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- Faculty Publications (1,464)
- July 2020 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
Vineet Nayar and Sampark Foundation: Frugal Innovation at Scale (A) (Abridged)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Tedards
In 2005, Vineet Nayar, the former CEO and Vice Chairman of HCL Technologies, and his wife, Anupama Nayar, committed $100 million of their personal wealth to found Sampark Foundation—a grant-making philanthropy with a mission to transform learning outcomes for 20... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Organizational Alignment; Culture Change; Digital; Innovation; Experimentation; Metrics; Education Reform; Non-profit; Frugal Innovation; Scale; Ecosystem; Government; Education; Social Enterprise; Leadership; Leading Change; Change Management; Organizational Culture; Alignment; Innovation Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Information Technology; Digital Transformation; India
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Tedards. "Vineet Nayar and Sampark Foundation: Frugal Innovation at Scale (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 421-021, July 2020. (Revised January 2021.)
- July 2020
- Background Note
Leadership for Change: Seven Enduring Skills for Experienced and Aspiring Change Leaders
Leaders use seven leadership skills in conceiving and managing change projects, whether innovations in established organizations, culture and process changes, or entrepreneurial ventures for industry or social change. The skills leaders need are different at various... View Details
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "Leadership for Change: Seven Enduring Skills for Experienced and Aspiring Change Leaders." Harvard Business School Background Note 321-019, July 2020.
- July 2020
- Case
Kathy Fish at Procter & Gamble: Navigating Industry Disruption by Disrupting from Within
When Kathy Fish, Procter & Gamble’s Chief Research, Development & Innovation Officer, and a 40-year company veteran, stepped into her role in 2014, she was concerned that the world’s leading consumer packaged goods company had lost its capability to produce a steady... View Details
Keywords: Female Protagonist; Organizational Change; Organizational Behavior; Culture Change; Digital; Innovation; Lean Startup; Experimentation; Metrics; Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG); Leadership; Leading Change; Change Management; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Disruption; Innovation and Invention; Digital Transformation
Truelove, Emily, Linda A. Hill, and Emily Tedards. "Kathy Fish at Procter & Gamble: Navigating Industry Disruption by Disrupting from Within." Harvard Business School Case 421-012, July 2020.
- July 2020
- Case
Applying Data Science and Analytics at P&G
By: Srikant M. Datar, Sarah Mehta and Paul Hamilton
Set in December 2019, this case explores how P&G has applied data science and analytics to cut costs and improve outcomes across its business units. The case provides an overview of P&G’s approach to data management and governance, and reviews the challenges associated... View Details
Keywords: Data Science; Analytics; Analysis; Information; Information Management; Information Types; Innovation and Invention; Strategy; Analytics and Data Science; Consumer Products Industry; United States; Ohio
Datar, Srikant M., Sarah Mehta, and Paul Hamilton. "Applying Data Science and Analytics at P&G." Harvard Business School Case 121-006, July 2020.
- July 2020
- Article
Yiqing xia zhongguo qiye de duice xuanze [Lessons from Chinese Companies' Response to COVID-19]
By: Das Narayandas, Vinay Hebar and Liangliang Li
China was weeks ahead of the rest of the world in dealing with the pandemic and its fallout. To understand what's next, the authors conducted a series of 20 in-depth, in-person interviews, as well as a large-scale survey of more than 350 senior executives to ascertain... View Details
Keywords: Management; Innovation and Management; Health Pandemics; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Asia; China
Narayandas, Das, Vinay Hebar, and Liangliang Li. "Yiqing xia zhongguo qiye de duice xuanze [Lessons from Chinese Companies' Response to COVID-19]." Hafo shang ye ping lun [Harvard Business Review, Chinese edition] (July 2020): 118–125. (Also appeared online, in English, at Harvard Business Review, June 5, 2020.)
- June 2020 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
By: Mitchell B. Weiss and Sarah Mehta
By April 7, 2020, over 1.4 million people worldwide had contracted the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Governments raced to curb the spread of COVID-19 by scaling up testing, quarantining those infected, and tracing their possible contacts. It had taken Singapore’s... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Contact Tracing; Government Administration; Crisis Management; Health; Health Pandemics; Innovation and Invention; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Social Issues; Information Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Applications and Software; Technology Adoption; Health Industry; Public Administration Industry; Singapore
Weiss, Mitchell B., and Sarah Mehta. "TraceTogether." Harvard Business School Case 820-111, June 2020. (Revised January 2024.)
