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- Faculty Publications (3,950)
- February 1990 (Revised April 1991)
- Background Note
Quick Response in the Apparel Industry
It has been estimated that the U.S. apparel industry wastes over $25 billion annually due to inefficient practices, long lead times, and insufficient coordination between channel partners. In response to intense competition from off-shore producers, the industry has... View Details
Keywords: Information; Distribution Channels; Performance Efficiency; Partners and Partnerships; Adaptation; Business Strategy; System; Technology; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Hammond, Janice H. "Quick Response in the Apparel Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 690-038, February 1990. (Revised April 1991.)
- February 1990 (Revised August 2001)
- Case
Merloni Elettrodomestici SpA: The Transit Point Experiment
By: Janice H. Hammond and Maura G Kelly
Merloni Elettrodomestici is a leading Italian manufacturer of domestic appliances. In 1986, an exposition for Merloni customers is scheduled at its Milano regional warehouse. During the two-month period preceding the event, when the warehouse must be free of inventory,... View Details
Keywords: Logistics; Marketing Channels; Planning; Time Management; Distribution Channels; Competitive Advantage; Customer Relationship Management; Information Technology; Consumer Products Industry; Italy
Hammond, Janice H., and Maura G Kelly. "Merloni Elettrodomestici SpA: The Transit Point Experiment." Harvard Business School Case 690-003, February 1990. (Revised August 2001.)
- February 1990
- Teaching Note
Progressive Corp.: Coping with the Problem of Dual Career Parents (A) and (B), Teaching Note
By: Shoshana Zuboff
Keywords: Family and Family Relationships
- February 1990
- Teaching Note
Dual-Career Couple Decision Making: A Class Assignment, Instructor's Note
By: Shoshana Zuboff
- February 1990 (Revised November 1992)
- Case
Ashamu Holdings Ltd. (B) (Abridged)
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Ashamu Holdings Ltd. (B) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 590-062, February 1990. (Revised November 1992.)
- January 1990 (Revised June 1995)
- Case
Colliers International Property Consultants
By: Nitin Nohria
Describes the origins, organizational structure, management practices, and use of information technology (IT) in Colliers, a real estate network. Colliers provides local firms with a way to maintain local autonomy while gaining national and international coverage.... View Details
Keywords: Property; Organizational Structure; Information Technology; Management Practices and Processes; Partners and Partnerships; Business Model; Mission and Purpose; Business Growth and Maturation; Conflict and Resolution; Quality; Real Estate Industry
Nohria, Nitin. "Colliers International Property Consultants." Harvard Business School Case 490-049, January 1990. (Revised June 1995.)
- 1990
- Chapter
The British Government and Foreign Multinationals before 1970
By: G. Jones
Keywords: Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Business and Government Relations; United Kingdom
Jones, G. "The British Government and Foreign Multinationals before 1970." In Governments, Industries and Markets: Aspects of Government-Industry Relations in Great Britain, Japan, West Germany and the United States of America since 1945, edited by M. Chick. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1990.
- December 1989 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
By: William J. Poorvu and Richard Ellis Crum
Explores the issues associated with leasing office space in a softening market from the perspective of a young leasing agent. Addresses market and lease analysis, negotiating tactics and strategy, and management of a financial partnership. View Details
Keywords: Management; Partners and Partnerships; Negotiation Tactics; Markets; Business Strategy; Leasing; Corporate Finance; Real Estate Industry
Poorvu, William J., and Richard Ellis Crum. "Bayside." Harvard Business School Case 390-113, December 1989. (Revised June 2003.)
- December 1989
- Article
Risk Aversion and the Relationship between Nash's Solution and Subgame Perfect Equilibrium of Sequential Bargaining
By: A. E. Roth
Roth, A. E. "Risk Aversion and the Relationship between Nash's Solution and Subgame Perfect Equilibrium of Sequential Bargaining." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2, no. 4 (December 1989): 353–365.
- November 1989 (Revised February 1992)
- Case
Ford Motor Co.: Dealer Sales and Service
Since Henry Ford founded Ford Motor Co., Ford vehicles have been sold and serviced the same way. By the late 1980s Ford began to consider making changes in its sales and service process. Two developments forced Ford to reconsider these processes. First, Ford found... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Distribution Channels; Customer Focus and Relationships; Service Industry; Auto Industry; Retail Industry; United States
Schlesinger, Leonard A. "Ford Motor Co.: Dealer Sales and Service." Harvard Business School Case 690-030, November 1989. (Revised February 1992.)
