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- Faculty Publications (418)
- July 1997 (Revised April 1998)
- Case
Chase Manhattan Corporation: The Making of America's Largest Bank
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Cedric Escalle
Chase Bank and Chemical Bank intend to merge, producing the largest commercial bank in the United States, the fourth largest in the world. Projected financial benefits under the merger reflect significant planned reduction in operating costs, including 17,000 employee... View Details
Keywords: Commercial Banking; Profit; Corporate Strategy; Value Creation; Restructuring; Negotiation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Risk and Uncertainty; Resignation and Termination; Revenue; Banking Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Cedric Escalle. "Chase Manhattan Corporation: The Making of America's Largest Bank." Harvard Business School Case 298-016, July 1997. (Revised April 1998.)
- June 1997 (Revised May 1998)
- Case
Mobil USM&R (A1)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
First of a two-part case on the development and use of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) at Mobil's US Marketing and Refining Division. Split from the original (A) case to give students an opportunity to suggest objectives and measures for the division's initial BSC, without... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Measurement and Metrics; Restructuring; Corporate Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Teams; Marketing Strategy; Motivation and Incentives; Mining Industry; Energy Industry; United States
Kaplan, Robert S. "Mobil USM&R (A1)." Harvard Business School Case 197-120, June 1997. (Revised May 1998.)
- March 1997 (Revised October 1999)
- Case
Stone Container in Honduras (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Hannah Bowles
Chicago-based Stone Container Corp., a leading producer of cardboard containers and paper bags, proposes a large-scale pine forest management and utilization program in the La Mosquitia region of Honduras. A framework agreement with the government is strongly endorsed... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Types; Environmental Sustainability; Conflict of Interests; Globalized Firms and Management; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Manufacturing Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Honduras; Chicago
Sebenius, James K., and Hannah Bowles. "Stone Container in Honduras (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-172, March 1997. (Revised October 1999.)
- March 1997 (Revised March 1997)
- Case
Business Teams at Rubbermaid, Inc.
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Dean Whitney
Rubbermaid, a consumer-products company widely praised for its innovation, has instituted a company-wide experiment to stimulate innovation even further. The experiment consists of creating small cross-functional business teams within each division, with each team... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Innovation Strategy; Groups and Teams; Innovation and Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Amabile, Teresa M., and Dean Whitney. "Business Teams at Rubbermaid, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 897-165, March 1997. (Revised March 1997.)
- December 1996 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
Cynthia Hogan and the Birth of Novartis
An American woman heads an integration office for merger transition activities between two giant Swiss pharmaceutical companies. She needed to develop an implementation plan to shape the new global powerhouse. View Details
- November 1996
- Case
Del Webb Corporation (B), The
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Samanta Graff
On November 16, 1987, the Del Webb board appointed Phil Dion chairman and CEO. This case outlines the development and implementation of a strategy to focus exclusively on real estate development and to liquidate all other assets. Discusses the appointment of two new... View Details
Keywords: Crisis Management; Management Succession; Strategic Planning; Governing and Advisory Boards; Business and Shareholder Relations; Conflict of Interests; Real Estate Industry
Lorsch, Jay W., and Samanta Graff. "Del Webb Corporation (B), The." Harvard Business School Case 497-017, November 1996.
- November 1996 (Revised April 1999)
- Case
United Way of Southeastern New England (UWSENE)
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Ellen L. Kaplan / RA
A regional United Way organization, a nonprofit already active in total quality management, implements a Balanced Scorecard to link its strategic planning objectives with day-to-day operations, and is able to translate its vision and strategy into objectives and... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Nonprofit Organizations; Governing and Advisory Boards; Strategy; United States
Kaplan, Robert S., and Ellen L. Kaplan / RA. "United Way of Southeastern New England (UWSENE)." Harvard Business School Case 197-036, November 1996. (Revised April 1999.)
- September 1996 (Revised September 1999)
- Case
Mobil USM&R (A): Linking the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The CEO of the marketing and refining division of a major oil company is in the midst of implementing a profit turnaround. He transforms the strongly centralized, functionally-organized division into 17 independent business units and 14 internal service companies. The... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Measurement and Metrics; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Balanced Scorecard; Corporate Strategy; Mining Industry; Energy Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Mobil USM&R (A): Linking the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 197-025, September 1996. (Revised September 1999.)
