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- Faculty Publications (383)
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- Faculty Publications (383)
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- Research Summary
The focus of my research is on the systems of social innovation. How small groups of individuals come up with new products and services targeting important problems; how they finance these initial efforts, and convert prototypes into viable organizational strategies;... View Details
Keywords: (General) Management; Social Business; Non-profit Management; Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; Entrepreneurial Finance; System Dynamics; Non-profit; Evaluation; Impact Investing; Venture Philanthropy; Social Enterprise Initiative; Advanced Leadership Initiative; Investment; Innovation and Invention; Organizations; Social Enterprise; Civil Society or Community; System; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry
- Research Summary
By: Jorge Tamayo
Professor Tamayo’s research focuses on theoretical modeling and structural estimation of firm decision-making and productivity.
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions
By: Jared Finnegan, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling and Florence Metz
Why are some governments more effective in promoting economic change than others?
We develop a theory of the institutional sources of economic transformation. Institutions can
facilitate transformation through two central mechanisms: insulation and compensation.... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Business and Government Relations; Supply and Industry; Demand and Consumers; Transformation; Economic Systems; Climate Change
Finnegan, Jared, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling, and Florence Metz. "The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions." Journal of Politics (forthcoming).
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