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- 2010
- Working Paper
International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
The key in the investigation of "where" and "why" capital flows, relative to the neoclassical benchmark, is how we measure these flows. The macro literature has been using three main yardsticks: the current account balance, returns to capital, and the volume of net... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth." NBER Working Paper Series, No. w17396.
- Article
The EU's Unsustainable Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism
By: Jesse M. Fried and Charles C.Y. Wang
A recent report by the EU claims that investor-driven short-termism is encouraging firms to return cash rather than invest it, which reduces capital available for investment in growth. The authors show that the data behind the report do not support its claims and... View Details
Keywords: Short-termism; Sustainability; Capital; Investment; Decision Making; Business and Stakeholder Relations; European Union
Fried, Jesse M., and Charles C.Y. Wang. "The EU's Unsustainable Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (January 29, 2021).
- 2010
- Other Unpublished Work
International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
The key in the investigation of "where" and "why" capital flows, relative to the neoclassical benchmark, is how we measure these flows. The macro literature has been using three main yardsticks: the current account balance, returns to capital, and the volume of net... View Details
- 11 Apr 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Managers and Market Capitalism
Keywords: by Rebecca Henderson & Karthik Ramanna
- 14 Oct 2011
- Working Paper Summaries
The Cost of Capital for Alternative Investments
Keywords: by Jakub W. Jurek & Erik Stafford
- Article
Specialization and Success: Evidence from Venture Capital
By: Paul A. Gompers, Anna Kovner and Josh Lerner
This paper examines how organizational structure affects behavior and outcomes, studying the performance of different types of venture capital organizations. We find a strong positive relationship between the degree of specialization by individual venture capitalists... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Venture Capital; Organizational Structure; Outcome or Result; Performance Effectiveness; Behavior; Financial Services Industry
Gompers, Paul A., Anna Kovner, and Josh Lerner. "Specialization and Success: Evidence from Venture Capital." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 18, no. 3 (Fall 2009): 817–844.
- 1994
- Other Unpublished Work
Interest Allocation Rules and the Changing Cost of Debt Finance
By: K. A. Froot and J. Hines
- 10 Jun 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets
Keywords: by Zacharias Sautner & Belén Villalonga
- 20 Sep 2011
- Working Paper Summaries
Sovereigns, Upstream Capital Flows and Global Imbalances
- 1995
- Chapter
Interest Allocation Rules, Financing Patterns, and the Operations of US Multinationals
By: Kenneth A. Froot and James R. Hines Jr.
Keywords: Corporation Taxation; Interest Deductibility; Cost of Capital; Taxation; Financing and Loans; Corporate Finance
Froot, Kenneth A., and James R. Hines Jr. "Interest Allocation Rules, Financing Patterns, and the Operations of US Multinationals." Chap. 10 in The Effects of Taxation on Multinational Corporations, edited by Martin S. Feldstein, James R. Hines Jr., and G. Hubbard, 277–312. University of Chicago Press, 1995. (Also featured in The NBER Digest, November 1994. Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 4924.)
- October 2009
- Article
Influence and Inefficiency in the Internal Capital Market
By: Julie Wulf
I model inefficient resource allocations in M-form organizations due to influence activities by division managers that skew capital budgets in their favor. Corporate headquarters receives two types of signals about investment opportunities: private signals that can be... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Resource Allocation; Business Processes; Capital Budgeting; Business Headquarters; Investment; Opportunities; Cost; Value; Motivation and Incentives; Equity
Wulf, Julie. "Influence and Inefficiency in the Internal Capital Market." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 72, no. 1 (October 2009): 305–321.
- April 2002
- Article
Internal Capital Markets and Firm-Level Compensation Incentives for Division Managers
By: Julie Wulf
Do multidivisional firms structure compensation contracts for division managers to mitigate incentive problems in their internal capital markets? I find evidence that compensation and investment incentives are substitutes: firms providing a stronger link to firm... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Executive Compensation; Capital Budgeting; Motivation and Incentives; Profit; Decisions; Resource Allocation; Performance; Investment; Contracts
Wulf, Julie. "Internal Capital Markets and Firm-Level Compensation Incentives for Division Managers." Journal of Labor Economics 20, no. 2 (April 2002): S219–S262.
- 2007
- Other Unpublished Work
Influence and Inefficiency in the Internal Capital Market
By: Julie Wulf
I model inefficient resource allocations in M-form organizations due to influence activities by division managers that skew capital budgets in their favor. Corporate headquarters receives two types of signals about investment opportunities: private signals that can be... View Details
- August 2021
- Teaching Note
Yale University Investments Office: November 2020
By: Josh Lerner
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 821-074. View Details
- 23 Nov 1999
- Research & Ideas
The Future of the Venture Capital Cycle
financial product. The supply of venture capital is also likely to continue growing. Within the past two years, numerous pension funds have invested in private equity for the first time. Many experienced investors have also decided to... View Details
- 26 Jan 2004
- Research & Ideas
How Women Can Get More Venture Capital
venture money? A: The vast majority of venture capital is allocated to technology-driven businesses: software, hardware, Internet-related spaces. There is also significant investment in the life sciences and... View Details
Keywords: by Mallory Stark & Martha Lagace
- July 2014
- Case
Venture Capital at the Harvard Management Company in Historical Perspective
By: Felda Hardymon, Tom Nicholas and Vasiliki Fouka
The compromise between capital preservation and growth has always been central to the performance of the Harvard endowment. Setting an institutional structure for effectively governing this compromise became especially important when the Harvard Management Company... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Financial Management; Asset Management; Higher Education; Investment; Financial Services Industry; Education Industry; Cambridge
Hardymon, Felda, Tom Nicholas, and Vasiliki Fouka. "Venture Capital at the Harvard Management Company in Historical Perspective." Harvard Business School Case 815-047, July 2014.
- Spring 2016
- Article
Risk Neglect in Equity Markets
By: Malcolm Baker
The link between measures of risk and return within the equity market has been very weak over the past 47 years: in the United States, returns on high-risk stocks have cumulatively fallen short of the returns on low-risk stocks, during a period when the equity market... View Details
Baker, Malcolm. "Risk Neglect in Equity Markets." Journal of Portfolio Management 42, no. 3 (Spring 2016): 12–25.
- 2016
- Article
Organizational Decision-Making and Information: Angel Investments by Venture Capital Partners
By: Andy Wu
We study information aggregation in organizational decision-making for the financing of entrepreneurial ventures. We introduce a formal model of voting where agents face costly tacit information to improve their decision quality. Equilibrium outcomes suggest a... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Finance; Angel Investors; Organization Design; Voting; Group Decision-making; Information; Strategy; Organizations; Entrepreneurship; Decision Making; Financing and Loans
Wu, Andy. "Organizational Decision-Making and Information: Angel Investments by Venture Capital Partners." Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2016): 189–194.
- March 2013
- Article
Bridging the Gap? Government Subsidized Lending and Access to Capital
By: Josh Lerner and Kristle Romero-Cortes
The consequences of providing public funds to financial institutions remain controversial. We examine the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund's impact on credit union activity, using hitherto little studied U.S. Treasury data. The CDFI Fund grants... View Details
Keywords: Financing and Loans; Credit; Government and Politics; Financial Institutions; United States
Lerner, Josh, and Kristle Romero-Cortes. "Bridging the Gap? Government Subsidized Lending and Access to Capital." Review of Corporate Finance Studies 2, no. 1 (March 2013): 98–128.