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- Faculty Publications (47)
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- Faculty Publications (47)
- September 2013 (Revised August 2015)
- Background Note
Leadership and Teaming
By: Ethan Bernstein
Small differences in the leadership of teams can have large consequences for the success of their efforts. Many initiatives fail not because of a fatal error in judgment or insufficient ideas, knowledge, motivation, or capabilities to deliver a solution. They fail... View Details
Keywords: Teams; Teaming; Leadership And Managing People; Leadership; Team Effectiveness; Team Performance; Team Design; Team Leadership; Teamwork; Team Process; Team Function; Team Launch; 60/30/10 Rule; Team Boundary; Distribution Of Leadership Authority; Self-Managed Teams; Virtual Teams; Unbounded Teams; Acts Of Leadership; Execution Teams; Decision Making Teams; Creativity Teams; Team Size; Task Design; Team Timeline; Team Roles; Team Representation; Diversity; Team Familiarity; Collective Intelligence; Team Stages Of Development; Team Coaching; Performance Pressure; X-Teams; Team Focus; Interaction; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Management Systems; Management Style; Management Skills; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Efficiency; Performance Productivity; Groups and Teams; Networks; Social Psychology; Behavior; Conflict and Resolution; Creativity; Social and Collaborative Networks; Satisfaction; Prejudice and Bias; Power and Influence; Personal Characteristics; Familiarity; Cognition and Thinking; Attitudes; Projects; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Knowledge Sharing; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Design; Interpersonal Communication; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Asia; North and Central America; South America; Atlantic Ocean; Central Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; Oceania; West Indies
Bernstein, Ethan. "Leadership and Teaming." Harvard Business School Background Note 414-033, September 2013. (Revised August 2015.)
- September 2011 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
Brightcove, Inc. in 2007
By: Andrei Hagiu and David B. Yoffie
Brightcove, a technology and services provider to content owners in the Internet television field, aimed to become a media distribution company in its own right. On October 30, 2006, it relaunched its Website—and, in effect, its business. With its new, consumer-facing... View Details
Keywords: Competition; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Diversification; Digital Platforms; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Business Model; Distribution; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Hagiu, Andrei, and David B. Yoffie. "Brightcove, Inc. in 2007." Harvard Business School Case 712-424, September 2011. (Revised March 2014.)
- Jun 2011
- Conference Presentation
Viral Videos: The Dynamics of Online Video Advertising Campaigns
By: Anita Elberse
- May 2011
- Conference Presentation
Viral Videos: The Dynamics of Online Video Advertising Campaigns
By: Anita Elberse
- May 2011 - 2011
- Conference Presentation
Viral Videos: The Dynamics of Online Video Advertising Campaigns
By: Anita Elberse
- May–June 2011
- Article
The Uninvited Brand
By: Susan Fournier and Jill Avery
Brands rushed into social media, viewing social networks, video sharing, online communities, and microblogging sites as the panacea to diminishing returns for traditional brand building routes. But, as more branding activity moves to the web, marketers are confronted... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brands; Brand Building; Brand Management; Digital Marketing; Advertising Campaigns; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Internet and the Web; Social Media; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry
Fournier, Susan, and Jill Avery. "The Uninvited Brand." Business Horizons 54, no. 3 (May–June 2011): 193–207.
- May 2010
- Supplement
Tim Westergren of Pandora Radio
By: Willy C. Shih and Halle Alicia Tecco
Pandora Radio is at a crossroads. Founder Tim Westergren has just been told by a well known VC to get rid of his unprofitable customers in order to get his costs down, but Westergren is not sure that such actions are consistent with his company's business model.... View Details
Keywords: History; Business Model; Customers; Venture Capital; Internet and the Web; Cost Management; Outcome or Result; Customization and Personalization; Growth and Development Strategy; Music Industry
Shih, Willy C., and Halle Alicia Tecco. "Tim Westergren of Pandora Radio." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 610-714, May 2010.
- April 2010 (Revised June 2011)
- Background Note
Television Competes for a Digital Audience
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Nancy Bartlett
In the face of major disruption in the industry television networks have sought new revenue sources, implemented cost-cutting measures and strategized on ways to monetize online access to content. Programming changes, new advertising strategies, and deals via online... View Details
Bradley, Stephen P., and Nancy Bartlett. "Television Competes for a Digital Audience." Harvard Business School Background Note 710-476, April 2010. (Revised June 2011.)
- February 2010 (Revised October 2010)
- Case
YouTube: Time to Charge Users?
By: Anita Elberse and Sunil Gupta
In January 2010, YouTube, the world's largest online video aggregator, was still seeking to become profitable. Was the time right for Google, YouTube's parent company, to charge users seeking to upload content, as some analysts had suggested—and if so, who should be... View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Business Model; Cost; Profit; Revenue; Consumer Behavior; Internet and the Web; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Sunil Gupta. "YouTube: Time to Charge Users?" Harvard Business School Case 510-053, February 2010. (Revised October 2010.)
- October 2009 (Revised June 2010)
- Case
Hulu: An Evil Plot to Destroy the World?
