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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (8)
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- Faculty Publications (1,302)
- 2022
- Book
Ripe for Revolution: Building Socialism in the Third World
By: Jeremy Friedman
A historical account of ideology in the Global South as the postwar laboratory of socialism, its legacy following the Cold War, and the continuing influence of socialist ideas worldwide.
In the first decades after World War II, many newly independent... View Details
In the first decades after World War II, many newly independent... View Details
Keywords: Socialism; Economic Systems; Globalization; Government and Politics; Developing Countries and Economies
Friedman, Jeremy. Ripe for Revolution: Building Socialism in the Third World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022.
- 2019
- Article
CEO Materialism and Corporate Social Responsibility
By: Robert Davidson, Aiyesha Dey and Abbie Smith
We study the role of individual CEOs in explaining corporate social responsibility (CSR) scores. We find that CEO fixed effects explain 59% of the variation in CSR scores, whereas firm fixed effects explain 2% of the variation in CSR scores. Specifically, firms led by... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Firm Performance; CEOs; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizations; Performance
Davidson, Robert, Aiyesha Dey, and Abbie Smith. "CEO Materialism and Corporate Social Responsibility." Accounting Review 94, no. 1 (January 2019): 101–126.
- 1977
- Working Paper
Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance
By: Jerry R. Green
A two-period lifetime overlapping generations growth model is used to evaluate the possibility that social insurance can effectively offset economic risks associated with uncertainty about the rate of population growth. Crude measures of the seriousness of this type of... View Details
Keywords: Social Insurance; Econometric Models; Public Sector; Government Administration; Policy; Human Needs; Social Issues; Risk and Uncertainty
Green, Jerry R. "Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 215, November 1977.
- 1 Aug 1985
- Conference Presentation
Social Influences on Creativity: Interactive Effects of Reward and Choice
- 2018
- Article
Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance
By: Sharique Hasan and Rembrand Koning
We conduct a field experiment at an entrepreneurship bootcamp to investigate whether interaction with proximate peers shapes a nascent startup team's performance. We find that teams whose members lack prior ties to others at the bootcamp experience peer effects that... View Details
Keywords: Field Experiment; Peer Effects; Office Space; Knowledge Spillovers; Accelerators; Entrepreneurship; Knowledge Sharing; Performance; Technology Industry; India
Hasan, Sharique, and Rembrand Koning. "Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 9 (September 2019): 1394–1416.
- 13 Sep 2021
- News
Effective Fundraising
- May 2012
- Course Overview Note
Managing Stakeholders with Corporate Social Responsibility
By: Christopher Marquis and Laura Velez Villa
This note articulates the ways in which strong stakeholder-company relationships developed through corporate social responsibility initiatives and other types of social strategies deliver bottom line benefits. The analysis follows stakeholder logic models connecting... View Details
Keywords: Business And Society; Social Responsibility; Stakeholder Management; Government And Business; Philanthropy; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Revenue
Marquis, Christopher, and Laura Velez Villa. "Managing Stakeholders with Corporate Social Responsibility." Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 412-121, May 2012.
- 2022
- Article
Social Interactivity in Live Video Experiences Reduces Loneliness
By: Benjamin T. Kaveladze, Robert R. Morris, Rosa Victoria Dimitrova-Gammeltoft, Amit Goldenberg, James J. Gross, Judd Antin, Melissa Sandgren and Melissa C. Thomas-Hunt
Background: Loneliness, especially when chronic, can substantially reduce one's quality of life. However, positive social experiences might help to break cycles of loneliness by promoting more prosocial cognitions and behaviors. Internet-mediated live video... View Details
Keywords: Lonelines; Social Connection; Internet-mediated Communication; Experiment; Emotions; Well-being; Interpersonal Communication; Internet
Kaveladze, Benjamin T., Robert R. Morris, Rosa Victoria Dimitrova-Gammeltoft, Amit Goldenberg, James J. Gross, Judd Antin, Melissa Sandgren, and Melissa C. Thomas-Hunt. "Social Interactivity in Live Video Experiences Reduces Loneliness." Frontiers in Digital Health 4:859849 (2022).
- July 1977
- Article
Social Roles, Social Control and Biases in Social Perception Processes
By: L. D. Ross, T. M. Amabile and J. Steinmetz
To make accurate social judgments, an individual must both recognize and adequately correct for the self-presentation advantages or disadvantages conferred upon actors by their social roles. Two experiments using 120 undergraduates examined social perceptions formed... View Details
Keywords: Perception; Prejudice and Bias; Social Psychology; Judgments; Power and Influence; Status and Position; Situation or Environment
Ross, L. D., T. M. Amabile, and J. Steinmetz. "Social Roles, Social Control and Biases in Social Perception Processes." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35, no. 7 (July 1977): 485–494.
