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- All HBS Web
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- 12 Feb 2007
- Lessons from the Classroom
‘UpTick’ Brings Wall Street Pressure to Students
In a Harvard Business School classroom, students in the Dynamic Markets class may have one minute to make a decision in a pressure cooker one called "the most stress I've experienced in ten years." It's margin call time in a... View Details
- May 13, 2021
- Article
The Big Benefits of Employee Ownership
By: Thomas Dudley and Ethan Rouen
Wealth inequality in the U.S. has been increasing for decades: The richest 1% own a majority of all business wealth, and the top 10% own more than 90%. Companies, which have played a vital role in the growth in inequality can also play one in reducing it. One place to... View Details
Keywords: Wealth; Equality and Inequality; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Employee Ownership; United States
Dudley, Thomas, and Ethan Rouen. "The Big Benefits of Employee Ownership." Harvard Business Review (website) (May 13, 2021).
- 11 Jan 2010
- Research & Ideas
Mixing Open Source and Proprietary Software Strategies
growing new firm with an open source business model. In response, IBM in 2005 bought a small firm called Gluecode that sold products in the same market segment as JBoss. IBM then opened the Gluecode product... View Details
- December 2006
- Case
Vipp A/S
By: Robert D. Austin and Daniela Beyersdorfer
Rapidly growing Vipp sells highly differentiated (and expensive) "designer" versions of a product that most buyers think about in purely functional terms: Trash bins. Examines how the company successfully produces and positions a trash bin so that it is regarded as an... View Details
Austin, Robert D., and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "Vipp A/S." Harvard Business School Case 607-052, December 2006.
- Summer 2016
- Article
The Real Lessons From Kodak's Decline
By: Willy C. Shih
Eastman Kodak is often mischaracterized as a company whose managers didn't recognize soon enough that digital technology would decimate its traditional business. However, what really happened at Kodak is much more complicated—and instructive. Kodak suffered from a... View Details
Keywords: Technological Change; Disruption; Ecosystem; Semiconductors; Photography; Scaling-up; Scaling; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Product; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Shih, Willy C. "The Real Lessons From Kodak's Decline." MIT Sloan Management Review 57, no. 4 (Summer 2016): 11–13.
- 08 Feb 2011
- First Look
First Look: Feb. 8
PublicationsProspects for the Professions in China Authors:William P. Alford, William Kirby, and Kenneth Winston, eds Publication:Routledge Studies on Civil Society in Asia. London: Routledge, 2010 Abstract Professionals are a growing... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- January 2014
- Case
Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected
By: Juan Alcacer and John Clayton
Narrates the story of Emirates, an airline founded in 1985 in Dubai that by 2013 was among the three largest commercial airlines in the world. The case emphasizes how Emirates capitalized on its location—a small city–state strategically located to reach ¾ of the world... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Competitive Advantage; Airlines; Multinational; Location Strategies; Geographic Location; Multinational Firms and Management; Air Transportation; Competitive Advantage; Business Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; Middle East; Dubai
Alcacer, Juan, and John Clayton. "Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected." Harvard Business School Case 714-432, January 2014.
- 22 Mar 2016
- First Look
March 22, 2016
in 2012. However, doing business in emerging markets remains subject to a high degree of "policy risk," namely the risk that a government will discriminatorily change the laws, regulations, or contracts governing an... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- January 1997 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
OXO International
By: H. Kent Bowen, Marilyn Matis and Sylvie Ryckebusch
OXO, a kitchen tools and gadgets company, was started by a businessman who had 30 years of experience in the housewares industry. With his wife and son as founders, he creates a new niche in the gadgets industry for high-end gourmet stores. The company has headquarters... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain Management; Production; Design; Ownership; Business Startups; Acquisition; Consumer Products Industry; Asia; New York (city, NY); Connecticut
Bowen, H. Kent, Marilyn Matis, and Sylvie Ryckebusch. "OXO International." Harvard Business School Case 697-007, January 1997. (Revised December 1999.)
- 15 Aug 2017
- News
5 Reasons Why Quality Audits Need To Become Routine In Manufacturing
- July 2021 (Revised October 2021)
- Case
Allianz Customer Centricity: Is Simplicity the Way Forward?
By: Eva Ascarza and Emilie Billaud
This case explores the tradeoffs between product personalization and simplicity as companies grow. The case presents an opportunity to understand whether and how each of these approaches enables and/or limits companies’ abilities to provide customer satisfaction while... View Details
Keywords: Simplicity; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customization and Personalization; Customer Satisfaction; Performance Efficiency; Strategy; Insurance Industry; Europe; Germany
Ascarza, Eva, and Emilie Billaud. "Allianz Customer Centricity: Is Simplicity the Way Forward?" Harvard Business School Case 522-008, July 2021. (Revised October 2021.)
- 03 Oct 2005
- Research & Ideas
The Truck Driver Who Reinvented Shipping
to maritime trade so phenomenal that he has been compared to the father of the steam engine, Robert Fulton. As a youth growing up on a farm in a small town of Maxton, North Carolina, McLean learned early on about the value of hard work... View Details
- 24 Aug 2011
- News
Bill George's corporate "Dream Team"
- 22 Apr 2020
- Research Event
How Investors Are Sizing Up Climate Change’s Risks—and Opportunities
March 4, Harvard Business School gathered senior executives, risk experts, and leading investment professionals from some of the world’s largest asset managers to share how they’re approaching these complex... View Details
- December 2011 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
Samasource: Give Work, Not Aid
By: Francesca Gino and Bradley R. Staats
Samasource sought to use work, not aid, for economic development. The company secured contracts for digital services from large companies in the United States and Europe, divided the work up into small pieces (called microwork) and then sent it to delivery centers in... View Details
Gino, Francesca, and Bradley R. Staats. "Samasource: Give Work, Not Aid." Harvard Business School Case 912-011, December 2011. (Revised June 2012.)
- 14 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
Thriving in the Turbulence of Emerging Markets
The growth and competiveness of emerging markets is a fundamental reality in global business today. Yet it is often forgotten just how much these countries have changed in a short period of time, how challenging their View Details
- February 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
By: Susan L. Kulp, V.G. Narayanan and Dennis Campbell
Illustrates how nonfinancial performance measures can be used to manage a business and evaluate the success of a strategy. View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Balanced Scorecard; Performance Evaluation; Strategy; Retail Industry
Kulp, Susan L., V.G. Narayanan, and Dennis Campbell. "Store24." Harvard Business School Case 103-058, February 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- Research Summary
Understanding the Drivers and Limits of Corporate Growth
By: Gary P. Pisano
Perhaps no issues garners more attention of senior executives and Boards of Directors than growth. Yet, the underlying factors shaping and limiting corporate growth are poorly understood. Empirically, we know that some corporations grow much faster than... View Details
- March 2022 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
Hometown Foods: Changing Price amid Inflation
During the early part of the 2021 Covid-19 pandemic, Hometown Foods, a large seller of flour-based products, thrived as consumers hoarded baked goods and took up baking to pass the time and find comfort. Then, amid growing shortages in commodities, a vaccine arrived,... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Consumer Behavior; Supply Chain; Inflation and Deflation; Spending; Price Bubble; Price; Volatility; Food and Beverage Industry
De Freitas, Julian, Jeremy Yang, and Das Narayandas. "Hometown Foods: Changing Price amid Inflation." Harvard Business School Case 522-087, March 2022. (Revised March 2024.)
- 11 Jul 2016
- News