- October 1989
- Background Note
Managing Major Accounts
Written as an introduction to a module in the second-year MBA course, Marketing Implementation. Discusses issues encountered in the selling and management of major accounts. The topics covered include: 1) reasons for the increasing importance of major account... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Audits; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Market Participation; Relationships; Salesforce Management
Cespedes, Frank V. "Managing Major Accounts." Harvard Business School Background Note 590-046, October 1989.
- October 1989 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
Tysons Corner
Hollinswood Associates, a joint venture partnership, has developed and operated a Marriott Hotel in Tysons Corner, Virginia. The partnership has been very successful in the past but it is now facing a significant cash flow deficit. Designed to examine how a partnership... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Management; Change Management; Partners and Partnerships; Joint Ventures; Cash Flow; Investment; Accommodations Industry; Real Estate Industry; Virginia
Poorvu, William J. "Tysons Corner." Harvard Business School Case 390-052, October 1989. (Revised August 1995.)
- October 1989 (Revised December 1989)
- Case
Deregulation of the Australian Wheat Board: A Commodity System in Flux
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business and Government Relations; Goods and Commodities; Markets; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Australia
Goldberg, Ray A. "Deregulation of the Australian Wheat Board: A Commodity System in Flux." Harvard Business School Case 590-034, October 1989. (Revised December 1989.)
- 01 Oct 1989
- Conference Presentation
Organization Decision Support: An Interacting Team Perspective
By: L. M. Applegate and J. C. Henderson
- August 1989 (Revised October 2003)
- Case
Fan Pier
By: William J. Poorvu and Katherine Sweetman
The owner of the Fan Pier site in South Boston has been found legally responsible for blocking the efforts of his development partner in attaining the approval necessary to build the $800 million megaproject they had planned together. It was believed that the owner... View Details
Keywords: Partners and Partnerships; Law; Projects; Design; Organizational Design; Marketing Strategy; Government and Politics; Property; Real Estate Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J., and Katherine Sweetman. "Fan Pier." Harvard Business School Case 390-012, August 1989. (Revised October 2003.)
- August 1989 (Revised May 1991)
- Case
Grosvenor Park
By: William J. Poorvu and Katherine Sweetman
Dick Dublin believes he has designed a townhouse development which will appeal to mobile young professionals. Dublin has removed some market risk by locking in a forward commitment for low interest rate loans for future purchasers at Grosvenor Park. The pricing... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Projects; Financing and Loans; Property; Financial Strategy; Price; Strategic Planning; Business and Government Relations; Real Estate Industry; Maryland
Poorvu, William J., and Katherine Sweetman. "Grosvenor Park." Harvard Business School Case 390-010, August 1989. (Revised May 1991.)
- July 1989 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Kanthal (A)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Multinational company needs an improved cost system to determine the profitability of individual customer orders. Its strategy is to have significant sales and profitability growth without adding additional administrative and support people. The new cost system... View Details
Keywords: Cost Accounting; Earnings Management; Cost Management; Financial Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Business or Company Management; Customer Relationship Management; Sales; Business Strategy; Profit; Electronics Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Kanthal (A)." Harvard Business School Case 190-002, July 1989. (Revised April 2001.)
- July–August 1989
- Article
Teamwork for Today's Selling
By: Frank V. Cespedes, Stephen X. Doyle and Robert J. Freedman
Cespedes, Frank V., Stephen X. Doyle, and Robert J. Freedman. "Teamwork for Today's Selling." Harvard Business Review 67, no. 4 (July–August 1989): 44–59.
- June 1989 (Revised July 1989)
- Case
Coniston vs. Gillette: Communications in a Proxy Fight
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Norman Klein
Keywords: Business and Shareholder Relations; Corporate Governance; Communication; Governing and Advisory Boards
Greyser, Stephen A., and Norman Klein. "Coniston vs. Gillette: Communications in a Proxy Fight." Harvard Business School Case 589-110, June 1989. (Revised July 1989.)
- April 1989
- Teaching Note
Roles and Relationships of Business and Government, Teaching Note
By: George C. Lodge
Teaching Note for (9-388-159). View Details