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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (1)
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- Faculty Publications (558)
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Issuance and Design of Sustainability-linked Loans
By: Maria Loumioti and George Serafeim
Sustainability-linked loans (i.e., syndicated loans for which pricing is linked to a sustainability performance indicator) have rapidly evolved into a significant private debt product. We find that sustainability-linked lending has been available mostly to borrowers... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Credit Products; Loan Contracts; Loans; Corporate Finance; Credit Risk; Environment; ESG; ESG Ratings; Climate Change; Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Risk and Uncertainty; Credit
Loumioti, Maria, and George Serafeim. "The Issuance and Design of Sustainability-linked Loans." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-027, November 2022.
- 2013
- Book
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline
By: Steven Rosefielde and Daniel Quinn Mills
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies reveals that American politicians have usurped their constitutional authority, substituting their economic and political sovereignty for the people's. This has been accomplished by creating an enormous public service sector... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Government and Politics; Macroeconomics; Public Administration Industry; United States
Rosefielde, Steven, and Daniel Quinn Mills. Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- August 2008 (Revised October 2011)
- Case
The Redgrove Axial Workshop
By: Michel Anteby and Mikell Hyman
Marc Fontaine, a new manager at a global manufacturing concern, is on a fast-track to a senior managerial position. One morning, in a storage room, he discovers some ornamental artifacts made with the same materials used for official production. He suspects workers... View Details
Anteby, Michel, and Mikell Hyman. "The Redgrove Axial Workshop." Harvard Business School Case 409-034, August 2008. (Revised October 2011.)
- January 2004 (Revised September 2004)
- Background Note
Confidentiality in Settlement Negotiations: Ethics & Law
By: Michael A. Wheeler, Dana Nelson and Gillian Morris
Legal policy has a long history of protecting confidentiality of negotiations that are designed to produce settlement. However, within the past several decades there has been a significant push toward openness. Compelling arguments support confidentiality: It helps... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; Attorney and Client Relationships; Policy; Corporate Disclosure; Negotiation
Wheeler, Michael A., Dana Nelson, and Gillian Morris. "Confidentiality in Settlement Negotiations: Ethics & Law." Harvard Business School Background Note 904-057, January 2004. (Revised September 2004.)
- 2022
- Book
Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know
By: J.S. Nelson and Lynn A. Stout
An authoritative and practical guide to business ethics, written in an accessible question-and-answer format. In today's turbulent business climate, business ethics are more important than ever. Surveys of employees show that misconduct is on the rise. Cover stories... View Details
Nelson, J.S., and Lynn A. Stout. Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- October 2018
- Case
Corruption and Business in Emerging Markets
By: Geoffrey Jones, Tarun Khanna and Nataliya Langburd Wright
The case is built around video clips from top business leaders in emerging markets who were interviewed for Harvard Business School’s innovative Creating Emerging Markets oral history project. Corruption is a widespread problem in emerging markets, and this case is... View Details
Jones, Geoffrey, Tarun Khanna, and Nataliya Langburd Wright. "Corruption and Business in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Case 319-054, October 2018.
- 2008
- Chapter
Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model
By: Rakesh Khurana and Herbert Gintis
Since the mid-1970s neoclassical economic theory has dominated business school thinking and teaching in dealing with the nature of human motivation. However valuable in understanding competitive product and financial markets, neoclassical economic theory employs an... View Details
Keywords: Business Education; Ethics; Managerial Roles; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Culture; Business and Shareholder Relations; Mathematical Methods; Behavior
Khurana, Rakesh, and Herbert Gintis. "Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model." In Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy, edited by Paul J. Zak. Princeton University Press, 2008.
Paul W. Marshall
MBA Class of 1960 Professor of Management, Paul W. Marshall, is affiliated with the Entrepreneurial Management Unit and teaches The Entrepreneurial Manager in the Turnaround Environment. This Elective Curriculum course focuses on the role of... View Details
- Research Summary
The "New" Corporate Communications
Stephen A. Greyser continues to explore the issues and problems
organizations face as they attempt to communicate effectively with a
variety of constituencies. Greyser's work and the course to which it
contributes are structured around the business-media-publics... View Details
- 2016
- Working Paper
The Reference Wars: Encyclopedia Britannica's Decline and Encarta's Emergence
By: Shane Greenstein
The experience of Encyclopædia Britannica provides the canonical example of the decline of an established firm at the outset of the digital age. Competition from Microsoft's Encarta in 1993 led to sharp declines in the sales of books, which led to the distressed sale... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry and Exit; Service Operations; Emerging Markets; Applications and Software; Books; Information Technology Industry; Information Industry
Greenstein, Shane. "The Reference Wars: Encyclopedia Britannica's Decline and Encarta's Emergence." Working Paper, April 2016.
