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- All HBS Web (166)
- Faculty Publications (73)
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- February 2011
- Article
Blind Ethics: Closing One's Eyes Polarizes Moral Judgments and Discourages Dishonest Behavior
By: E. M. Caruso and F. Gino
Caruso, E. M., and F. Gino. "Blind Ethics: Closing One's Eyes Polarizes Moral Judgments and Discourages Dishonest Behavior." Cognition 118, no. 2 (February 2011): 280–285.
- 2018
- Chapter
In Search of Moral Equilibrium: Person, Situation, and Their Interplay in Behavioral Ethics
By: Julia J. Lee and F. Gino
Book Abstract: This comprehensive and cutting-edge volume maps out the terrain of moral psychology, a dynamic and evolving area of research. In 57 concise chapters, leading authorities and up-and-coming scholars explore fundamental issues and current controversies. The... View Details
Lee, Julia J., and F. Gino. "In Search of Moral Equilibrium: Person, Situation, and Their Interplay in Behavioral Ethics." In Atlas of Moral Psychology, edited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham, 475–485. New York: Guilford Press, 2018.
- 2015
- Article
Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment
By: George E. Newman, Julian De Freitas and Joshua Knobe
Past research has identified a number of asymmetries based on moral judgments. Beliefs about
(a) what a person values, (b) whether a person is happy, (c) whether a person has shown weakness
of will, and (d) whether a person deserves praise or blame seem to depend... View Details
Keywords: Concepts; Social Cognition; Moral Reasoning; True Self; Values; Weakness Of Will; Blame; Values and Beliefs; Identity; Moral Sensibility; Happiness
Newman, George E., Julian De Freitas, and Joshua Knobe. "Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment." Cognitive Science 39, no. 1 (2015): 96–125.
- Research Summary
Moral Reasoning & Experimental Political Philosophy
In this work, we demonstrate a new and morally significant effect on judgment and decision-making. This research is inspired by the work of John Rawls, widely regarded as the most important political philosopher of the 20th Century. Here we apply the central... View Details
- 1995
- Chapter
The Role of Fairness Considerations and Relationships in a Judgment Perspective of Negotiation
By: M. H. Bazerman and M. A. Neale
Bazerman, M. H., and M. A. Neale. "The Role of Fairness Considerations and Relationships in a Judgment Perspective of Negotiation." In Barriers to Conflict Resolution, edited by Kenneth Arrow, Robert H. Mnookin, Lee Ross, Amos Tversky, and Robert Wilson. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1995.
- Article
Doubting Driverless Dilemmas
By: Julian De Freitas, Sam E. Anthony, Andrea Censi and George A. Alvarez
The alarm has been raised on so-called driverless dilemmas, in which autonomous vehicles will need to make high-stakes ethical decisions on the road. We argue that these arguments are too contrived to be of practical use, are an inappropriate method for making... View Details
Keywords: Moral Judgment; Autonomous Vehicles; Driverless Policy; Transportation; Ethics; Judgments; Policy
De Freitas, Julian, Sam E. Anthony, Andrea Censi, and George A. Alvarez. "Doubting Driverless Dilemmas." Perspectives on Psychological Science 15, no. 5 (September 2020): 1284–1288.
- April 2018
- Article
Compromised Ethics in Hiring Processes? How Referrers' Power Affects Employees' Reactions to Referral Practices
By: Rellie Derfler-Rozin, Bradford Baker and F. Gino
In this paper, we explore referral-based hiring practices and show how a referrer’s power (relative to the hiring manager) influences other organizational members’ support (or lack thereof) for who is hired through perceptions of the hiring manager’s motives and... View Details
Derfler-Rozin, Rellie, Bradford Baker, and F. Gino. "Compromised Ethics in Hiring Processes? How Referrers' Power Affects Employees' Reactions to Referral Practices." Academy of Management Journal 61, no. 2 (April 2018): 615–636.
