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- Faculty Publications (308)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (308)
- 2023
- Working Paper
El Dorado Lost: Local Elites, Real Estate and the Education Business in China
By: Geoffrey Jones and Yuhai Wu
This working paper examines the evolving, complex and multifaceted relationship between the real estate industry and the education sector in China. The current crises in the private education and real estate sectors caused by policy shifts reflect the inter-meshing of... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Policy; Government and Politics; Economic Sectors; Education Industry; Education Industry; China
Jones, Geoffrey, and Yuhai Wu. "El Dorado Lost: Local Elites, Real Estate and the Education Business in China." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-065, May 2023.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Using LLMs for Market Research
By: James Brand, Ayelet Israeli and Donald Ngwe
Large language models (LLMs) have rapidly gained popularity as labor-augmenting
tools for programming, writing, and many other processes that benefit from quick text
generation. In this paper we explore the uses and benefits of LLMs for researchers and
practitioners... View Details
Keywords: Large Language Model; Research; AI and Machine Learning; Analysis; Customers; Consumer Behavior; Technology Industry; Technology Industry
Brand, James, Ayelet Israeli, and Donald Ngwe. "Using LLMs for Market Research." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-062, April 2023. (Revised July 2024.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Deep Responsibility and Irresponsibility in the Beauty Industry
By: Geoffrey Jones
This working paper employs the concept of deep responsibility to assess the social responsibility of the beauty industry over time. It shows that many of today’s problems with the industry have deep historical roots. Products have carried too many health hazards.... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Corporate Accountability; Ethics; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Jones, Geoffrey. "Deep Responsibility and Irresponsibility in the Beauty Industry." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-058, March 2023.
- March 2023 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
Deepa Bachu (A): Design Thinking at Pensaar Design
By: Thomas Graeber, Joshua Schwartzstein and Amram Migdal
In this case, set in June 2019 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Deepa Bachu of Pensaar Design and her team work with client ITC Ltd. to use design thinking and behavioral experiments to improve workplace safety and strive toward the company’s zero-accident goal. The... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Design; Education; Training; Working Conditions; Business or Company Management; Production; Business Processes; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Outcome or Result; Performance Improvement; Programs; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Groups and Teams; Labor and Management Relations; Rank and Position; Safety; Attitudes; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Trust; Well-being; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; India
Graeber, Thomas, Joshua Schwartzstein, and Amram Migdal. "Deepa Bachu (A): Design Thinking at Pensaar Design." Harvard Business School Case 923-026, March 2023. (Revised January 2024.)
- March 2023
- Supplement
Deepa Bachu (B): Insights and Experiments at Pensaar Design
By: Thomas Graeber, Joshua Schwartzstein and Amram Migdal
In this case, set in June 2019 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Deepa Bachu of Pensaar Design and her team work with client ITC Ltd. to use design thinking and behavioral experiments to improve workplace safety and strive toward the company’s zero-accident goal. The... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Design; Training; Working Conditions; Business or Company Management; Production; Business Processes; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Outcome or Result; Performance Improvement; Programs; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Groups and Teams; Labor and Management Relations; Rank and Position; Safety; Attitudes; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Trust; Well-being; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; India
Graeber, Thomas, Joshua Schwartzstein, and Amram Migdal. "Deepa Bachu (B): Insights and Experiments at Pensaar Design." Harvard Business School Supplement 923-034, March 2023.
- February 2023 (Revised March 2025)
- Case
Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
In July 2019, Graphic Packaging CEO Michael Doss was proposing a $600 million investment in a new machine to produce coated recycled board (CRB), a type of paper packaging used for consumer products (cups, cereal boxes, beverage boxes, etc.) that utilized recycled... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Growth Management; Demand and Consumers; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Value Creation; Supply and Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; United States; North America
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 223-009, February 2023. (Revised March 2025.)
- February 2023
- Supplement
Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (A) Courseware
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Scott Mayfield
In July 2019, Graphic Packaging CEO Michael Doss was proposing a $600 million investment in a new machine to produce coated recycled board (CRB), a type of paper packaging used for consumer products (cups, cereal boxes, beverage boxes, etc.) that utilized recycled... View Details
- February 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Supplement
Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (B)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
Analyzes the company’s decision on Project Cowboy following the events described in the A Case. View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Growth Management; Demand and Consumers; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Value Creation; Supply and Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; United States; North America
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 223-068, February 2023. (Revised June 2023.)
