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- Faculty Publications (46)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (46)
- 2020
- Book
Better, Not Perfect: A Realist's Guide to Maximum Sustainable Goodness
By: Max Bazerman
Every day, you make hundreds of decisions. They’re largely personal, but these choices have an ethical twinge as well; they value certain principles and ends over others. Bazerman argues that we can better balance both dimensions—and we needn’t seek perfection to make... View Details
Bazerman, Max. Better, Not Perfect: A Realist's Guide to Maximum Sustainable Goodness. New York: Harper Business, 2020.
- 2020
- Book
Work, Mate, Marry, Love: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny
By: Debora L. Spar
Covering a time frame that ranges from 8000 BC to the present, and drawing upon both Marxist and feminist theories, the book argues that nearly all the decisions we make in our most intimate lives—whom to marry, how to have children, how to have sex, how to think about... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Family; Women; Reproduction; Artificial Intelligence; Robots; Gender; Demography; History; Innovation and Invention; Relationships; Society; Information Technology; AI and Machine Learning; Biotechnology Industry; Computer Industry; Health Industry; Information Technology Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; North and Central America
Spar, Debora L. Work, Mate, Marry, Love: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020.
- May 2020
- Teaching Note
Big Boom Beverages: Fight or Flight? (Brief Case)
By: Stephen A. Greyser and William Ellet
Teaching Note for HBS Brief Case No. 920-557. The case addresses analysis and decisions related to the entrepreneurial life of a distinctive energy beverage, including its niche market launch, early problems, reformulation, social media impact, market success, and... View Details
- 2019
- Chapter
Happiness and Prosocial Behavior: An Evaluation of the Evidence
By: Lara B. Aknin, Ashley V. Whillans, Michael I. Norton and Elizabeth W. Dunn
Humans are an extremely prosocial species. Compared to most primates, humans provide more assistance to family, friends, and strangers, even when costly. Why do people devote their resources to helping others? In this chapter, we examine whether engaging in prosocial... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Ashley V. Whillans, Michael I. Norton, and Elizabeth W. Dunn. "Happiness and Prosocial Behavior: An Evaluation of the Evidence." Chap. 4 in World Happiness Report, edited by John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey D. Sachs, 67–86. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2019.
- September 2018
- Teaching Note
City Year at 30: Toward Long-Term Impact
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
This teaching note assists in the classroom instruction of the HBS No. 318-089, “City Year at 30: Toward Long-Term Impact.” It offers to instructors a case summary and analysis, along with student preparation questions and a guide for classroom discussion of the case.... View Details
Keywords: Scaling; Education Entrepreneurship; Education; Service Operations; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Performance Efficiency; Resource Allocation; Change Management; Social Entrepreneurship; Middle School Education; Secondary Education; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Human Capital; Growth Management; Service Delivery; Organizational Design; Social Enterprise; Poverty; United States
- September 2018 (Revised June 2019)
- Case
THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS: Selecting Impact Funds
By: Vikram Gandhi, Caitlin Reimers Brumme and Nathaniel Schwalb
After much internal debate, THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS of Denmark have decided to allocate a small percentage of their investment portfolio to impact investments. Cambridge Associates, one of the leading investment advisory firms in the world, has been engaged to assist... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Mission-Related Investing; Foundations; Investment; Venture Capital; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Strategy; Investment Funds; Decision Making; Consulting Industry; Financial Services Industry; Denmark; Europe
Gandhi, Vikram, Caitlin Reimers Brumme, and Nathaniel Schwalb. "THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS: Selecting Impact Funds." Harvard Business School Case 819-021, September 2018. (Revised June 2019.)
- July 2017 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
By: Mitchell Weiss and Sarah McAra
In 2014, Jimmy Chen, a former product manager at Facebook, founded the start-up Propel to build software for low-income Americans. After conducting in-depth behavioral research, Chen and his small team in New York City began to develop technology to address the... View Details
Keywords: Public Entrepreneurship; Govtech; Food Stamps; EBT; Mobile App; User Research; Financial Services Referrals; Grocery Marketing; Customer Discovery; Social Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; Business Model; Research; Social Enterprise; Poverty; Welfare; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Applications and Software; Technology Industry; United States
- April 2016
- Teaching Note
IBM and the Reinvention of High School (C): Toward P-TECH's Rapid National Expansion
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Kelsi Stine-Rowe
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 316-130. This Teaching Note accompanies the third case in a 3-case series on P-TECH and the Reinvention of High School. The case focuses on the development and early diffusion of organizational innovation—how to create pilot projects for... View Details
- 2015
- Article
Regulator Leniency and Mispricing in Beneficent Nonprofits
By: Jonas Heese, Ranjani Krishnan and Frank Moers
We posit that nonprofits that provide a greater supply of unprofitable services (beneficent nonprofits) face lenient regulatory enforcement for mispricing in price-regulated markets. Consequently, beneficent nonprofits exploit such regulatory leniency and exhibit... View Details
- July 2014
- Case
BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)
By: Srikant Datar, Saloni Chaturvedi and Caitlin Bowler
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) is an Indian not-for-profit organization engaged in assisting differently-abled persons by providing them with the legendary low-cost prosthesis, the Jaipur Foot, and other mobility-assisting devices, free of cost. Known... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Condition; Health Care and Treatment; Diversity; Growth and Development Strategy; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry; India
Datar, Srikant, Saloni Chaturvedi, and Caitlin Bowler. "BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 115-009, July 2014.