- 2013
- Book
Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How We Can Stick to the Plan
By: Francesca Gino
You may not realize it but simple, irrelevant factors can have profound consequences on your decisions and behavior, often diverting you from your original plans and desires. Sidetracked will help you identify and avoid these influences so the decisions you make do... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Decision-making; Judgment; Decisions; Strategy; Behavior; Ethics; Attitudes
Gino, Francesca. Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How We Can Stick to the Plan. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
- October 15, 2021
- Article
Virtuous Victims
By: Jillian J. Jordan and Maryam Kouchaki
How do people perceive the moral character of victims? We find, across a range of transgressions, that people frequently see victims of wrongdoing as more moral than non-victims who have behaved identically. Across 15 experiments (total n = 9,355), we document this... View Details
Keywords: Moral Judgment; Restorative Justice; Punishment; Compensation; Person Perception; Moral Sensibility; Judgments; Perception
Jordan, Jillian J., and Maryam Kouchaki. "Virtuous Victims." Science Advances 7, no. 42 (October 15, 2021).
- March 2021
- Article
Deliberately Prejudiced Self-driving Vehicles Elicit the Most Outrage
By: Julian De Freitas and Mina Cikara
Should self-driving vehicles be prejudiced, e.g., deliberately harm the elderly over young children? When people make such forced-choices on the vehicle’s behalf, they exhibit systematic preferences (e.g., favor young children), yet when their options are unconstrained... View Details
Keywords: Moral Judgment; Autonomous Vehicles; Driverless Policy; Moral Outrage; Moral Sensibility; Judgments; Transportation; Policy
De Freitas, Julian, and Mina Cikara. "Deliberately Prejudiced Self-driving Vehicles Elicit the Most Outrage." Cognition 208 (March 2021).
- January 2017 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
The Rise and Fall of Lehman Brothers
By: Stuart C. Gilson, Kristin Mugford and Sarah L. Abbott
With nearly $700 billion in assets, Lehman was the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history. In 2007, Lehman achieved record earnings of over $4 billion on revenues of $60 billion. By September 2008 the fourth largest investment bank in the world was bankrupt. How had a... View Details
Keywords: Bankruptcy; Financial Distress; Accounting Policies; Business Ethics; Financial Reporting; Volatility; Judgments; Financial Crisis; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Financial Liquidity; Investment Banking; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Crisis Management; Risk Management; Failure; Business and Government Relations; Ethics; Banking Industry; New York (city, NY)
Gilson, Stuart C., Kristin Mugford, and Sarah L. Abbott. "The Rise and Fall of Lehman Brothers." Harvard Business School Case 217-041, January 2017. (Revised January 2019.)
- September 2017
- Article
The Belief in a Favorable Future
By: Todd Rogers, Don A. Moore and Michael I. Norton
People believe that future others’ preferences and beliefs will change to align with their own. People holding a particular view (e.g., support of President Trump) are more likely to believe that future others will share their view than to believe that future others... View Details
Keywords: Social Cognition; Judgment; Prediction; Forecasting; False Consensus; Donation; Open Data; Open Materials; Preregistered; Forecasting and Prediction; Perception; Values and Beliefs; Behavior
Rogers, Todd, Don A. Moore, and Michael I. Norton. "The Belief in a Favorable Future." Psychological Science 28, no. 9 (September 2017): 1290–1301.
- February 2021
- Case
The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations
By: Mihir Desai, Ruth Page, Suzanne Antoniou and Leanne Fan
How should historic social injustices be addressed? Survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and their descendants, including Representative Regina Goodwin of Tulsa, believe they should be addressed through reparations and have consequently continued to push the government... View Details
Keywords: Costs And Consequences; Decisions; Judgment And Decision-making; Lawsuit; Leading Change; Conflict Resolution; Perspective Taking; Prejudice; Bias; Reparations; Decision Making; Decision Choices and Conditions; Cost vs Benefits; Judgments; Race; Ethics; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Conflict Management; Governance; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government and Politics; Government Legislation; History; Lawsuits and Litigation; Legal Liability; Mission and Purpose; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Motivation and Incentives; Civil Society or Community; Social Issues; Oklahoma; Tulsa; United States
Desai, Mihir, Ruth Page, Suzanne Antoniou, and Leanne Fan. "The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 221-707, February 2021.
