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- October 2023 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
ghSMART & Co: Building and Scaling a Time Smart Firm
By: Ashley Whillans and Sara Coronel Rodriguez
"For ghSMART, freedom is the first principle from which all good things flow”—Geoff Smart, Chairman and Founder, ghSMART. ghSMART was a leadership advisory firm that was grounded in the principle of freedom. Talented Consultants and Partners could work remotely from... View Details
Keywords: Time; Consulting Firms; Time Management; Talent and Talent Management; Employee Relationship Management; Innovation Strategy; Knowledge Sharing; Organizational Culture; Going Public; Partners and Partnerships; Expansion; Reputation
Whillans, Ashley, and Sara Coronel Rodriguez. "ghSMART & Co: Building and Scaling a Time Smart Firm." Harvard Business School Case 924-009, October 2023. (Revised April 2024.)
- Article
Big Ideas Feature: Time for Happiness: Why the Pursuit of Money Isn't Bringing You Joy—and What Will
By: A.V. Whillans
Adam (real story, fake name) was a good employee who was given a plum project he believed could get him a promotion and a raise. Taking it seemed like the proverbial no-brainer: Work hard, nail the assignment, get more pay. He knew he’d have to put in long days and... View Details
Whillans, A.V. "Big Ideas Feature: Time for Happiness: Why the Pursuit of Money Isn't Bringing You Joy—and What Will." Special Issue on HBR Big Idea: Time Poor and Unhappy. Harvard Business Review (website) (January 29, 2019).
- Research Summary
Giving Time Gives You Time
Four experiments reveal a counterintuitive solution to the common problem of feeling that one doesn't have enough time: giving some of it away. Although people's objective amount of time cannot be increased (there are only 24 hours in a day), this research... View Details
- Article
Valuing Time Over Money Predicts Happiness After a Major Life Transition: A Preregistered Longitudinal Study of Graduating Students
By: A.V. Whillans, Lucia Macchia and Elizabeth Dunn
How does prioritizing time or money shape major life decisions and subsequent well-being? In a preregistered longitudinal study of approximately 1000 graduating university students, respondents who valued time over money chose more intrinsically rewarding activities... View Details
Keywords: Time Use; Trade-offs; Career Decisions; Time Management; Money; Happiness; Values and Beliefs; Personal Development and Career
Whillans, A.V., Lucia Macchia, and Elizabeth Dunn. "Valuing Time Over Money Predicts Happiness After a Major Life Transition: A Preregistered Longitudinal Study of Graduating Students." Science Advances 5, no. 9 (September 2019).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Time Dependency, Data Flow, and Competitive Advantage
Data is fundamental to machine learning-based products and services and is considered strategic due to its externalities for businesses, governments, non-profits, and more generally for society. It is renowned that the value of organizations (businesses, government... View Details
Keywords: Economics Of AI; Value Of Data; Perishability; Time Dependency; Flow Of Data; Data Strategy; Analytics and Data Science; Value; Strategy; Competitive Advantage
Valavi, Ehsan, Joel Hestness, Marco Iansiti, Newsha Ardalani, Feng Zhu, and Karim R. Lakhani. "Time Dependency, Data Flow, and Competitive Advantage." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-099, March 2021.
- 2022
- Article
Alleviating Time Poverty Among the Working Poor: A Pre-Registered Longitudinal Field Experiment
By: A.V. Whillans and Colin West
Poverty entails more than a scarcity of material resources—it also involves a shortage of time. To examine the causal benefits of reducing time poverty, we conducted a longitudinal feld experiment over six consecutive weeks in an urban slum in Kenya with a sample of... View Details
Keywords: Time; Subjective Well Being; Administrative Costs; Friction; Poverty; Well-being; Money; Perception; Kenya
Whillans, A.V., and Colin West. "Alleviating Time Poverty Among the Working Poor: A Pre-Registered Longitudinal Field Experiment." Art. 719. Scientific Reports 12 (2022).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Time Dependence and Preference: Implications for Compensation Structure and Shift Scheduling
By: Doug J. Chung, Byungyeon Kim and Byoung G. Park
This study jointly examines agents’ time dependence—period effects within instantaneous utility—and time preference—behavior on discounting future utility. The study considers the start- and end-of-period effects for time dependence and exponential and hyperbolic... View Details
Keywords: Time Preferences; Present Bias; Hyperbolic Discounting; Compensation; Dynamic Structural Models; Identification; Time Management; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Performance; Compensation and Benefits
Chung, Doug J., Byungyeon Kim, and Byoung G. Park. "Time Dependence and Preference: Implications for Compensation Structure and Shift Scheduling." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-121, April 2021.
