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- Faculty Publications (530)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (530)
- March 2011 (Revised November 2011)
- Supplement
Harmonic Hearing Co., Spreadsheet Supplement (Brief Case)
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Craig Stephenson
- December 2010 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines
By: Tom Nicholas and David Chen
Wilbur (1867-1912) and Orville (1871-1948) Wright were fascinated by the mystery of flight and they built on the ideas of prominent earlier figures such as Octave Chanute (1832-1910) the French-born American who was influential in fostering the free exchange of ideas... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business History; Technological Innovation; Patents; Knowledge Sharing; Air Transportation; Air Transportation Industry; Europe; United States
Nicholas, Tom, and David Chen. "The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines." Harvard Business School Case 811-034, December 2010. (Revised March 2015.)
- November 2010 (Revised May 2012)
- Case
Innovating into Active ETFs: Factor Funds Capital Management LLC
By: Kenneth A. Froot, Lauren Cohen and Scott Waggoner
Kishore Karunakaran, President and COO of FFCM, faces a variety of challenges in launching an innovative investment management business in the rapidly evolving ETF space. View Details
Keywords: Investment Management; Institutional Investments; Entrepreneurial Finance; Financial Management; Innovation Strategy; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Capital Markets; Investment Funds; Financial Strategy; Management Teams; Financial Services Industry; Boston
Froot, Kenneth A., Lauren Cohen, and Scott Waggoner. "Innovating into Active ETFs: Factor Funds Capital Management LLC." Harvard Business School Case 211-031, November 2010. (Revised May 2012.)
- November 2010 (Revised April 2011)
- Case
WiTricity: Electricity cuts the cord
By: William A. Sahlman and Evan Wade Richardson
Eric Giler, WiTricity CEO, must decide how to grow a company based around an untested but potentially ground-breaking technology for wireless electricity transmission. View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Wireless Technology; Electronics Industry
Sahlman, William A., and Evan Wade Richardson. "WiTricity: Electricity cuts the cord." Harvard Business School Case 811-045, November 2010. (Revised April 2011.)
- September 2010 (Revised November 2010)
- Case
Ze-gen: Commercializing Clean Tech
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Kaitlyn Lyons and Scott Prozeller
The Ze-gen case covers the first five years in the life of a clean-tech start-up. Ze-gen had developed an innovative technology that converted solid waste into synthesis gas (called syngas). This technology was in testing at the company's pilot plant, built next to the... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Renewable Energy; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Environmental Sustainability; Commercialization; Green Technology Industry; New Bedford
Applegate, Lynda M., Kaitlyn Lyons, and Scott Prozeller. "Ze-gen: Commercializing Clean Tech." Harvard Business School Case 811-014, September 2010. (Revised November 2010.)
- September 2010 (Revised January 2016)
- Case
Grameen Danone Foods Ltd., a Social Business
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Katharine Lee
Grameen Danone is a joint venture between the Grameen Group (a sister company of Grameen Bank) and Groupe Danone, a $2 billion (revenues) French food company. The company's goal was to provide nutritional yogurt (brand name Shoktidoi) for the nearly 50 million... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Social Entrepreneurship; Food; Distribution; Supply Chain Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Food and Beverage Industry; Bangladesh; France
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Katharine Lee. "Grameen Danone Foods Ltd., a Social Business." Harvard Business School Case 511-025, September 2010. (Revised January 2016.)
- June 2010
- Case
The Shaw Group Inc.: Entrepreneurial Innovation
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Edward Watson
The case describes the founding and evolution of the Shaw Group through acquisition. The case is set at the time that the company is redesigning its business processes, organization, and information technology infrastructure to support aggressive growth and increased... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Growth and Development Strategy; Infrastructure; Business Processes; Organizational Design; Information Technology
Applegate, Lynda M., and Edward Watson. "The Shaw Group Inc.: Entrepreneurial Innovation." Harvard Business School Case 810-135, June 2010.
- June 2010 (Revised June 2011)
- Case
U.S. Department of Energy & Recovery Act Funding: Bridging the "Valley of Death"
By: Michael J. Roberts, Joseph B. Lassiter III and Ramana Nanda
The case focuses on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the $38 billion of stimulus funding the DOE received to encourage clean tech. They focus on "bridging the valley of death" (i.e., helping young, innovative companies finance technically risky and very capital... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Government and Politics; Innovation and Invention; Programs; Business and Government Relations; Climate Change; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry
Roberts, Michael J., Joseph B. Lassiter III, and Ramana Nanda. U.S. Department of Energy & Recovery Act Funding: Bridging the "Valley of Death". Harvard Business School Case 810-144, June 2010. (Revised June 2011.)
- June 2010 (Revised August 2011)
- Case
Tennant Company: Innovating Within and Beyond the Core
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Toby E. Stuart and James Weber
Tennant, a leading producer of floor cleaning equipment, must determine the business model to use for its new chemical-free cleaning technology. In 2005, Tennant Company had developed an innovative, environmentally friendly cleaning technology that could potentially... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Organizational Structure; Business Strategy; Value Creation; Consumer Products Industry; Industrial Products Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Toby E. Stuart, and James Weber. "Tennant Company: Innovating Within and Beyond the Core." Harvard Business School Case 810-139, June 2010. (Revised August 2011.)
