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- 2013
- Chapter
Beyond Platinum: Making the Case for Titanium Buildings
By: Jock Herron, Amy C. Edmondson and Robert G. Eccles
Buildings are the nation's greatest energy consumers. Forty percent of all our energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and devices in buildings. And despite decades of investment in green construction technologies, residential and... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Energy; Attitudes; Environmental Sustainability; Construction Industry; Green Technology Industry; United States
Herron, Jock, Amy C. Edmondson, and Robert G. Eccles. "Beyond Platinum: Making the Case for Titanium Buildings." Chap. 4 in Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability, by Rebecca L. Henn and Andrew J. Hoffman, 77–100. MIT Press, 2013.
- Research Summary
By: Ryan W. Buell
From creating flight itineraries online, to interacting with tellers to complete complex banking transactions, to engaging with the government to address civic problems, customers are playing an increasingly vital role in the performance of operations in a broadening... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Retention; Customer Behavior; Operational Transparency; Customer Compatibility; Engagement; Customers; Decision Making; Design; Management; Operations; Quality; Relationships; Social Psychology; Technology; Value; Banking Industry; Service Industry; Travel Industry; Web Services Industry; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
- Research Summary
Dawn Matsumoto's research investigates managers' financial reporting decisions including the incentives driving these decisions and the impact of these decisions on capital market participants. She is interested in the role of financial intermediaries (such as... View Details
- 2022
- Article
When Regular Meets Remarkable: Awe as a Link between Routine Work and Meaningful Self-narratives
By: Elizabeth Sheprow and Spencer Harrison
Daily narratives of work can include a mix of ordinary actions and awe-inspiring moments that reveal a vaster, more meaningful reality. When awe is experienced in the context of work, it can prompt self-referential sensemaking about what these experiences mean for the... View Details
Sheprow, Elizabeth, and Spencer Harrison. "When Regular Meets Remarkable: Awe as a Link between Routine Work and Meaningful Self-narratives." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 170 (May 2022).
- 2016
- Book
Antonio Serra and the Economics of Good Government
By: Rosario Patalano and Sophus A. Reinert
Little is known of Antonio Serra except that he wrote his extraordinary 1613 Short Treatise on the Causes That Make Kingdoms Abound in Gold and Silver even in the Absence of Mines in a Neapolitan jail and that he died there soon afterwards. However, the... View Details
Patalano, Rosario and Sophus A. Reinert, eds. Antonio Serra and the Economics of Good Government. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- May 2004 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)
By: Dwight B. Crane and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
Ultra is one of a small group of competing Brazilian petrochemical companies, each of which buys raw material and is a minority owner of Copene, a "cracking" company that provides ethylene and other materials. Because of an industry restructuring, an auction of shares... View Details
Keywords: Capital; Capital Budgeting; Investment; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Industry Structures; Cash Flow; Cost of Capital; Valuation; Bids and Bidding; Economy; Ownership Stake; Chemical Industry; Brazil
Crane, Dwight B., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)." Harvard Business School Case 204-146, May 2004. (Revised April 2006.)
- 2019
- White Paper
Impact-Weighted Financial Accounts: The Missing Piece for an Impact Economy
By: George Serafeim, T. Robert Zochowski and Jennifer Downing
Reimagining capitalism is an imperative. We need to create a more inclusive and sustainable form of capitalism that works for every person and the planet. Massive environmental damage, growing income and wealth disparity, stress, and depression within developed... View Details
Keywords: Impact-Weighted Accounts; IWAI; Background; Economic Systems; Economy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Measurement and Metrics; Financial Statements
Serafeim, George, T. Robert Zochowski, and Jennifer Downing. "Impact-Weighted Financial Accounts: The Missing Piece for an Impact Economy." White Paper, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, September 2019.
- 2013
- Book
Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability
By: Rebecca Henn and Andrew J. Hoffman
Buildings are the nation's greatest energy consumers. Forty percent of all our energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and devices in buildings. And despite decades of investment in green construction technologies, residential and... View Details
Henn, Rebecca, and Andrew J. Hoffman, eds. Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability. MIT Press, 2013. (Honorable Mention for the 2014 Best Book Award, Organizations and Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management.)
- May 2023
- Article
Do Internal Control Weaknesses Affect Firms' Demand for Financial Skills? Evidence from U.S. Job Postings
By: Janet Gao, Kenneth J. Merkley, Joseph Pacelli and Joseph H. Schroeder
Ineffective internal controls over financial reporting often relates to a lack of qualified personnel with sufficient accounting and technical expertise. In this study, we examine whether firms respond to internal control failures by increasing their demand for... View Details
Keywords: Internal Controls; Labor Demand; Accounting; Financial Reporting; Experience and Expertise; Recruitment; Competency and Skills; Corporate Finance
Gao, Janet, Kenneth J. Merkley, Joseph Pacelli, and Joseph H. Schroeder. "Do Internal Control Weaknesses Affect Firms' Demand for Financial Skills? Evidence from U.S. Job Postings." Accounting Review 98, no. 3 (May 2023): 203–228.
