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- Faculty Publications (36)
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- March 2015 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
Turkey and the Southern Corridor
By: Rawi Abdelal, Esel Çekin and Cigdem Çelik
In December 2014, Russia cancelled the South Stream pipeline that was envisaged to deliver natural gas through the Black Sea basin on to Europe and replaced it with a new pipeline through Turkey. The Turkish Stream was a great opportunity for Turkey to turn itself into... View Details
Keywords: Business & Government Relations; Energy; Energy Security; Energy Corridor; Hub; Turkey; European Union; Eurasia; Politics; International Relations; Trade; Energy Sources; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; European Union; Turkey; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi, Esel Çekin, and Cigdem Çelik. "Turkey and the Southern Corridor." Harvard Business School Case 715-042, March 2015. (Revised May 2015.)
- August 2014
- Article
Friends in High Places
By: Lauren Cohen and Christopher Malloy
We demonstrate that personal connections amongst U.S. politicians have a significant impact on Senate voting behavior. Networks based on alumni connections between politicians are consistent predictors of voting behavior. We estimate sharp measures that control for... View Details
Keywords: Vote Trading; Networks; Legislation; Logrolling; Earmarks; Voting; Government Legislation; Social and Collaborative Networks; United States
Cohen, Lauren, and Christopher Malloy. "Friends in High Places." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6, no. 3 (August 2014): 63–91.
- January 2014
- Case
Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected
By: Juan Alcacer and John Clayton
Narrates the story of Emirates, an airline founded in 1985 in Dubai that by 2013 was among the three largest commercial airlines in the world. The case emphasizes how Emirates capitalized on its location—a small city–state strategically located to reach ¾ of the world... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Competitive Advantage; Airlines; Multinational; Location Strategies; Geographic Location; Multinational Firms and Management; Air Transportation; Competitive Advantage; Business Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; Middle East; Dubai
Alcacer, Juan, and John Clayton. "Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected." Harvard Business School Case 714-432, January 2014.
- Article
Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment
By: Juan Alcacer and Paul Ingram
Global economic transactions such as foreign direct investment must extend over an institutional abyss between the jurisdiction, and therefore protection, of the states involved. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), whose members are states, represent an important... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Market Transactions; Foreign Direct Investment; Government and Politics; Risk and Uncertainty; Networks; Culture; Complexity; Public Administration Industry
Alcacer, Juan, and Paul Ingram. "Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment." American Journal of Sociology 118, no. 4 (January 2013).
- December 2012
- Article
Estimating the Value of Connections to Vice-President Cheney
By: Rakesh Khurana, Raymond Fisman, Julia Galef and Yongxiang Wang
We estimate the market valuation of personal ties to Richard Cheney. Our proxies for personal ties are based on corporate board linkages that are prevalent in the network sociology literature. We consider a number of distinct political and personal events that either... View Details
Khurana, Rakesh, Raymond Fisman, Julia Galef, and Yongxiang Wang. "Estimating the Value of Connections to Vice-President Cheney." B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 13, no. 3 (December 2012).
- March 2011
- Teaching Note
Valuation of AirThread Connections (Brief Case)
By: Erik Stafford and Joel L. Heilprin
Teaching note for case #4263. View Details
- December 2010
- Compilation
VCPE Strategy Vignettes I
By: Josh Lerner, G. Felda Hardymon, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf, Ann Leamon and Lisa Strope
These three vignettes present various issues around the strategy and management of venture capital and private equity firms. In one, the general partners must decide whether to invest in an intriguing opportunity that lies outside the firm's carefully developed... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Private Equity; Financial Strategy; Projects; Decision Choices and Conditions; Partners and Partnerships; Opportunities; Investment Portfolio; Business or Company Management; China
Lerner, Josh, G. Felda Hardymon, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf, Ann Leamon, and Lisa Strope. "VCPE Strategy Vignettes I." Harvard Business School Compilation 811-043, December 2010.
- November 2010 (Revised February 2013)
- Case
Energy Security in Europe (A): Nord Stream
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and Sogomon Tarontsi
Russian and German energy firms initiated the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline project with strong political support from their home governments but encountered resistance from other states. Although the pipeline would connect Russia with Germany directly, the project... View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Leadership; Distribution; Business and Government Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Energy Industry; Russia; European Union; Germany
Abdelal, Rawi E., and Sogomon Tarontsi. "Energy Security in Europe (A): Nord Stream." Harvard Business School Case 711-026, November 2010. (Revised February 2013.)
