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- All HBS Web (286)
- Faculty Publications (97)
- November 2019 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Russia: A Drama In Three Acts
By: Rawi Abdelal, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi and Lavinia Teodorescu
The collapse of central authority in the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a period of revolutionary transformations for the states that emerged in its wake. The leaders of Russia, the USSR's successor, struggled to reestablish central authority while also seeking to... View Details
Keywords: Business & Government Relations; Developing Countries; Government Policy; Policy Change; Policy Making; Economic Systems; Economics; Globalization; Emerging Markets; Privatization; Non-Renewable Energy; Governance; Global Strategy; Corporate Governance; Policy; Business History; Lawfulness; Problems and Challenges; Business and Government Relations; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Change Management; Russia; Moscow
Abdelal, Rawi, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi, and Lavinia Teodorescu. "Russia: A Drama In Three Acts." Harvard Business School Case 720-020, November 2019. (Revised January 2025.)
- January 2018 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Capital Allocation at HCA
By: W. Carl Kester and Emily R. McComb
In early 2017, HCA Holdings, an investor-owned hospital management company, faced a strategically important capital allocation decision. After the exit of its private equity sponsors in 2016, HCA had to determine how best to allocate its substantial annual free cash... View Details
Keywords: Capital Allocation; Cash Distribution Policy; Dividends; Share Repurchases; Growth Strategy And Execution; Growth Investing; Capital Expenditures; Debt Management; Debt Reduction; Debt Policy; Hospital Management; Investor-owned Hospital Chains; Capital Budgeting; Capital Structure; Cash Flow; Corporate Finance; Decision Choices and Conditions; Health Industry; United States
Kester, W. Carl, and Emily R. McComb. "Capital Allocation at HCA." Harvard Business School Case 218-039, January 2018. (Revised April 2021.)
- December 2019
- Article
Invest in Information or Wing It? A Model of Dynamic Pricing with Seller Learning
By: Guofang Huang, Hong Luo and Jing Xia
Pricing idiosyncratic products is often challenging because the seller, ex ante, lacks information about the demand for individual items. This paper develops a model of dynamic pricing for idiosyncratic products that features the optimal stopping structure and a seller... View Details
Keywords: Dynamic Pricing; Idiosyncratic Products; Item-specific Demand; Demand Uncertainty; Active Seller Learning; The Value Of Information; Price; Information; Value; Learning
Huang, Guofang, Hong Luo, and Jing Xia. "Invest in Information or Wing It? A Model of Dynamic Pricing with Seller Learning." Management Science 65, no. 12 (December 2019): 5556–5583.
- 1999
- Book
The Financing of Catastrophe Risk
By: Kenneth A. Froot
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, Kenneth A., ed. The Financing of Catastrophe Risk. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
- November–December 1994
- Article
A Framework for Risk Management
By: K. Froot, David S. Scharfstein and J. Stein
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Framework; Risk Management; Corporate Finance; Asset Pricing; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K., David S. Scharfstein, and J. Stein. "A Framework for Risk Management." Harvard Business Review 72, no. 6 (November–December 1994): 59–71. (Revised from "Developing a Risk Management Strategy," Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 95-021. Reprinted in Bank of America Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 7, no. 3 (fall 1994): 22-33; Marsh & McLennan Companies' Viewpoint 24 (spring 1995): 21-37; and in Corporate Risk: Strategies and Management, edited by Greg Brown and Don Chew, London: Risk Books, December 1999.)
- May 2012 (Revised August 2014)
- Case
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
McKesson, a large, diversified drug distribution and health care IT company, is considering development of new business offerings to help private practice physicians remain independent. The company, with $122 billion in 2010 revenues, just made its first foray into... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Industry; Health Care Policy; Organizational Transformations; Health Services; Health Care and Treatment; Business Model; Service Operations; Change Management; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology; Policy; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "McKesson." Harvard Business School Case 312-002, May 2012. (Revised August 2014.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
LASH Risk and Interest Rates
By: Laura Alfaro, Saleem Bahaj, Robert Czech, Jonathan Hazell and Ioana Neamtu
We introduce a framework to understand and quantify a form of liquidity risk that we dub Liquidity After Solvency Hedging or “LASH” risk. Financial institutions take LASH risk when they hedge against losses, using strategies that lead to liquidity needs when the value... View Details
Keywords: Liquidity; Monetary Policy; Non-bank Intermediaries; Hedging; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Funds; Financial Condition; Interest Rates
Alfaro, Laura, Saleem Bahaj, Robert Czech, Jonathan Hazell, and Ioana Neamtu. "LASH Risk and Interest Rates." Bank of England Staff Working Papers, No. 1,073, May 2024. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 33241, December 2024.)