- September 2008
- Case
Adobe Systems: Working Towards a "Suite" Release (A)
By: David A. Thomas and Lauren Barley
The case examines the tools a manager can use to keep her project on track and manage conflict and tension as Adobe prepares to launch Creative Suite 3, the biggest software release in the company's 25-year history. The protagonist, Yvonne Murray, is a group program... View Details
Keywords: Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Product Launch; Projects; Groups and Teams; Conflict Management; Power and Influence
Thomas, David A., and Lauren Barley. Adobe Systems: Working Towards a "Suite" Release (A). Harvard Business School Case 409-014, September 2008.
- September 2008
- Class Lecture
Leading Change and Organizational Renewal
By: Michael L. Tushman and Charles O'Reilley
Executives who return from campus-based executive programs ready to make changes often find employees resistant to new ideas. The Leading Change and Organizational Renewal multimedia resource was created to ease transitions and empower the teacher as leader. This... View Details
- January–February 2022
- Article
Operational Disruptions, Firm Risk, and Control Systems
By: William Schmidt and Ananth Raman
Operational disruptions can impact a firm's risk, which manifests in a host of operational issues, including a higher holding cost for inventory, a higher financing cost for capacity expansion, and a higher perception of the firm's risk among its supply chain partners.... View Details
Keywords: Operational Risk; Operational Disruptions; Information Asymmetry; Control Systems; Operations; Disruption; Risk Management
Schmidt, William, and Ananth Raman. "Operational Disruptions, Firm Risk, and Control Systems." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24, no. 1 (January–February 2022): 411–429.
- December 2018
- Article
Some Elements of Peronist Beliefs and Tastes
By: Rafael Di Tella and Juan Dubra
We study the beliefs and values of Peronism. Instead of a comprehensive approach, we focus on three elements. First, we study beliefs and values about the economic system present in Peron’s speeches during the period 1943–1955. Second, given that these beliefs are... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Juan Dubra. "Some Elements of Peronist Beliefs and Tastes." Latin American Economic Review 27, no. 1 (December 2018).
- May 2017
- Article
The Reference Wars: Encyclopædia Britannica's Decline and Encarta's Emergence
By: Shane Greenstein
The experience of Encyclopædia Britannica provides the canonical example of the decline of an established firm at the outset of the digital age. Competition from Microsoft’s Encarta in 1993 led to sharp declines in the sales of books, which led to the distressed sale... View Details
Keywords: Digital; Britannica; Diseconomies; Encyclopedias; Applications and Software; Books; Competition; Publishing Industry
Greenstein, Shane. "The Reference Wars: Encyclopædia Britannica's Decline and Encarta's Emergence." Strategic Management Journal 38, no. 5 (May 2017): 995–1017.
- March 2015 (Revised December 2016)
- Case
Evans Food
By: Sunil Gupta
In April 2014, Hector Guerra (GMP 16) was discussing his company's dilemma with his living group of the General Management Program (GMP) at the Harvard Business School. Guerra was Vice President of Operations at Evans Food, a $100 million company, which produced pork... View Details
Keywords: Food; Production; Cost Management; Supply Chain; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Gupta, Sunil. "Evans Food." Harvard Business School Case 515-095, March 2015. (Revised December 2016.)
- 2014
- Book
Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance
By: Srikant M. Datar and Madhav Rajan
Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance enables future managers and business owners to attain the core skills they need to become integral members of their company’s decision-making teams. This new program from established authors... View Details
Datar, Srikant M., and Madhav Rajan. Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance. Prentice Hall, 2014.
- September 2008
- Supplement
Adobe Systems: Working Towards a "Suite" Release (B)
By: David A. Thomas and Lauren Barley
The case examines the tools a manager can use to keep her project on track and manage conflict and tension as Adobe prepares to launch Creative Suite 3, the biggest software release in the company's 25-year history. The protagonist, Yvonne Murray, is a group program... View Details
Keywords: Change; Interpersonal Communication; Crisis Management; Product Launch; Projects; Conflict of Interests; Integration; Software
Thomas, David A., and Lauren Barley. Adobe Systems: Working Towards a "Suite" Release (B). Harvard Business School Supplement 409-015, September 2008.
Deborah M. Winshel
Deborah Winshel is a member of the Faculty of the Harvard Business School where she teaches Leadership and Corporate Accountability to first year MBAs and executives.
Most recently, Deborah was a Managing Director and Global Head of Social Impact at... View Details
- Research Summary
Managing in the Creative Economy
In the early 21st Century, especially in developed economies, work increasingly makes use of specialized knowledge, skill, and talent and creates value through transformation of symbols and other intangible materials to achieve outcomes different from what has been... View Details