- June 2020
- Teaching Note
Understanding the Brand Equity of Nestlé Crunch Bar
By: Jill Avery and Gerald Zaltman
Teaching Note for HBS Case Nos. 519-061 and 519-062. In early 2018, Nestlé announced the sale of its U.S. candy-making division and a select collection of twenty of its confectionery brands, including the Nestlé Crunch Bar, to Ferrero SpA for $2.8 billion. Under the... View Details
- June 2020
- Case
RBC: Transforming Transformation (A)
By: Ethan Bernstein, Francesca Gino and Aldo Sesia
In 2017, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), a Canadian financial icon, mandated a swat team of “enablers of collaboration” (their job description) to support the personal and commercial bank in the enterprise-wide RBC Cultural Transformation initiative. Historically,... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Information Technology; Transformation; Change Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Decision Making; Human Resources; Management Systems; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Groups and Teams; Management Teams; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Canada
Bernstein, Ethan, Francesca Gino, and Aldo Sesia. "RBC: Transforming Transformation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 920-008, June 2020.
- June 2020
- Supplement
RBC: Transforming Transformation (B)
By: Ethan Bernstein, Francesca Gino and Aldo Sesia
In 2017, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), a Canadian financial icon, mandated a swat team of “enablers of collaboration” (their job description) to support the personal and commercial bank in the enterprise-wide RBC Cultural Transformation initiative. Historically,... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Information Technology; Transformation; Change Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Decision Making; Human Resources; Management Systems; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Groups and Teams; Management Teams; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Canada
Bernstein, Ethan, Francesca Gino, and Aldo Sesia. "RBC: Transforming Transformation (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 920-045, June 2020.
- 2020
- Article
Why Do User Communities Matter for Strategy?
By: Sonali K. Shah and Frank Nagle
In this essay, we explore how strategic management research and practice could benefit from considering the benefits and challenges obtainable through working with user communities. User communities represent a unique organizing structure for the exchange of ideas and... View Details
Keywords: User Communities; Innovation; Open Source; Collaboration; Cooperative Strategy; Knowledge Sharing; Strategy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention
Shah, Sonali K., and Frank Nagle. "Why Do User Communities Matter for Strategy?" Special Issue on Open Innovation. Strategic Management Review 1, no. 2 (2020): 305–353.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Iterative Coordination and Innovation
By: Sourobh Ghosh and Andy Wu
Agile management practices from the software industry continue to transform the way organizations innovate across industries, yet they remain understudied in the organizations literature. We investigate the widespread Agile practice of iterative coordination: frequent... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Goals; Specialization; Coordination; Field Experiment; Software Development; Organizations; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Goals and Objectives; Integration; Software
Ghosh, Sourobh, and Andy Wu. "Iterative Coordination and Innovation." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-121, January 2020.
- May 2020
- Case
M-Lab: Enabling Innovation at Mitsubishi Corporation
By: Krishna Palepu and Allison M. Ciechanover
M-Lab’s founding goals were to infuse an innovation mindset into Mitsubishi Corporation; to catalyze new business opportunities; and to enable a dialogue between Japanese business and Silicon Valley. M-Lab housed representatives from each of Mitsubishi Corporation’s... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Disruption; Transformation; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Multinational Firms and Management; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Japan; United States
Palepu, Krishna, and Allison M. Ciechanover. "M-Lab: Enabling Innovation at Mitsubishi Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 120-061, May 2020.
- May 2020 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Michael Ku and Global Clinical Supply at Pfizer Inc.: Bringing Hope to Patients (A)
By: Linda A. Hill, Allison J. Wigen and Emily Tedards
Michael Ku joined Pfizer in 2011, after the company had undergone three large-scale mergers and acquisitions. His mission was to drive the digital transformation of the company’s clinical supply chain, but he knew he had to start with the culture. Over the next eight... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Digital; Change; Culture; Management; Talent; Pharmaceutical Companies; Customer-centricity; Collaboration; Cross-functional Management; Purpose; Leadership; Innovation and Invention; Transformation; Organizational Culture; Change Management; Talent and Talent Management; Customer Focus and Relationships; Supply Chain; Decision Making; Mission and Purpose
Hill, Linda A., Allison J. Wigen, and Emily Tedards. "Michael Ku and Global Clinical Supply at Pfizer Inc.: Bringing Hope to Patients (A)." Harvard Business School Case 420-108, May 2020. (Revised January 2022.)
