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- All HBS Web (71)
- Faculty Publications (42)
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- June 2014
- Case
The Promotion Process at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP
By: Ian Larkin and Karen Huang
The "Promotion Process at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP" set of cases explores the roles of general and firm-specific human capital in employee performance measurement, feedback, and promotion/compensation decisions. In the cases, a leading law firm must decide whether to... View Details
Keywords: Performance Appraisal; Performance Measurement; Employee Feedback; Motivation; Promotions; Human Capital; Performance Evaluation; Management Systems; Compensation and Benefits; Retention; Legal Services Industry; United States; Massachusetts
Larkin, Ian, and Karen Huang. "The Promotion Process at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP." Harvard Business School Case 914-044, June 2014.
- Teaching Interest
I am passionate about developing leaders through education. I teach organizational behavior and leadership to MBA students. I have taught the core organizational behavior class at the Harvard Extension School for four semesters, where I three times won the “Highest... View Details
- February 2012
- Case
Henkel: Building a Winning Culture
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
This case illustrates a CEO-led organizational transformation driven by stretch goals, performance measurement, and accountability. When Kasper Rorsted became CEO of Henkel, a Germany-based producer of personal care, laundry, and adhesives products, in 2008, he was... View Details
Keywords: Performance Measurement; Performance Appraisals; Human Resource Management; Values; Organizational Transformations; Pay For Performance; Strategy Execution; Values and Beliefs; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Henkel: Building a Winning Culture." Harvard Business School Case 112-060, February 2012.
- 27 Nov 2006
- What Do You Think?
What’s to Be Done About Performance Reviews?
interview than the interviewee." According to Wally Bock, "When I conducted research I found that the more effective supervisors spent the bulk of their performance evaluation meeting time talking about the future." Forced... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- 09 Jul 2001
- Research & Ideas
Does Misery Love Companies? How Social Performance Pays Off
history of empirical work on the search for a relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). Second, we critically appraise... View Details
Keywords: by Joshua D. Margolis & James P. Walsh
- October 2013 (Revised October 2013)
- Supplement
Henkel's CEO Kasper Rorsted: On Building a Winning Culture
By: Robert L. Simons
Keywords: Performance Measurement; Performance Appraisals; Human Resource Management; Work/life Balance; Strategy Execution; Values; Organizational Transformations; Pay For Performance; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Values and Beliefs; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits
Simons, Robert L. "Henkel's CEO Kasper Rorsted: On Building a Winning Culture." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 114-703, October 2013. (Revised October 2013.)
- June 2012
- Case
Aman Resorts (Abridged)
By: Eugene Soltes and Aldo Sesia
This case describes the operating model and philosophy of this high-end set of global properties. Aman relies on employees taking considerable initiative to deliver the highest quality personalized service in the hospitality industry. The case also highlights Aman's... View Details
Keywords: Global Business; Management Skills; Performance Appraisals; Customer Service; Incentives; Hospitality; Globalized Firms and Management; Business Model; Employees; Service Delivery; Customer Focus and Relationships; Business Strategy; Accommodations Industry
Soltes, Eugene, and Aldo Sesia. "Aman Resorts (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 112-100, June 2012.
- September 1977 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Eugene Kirby (A)
By: Michael Beer and James G. Clawson
Describes the events leading up to an actual performance appraisal interview--the views, opinions, and attitudes of the subordinates who are to be interviewed. View Details
Beer, Michael, and James G. Clawson. "Eugene Kirby (A)." Harvard Business School Case 478-007, September 1977. (Revised April 1983.)
- October 1977 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
James Cranston
By: Michael Beer and James G. Clawson
Describes the attitudes, feelings, and perceptions of the manager who will conduct the performance appraisal interview. View Details
Beer, Michael, and James G. Clawson. "James Cranston." Harvard Business School Case 478-006, October 1977. (Revised April 1983.)
- October 1977 (Revised September 1983)
- Case
Colonial Food Services Co.
By: Michael Beer and James G. Clawson
The first case in a four-part case series which outlines the events leading up to a performance appraisal interview. Describes the background of the company. View Details
Beer, Michael, and James G. Clawson. "Colonial Food Services Co." Harvard Business School Case 478-005, October 1977. (Revised September 1983.)
- February 1995
- Case
Old Colony Associates, The
By: John J. Gabarro and Andrew P. Burtis
The first case in a four-part case series that outlines the events leading up to a performance appraisal interview. Describes the background of the company. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Gabarro, John J., and Andrew P. Burtis. "Old Colony Associates, The." Harvard Business School Case 495-034, February 1995.
- September 1990 (Revised November 1991)
- Case
Merck & Co., Inc. (A)
Merck & Co., Inc., a major pharmaceutical company, is in the process of reviewing and evaluating its personnel policies and practices. Employee interviews revealed that rewards for excellent performance were not adequate: outstanding performers received salary... View Details
Murphy, Kevin J. "Merck & Co., Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 491-005, September 1990. (Revised November 1991.)
- February 1995
- Case
James Cranfield
By: John J. Gabarro and Andrew P. Burtis
Describes the attitudes, feelings, and perceptions of the manager who will conduct the performance appraisal interview. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Gabarro, John J., and Andrew P. Burtis. "James Cranfield." Harvard Business School Case 495-035, February 1995.
- July – August 2008
- Article
Making Diverse Teams Click
High interpersonal congruence-meaning alignment between team members' self-assessments and their appraisals of one another-improves the performance of diverse teams. And 360-degree feedback can help. View Details
Polzer, Jeffrey T. "Making Diverse Teams Click." HBS Centennial Issue Harvard Business Review 86, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2008): 20–21.
