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- August 2012 (Revised November 2012)
- Case
Bonne Chance
With a competitor nipping at his heels, his bank reluctantly covering his recent overdraft, Jacob Zimmerman is considering expanding his Midwestern retail jewelry business by bringing on the new Swatch watch line to augment his high end Rolex offerings. Only 14 weeks... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurs; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Bank Loan; Entrepreneurial Finance; Turnarounds; Negotiation; Liquidation; Entrepreneurship; Retail Industry; Fashion Industry; United States
Sharpe, Jim, and John O. Whitney. "Bonne Chance." Harvard Business School Case 813-049, August 2012. (Revised November 2012.)
- June 1998
- Article
The Politics of Monetary Leadership and Followership: Stability in the European Monetary System Since the Currency Crisis of 1992
By: Rawi Abdelal
Despite widespread scepticism, there is a fundamental continuity in the stability of the European Monetary System (EMS) before and after the 1992 crisis. Although speculative pressures provoked European leaders to widen the fluctuation bands of the Exchange Rate... View Details
Abdelal, Rawi. "The Politics of Monetary Leadership and Followership: Stability in the European Monetary System Since the Currency Crisis of 1992." Political Studies 46, no. 2 (June 1998): 236–259. (Winner of Harrison Prize Awarded each year for the best article published by Political Studies in that volume.)
- Spring 2021
- Article
Corporate Resilience and Response During COVID-19
By: Alex Cheema-Fox, Bridget LaPerla, George Serafeim and Hui (Stacie) Wang
The coronavirus pandemic caused a sharp market decline while raising heterogeneous responses across companies related to their employees, supply chain, and repurposing of operations to provide needed products and services. We study whether during the 2020 COVID-19... View Details
Keywords: ESG; COVID-19; Coronavirus; Crisis Response Plans; Crisis; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Ratings; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Big Data; Machine Learning; Investor Behavior; Institutional Investors; Corporate Performance; Health Pandemics; Crisis Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Human Capital; Supply Chain; Operations; Leadership; Corporate Accountability; Institutional Investing; Performance
Cheema-Fox, Alex, Bridget LaPerla, George Serafeim, and Hui (Stacie) Wang. "Corporate Resilience and Response During COVID-19." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 33, no. 2 (Spring 2021): 24–40.
- August 2012 (Revised October 2015)
- Technical Note
A Note on Trust
By: Jim Sharpe and Charles H. Green
The effective manager and leader understands and appreciates trust at both the personal and the organizational levels. Most managers focus more on being trusted than on trusting. The best way to be trusted is to be worthy of trust—to be trustworthy. View Details
Keywords: Turnarounds; Leadership Skills; Financial Crisis; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Trust; Management Style; Leadership Style
Sharpe, Jim, and Charles H. Green. "A Note on Trust." Harvard Business School Technical Note 813-058, August 2012. (Revised October 2015.)
- July 2012 (Revised May 2024)
- Supplement
Lyric Dinner Theater (B)
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Jim Sharpe
Supplements the (A) Case. Deborah Denenberg reflects on the results and actions taken during the 12 months following her first 6 months on the job. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Crisis; Turn; Family Business; Financial Crisis; Boards Of Directors; Operations Management; Strategy Implementation; Career Planning; Entrepreneurship; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Jim Sharpe. "Lyric Dinner Theater (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 813-044, July 2012. (Revised May 2024.)
- July 2012 (Revised November 2012)
- Case
Dragonfly Corporation
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Jim Sharpe
After 3 years of losses and under legal threats from their landlord, a husband and wife team are faced with shutting the company down, buying time with the landlord or turning to their parents for additional funds. Despite opening a new location and seeing that sales... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Turnarounds; Bankruptcy; Bank Loan; Crisis Management; Family Business; Retail Trade; Financial Crisis; Financial Analysis; Entrepreneurship; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Retail Industry; United States
Stevenson, Howard H., and Jim Sharpe. "Dragonfly Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 813-042, July 2012. (Revised November 2012.)