- May 1996 (Revised March 1998)
- Case
SaleSoft, Inc. (A)
By: Das Narayandas
SaleSoft, a start-up firm, markets Comprehensive Sales Automation Solutions (CSAS) that automate a firm's sales, marketing, and service functions. Even though the product has received very favorable responses from prospects, product complexity and a long buying cycle... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Decisions; Revenue; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Sales; Opportunities; Information Technology; Technology Industry
Narayandas, Das. "SaleSoft, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 596-112, May 1996. (Revised March 1998.)
- January 1996 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Scott Paper Company
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Jeremy Cott
A professional turnaround manager attempts to implement a massive global downsizing program at the world's largest producer of consumer tissue products. The plan involves laying off almost one third of the company's 34,000 hourly and salaried employees and dramatically... View Details
Keywords: Assets; Global Strategy; Resignation and Termination; Goals and Objectives; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Sales; Value Creation; Pulp and Paper Industry
Gilson, Stuart C., and Jeremy Cott. "Scott Paper Company." Harvard Business School Case 296-048, January 1996. (Revised September 1997.)
- 1996
- Article
Developing an Organization Capable of Implementing Strategy and Learning
By: Michael Beer and Russell Eisenstat
Beer, Michael, and Russell Eisenstat. "Developing an Organization Capable of Implementing Strategy and Learning." Human Relations 49, no. 5 (1996).
- January–April 1996
- Article
Implementing Marketing Strategy
Cespedes, Frank V. "Implementing Marketing Strategy." Journal of Marketing Management 12, nos. 1-3 (January–April 1996): 135–160.
- August 1995 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation (A) (Abridged)
Describes the industry context that has resulted in the development of efficient consumer response (ECR) within the grocery industry and its adoption by H.E. Butt Grocery Co. View Details
Keywords: Demand and Consumers; Customer Focus and Relationships; Adoption; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
McFarlan, F. Warren. "H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 196-061, August 1995. (Revised July 1997.)
- May 1995 (Revised March 1996)
- Case
ToyWorld, Inc.: Information Technology Planning
ToyWorld, a fast growing retailer, was revitalizing its information technology (IT) infrastructure and called in AT&T to help plan for the future. Five strategic alternatives for use of information and communications technology were identified through value chain... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Information Technology; Growth and Development; Expansion; Partners and Partnerships; Retail Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "ToyWorld, Inc.: Information Technology Planning." Harvard Business School Case 195-262, May 1995. (Revised March 1996.)
- March 1995 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Smashing the Cube: Corporate Transformation at CIBA-GEIGY Ltd.
By: David J. Collis and Elizabeth Wynne Johnson
CIBA-GEIGY is a large, diversified multinational corporation that transforms itself in the 1990s through a massive structural and cultural change. The case describes the changes implemented and the processes used to effect change in portfolio, people, and structures.... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Change Management; Transformation; Investment Portfolio; Multinational Firms and Management; Organizational Culture; Corporate Strategy
Collis, David J., and Elizabeth Wynne Johnson. "Smashing the Cube: Corporate Transformation at CIBA-GEIGY Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 795-041, March 1995. (Revised March 1995.)
- February 1995 (Revised June 1999)
- Case
Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Norman Klein
The retail bank division of Chemical Bank faces declining margins and increased competition in its credit and deposit gathering and processing business. It wishes to implement a new strategy to become a preferred financial service provider to target customer groups.... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Adoption; Growth and Development Strategy; Communication Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Management Systems; Performance Evaluation; Banks and Banking; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Norman Klein. "Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 195-210, February 1995. (Revised June 1999.)
- 1995
- Working Paper
Developing an Organization Capable of Implementing Strategy and Learning
By: Michael Beer
- October 1994
- Case
H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation
By: James L. McKenney, Richard L. Nolan, Theodore H. Clark and David Croson
McKenney, James L., Richard L. Nolan, Theodore H. Clark, and David Croson. "H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation." Harvard Business School Case 195-125, October 1994.
- September 1994
- Case
Marks & Spencer: Sir Richard Greenbury's Quiet Revolution
By: Joseph L. Bower and John B. Matthews Jr.
Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the world's greatest companies. In 1994, its management was chosen the most admired in Europe by 637 peers. The case explores how Sir Richard Greenbury, appointed the new chairman of the company in 1991, transformed his inheritance into... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Business or Company Management; Business Strategy; Management Teams; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Europe; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and John B. Matthews Jr. "Marks & Spencer: Sir Richard Greenbury's Quiet Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 395-054, September 1994.