- February 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Supplement
Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (C)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
Analyzes the company’s decision on Project Cowboy following the events described in the B Case. View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Growth Management; Demand and Consumers; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Value Creation; Supply and Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; United States; North America
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 223-066, February 2023. (Revised June 2023.)
- Article
Innovations in Retail Operations: Thirty Years of Lessons from Production and Operations Management
By: Marshall Fisher and Ananth Raman
We review papers published in Production and Operations Management (POM) during its thirty-year history that deal with retail operations issues with an empirical approach. The papers span a range of issues, from traditional ones like forecasting and inventory... View Details
Keywords: RFID; Innovation and Invention; Technology Adoption; Operations; E-commerce; Strategy; Retail Industry
Fisher, Marshall, and Ananth Raman. "Innovations in Retail Operations: Thirty Years of Lessons from Production and Operations Management." Special Issue on The 30th Anniversary Issue of Production and Operations Management edited by Subodha Kumar and Christopher S. Tang. Production and Operations Management 31, no. 12 (December 1, 2022): 4452–4461.
- October 2022
- Supplement
The SAH Group: The Time is Right, Instructor Spreadsheet
By: Juan Alcacer and Alpana Thapar
In January 2021, Jalila Mezni, CEO of the SAH Group, was preparing to present the company’s future growth plans to its board of directors. The Tunisian company was a leading producer and distributor of personal care and packaged hygiene products. In 2019, it expanded... View Details
Keywords: Growth Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Investment Decisions; Growth Management; Vertical Integration; Distribution; Competition; Strategy; Supply Chain; Presentations; Product Positioning; Market Entry and Exit; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Tunisia
- October 2022
- Supplement
The SAH Group: The Time is Right, Spreadsheet Supplement
By: Juan Alcacer and Alpana Thapar
In January 2021, Jalila Mezni, CEO of the SAH Group, was preparing to present the company’s future growth plans to its board of directors. The Tunisian company was a leading producer and distributor of personal care and packaged hygiene products. In 2019, it expanded... View Details
Keywords: Growth Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Investment Decisions; Growth Management; Vertical Integration; Distribution; Competition; Strategy; Supply Chain; Presentations; Market Entry and Exit; Product Positioning; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Tunisia
- October 2022
- Supplement
Single Earth: Science White Paper Supplement
By: Rembrand Koning and Emer Moloney
Science White Paper prepared by Single.Earth to give an overview of the models and solutions it has developed. View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Natural Resources; Pollution; Analytics and Data Science; Marketing; Product Marketing; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Markets; Market Timing; Strategy; Green Technology Industry; Estonia
- October 2022
- Case
Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA
By: George Serafeim, Maria Loumioti and Benjamin Maletta
As of August 2022, the Itau BBA had structured dozens of sustainability linked bonds, which made future interest payments a function of the borrower meeting a target for a sustainability metric, and had solidified its reputation as a pioneer of sustainable finance in... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Finance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Environmental Sustainability; Growth Strategy; Debt Contracting; Performance Metrics; Risk Assessment; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Financial Instruments; Risk Management; Debt Securities; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; Banking Industry; Latin America
Serafeim, George, Maria Loumioti, and Benjamin Maletta. "Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA." Harvard Business School Case 123-036, October 2022.
- October 2022
- Article
How Leaders with Divergent Visions Generate Novel Strategy: Navigating the Paradox of Preservation and Modernization in Swiss Watchmaking
By: Ryan Raffaelli, Rich DeJordy and Rory M. McDonald
How do leaders with divergent visions for their organization come together to create a novel strategy? This paper employs paradox as a lens to investigate how leader-dyads can integrate opposing strategies to produce a new, generative approach. Drawing on a qualitative... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Paradoxes; Senior Leaders; Organizational Reinvention; Leadership; Technological Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Change; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Switzerland
Raffaelli, Ryan, Rich DeJordy, and Rory M. McDonald. "How Leaders with Divergent Visions Generate Novel Strategy: Navigating the Paradox of Preservation and Modernization in Swiss Watchmaking." Academy of Management Journal 65, no. 5 (October 2022): 1593–1622.