- April 30, 2020
- Article
Leading Your Team Past the Peak of a Crisis
In the middle of a crisis, everything looks like a failure. But it’s possible to come out the other end with a strong company—and often with a plan for growth. Companies with a people-first culture can succeed by paying attention to three things: establishing clear... View Details
Keywords: Crisis Management; Organizational Culture; Corporate Accountability; Collaborative Innovation and Invention
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Leading Your Team Past the Peak of a Crisis." Harvard Business Review (website) (April 30, 2020).
- April 2020
- Supplement
Open Innovation at Fujitsu (C)
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey
This follow-on case study provides a multi-year update on the achievements of the Open Innovation Gateway (OIG). Over time, OIG honed a process that enabled open innovation. It developed three streams of activities, namely co-creation projects with major customers and... View Details
Keywords: Open Innovation; Inter-organizational Relationships; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Change Management; Relationships; Leadership Development
Edmondson, Amy C., and Jean-François Harvey. "Open Innovation at Fujitsu (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 620-126, April 2020.
- April 2020 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Amazon in China and India
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Kairavi Dey
Amazon has been unsuccessful in its efforts to develop a business in China. Even though Amazon was an early entrant into China’s e-commerce space, its domestic rivals, especially Alibaba, created innovative business models uniquely suited for the conditions in China. ... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Emerging Markets; Business Strategy; Expansion; Business Model; Retail Industry; China; India; United States
Palepu, Krishna G., and Kairavi Dey. "Amazon in China and India." Harvard Business School Case 120-111, April 2020. (Revised July 2020.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Global Talent and U.S. Immigration Policy
By: William R. Kerr
Talent is a critical resource for today’s knowledge economy. The United States has benefited substantially from high-skilled migration since the 1970s, especially with respect to innovation and entrepreneurship. This chapter reviews data on these immigrant... View Details
Keywords: Global Talent Flows; Immigration; Policy; Talent and Talent Management; Global Range; United States
Kerr, William R. "Global Talent and U.S. Immigration Policy." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-107, April 2020.
- April 2020
- Case Knowledge Analytics for Team Decision Making
By: Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Jeffrey T. Polzer, Susie L. Ma and Shlomi Pasternak was a software platform that used proprietary data analytics technology to help organizations make informed and transparent decisions based on team input. Ment was born out of founder Joab Rosenberg’s frustration that, while organizations collected ever... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Information Technology; Knowledge; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Management; Operations; Information Management; Product; Product Development; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Communications Industry; Information Industry; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry; Middle East; Israel
Grushka-Cockayne, Yael, Jeffrey T. Polzer, Susie L. Ma, and Shlomi Pasternak. " Knowledge Analytics for Team Decision Making." Harvard Business School Case 420-078, April 2020.
- March 2020
- Technical Note
Intrapreneurship: Leading Innovation Efforts in Established Organizations
By: Karen G. Mills and Annie Dang
“Intrapreneurship” is the use of entrepreneurial management techniques within established companies to create new environments that foster innovation. Mature firms have consistently faced risk of elimination from competitors, shifting consumer preferences, and... View Details
Keywords: Intrapreneurship; Innovation; Corporate Venture Capital; Accelerators; Incubators; Lean Startup; Hypothesis Testing; Business Ventures; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Framework; Disruption
Mills, Karen G., and Annie Dang. "Intrapreneurship: Leading Innovation Efforts in Established Organizations." Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-096, March 2020.
- March 2020 (Revised June 2022)
- Case
GreenLight Fund
By: Brian Trelstad, Julia Kelley and Mel Martin
As Tara Noland, the Executive Director (ED) of GreenLight Cincinnati, reflected on her first few years on the job. Noland had delivered on what she had been hired to do in the city: work with leading philanthropists and nonprofit executives to use data and evidence to... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Venture Philanthropy; Replication; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Venture Capital; Social Issues; Decision Making; Analytics and Data Science; Cincinnati
Trelstad, Brian, Julia Kelley, and Mel Martin. "GreenLight Fund." Harvard Business School Case 320-053, March 2020. (Revised June 2022.)