By: Anita Elberse and Sunil Gupta
In July 2009, Jason Kilar, the chief executive officer of Hulu, is debating whether the online video aggregator should move away from a purely advertising-supported model, and whether it should participate in an industry-wide initiative to develop and test... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Business Model; Television Entertainment; Distribution Channels; Service Operations; Internet and the Web; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Sunil Gupta. "Hulu: An Evil Plot to Destroy the World?" Harvard Business School Case 510-005, October 2009. (Revised June 2010.)
- May 2008
- Supplement
Hasbro Games -- POX (A) and (B), Supporting Video
By: Elie Ofek
The video contains advertisements and media related clips regarding the launch of Hasbro's POX handheld game. View Details
Ofek, Elie. "Hasbro Games -- POX (A) and (B), Supporting Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 508-706, May 2008.
- October 2007 (Revised December 2007)
- Case
TiVo 2007: DVRs and Beyond
By: David B. Yoffie and Michael Slind
Tom Rogers, CEO of TiVo, had placed multiple strategic bets on his company. In September 2007, that strategy was due for a major test. TiVo was a maker of digital video recorder (DVR) products and a distributor of DVR technology. Rogers believed that macro-trends in... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Business Model; Television Entertainment; Intellectual Property; Lawsuits and Litigation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Distribution; Problems and Challenges; Partners and Partnerships; Research; Internet; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B., and Michael Slind. "TiVo 2007: DVRs and Beyond." Harvard Business School Case 708-401, October 2007. (Revised December 2007.)
- October 2007
- Article
The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures: An Empirical Investigation Using a Simulated Market
By: Anita Elberse and Bharat N. Anand
One of the most visible and publicized trends in the movie industry is the escalation in movie advertising expenditures over time. Yet, the returns to movie advertising are poorly understood. The main reason is that disentangling the causal effect of advertising on... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Stocks; Investment Return; Price; Revenue; Quality; Mathematical Methods; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Bharat N. Anand. "The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures: An Empirical Investigation Using a Simulated Market." Information Economics and Policy 19, nos. 3-4 (October 2007): 319–343. (Special Issue on Economics of the Media.)
- June 2007 (Revised April 2010)
- Case
Comcast Corporation
By: Anita Elberse and Jason Schreiber
In October 2006, Comcast executives had entered negotiations with broadcast networks to broaden the selection of free network content distributed via its video-on-demand (VOD) service. The major broadcast networks, however, were unsure of the effect it would have on... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Consumer Behavior; Competitive Strategy; Technology Adoption; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Jason Schreiber. "Comcast Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 507-080, June 2007. (Revised April 2010.)
- October 2006 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
Production I.G: Challenging the Status Quo
By: Andrei Hagiu, Tarun Khanna, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Masako Egawa and Chisato Toyama
In July 2006, Mitsuhisa Ishikawa wondered how he could further enhance the success and visibility of his animation production company headquartered in Tokyo, Production I.G. For the year ended May 2006, Production I.G. had sales of 5,439 million yen ($47.3 million),... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Competitive Advantage; Markets; Animation Entertainment; Going Public; Growth and Development Strategy; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Tokyo
Hagiu, Andrei, Tarun Khanna, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Masako Egawa, and Chisato Toyama. "Production I.G: Challenging the Status Quo." Harvard Business School Case 707-454, October 2006. (Revised March 2007.)
- March 2006 (Revised February 2007)
- Case
Massive Incorporated (A)
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, Clark Gilbert and Victoria Winston
How do you go to market with a brand new product in a new industry? How does a business develop an opportunity and then adapt its strategy to ensure success? Who are the early adopters and how does a business work with them? Katherine Hays, chief operating office at... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Markets; Product Launch; Digital Marketing; Business Startups; Advertising Industry
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, Clark Gilbert, and Victoria Winston. "Massive Incorporated (A)." Harvard Business School Case 806-126, March 2006. (Revised February 2007.)
- Oct 2004
- Conference Presentation
The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures
By: Anita Elberse
- September 2004 (Revised February 2010)
- Case
The Passion of the Christ (A)
By: John A. Quelch, Anita Elberse and Anna Harrington
Bob Berney, president of Newmarket Films, must decide on a distribution and marketing strategy for Mel Gibson's controversial new movie, The Passion of the Christ. Fueled by Gibson's star power as well as an extensive prescreening campaign among Christian leaders and... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Film Entertainment; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Distribution Channels; Religion; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Quelch, John A., Anita Elberse, and Anna Harrington. "The Passion of the Christ (A)." Harvard Business School Case 505-025, September 2004. (Revised February 2010.)
- Jun 2004 - 2004
- Conference Presentation
The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures
By: Anita Elberse
- October 1996 (Revised April 1997)
- Case
Tweeter etc.
By: John T. Gourville and George Wu
In the early 1990s, Tweeter etc., a small regional retailer of higher-end audio and video equipment, faced increasing competitive pricing pressures from several large regional and national consumer electronics chains. In response, in 1993, they introduced "Automatic... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Customer Focus and Relationships; Price; Market Entry and Exit; Supply Chain Management; Competition; Electronics Industry; Retail Industry
Gourville, John T., and George Wu. "Tweeter etc." Harvard Business School Case 597-028, October 1996. (Revised April 1997.)