- Fall 2022
- Article
China's Political Economy and International Backlash: From Interdependence to Security Dilemma Dynamics
By: Margaret Pearson, Meg Rithmire and Kellee Tsai
Contrary to expectations that economic interdependence might lessen security conflict between China and the U.S. and its allies, much of the contestation between China and several OECD countries has focused on firms and economic links. This paper explains the... View Details
Pearson, Margaret, Meg Rithmire, and Kellee Tsai. "China's Political Economy and International Backlash: From Interdependence to Security Dilemma Dynamics." International Security 47, no. 2 (Fall 2022): 135–176.
- September 2022
- Article
Tone at the Bottom: Measuring Corporate Misconduct Risk from the Text of Employee Reviews
By: Dennis W. Campbell and Ruidi Shang
This paper examines whether information extracted via text-based statistical methods applied to employee reviews left on the website can be used to develop indicators of corporate misconduct risk. We argue that inside information on the incidence of... View Details
Keywords: Management Accounting; Management Control; Corporate Culture; Corporate Misconduct; Risk Measurement; Organizational Culture; Crime and Corruption; Risk and Uncertainty; Measurement and Metrics
Campbell, Dennis W., and Ruidi Shang. "Tone at the Bottom: Measuring Corporate Misconduct Risk from the Text of Employee Reviews." Management Science 68, no. 9 (September 2022): 7034–7053.
- 2022
- Article
Regulatory Treatment of Changes in Fair Value and the Composition of Banks' Investment Portfolios
By: Michael Iselin, Jung Koo Kang and Joshua Madsen
In their implementation of Basel III, U.S. bank regulators are again including changes in the fair value of available-for-sale (AFS) debt securities in Tier 1 capital, but only for the largest U.S. banks. This paper investigates a potential impact of expanding this... View Details
Keywords: Fair Value Accounting; SFAS 115; Basel III; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Banks and Banking; Debt Securities; Credit; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Portfolio; Decision Making; Banking Industry; United States
Iselin, Michael, Jung Koo Kang, and Joshua Madsen. "Regulatory Treatment of Changes in Fair Value and the Composition of Banks' Investment Portfolios." Journal of Financial Reporting 7, no. 1 (2022): 123–143.
- Article
How Market Power Affects Dynamic Pricing: Evidence from Inventory Fluctuations at Car Dealerships
By: Ayelet Israeli, Fiona Scott-Morton, Jorge Silva-Risso and Florian Zettelmeyer
This paper investigates empirically the effect of market power on dynamic pricing in the presence of inventories. Our setting is the auto retail industry; we analyze how automotive dealerships adjust prices to inventory levels under varying degrees of market power. We... View Details
Keywords: Dynamic Pricing; Market Power; Pricing; Price Discrimination; Inventory Production; Marketing; Price; Competitive Strategy; Auto Industry; Auto Industry
Israeli, Ayelet, Fiona Scott-Morton, Jorge Silva-Risso, and Florian Zettelmeyer. "How Market Power Affects Dynamic Pricing: Evidence from Inventory Fluctuations at Car Dealerships." Management Science 68, no. 2 (February 2022): 895–916.
- January 2022
- Article
Pushed into a Crowd: Repositioning Costs, Resources, and Competition in the RTE Cereal Industry
By: Young Hou and Dennis Yao
This paper exploits a natural experiment involving self-regulation in the ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereal industry to evaluate the performance impact of product repositioning. It then examines how a product's brand equity value declines with repositioning distance... View Details
Keywords: Positioning; Resources; Brand Equity; Competitive Dynamics; Non-market Strategy; Regulation; Repositioning; Product Positioning; Performance Evaluation; Brands and Branding; Competitive Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Hou, Young, and Dennis Yao. "Pushed into a Crowd: Repositioning Costs, Resources, and Competition in the RTE Cereal Industry." Strategic Management Journal 43, no. 1 (January 2022): 3–29.