- December 1992 (Revised September 1994)
- Background Note
Note on Organizational Effectiveness
By: Michael Beer
Discusses what is meant by organizational effectiveness. First, the concept of organizations as social systems is introduced. Second, a model of organization effectiveness is introduced and discussed. View Details
Beer, Michael. "Note on Organizational Effectiveness." Harvard Business School Background Note 493-044, December 1992. (Revised September 1994.)
- 2016
- Article
Recursive Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in the Bystander Effect
By: Kyle A. Thomas, Julian De Freitas, Peter DiScioli and Steven Pinker
The more potential helpers there are, the less likely any individual is to help. A traditional explanation
for this bystander effect is that responsibility diffuses across the multiple bystanders, diluting the responsibility of each. We investigate an... View Details
Keywords: Bystander Effect; Diffusion Of Responsibility; Volunteer's Dilemma; Common Knowledge; Theory Of Mind; Behavior; Theory
Thomas, Kyle A., Julian De Freitas, Peter DiScioli, and Steven Pinker. "Recursive Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in the Bystander Effect." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145, no. 5 (2016): 621–629.
- December 1996
- Article
Can Computers Be Teammates? Affiliation and Social Identity Effects in Human-computer Interaction
By: C. I. Nass, B. J. Fogg and Y. Moon
Nass, C. I., B. J. Fogg, and Y. Moon. "Can Computers Be Teammates? Affiliation and Social Identity Effects in Human-computer Interaction." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 45, no. 6 (December 1996): 669–678.
- December 2015
- Article
Harnessing Productive Tensions in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Work Integration Social Enterprises
By: Julie Battilana, Metin Sengul, Anne-Claire Pache and Jacob Model
We examine the factors that influence the social performance of hybrid organizations that pursue a social mission, and sustain their operations through commercial activities, by studying work integration social enterprises (WISEs). We argue that social imprinting and... View Details
Keywords: Hybrid Organizations; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Organizations; Performance Productivity
Battilana, Julie, Metin Sengul, Anne-Claire Pache, and Jacob Model. "Harnessing Productive Tensions in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Work Integration Social Enterprises." Academy of Management Journal 58, no. 6 (December 2015): 1658–1685.
- Article
Pride to Cooperate: The Consideration of Pride Promotes Cooperation in a Social Dilemma
By: Anna Dorfman, Tal Eyal and Yoella Bereby-Meyer
In social dilemmas, broad collective interests conflict with immediate self-interests. In two studies, we examine the role of pride in guiding cooperative behavior in a social dilemma. We find that the consideration of pride led to more cooperation compared to the... View Details
Dorfman, Anna, Tal Eyal, and Yoella Bereby-Meyer. "Pride to Cooperate: The Consideration of Pride Promotes Cooperation in a Social Dilemma." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 55 (November 2014): 105–109.
- 2017
- Working Paper
Shopping for Confirmation: How Disconfirming Feedback Shapes Social Networks
By: Paul Green Jr., Francesca Gino and Bradley Staats
Many organizations employ interpersonal feedback processes as a structured means of informing and motivating employee improvement. Ample evidence suggests that these feedback processes are largely ineffective, and despite a wealth of prescriptive literature, these... View Details
Keywords: Developmental Feedback; Self-concept; Positive Illusions; Social Network; Threat; Identity; Social and Collaborative Networks; Behavior; Performance; Social Media
Green, Paul, Jr., Francesca Gino, and Bradley Staats. "Shopping for Confirmation: How Disconfirming Feedback Shapes Social Networks." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-028, September 2017.
- June 1994
- Article
The Effects of Organizational Demographics and Social Identity on Relationships among Professional Women
By: R. J. Ely
Ely, R. J. "The Effects of Organizational Demographics and Social Identity on Relationships among Professional Women." Administrative Science Quarterly 39, no. 2 (June 1994): 203–238.
- July 9, 2019
- Article
Common Knowledge, Coordination, and Strategic Mentalizing in Human Social Life
By: Julian De Freitas, Kyle A. Thomas, Peter DiScioli and Steven Pinker
People often coordinate for mutual gain, such as keeping to opposite sides of a stairway, dubbing an object or place with a name, or assembling en masse to protest a regime. Because successful coordination requires complementary choices, these opportunities raise the... View Details
De Freitas, Julian, Kyle A. Thomas, Peter DiScioli, and Steven Pinker. "Common Knowledge, Coordination, and Strategic Mentalizing in Human Social Life." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 28 (July 9, 2019).
- 13 Jul 2023
- News
The Network Effect
Karan Mathur (left) and Dina Model (Illustration by Gisela Goppel) Karan Mathur (left) and Dina Model (Illustration by Gisela Goppel) When Dina Model and Karan Mathur (both MBA 2015) met through mutual friends during their first year at HBS, neither was envisioning a... View Details