- May 2024
- Article
Moral Thin-Slicing: Forming Moral Impressions from a Brief Glance
By: Julian De Freitas and Alon Hafri
Despite the modern rarity with which people are visual witness to moral transgressions involving
physical harm, such transgressions are more accessible than ever thanks to their availability on
social media and in the news. On one hand, the literature suggests that... View Details
Keywords: Moral Judgement; Thin Slices; Social Media; Fake News; Misinformation; Moral Sensibility; News; Behavior
De Freitas, Julian, and Alon Hafri. "Moral Thin-Slicing: Forming Moral Impressions from a Brief Glance." Art. 104588. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 112 (May 2024).
- Article
Is the Moral Domain Unique?: A Social Influence Perspective for the Study of Moral Cognition
By: J. Lees and F. Gino
The nature of the cognitive processes that give rise to moral judgment and behavior has been a central question of psychology for decades. In this paper, we suggest that an often ignored yet fruitful stream of research for informing current debates on the nature of... View Details
Lees, J., and F. Gino. "Is the Moral Domain Unique? A Social Influence Perspective for the Study of Moral Cognition." Social and Personality Psychology Compass 11, no. 8 (August 2017).
- Article
If You're Going to Do Wrong, at Least Do It Right: Considering Two Moral Dilemmas at the Same Time Promotes Moral Consistency
By: Netta Barak-Corren, Chia-Jung Tsay, Fiery Cushman and Max Bazerman
We study how people reconcile conflicting moral intuitions by juxtaposing two versions of classic moral problems: the trolley problem and the footbridge problem. When viewed separately, most people favor action in the former and disapprove of action in the latter,... View Details
Barak-Corren, Netta, Chia-Jung Tsay, Fiery Cushman, and Max Bazerman. "If You're Going to Do Wrong, at Least Do It Right: Considering Two Moral Dilemmas at the Same Time Promotes Moral Consistency." Management Science 64, no. 4 (April 2018): 1528–1540.
- 07 Jul 2008
- Research & Ideas
Innovation Corrupted: How Managers Can Avoid Another Enron
"In the end, Enron was at the center of a truly delinquent society. Once Enron's ethical drift took hold, its collapse was only a matter of time," says HBS professor emeritus Malcolm S. Salter. As he explains in this Q&A and... View Details
- September 2012
- Article
Vicarious Dishonesty: When Psychological Closeness Creates Distance from One's Moral Compass
By: F. Gino and A. Galinsky
In four studies employing multiple manipulations of psychological closeness, we found that feeling connected to another individual who engages in selfish or dishonest behavior leads people to vicariously justify the actions of this individual and to behave more... View Details
Gino, F., and A. Galinsky. "Vicarious Dishonesty: When Psychological Closeness Creates Distance from One's Moral Compass." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 119, no. 1 (September 2012): 15–26.
- 2017
- Working Paper
A Welfarist Role for Nonwelfarist Rules: An Example with Envy
I propose and formalize an argument for why economists working in the welfarist normative tradition should include nonwelfarist principles in how they judge economic policy. The key idea behind this argument is that the world is too complex, and our ability to model it... View Details
Weinzierl, Matthew. "A Welfarist Role for Nonwelfarist Rules: An Example with Envy." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-021, September 2016. (Revised July 2017.)
- 05 May 2003
- Research & Ideas
Sharing the Responsibility of Corporate Governance
Harvard Business School professor Constance Bagley studies the intersection of business and law, and is interested in how companies can use legal resources as a competitive asset. In this interview, Bagley discusses ways businesses can make View Details
Keywords: by Carla Tishler