- 2010
- Book
International Differences in Entrepreneurship
By: Josh Lerner and Antoinette Schoar
Often considered one of the major forces behind economic growth and development, the entrepreneurial firm can accelerate the speed of innovation and dissemination of new technologies, thus increasing a country's competitive edge in the global market. As a result,... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Supply and Industry; Business and Government Relations
Lerner, Josh, and Antoinette Schoar, eds. International Differences in Entrepreneurship. National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.
- April 2010
- Teaching Note
Dr. John's Products, Ltd. (TN)
Teaching Note for [803063]. View Details
- 2010
- Book
Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd
By: Youngme Moon
Every few years a book-through a combination of the author's unique voice, storytelling ability, spirit, and insight-simply breaks the mold. Youngme Moon's DIFFERENT is that kind of book, a book for "people who don't read business books...," a book that feels like an... View Details
Keywords: Communication Intention and Meaning; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Marketing; Creativity; Competition
Moon, Youngme. Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd. Crown, 2010.
- March 2010 (Revised April 2014)
- Case
American Well: The Doctor Will E-See You Now
By: Elie Ofek and Ron Laufer
What is next for healthcare IT provider American Well, whose innovative Online Care technology allows physicians to deliver care to patients online in real time? Using American Well's platform, patients with non-emergency health concerns can communicate with physicians... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Market Entry and Exit; Service Delivery; Online Technology; Health Industry
Ofek, Elie, and Ron Laufer. "American Well: The Doctor Will E-See You Now." Harvard Business School Case 510-061, March 2010. (Revised April 2014.)
- February 2010
- Case
Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Heather Beckham
Applied Research Technologies, Inc. (ART) is a diversified technology company which has used its entrepreneurial culture and encouragement of innovation as an ongoing competitive advantage. The case concentrates on the challenges faced by Peter Vyas, the Filtration... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Managerial Roles; Management Practices and Processes; Reputation; Organizational Culture; Innovation and Management; Competitive Advantage; Entrepreneurship; Management Systems; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Technology Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Heather Beckham. "Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-168, February 2010.
- February 2010
- Case
Foxwoods: Turning Data into Insights in the Hospitality Industry
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Deborah L. Soule
This case describes how an IT director identified an opportunity and implemented an innovative business solution designed to enable line managers and executives to convert data to information to insights. The case also details how the company partnered with an emerging... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Connecticut
Applegate, Lynda M., and Deborah L. Soule. "Foxwoods: Turning Data into Insights in the Hospitality Industry." Harvard Business School Case 810-083, February 2010.
- February 2010 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Living PlanIT
By: Robert G. Eccles, Amy C. Edmondson, Susan Thyne and Tiona Zuzul
Living PlanIT is a start-up company that has developed a new, innovative business model for sustainable urbanization. This model reflects the software and technology backgrounds of its founders, Steve Lewis and Malcolm Hutchinson, and is in vivid contrast to other... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; Development Economics; Entrepreneurship; City; Technological Innovation; Environmental Sustainability; Urban Development; Construction Industry; Green Technology Industry; Real Estate Industry; Portugal
Eccles, Robert G., Amy C. Edmondson, Susan Thyne, and Tiona Zuzul. "Living PlanIT." Harvard Business School Case 410-081, February 2010. (Revised November 2013.)
- February 2010 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
Tennant Company
By: Toby E. Stuart, Lynda M. Applegate and James Weber
Tennant, a leading producer of floor cleaning equipment, must determine how to create, finance, structure, staff, govern, measure, and manage a new venture for developing a fundamentally new product line. In 2005, Tennant Company had developed an innovative,... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Change Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Product Development; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Research and Development
Stuart, Toby E., Lynda M. Applegate, and James Weber. "Tennant Company." Harvard Business School Case 810-040, February 2010. (Revised January 2014.)
- January 2010 (Revised August 2012)
- Background Note
Note on Telemedicine
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Jillian Copeland
This note provides background in all the modalities of telemedicine. It accompanies the cases "Medtronic: Patient Management Initiative" (A) and (B), HBS Nos. 302-005 and 309-064. View Details
Keywords: Interactive Communication; Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Health Industry; Telecommunications Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Jillian Copeland. "Note on Telemedicine." Harvard Business School Background Note 310-075, January 2010. (Revised August 2012.)
- Article
The Evolution of Science-Based Business: Innovating How We Innovate
By: Gary P. Pisano
Science has long been connected to innovation and to business. As early as the late 19th century, chemical companies, realizing the commercial potential of science, created the first industrial research laboratories. During much of the 20th century, large-scale... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Governance; Innovation and Management; Risk Management; Research and Development; Science-Based Business; Commercialization
Pisano, Gary P. "The Evolution of Science-Based Business: Innovating How We Innovate." Special Issue on Management Innovation—Essays in the Spirit of Alfred D. Chandler. Industrial and Corporate Change 19, no. 2 (April 2010): 465–482.
- November 2009 (Revised August 2010)
- Case
NovoCure Ltd.
By: William A. Sahlman and Sarah Flaherty
Venture capitalist William Doyle must raise $35 million for a portfolio company with a promising, novel cancer therapy, just as global capital markets are imploding in the fall of 2008. NovoCure, Ltd., has developed an electrical-field-based therapy, called Tumor... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Investment; Health Care and Treatment; Health Testing and Trials; Technological Innovation; Financial Services Industry
Sahlman, William A., and Sarah Flaherty. "NovoCure Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 810-045, November 2009. (Revised August 2010.)