- September 1990 (Revised November 1991)
- Supplement
Merck & Co., Inc. (C)
Discusses the 1989 modified performance appraisal program by adding performance gradations and allowing for differences in employee rating distributions depending on the division performance for the year. The objective is to have students discuss the revisions in the... View Details
Murphy, Kevin J. "Merck & Co., Inc. (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 491-007, September 1990. (Revised November 1991.)
- February 1998 (Revised January 1999)
- Case
Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (C)
A year after Rob Parson's manager decided to postpone Parson's promotion, Parson's new manager Gary Stuart faces the decision of promotion again. Stuart considers whether the efforts Parson had made were sufficient. Teaching purpose: To explore managerial problems... View Details
Keywords: Management; Personal Development and Career; Performance Evaluation; Financial Services Industry
Burton, M. Diane. "Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (C)." Harvard Business School Case 498-056, February 1998. (Revised January 1999.)
- February 1995
- Case
Eugene Kearney (A)
By: John J. Gabarro and Andrew P. Burtis
Describes the events leading up to an actual performance appraisal interview--the views, opinions, and attitudes of the subordinates who are to be interviewed. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Gabarro, John J., and Andrew P. Burtis. "Eugene Kearney (A)." Harvard Business School Case 495-036, February 1995.
- April 2013
- Case
Southfield Packaging
By: Michael Beer and Alisa Zalosh
Southfield Packaging provides packaging materials and services to medical device manufacturers. The case examines the relationship between a corporate vice president, Mark Sanders, and one of his direct reports, Regional Manager Frank Belby. Sanders' preparation for... View Details
Keywords: Rank and Position; Performance Evaluation; Problems and Challenges; Management Teams; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Distribution Industry; Service Industry
Beer, Michael, and Alisa Zalosh. "Southfield Packaging." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-562, April 2013.
- February 2020
- Technical Note
Talent Management and the Future of Work
By: William R. Kerr and Gorick Ng
The nature of work is changing—and it is changing rapidly. Few days go by without industry giants such as Amazon and AT&T announcing plans to invest billions of dollars towards retraining nearly half of their respective workforces for jobs of the future. What changes... View Details
Keywords: Human Resource Management; Human Capital Development; Human Resource Practices; Talent; Talent Acquisition; Talent Development; Talent Development And Retention; Talent Management; Talent Retention; Labor Flows; Labor Management; Labor Market; Strategy Development; Strategy Management; Strategy Execution; Strategy And Execution; Strategic Change; Transformations; Organization; Organization Alignment; Organization Design; Organizational Adaptation; Organizational Effectiveness; Management Challenges; Management Of Business And Political Risk; Change Leadership; Future Of Work; Future; Skills Gap; Skills Development; Skills; Offshoring And Outsourcing; Investment; Capital Allocation; Work; Work Culture; Work Force Management; Work/life Balance; Work/family Balance; Work-family Boundary Management; Workers; Worker Productivity; Worker Performance; Work Engagement; Work Environment; Work Environments; Productivity; Organization Culture; Soft Skills; Technology Management; Technological Change; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Technology Diffusion; Disruptive Technology; Global Business; Global; Workplace; Workplace Context; Workplace Culture; Workplace Wellness; Collaboration; Competencies; Productivity Gains; Digital; Digital Transition; Competitive Dynamics; Competitiveness; Competitive Strategy; Data Analytics; Data; Data Management; Data Strategy; Data Protection; Aging Society; Diversity; Diversity Management; Millennials; Communication Complexity; Communication Technologies; International Business; Work Sharing; Global Competitiveness; Global Corporate Cultures; Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Management; Intellectual Property Protection; Intellectual Capital And Property Issues; Globalization Of Supply Chain; Inequality; Recruiting; Hiring; Hiring Of Employees; Training; Job Cuts And Outsourcing; Job Performance; Job Search; Job Design; Job Satisfaction; Jobs; Employee Engagement; Employee Attitude; Employee Benefits; Employee Compensation; Employee Fairness; Employee Relationship Management; Employee Retention; Employee Selection; Employee Motivation; Employee Feedback; Employee Coordination; Employee Performance Management; Employee Socialization; Process Improvement; Application Performance Management; Stigma; Institutional Change; Candidates; Digital Enterprise; Cultural Adaptation; Cultural Change; Cultural Diversity; Cultural Context; Cultural Strategies; Cultural Psychology; Cultural Reform; Performance; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Management; Performance Evaluation; Performance Appraisal; Performance Feedback; Performance Measurement; Performance Metrics; Performance Measures; Performance Efficiency; Efficiency; Performance Analysis; Performance Appraisals; Performance Improvement; Automation; Artificial Intelligence; Technology Companies; Managerial Processes; Skilled Migration; Assessment; Human Resources; Management; Human Capital; Talent and Talent Management; Retention; Demographics; Labor; Strategy; Change; Change Management; Transformation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Working Conditions; Information Technology; Technology Adoption; Disruption; Economy; Competition; Globalization; AI and Machine Learning; Digital Transformation
Kerr, William R., and Gorick Ng. "Talent Management and the Future of Work." Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-084, February 2020.
- 2008
- Chapter
Identity Negotiation Processes Amidst Diversity: Understanding the Influence of Social Identity and Status Differences
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer and Heather M. Caruso
We integrate an identity negotiation framework with research on diversity, social identity theory, and status differences. This integration reveals the distinct advantages and challenges that high and low status people face when they engage in identity negotiation... View Details