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- Faculty Publications (31)
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- January 2007 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
Yale University Investments Office: August 2006
By: Josh Lerner
The Yale Investments Office must decide whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university's endowment to illiquid investments--hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and so forth. Considers the risks and benefits of a different asset allocation strategy.... View Details
Keywords: Higher Education; Asset Management; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Investment Portfolio; Risk Management
Lerner, Josh. "Yale University Investments Office: August 2006." Harvard Business School Case 807-073, January 2007. (Revised March 2011.)
- Article
Real Estate Opportunity Funds
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz, Thea C. Hahn and David Geltner
Real estate opportunity funds are one of the fastest-growing segments of the real estate investment industry, similar in some basic respects to other private equity and alternative investment asset classes that seek high returns by taking on more risk in highly... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Opportunity Funds; Investment Management; Property; Investment Funds; Management; Performance Consistency
Lietz, Nori Gerardo, Thea C. Hahn, and David Geltner. "Real Estate Opportunity Funds." Journal of Portfolio Management 31, no. 5 (2005): 143–153. (Special Real Estate Issue 2005.)
- May 2004 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)
By: Dwight B. Crane and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
Ultra is one of a small group of competing Brazilian petrochemical companies, each of which buys raw material and is a minority owner of Copene, a "cracking" company that provides ethylene and other materials. Because of an industry restructuring, an auction of shares... View Details
Keywords: Capital; Capital Budgeting; Investment; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Industry Structures; Cash Flow; Cost of Capital; Valuation; Bids and Bidding; Economy; Ownership Stake; Chemical Industry; Brazil
Crane, Dwight B., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Ultra: The Quest for Leadership (A)." Harvard Business School Case 204-146, May 2004. (Revised April 2006.)
- 2004
- Working Paper
Regulation and Reaction: The Other Side of Free Banking in Antebellum New York
By: David A. Moss and Sarah Brennan
Free banking, which first appeared in the United States in the late 1830s, comprised two essential features: general incorporation for banks and rigorous security requirements for note issue. Because the general incorporation feature is what allowed free entry, it has... View Details
- April 2004
- Article
The Illiquidity Puzzle: Theory and Evidence from Private Equity
By: Josh Lerner and Antoinette Schoar
Lerner, Josh, and Antoinette Schoar. "The Illiquidity Puzzle: Theory and Evidence from Private Equity." Journal of Financial Economics 72, no. 1 (April 2004): 3–40.
- September 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Yale University Investments Office: June 2003
By: Josh Lerner
The Yale Investments Office must decide whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university's endowment to illiquid investments--hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and so forth. Considers the risks and benefits of a different asset allocation strategy.... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Assets; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Investment Funds; Resource Allocation; Partners and Partnerships; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Education Industry
Lerner, Josh. "Yale University Investments Office: June 2003." Harvard Business School Case 204-055, September 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- February 2003 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
AIT Group Plc
By: G. Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
A U.S. venture capital firm has just learned that the deal structure for purchasing an illiquid U.K. software firm is unacceptable to institutional investors. The group must decide if it still wants to go through with the deal. This decision hinges on whether the... View Details
Keywords: Price; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Mergers and Acquisitions; Venture Capital; Financial Condition; Risk and Uncertainty; Decision Making; Financial Services Industry; United States; United Kingdom
Hardymon, G. Felda, Josh Lerner, and Ann Leamon. "AIT Group Plc." Harvard Business School Case 803-104, February 2003. (Revised January 2006.)
- November 2000 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Yale University Investments Office: July 2000
By: Josh Lerner
David Swensen, chief investment officer at Yale University, reviews the $10 billion endowment strategy, that places an unusually heavy emphasis on private equity and other illiquid securities. Changing market conditions in July 2000 cause him to rethink historically... View Details
Lerner, Josh. "Yale University Investments Office: July 2000." Harvard Business School Case 201-048, November 2000. (Revised March 2001.)
- December 1997 (Revised September 1998)
- Case
Yale University Investments Office: November 1997
By: Josh Lerner
David Swensen, chief investment officer at Yale University, reviews the $6 billion endowment strategy, which places an unusually heavy emphasis on private equity and other illiquid securities. Changing market conditions in November 1997 cause him to rethink... View Details
Keywords: Change; Private Equity; Financial Liquidity; Investment; Marketing Strategy; Strategy; Education Industry
Lerner, Josh. "Yale University Investments Office: November 1997." Harvard Business School Case 298-077, December 1997. (Revised September 1998.)
- August 1992 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Compania de Telefonos de Chile
By: W. Carl Kester, Enrique Ostale and Charles McHugh La Follette
The newly privatized Chilean telephone company, Compania de Telefonos de Chile (CTC) must raise substantial new funds externally in order to finance its expansion program. This task is complicated by Chile's small, illiquid capital markets and the skeptical view of... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Financing and Loans; Managerial Roles; Privatization; Expansion; Telecommunications Industry; South America; Chile
Kester, W. Carl, Enrique Ostale, and Charles McHugh La Follette. "Compania de Telefonos de Chile." Harvard Business School Case 293-015, August 1992. (Revised June 1993.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Optimal Illiquidity
By: John Beshears, James J. Choi, Christopher Clayton, Christopher Harris, David Laibson and Brigitte C. Madrian
We study the socially optimal level of illiquidity in an economy populated by households with taste shocks and present bias with naive beliefs. The government chooses mandatory contributions to accounts, each with a different pre-retirement withdrawal penalty.... View Details
Beshears, John, James J. Choi, Christopher Clayton, Christopher Harris, David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian. "Optimal Illiquidity." Journal of Financial Economics (forthcoming).