- January 2018 (Revised March 2020)
- Case
SAP: Branding in the Digital Age
By: Das Narayandas and Amram Migdal
By 2017, digital, social, and mobile technologies were rapidly changing the way many of SAP’s traditional customers did business over the last decade. In response to this trend, SAP had acquired companies with capabilities in e-commerce, human capital, workforce... View Details
Narayandas, Das, and Amram Migdal. "SAP: Branding in the Digital Age." Harvard Business School Case 518-058, January 2018. (Revised March 2020.)
- Teaching Interest
Dominika has experience teaching graduate-level courses, e.g., HBS MBA course Driving Profitable Growth with Prof. Gary Pisano, as well as undergraduate-level courses, e.g., Harvard College course Men, Women, and Work with Prof. Mary Brinton. Dominika also oversaw and... View Details
- 20 Mar 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Waste, Recycling and Entrepreneurship in Central and Northern Europe, 1870-1940
Keywords: by Geoffrey Jones & Andrew Spadafora
- January 2025
- Case
Arsenal Capital Partners’ Refinancing of Pinnacle
By: Victoria Ivashina and Srimayi Mylavarapu
Arsenal Capital Partners’ portfolio company, Pinnacle, a leading producer of high-performance adhesive technologies, has experienced rapid growth under Arsenal’s ownership. Over just two years, Pinnacle's EBITDA increased from $13.5 million to $60 million. By mid-2021,... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, and Srimayi Mylavarapu. "Arsenal Capital Partners’ Refinancing of Pinnacle." Harvard Business School Case 225-075, January 2025.
- December 2013 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
The widespread cheating scandal that rocked the Atlanta public school system in 2010 and 2011 illustrates how high-stakes performance pressure, without sufficient risk controls, can drive dangerous behavior. After becoming superintendent of the low-income and... View Details
Keywords: Atlanta; Test; Testing; Standardized Test; Standardized Testing; No Child Left Behind; NCLB; Cheating; Performance Pressure; Measurement; Incentives; Atlanta Public Schools; Management; Leadership; Ethics; Performance; Performance Evaluation; Performance Expectations; Risk Management; Education; Education Industry; United States; Georgia (state, US); Atlanta
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance." Harvard Business School Case 114-001, December 2013. (Revised September 2017.)
- July 2004 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Hines Goes to Rio
By: Arthur I Segel and Ricardo Reisen De Pinho
The Torre Almirante office tower, Hines' newest project in Rio de Janeiro, was a 36-story, Class AA office tower with an adjoining 420-stall parking structure and a preserved 14-story historic facade. It was completely different from anything that had previously been... View Details
Keywords: Property; Design; Construction; Buildings and Facilities; Risk Management; Problems and Challenges; Real Estate Industry; Brazil; New York (city, NY)
Segel, Arthur I., and Ricardo Reisen De Pinho. "Hines Goes to Rio." Harvard Business School Case 805-001, July 2004. (Revised July 2020.)
- March 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Case
Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?
By: Nien-hê Hsieh and Youssef Abdel Aal
The case follows Ziad Abi Chaker, founder and CEO of Cedar Environmental, as he weighs options for how to grow the company in the face of growing economic and political instability in Lebanon in 2019.
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Keywords: Waste Management; Recycling; Corruption; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Business And Government; Social Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Pollution; Entrepreneurship; Business and Government Relations; Crime and Corruption; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Expansion; Corporate Accountability; Green Technology Industry; Middle East; Lebanon
Hsieh, Nien-hê, and Youssef Abdel Aal. "Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?" Harvard Business School Case 321-114, March 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- 19 Jul 2011
- First Look
First Look: July 19
PublicationsBroadening Focus: Spillovers, Complementarities and Specialization in the Hospital Industry Authors:Jonathan R. Clark and Robert S. Huckman Publication:Management Science (forthcoming) Abstract The long-standing argument that focused operations outperform... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 2013
- Book
Business and the Environment: Critical Perspectives in Business and Management
By: Susse Georg and Andrew J. Hoffman
Over the past four decades, the concept of corporate environmentalism has passed through multiple iterations. Prompted by landmark environmental events such the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962), the Santa Barbara oil spill, the Cuyahoga River fire,... View Details
Georg, Susse, and Andrew J. Hoffman, eds. Business and the Environment: Critical Perspectives in Business and Management. 4 vols. Routledge, 2013.
- 2011
- Teaching Note
Juner New Materials: On the Road to IPO (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Donglin Xia, Ning Jia and Ziqian Zhao
Juner New Materials (Juner) is a private China-based company that develops, produces, and distributes modified plastic compounds. Founded in 1995 by female serial entrepreneur Xiaomin Chen, Juner has exhibited strong performance and growth potential in the past fifteen... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship; Financial Statements; IPO; Valuation; Women Executives; China; Plastics; China
McFarlan, F. Warren, Donglin Xia, Ning Jia, and Ziqian Zhao. "Juner New Materials: On the Road to IPO (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2011.
- 2012
- Article
The Excess Burden of Government Indecision
By: Francisco J. Gomes, Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Luis M. Viceira
Governments are known for procrastinating when it comes to resolving painful policy problems. Whatever the political motives for waiting to decide, procrastination distorts economic decisions relative to what would arise with early policy resolution. In so doing, it... View Details
Keywords: Saving; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Portfolio; Decision Choices and Conditions; Retirement; Policy; Government and Politics
Gomes, Francisco J., Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and Luis M. Viceira. "The Excess Burden of Government Indecision." Tax Policy and the Economy 26 (2012): 125–163.