- 1 Oct 2011
- Conference Presentation
Giving Time Gives You Time
By: Zoe Chance, Cassie Mogilner and Michael I. Norton
Chance, Zoe, Cassie Mogilner, and Michael I. Norton. "Giving Time Gives You Time." Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 1, 2011.
- January 2005
- Tutorial
Buying Time
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Managers must frequently make decisions involving trade-offs between cash flows to be paid or received at different points in time. Accountants, in turn, must describe transactions that involve the payment and/or receipt of cash far in the future. This interactive... View Details
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Effects of Temporal Distance on Intra-Firm Communication: Evidence from Daylight Savings Time
By: Jasmina Chauvin, Prithwiraj Choudhury and Tommy Pan Fang
Cross-border communication costs have plummeted and enabled the global distribution of work, but frictions attributable to distance persist. We estimate the causal effects of temporal distance, i.e., time zone separation between employees, on intra-firm communication,... View Details
Keywords: Communication Patterns; Time Zones; Geographic Frictions; Knowledge Workers; Multinational Companies; Communication; Multinational Firms and Management; Geographic Location
Chauvin, Jasmina, Prithwiraj Choudhury, and Tommy Pan Fang. "The Effects of Temporal Distance on Intra-Firm Communication: Evidence from Daylight Savings Time." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-052, September 2020. (Revised November 2021.)
- May 1989 (Revised October 1989)
- Background Note
Throughput Time vs. Cycle Time
Hart, Christopher. "Throughput Time vs. Cycle Time." Harvard Business School Background Note 689-074, May 1989. (Revised October 1989.)
- 29 Jul 2002
- Research & Ideas
Time Pressure and Creativity: Why Time is Not on Your Side
Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile is in the midst of a ten-year study looking at, among other things, how time pressure in a corporate setting affects employee creativity. She recently presented early findings and an... View Details
- 15 Jun 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Slack Time and Innovation
- February 1993
- Background Note
Time Series
Schleifer, Arthur, Jr. "Time Series." Harvard Business School Background Note 893-012, February 1993.
- 02 Feb 2021
- Working Paper Summaries
Nonprofits in Good Times and Bad Times
- 2023
- Working Paper
Complexity and Time
By: Benjamin Enke, Thomas Graeber and Ryan Oprea
We provide experimental evidence that core intertemporal choice anomalies -- including extreme short-run impatience, structural estimates of present bias, hyperbolicity and transitivity violations -- are driven by complexity rather than time or risk preferences. First,... View Details
Enke, Benjamin, Thomas Graeber, and Ryan Oprea. "Complexity and Time." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 31047, March 2023.
- 2002
- Case
New York Times Digital
By: Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble
In 1995, the New York Times launched New York Times Digital, a new venture dedicated to building a profitable business focused on distributing news context in multimedia format online. In implementing the venture, the company created a unit that was quite distinct... View Details
Keywords: Online Technology; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Newspapers; Business Startups; Journalism and News Industry; Publishing Industry
Govindarajan, Vijay, and Chris Trimble. "New York Times Digital." 2002. (Case No. 2-0006.)
- March 2002 (Revised June 2005)
- Case
AOL Time Warner, Inc.
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Erin Sullivan
AOL Time Warner, which has been billed as the "first fully integrated media and communications company of the Internet Century," raises the fundamental question of how value will be created and captured by the merger of AOL and Time Warner. This case describes just how... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Internet and the Web; Value Creation; Organizational Culture; Consolidation; Change Management; Telecommunications Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Bradley, Stephen P., and Erin Sullivan. "AOL Time Warner, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 702-421, March 2002. (Revised June 2005.)
- November 2002 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
AOL Time Warner Foundation
Focuses on B. Keith Fulton, vice president of the AOL Time Warner Foundation, who is analyzing the results of a new partnership between the foundation and the National Council on Aging. Fulton is considering ways to build upon the partnership's initial success. View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Partners and Partnerships; Communications Industry; Public Administration Industry; Publishing Industry
Barrett, Diana, Cassandra Hanley, and Sarah Aaron. "AOL Time Warner Foundation." Harvard Business School Case 303-014, November 2002. (Revised May 2003.)
- October 1991 (Revised September 2004)
- Case
Buying Time
By: William J. Bruns Jr. and Susan Harmeling
A self-contained explanation and simple practice examples to introduce students to the concepts of compound interest, present value loans, bonds, and leases. Necessary present value tables are included. The study questions provide simple exercises to enhance student... View Details
Bruns, William J., Jr., and Susan Harmeling. "Buying Time." Harvard Business School Case 192-045, October 1991. (Revised September 2004.)