- June 2009 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
BlackRock Money Market Management in September 2008 (A)
By: Kenneth A. Froot and David Lane
This case highlights the issues around money market mutual funds in the financial crisis of 2008. View Details
Keywords: BlackRock; Mutual Funds; Money Market; Investment Management; Bank Runs; 2008 Financial Crisis; Government Intervention In The Markets; GRG; Financial Management; Investment Funds; Crisis Management; Government and Politics; Financial Crisis; Financial Services Industry
Froot, Kenneth A., and David Lane. "BlackRock Money Market Management in September 2008 (A)." Harvard Business School Case 209-101, June 2009. (Revised May 2010.)
- 2022
- Chapter
Crises and International Business
By: Geoffrey Jones
This chapter uses the intellectual journey of the author to suggest that crises have been the norm rather than the exception in the history of international business. Over the last 100 years world wars, regional conflicts, the Great Depression, and decolonization are... View Details
Keywords: Crisis; Multinational Companies; International Business; Emerging Market; Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; System Shocks; War; Emerging Markets; Crisis Management
Jones, Geoffrey. "Crises and International Business." Chap. 2 in International Business in Times of Crisis. Vol. 16, edited by Rob van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, Lucia Piscitello, and Jonas Puck, 27–32. Progress in International Business Research. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.
- April 1998
- Supplement
United States Financial Crisis of 1931, Note on Franklin D. Roosevelt, and A Keynesian Cure for The Depression,The Data Supplement
Supplement to (9-384-115), (9-382-073), and (9-382-065). View Details
Keywords: Government and Politics; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Financial Crisis; Macroeconomics; United States
Emmons, Willis M., III. "United States Financial Crisis of 1931, Note on Franklin D. Roosevelt, and A Keynesian Cure for The Depression,The Data Supplement." Harvard Business School Supplement 798-093, April 1998.
- January 2013
- Case
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Sunru Yong
An aftermarket brake component manufacturer, VC Brakes, is bought out by a global automotive parts corporation after the 2008 financial crisis. Unlike its previous parent company, the new owner attempts to change VC Brakes' autocratic management style and... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Quality Management; Crisis Management; Human Resource Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Quality; Change Management; Leading Change; Restructuring; Management Practices and Processes; Problems and Challenges; Auto Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Sunru Yong. "Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-552, January 2013.
- October–December 2022
- Article
How Psychological Safety and Feeling Heard Relate to Burnout and Adaptation Amid Uncertainty
By: Michaela J. Kerrissey, Tuna Cem Hayirli, Aditi Bhanja, Nicholas Stark, James Hardy and Christopher Peabody
Background: Psychological safety—the belief that it is safe to speak up—is vital amid uncertainty, but its relationship to feeling heard is not well understood.
Purpose: The aims of this study were (a) to measure feeling heard and (b) to assess... View Details
Purpose: The aims of this study were (a) to measure feeling heard and (b) to assess... View Details
Keywords: Burnout; Crisis; Psychological Safety; Feeling Heard; Process Adaptation; Interpersonal Communication; Well-being; Health Care and Treatment; Adaptation
Kerrissey, Michaela J., Tuna Cem Hayirli, Aditi Bhanja, Nicholas Stark, James Hardy, and Christopher Peabody. "How Psychological Safety and Feeling Heard Relate to Burnout and Adaptation Amid Uncertainty." Health Care Management Review 47, no. 4 (October–December 2022): 308–316.
- June 2013
- Teaching Note
Dragonfly Corporation
By: Jim Sharpe and Michael Norris
This is the teaching note to HBS Case 813042. View Details
- September 2014 (Revised February 2015)
- Case
Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)
By: John A. Quelch and James Weber
In 2014, Pfizer proposed a friendly acquisition of AstraZeneca, but the AstraZeneca board resisted over price and strategy concerns. Was this good for pharmaceutical consumers? Pfizer, like pharmaceutical companies in general, faced difficulties in growing sales due to... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Policy; Mergers And Acquisitions; Marketing; Government Relations; Crisis Management; Decision Making; Growth and Development; Management; Markets; Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Quelch, John A., and James Weber. "Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)." Harvard Business School Case 515-007, September 2014. (Revised February 2015.)
- 09 Oct 2009 - 10 Oct 2009
- Lecture
Strengthening the Market Economy-the Crisis and Beyond." Panel Facilitator, "HBS-International Chamber of Commerce Conference on the Future of the Market System
By: Lynn S. Paine
Paine, Lynn S. Strengthening the Market Economy-the Crisis and Beyond." Panel Facilitator, "HBS-International Chamber of Commerce Conference on the Future of the Market System. Lecture at the HBS-International Chamber of Commerce Conference on the Future of the Market System, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, October 09–10, 2009.