- November 2010 (Revised February 2013)
- Supplement
Energy Security in Europe (B): The Southern Corridor
By: Rawi E. Abdelal and Sogomon Tarontsi
Nabucco natural gas pipeline, initiated by a group of European energy companies, was intended to connect the broad gas-rich region of the Middle East and Central Asia to Europe for the first time, which would diversify supply sources. At the same time, an... View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Distribution; Business and Government Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Energy Industry; Russia; European Union
Abdelal, Rawi E., and Sogomon Tarontsi. "Energy Security in Europe (B): The Southern Corridor." Harvard Business School Supplement 711-033, November 2010. (Revised February 2013.)
- January 2010 (Revised August 2010)
- Background Note
Advanced Leadership Note: An Institutional Perspective and Framework for Managing and Leading
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Rakesh Khurana
Large-scale societal issues increasingly appear on the agenda of business leaders, including poverty, health, education, business-government relations, and the degradation of the environment. These problems are not entirely new, but the forces of globalization and the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Framework; Global Range; Leadership; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Social Enterprise; Social Issues; Complexity
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Rakesh Khurana. "Advanced Leadership Note: An Institutional Perspective and Framework for Managing and Leading." Harvard Business School Background Note 410-076, January 2010. (Revised August 2010.)
- Article
An Exploration of Marketing's Impact on Society: A Perspective Linked to Democracy
By: John A. Quelch and Katherine Jocz
The authors propose a political theory perspective for examining the impact of the modern aggregate marketing system on consumer welfare and society. Specifically, they suggest that the benefits marketing delivers to consumers are similar to the conditions required for... View Details
Quelch, John A., and Katherine Jocz. "An Exploration of Marketing's Impact on Society: A Perspective Linked to Democracy." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 27, no. 2 (Fall 2008): 202–206.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment
By: Juan Alcacer and Paul Ingram
Global economic transactions such as foreign direct investment must extend over an institutional abyss between the jurisdiction, and therefore protection, of the states involved. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), whose members are states, represent an important... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governance Controls; International Relations; Social Issues
Alcacer, Juan, and Paul Ingram. "Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-045, September 2008.
- 1997
- Chapter
Intercultural Connections and Chinese Development: External and Internal Spheres of Modern China's Foreign Relations
By: William C. Kirby
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; International Relations; Developing Countries and Economies; Globalized Economies and Regions; China
Kirby, William C. "Intercultural Connections and Chinese Development: External and Internal Spheres of Modern China's Foreign Relations." In China's Quest for Modernization: A Historical Perspective, edited by Frederic Wakeman and Wang Xi, 219–248. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies, 1997. (published first in Zhongguo xiandaihua wenti [Issues of Chinese modernization] (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 1994))
- November 1994
- Case
Dow Corning and the Breast Implant Controversy (A)
By: Willis M. Emmons III, Monica Brand and Greg Keller
In early 1994, Dow Corning Corp. debates whether to participate in a proposed $4.2 billion product liability settlement. Specifically, the firm must decide whether to contribute $2 billion to end a class action suit filed by women suffering from connective tissue... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Ethics; Health Disorders; Government Legislation; Crime and Corruption; Legal Liability; Risk and Uncertainty; Business Strategy; Communication Strategy; Lawsuits and Litigation; Health Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III, Monica Brand, and Greg Keller. "Dow Corning and the Breast Implant Controversy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 795-047, November 1994.
- Teaching Interest
IFC Asia: China's Belt & Road Initiative
By: Willy C. Shih
The course objective is to provide students perspectives and insight into one of the major political and economic development programs of China – its Belt and Road Initiative, a strategy that involves infrastructure development and investments in countries spanning... View Details
Keywords: China; Globalization; Trade; Infrastructure; China; Southeast Asia; South Asia; Central Asia
- Research Summary
The Fragile State of the World: Unfairness, Discontent, and Global Capitalism
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
In this project, Abdelal explores the varieties of domestic discontent that undermine the stability of global capitalism. Discontent has manifested itself in the rise of populist movements and parties on both the Left and the Right, thereby weakening the Center. The... View Details