- July 2022
- Article
Countercyclical Prudential Buffers and Bank Risk-taking
By: Manuel Illueca, Lars Norden, Joseph Pacelli and Gregory F. Udell
We investigate the effects of countercyclical prudential buffers on bank risk-taking. We exploit the introduction of dynamic loan loss provisioning in Spain, mandating that banks use historical average loss rates in their estimation of loan loss provisions. We find... View Details
Keywords: Banks; Bank Regulation; Macroprudential Policies; Bank Lending; Loan Loss Provisioning; Risk Taking; Banks and Banking; Financing and Loans; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Risk and Uncertainty
Illueca, Manuel, Lars Norden, Joseph Pacelli, and Gregory F. Udell. "Countercyclical Prudential Buffers and Bank Risk-taking." Art. 100961. Journal of Financial Intermediation 51 (July 2022).
- fall 1999
- Article
The Evolving Market for Catastrophe Event Risk
By: K. A. Froot
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Asset Pricing; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A. "The Evolving Market for Catastrophe Event Risk." Risk Management and Insurance Review 2, no. 3 (fall 1999): 1–28. (Reprinted in Risk Management: The State of the Art, edited by S. Figlewski and R. Levich, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.)
- Summer 1998
- Article
A New Approach to Capital Budgeting for Financial Institutions
By: K. A. Froot and J. Stein
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Asset Pricing; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A., and J. Stein. "A New Approach to Capital Budgeting for Financial Institutions." Bank of America Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 11, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 59–69.
- Article
The Market for Catastrophe Risk: A Clinical Examination
By: K. A. Froot
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Asset Pricing; Hedging; Banking; Insurance; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A. "The Market for Catastrophe Risk: A Clinical Examination." Journal of Financial Economics 60, nos. 2-3 (May 2001): 529–571. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 8110, February 2001. Reprinted in The Economics of Natural Hazards, part of the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series edited by Mark Blaug, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2003.)
- 28 Mar 2011
- News
Starting up in hard times
- November 2019 (Revised April 2021)
- Technical Note
Rechargeable Batteries, 2017: Gigafactory Wars in the Offing?
By: John R. Wells and Benjamin Weinstock
In 2017, the global market for rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries was 126 gigawatt-hours (GWh) valued at $37 billion, growing by $10 billion in two years. Once confined largely to consumer electronics and appliances, the rapid increase in demand was spurred by... View Details
Keywords: Batteries; Rechargeable Batteries; Lithium-ion; Lithium-ion Batteries; Electric Vehicle; Electric Vehicles; Energy Entrepreneurship; Energy Markets; Energy Storage; Battery; Demand Uncertainty; Demand Forecasting; Supply & Demand; Supply And Demand; Capacity Planning; Tesla; Technological And Scientific Innovation; Technological Change; Technology Change; Technology Commercialization; Policy Change; Subsidies; Power/Energy; Power Grid; Energy Policy; Developing Markets; Alevo; Samsung; LG Chem; CATL; Northvolt; General Motors; Energy; Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Commercialization; Policy; Demand and Consumers; Forecasting and Prediction; Supply and Industry; Emerging Markets; Competitive Strategy; China
Wells, John R., and Benjamin Weinstock. "Rechargeable Batteries, 2017: Gigafactory Wars in the Offing?" Harvard Business School Technical Note 720-371, November 2019. (Revised April 2021.)
- April 1991 (Revised April 1992)
- Case
Hospital Sector in 1992
Examines the major issues facing the hospital sector in 1992. The environment surrounding the industry is one of great uncertainty and rapid change, and involves significant public policy questions. Describes recent trends, issues and new types of competitors that... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Nonprofit Organizations; Competition; Health Care and Treatment; Policy; Change; Health Industry; United States
Teisberg, Elizabeth O. "Hospital Sector in 1992." Harvard Business School Case 391-167, April 1991. (Revised April 1992.)
