail! The Late 19th-Century U.S. Postal Service Expansion, Firm Creation, and Firm Performance." Management Science (forthcoming).
- 01 Apr 1996
- News
Stewards of the Seventh Generation
international guidelines on issues such as maintaining biodiversity, conserving forests, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. "People left the conference feeling enthusiastic and confident," says Fri.... View Details
- 22 Jun 2009
- Research & Ideas
“Too Big To Fail”: Reining In Large Financial Firms
key role "in conceptualizing and drafting" significant parts of the final product. Not everyone on the politically divided panel bought into Moss's analysis and... View Details
- 2010
- Working Paper
The Role of Institutional Development in the Prevalence and Value of Family Firms
We investigate the role played by institutional development in the prevalence and value of family firms, while controlling for the potential effect of cultural norms. China provides a good research lab since it combines great heterogeneity in institutional development... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Data and Data Sets; Law; Management; Organizational Culture; Research; Value; China
Amit, Raphael, Yuan Ding, Belen Villalonga, and Hua Zhang. "The Role of Institutional Development in the Prevalence and Value of Family Firms." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-103, May 2010.
- Article
Market Reaction to and Valuation of IFRS Reconciliation Adjustments: First Evidence from the UK
By: Joanne Horton and George Serafeim
We investigate the market reaction to, and the value-relevance of, information contained in the mandatory transitional documents required by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 1 (2005). We find significant negative abnormal returns for firms reporting... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Markets; Information; International Finance; Earnings Management; Stock Shares; Taxation; Goodwill Accounting; Price; Financial Reporting; Standards; Corporate Disclosure; United Kingdom
Horton, Joanne, and George Serafeim. "Market Reaction to and Valuation of IFRS Reconciliation Adjustments: First Evidence from the UK." Review of Accounting Studies 15, no. 4 (December 2010).
- August 2012 (Revised August 2014)
- Case
Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (A)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), a U.S. network of four privately owned oncology focused factory hospitals, was weighing options for growth. CTCA was entirely cancer focused and specialized in treating patients with complex and advanced-stage cancers, who... View Details
Keywords: Cancer; Cancer Treatment; Health Care; Healthcare; Accountability; Outcomes; Outcomes Measurement; Outcomes Reporting; Hub And Spoke Cancer Care; Hub And Spoke; Hub-and-spoke; Focused Factory; Mission and Purpose; Private Ownership; For-Profit Firms; Health Disorders; Medical Specialties; Policy; Business Model; Expansion; Decision Choices and Conditions; Advertising; Health Care and Treatment; Innovation and Invention; Health Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-012, August 2012. (Revised August 2014.)
Forest L. Reinhardt
Forest L. Reinhardt is the John D. Black Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and HBS’s Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Promotions and Tenure.
Professor Reinhardt is interested in the relationships between market and nonmarket... View Details
Keywords: federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government; federal government
- 13 Apr 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
The Bulletproof Glass Effect: When Privacy Notices Backfire
- December 2019 (Revised August 2022)
- Exercise
Janet Ames (C)
By: Brian Trelstad and Brian Trelstad
The series of Janet Ames cases follow a fictional alumna of Harvard Business School into her consulting career in Boston. Over the series of cases, Ames is first offered the opportunity to join the board of a Boston-based non-profit organization, which offers students... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Board; Non-profit Management; Career Changes And Transitions; Evaluation; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Governing and Advisory Boards; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Management; Personal Development and Career; United States
Trelstad, Brian. "Janet Ames (C)." Harvard Business School Exercise 320-078, December 2019. (Revised August 2022.)