- July 2012 (Revised May 2024)
- Case
Lyric Dinner Theater (A)
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Jim Sharpe
Looking back at five years of losses, Rivka Belzer, a newly minted MBA, steps into her family owned business with their mandate to turn it around or close it. In her first six months, she has made a number of changes, with mixed results, but is beginning to show a... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Crisis Management; Family Business; Turnarounds; Financial Crisis; Boards Of Directors; Operations Management; Strategy Implementation; Career Planning; Entrepreneurship; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Jim Sharpe. "Lyric Dinner Theater (A)." Harvard Business School Case 813-043, July 2012. (Revised May 2024.)
- Article
NORMAS CONTABLES BANCARIAS EN MÉXICO. Una guía de los cambios para legos diez años después de la crisis bancaria de 1995
By: Gustavo Del Angel, Stephen Haber and Aldo Musacchio
Del Angel, Gustavo, Stephen Haber, and Aldo Musacchio. "NORMAS CONTABLES BANCARIAS EN MÉXICO. Una guía de los cambios para legos diez años después de la crisis bancaria de 1995." Trimestre económico 73, no. 292 (October–December 2006).
- June 2012 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
MF Global: Where's the Money?
By: Clayton S. Rose, Pamela Chan and Raghav Chopra
When MF Global failed in October of 2011, it was discovered that $1.6 billion of segregated customer assets was missing. Safeguarding these assets was the firm's responsibility, and in the words of one SEC official, its "sacred obligation." What is known about the... View Details
Keywords: Financial Firms; Customer Obligations; Bankruptcy; Regulation; Financial Crisis; Brokerage; Asset Management; Ethics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Financial Management; Crisis Management; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Financial Services Industry
Rose, Clayton S., Pamela Chan, and Raghav Chopra. "MF Global: Where's the Money?" Harvard Business School Case 312-106, June 2012. (Revised August 2012.)
- June 2015 (Revised January 2017)
- Case
Greece's Debt: Sustainable?
By: George Serafeim
The case "Greece's Debt: Sustainable?" describes the Greek economic crisis, bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the debt restructuring that followed. Because of a lack of trust in Greece's ability to repay its debt, two... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Accounting; Debt Sustainability; Austerity; Solvency Opinions; Borrowing and Debt; Restructuring; Valuation; Accrual Accounting; Fair Value Accounting; Economy; Greece
Serafeim, George. "Greece's Debt: Sustainable?" Harvard Business School Case 115-063, June 2015. (Revised January 2017.)
- June 2012 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
MF Global: Changing Stripes
By: Clayton Rose, Yasmin Dahya and Jenevieve Lee
Jon Corzine became the CEO of MF Global in March of 2010. Eighteen months later, and in the wake of a massive trade in European sovereign debt, the firm filed for bankruptcy, the 8th largest in U.S. history. As the firm failed it was discovered that over $1.6 billion... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Leadership; Governance; Bankruptcy; Financial Firms; Financial Crisis; Brokerage; Asset Management; Sovereign Finance; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Borrowing and Debt; Trade; Business Model
Rose, Clayton, Yasmin Dahya, and Jenevieve Lee. "MF Global: Changing Stripes." Harvard Business School Case 312-105, June 2012. (Revised August 2012.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Working (From Home) During a Crisis: Online Social Contributions by Workers During the Coronavirus Shock
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Wesley W. Koo and Xina Li
Prior research has documented that during mortality-related crises workers face psychic costs and are motivated to make social contributions. In addition, management practices that encourage workers to make social contributions during a crisis create value for firms.... View Details
Keywords: Crisis; Social Contributions; Work From Home (WFH); Cannot Work From Home (CWFH); Social Distancing; Online Communities; Coronavirus; COVID-19; Health Pandemics; Employees; Working Conditions; Internet and the Web; Crisis Management
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Wesley W. Koo, and Xina Li. "Working (From Home) During a Crisis: Online Social Contributions by Workers During the Coronavirus Shock." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-096, March 2020. (Revised April 2020.)