- May 2011
- Article
Nonsimultaneous Chains and Dominos in Kidney Paired Donation—Revisited
By: Itai Ashlagi, Duncan S. Gilchrist, Alvin E. Roth and Michael A. Rees
Since 2008 kidney exchange in America has grown in part from the incorporation of non-directed donors in transplant chains rather than simple exchanges. It is controversial whether these chains should be performed simultaneously ("domino paired donation," DPD) or... View Details
Keywords: ABO Incompatibility; Allosensitization; Paired Kidney Exchange; Regional Sharing; Simulation Models; Transplantation Policy; Health Care and Treatment; Supply Chain; Risk and Uncertainty; Logistics; United States
Ashlagi, Itai, Duncan S. Gilchrist, Alvin E. Roth, and Michael A. Rees. "Nonsimultaneous Chains and Dominos in Kidney Paired Donation—Revisited." American Journal of Transplantation 11, no. 5 (May 2011): 984–994.
Cap-and-trade versus carbon tax: which should firms prefer?
Conventional wisdom suggests that the uncertainty in emissions price under cap-and-trade regulation erodes value when compared to the constant price under a carbon tax. We show otherwise — emissions price uncertainty under cap-and-trade results in greater expected... View Details
- May 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)
By: Alberto Cavallo and Christian Godwin
In April 2020, the world struggled to contain the exponential escalation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dozens of countries had imposed restrictions on travel, work, and social gatherings. A large share of the global population was under lockdowns and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Finance; Central Banking; Financial Markets; International Finance; Globalization; Government and Politics; Health Pandemics; Decision Making; Macroeconomics; Employment; Crisis Management; Supply Chain; Risk and Uncertainty; Air Transportation Industry; Banking Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Employment Industry; Financial Services Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Administration Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Shipping Industry; Tourism Industry; Travel Industry; Asia; China; Europe; Latin America; Africa; United States
Cavallo, Alberto, and Christian Godwin. "The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-031, May 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- June 2018
- Case
American Airlines' Value Pricing (Abridged)
By: Alvin J. Silk and Sunil Gupta
This is an abridged version of the 1992 case where American Airlines (AA) launched "Value Pricing" in an attempt to simplify the pricing structure of the airline industry. AA expected that this plan would benefit not only consumers, but also AA and the entire airline... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Marketing; Market Segmentation; Pricing; Pricing Strategy; Demand Analysis; Competition; Marketing; Segmentation; Price; Strategy; Demand and Consumers; Analysis; Air Transportation Industry
Silk, Alvin J., and Sunil Gupta. "American Airlines' Value Pricing (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 519-019, June 2018.
- January 2021 (Revised August 2021)
- Case
ByteDance: TikTok and the Trials of Going Viral
By: William C. Kirby and John P. McHugh
In 2020, TikTok became the most valuable start-up ever. The short-form, video-sharing social media platform emerged as the crown jewel of the Chinese technology firm ByteDance, realizing 850 million monthly users and an estimated worth of $180 billion. However, a... View Details
Keywords: China; Technology; Startup; Start-up; International Strategy; Global Strategy And Leadership; Innovation; Political Risk; Regulations; Trump; Foreign Policy; Foreign Investment; Chinese Internet Market; Global Strategy; Crisis Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Government Legislation; Innovation and Management; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Internet and the Web; Social Media; Technology Industry; China; United States
Kirby, William C., and John P. McHugh. "ByteDance: TikTok and the Trials of Going Viral." Harvard Business School Case 321-110, January 2021. (Revised August 2021.)
- February 2022 (Revised April 2022)
- Case
BUA Group
By: John D. Macomber, Pippa Tubman Armerding and Wale Lawal
BUA Group must decide between investments in cement, road building, power generation, or sugar. Private businesses are important to economic development in Africa. Students must assess the competitive nature of each of these industries, the magnitude of capital... View Details
Keywords: Investing; Transportation; Strategy; Project Finance; Agribusiness; Construction; Infrastructure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Nigeria; Africa
Macomber, John D., Pippa Tubman Armerding, and Wale Lawal. "BUA Group." Harvard Business School Case 222-062, February 2022. (Revised April 2022.)