- July 2013 (Revised May 2024)
- Case
BMVSS: Changing Lives, One Jaipur Limb at a Time
By: Srikant Datar and Saloni Chaturvedi
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) is an Indian not-for-profit organization engaged in assisting differently-abled persons by providing them with the legendary low-cost prosthesis, the Jaipur Foot, and other mobility-assisting devices, free of cost. Known... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Condition; Health Care and Treatment; Diversity; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Growth and Development Strategy; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry; India; Asia
Datar, Srikant, and Saloni Chaturvedi. "BMVSS: Changing Lives, One Jaipur Limb at a Time." Harvard Business School Case 114-007, July 2013. (Revised May 2024.)
- Article
Effects of Description of Options on Parental Perinatal Decision-Making
By: Marlyse F. Haward, Leslie K. John, John M. Lorenz and Baruch Fischhoff
Objective: To examine whether parents' delivery room management decisions for extremely preterm infants are influenced by (a) the degree of detail with which options-comfort care (CC) or intensive care (IC)-are presented or (b) their order of presentation. Methods: 309... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Values and Beliefs; Personal Characteristics; Attitudes; Motivation and Incentives; Family and Family Relationships; Health Care and Treatment
Haward, Marlyse F., Leslie K. John, John M. Lorenz, and Baruch Fischhoff. "Effects of Description of Options on Parental Perinatal Decision-Making." Pediatrics 129, no. 5 (May 2012): 891–902.
- August 2011
- Case
Martha Rinaldi: Should She Stay or Should She Go?
By: Linda A. Hill and Mark Renella
Martha Rinaldi has been an assistant product manager at leading beverage company Potomac Waters since graduating from business school. Rinaldi is frustrated by her relationships with her boss and a close co-worker. Even though she works hard to please her manager, she... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Relations; Management Styles; Managing Up; Career Planning; Conflict; Management Style; Interpersonal Communication; Personal Development and Career; Organizational Culture; Relationships; Performance Evaluation; Conflict and Resolution; Power and Influence; Food and Beverage Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Mark Renella. "Martha Rinaldi: Should She Stay or Should She Go?" Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-310, August 2011.
- June 2011
- Article
Truth in Giving: Experimental Evidence on the Welfare Effects of Informed Giving to the Poor
By: Christina Fong and Felix Oberholzer-Gee
It is often difficult for donors to predict the value of charitable giving because they know little about the persons who receive their help. This concern is particularly acute when making contributions to organizations that serve heterogeneous populations. While we... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Policy; Information; Knowledge Acquisition; Game Theory; Prejudice and Bias; Poverty; Welfare
Fong, Christina, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee. "Truth in Giving: Experimental Evidence on the Welfare Effects of Informed Giving to the Poor." Special Issue on Charitable Giving and Fundraising Journal of Public Economics 95, nos. 5-6 (June 2011): 436–444.
- December 2010
- Case
The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiating Partners: 2010 Strategic Re-assessment
By: James K. Sebenius and Shula Gilad
A network of influential Israelis and Palestinians, jointly trained in negotiation at Harvard since 2002, faces organizational, strategic, and funding challenges in 2010. Unlike "people-to-people" or "Track II" initiatives, the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiating Partners... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Negotiation Participants; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Conflict and Resolution; Conflict Management; Social and Collaborative Networks; Strategy
Sebenius, James K., and Shula Gilad. "The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiating Partners: 2010 Strategic Re-assessment." Harvard Business School Case 911-025, December 2010.
- July 2010 (Revised August 2012)
- Supplement
Assistant Professor Jo Worthington (B)
A professor teaching a case discussion based on numeric analysis is pleased that a student finally "cracks" the case--but the numbers differ from her own. The instructor has to decide how to handle the discrepancy. View Details
Leonard, Dorothy A. "Assistant Professor Jo Worthington (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 911-405, July 2010. (Revised August 2012.)
- July 2010 (Revised August 2012)
- Supplement
Assistant Professor Jo Worthington (C)
A professor has an awkward exchange with a student who has prepared numeric analysis, but whose numbers do not agree with her own. View Details
Leonard, Dorothy A. "Assistant Professor Jo Worthington (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 911-406, July 2010. (Revised August 2012.)
- March 2010 (Revised August 2010)
- Case
Systems Infrastructure at Google (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
This case describes how a senior vice president of engineering at Google, Bill Coughran, leads a high-performing engineering organization. The case focuses specifically on Coughran's encouraging two teams of engineers to develop competing solutions for application... View Details
Keywords: Independent Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Leadership Development; Product Design; Groups and Teams; Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Competitive Strategy; Technology Industry; United States
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Systems Infrastructure at Google (A)." Harvard Business School Case 410-110, March 2010. (Revised August 2010.)
- Article
Signaling Firm Performance Through Financial Statement Presentation: An Analysis Using Special Items
By: Edward J. Riedl and Suraj Srinivasan
This paper investigates whether managers' presentation of special items within the financial statements reflects economic performance or opportunism. Specifically, we assess special items presented as a separate line item on the income statement (income statement... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Financial Statements; Economics; Performance; Research; Opportunities; Business Earnings; Motivation and Incentives
Riedl, Edward J., and Suraj Srinivasan. "Signaling Firm Performance Through Financial Statement Presentation: An Analysis Using Special Items." Contemporary Accounting Research 27, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 289–332.
- June 2009 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
By: Tom Nicholas and David Chen
In October 1941, a top secret envoy from the U.S. military was sent to Crosley Corporation in Cincinnati, Ohio to request their assistance to construct a weapon that would drastically strengthen the defenses of U.S. troops: the proximity fuze. Such a fuze would allow... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; History; Production; National Security; Organizational Structure; Corporate Strategy; Research and Development; Product Development; Business and Government Relations; Creativity; Innovation and Invention; Ohio
Nicholas, Tom, and David Chen. "Crosley." Harvard Business School Case 809-160, June 2009. (Revised April 2019.)