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- Faculty Publications (358)
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- May 1985 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
General Electric Co.--1984
By: Francis Aguilar and Richard G. Hamermesh
Describes the first four years of Jack Welch's tenure as CEO of the General Electric Co. Deals with the ways Welch has tried to change GE's strategy and planning activities and his attempts to make the company more entrepreneurial. View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Management Style; Change Management; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Aguilar, Francis, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "General Electric Co.--1984." Harvard Business School Case 385-315, May 1985. (Revised March 1993.)
- October 1984 (Revised July 1988)
- Case
Mark Twain Bancshares, Inc.
Describes the history, management, and organization of an extremely successful bank holding company. The company has had a very charismatic chairman, has made MBAs bank presidents at very early ages, and has a long record of innovation. Now deregulation and a coming... View Details
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "Mark Twain Bancshares, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 385-178, October 1984. (Revised July 1988.)
- August 1984 (Revised March 1989)
- Background Note
Direct, Personal Leadership
By: Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. and Richard R. Ellsworth
Argues that to be effective leaders, general managers must focus on substance, not process, and aggressively combat the forces that can lead to the politicization of the organization. Examines the leader's direct role in setting and communicating goals, managing the... View Details
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr., and Richard R. Ellsworth. "Direct, Personal Leadership." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-107, August 1984. (Revised March 1989.)
- May 1984 (Revised May 1989)
- Case
Cleveland Twist Drill (B)
Describes events at Cleveland Twist Drill between April 1982 and February 1983. Jim Bartlett's approach to the union and the implementation of the "move strategy" are described. Students are asked to evaluate these actions and to develop plans for dealing with current... View Details
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Cleveland Twist Drill (B)." Harvard Business School Case 384-163, May 1984. (Revised May 1989.)
- October 1983 (Revised April 2006)
- Background Note
A Perspective on Entrepreneurship
Designed to highlight alternative concepts of good management and the need for entrepreneurship as a response to societal changes. It argues that entrepreneurship can be fostered or destroyed as a function of the administrative setting. View Details
Stevenson, Howard H. "A Perspective on Entrepreneurship." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-131, October 1983. (Revised April 2006.)
- October 1983 (Revised December 1984)
- Background Note
Sources and Patterns of Management Authority
By: George C. Lodge, Janice McCormick, Richard E. Walton and Shoshana Zuboff
Keywords: Management Style
Lodge, George C., Janice McCormick, Richard E. Walton, and Shoshana Zuboff. "Sources and Patterns of Management Authority." Harvard Business School Background Note 484-039, October 1983. (Revised December 1984.)
- September 1983 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
Cleveland Twist Drill (A)
Deals with the problems of implementing strategy in a declining industry and the negotiation of strategy with external constituencies, particularly labor unions. Traces Jim Bartlett's first nine months as president and asks for a plan of action. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Management Style; Negotiation Tactics; Labor and Management Relations; Corporate Strategy
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Cleveland Twist Drill (A)." Harvard Business School Case 384-083, September 1983. (Revised December 1988.)
- August 1983 (Revised May 1985)
- Case
Jamestown Co.
By: Benson P. Shapiro and Edward J. Hoff
In May 1983 Ms. Katherine O'Brien, vice president of marketing, was deciding whether Jamestown should discontinue the use of independent representatives in favor of a direct company salesforce. Jamestown sold informal stoneware dinnerware through department and gift... View Details
Shapiro, Benson P., and Edward J. Hoff. "Jamestown Co." Harvard Business School Case 584-017, August 1983. (Revised May 1985.)
- March 1981 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Sedalia Engine Plant (A)
By: Michael Beer
The new plant manager must deal with the problems and potentials contained in this highly participatory management style plant. View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Employee Relationship Management; Management Style; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael. "Sedalia Engine Plant (A)." Harvard Business School Case 481-148, March 1981. (Revised April 1993.)
- March 1981 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Sedalia Engine Plant (B)
By: Michael Beer
After one year as new plant manager at a highly participatory management style plant, Denny Goble assesses his handling of various problems. View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Employee Relationship Management; Management Style; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael. "Sedalia Engine Plant (B)." Harvard Business School Case 481-149, March 1981. (Revised April 1983.)
- August 1980
- Supplement
Renn Zaphiropoulos, A Day with, Video
By: John P. Kotter
Focuses on the management style of Renn Zaphiropoulos in the context of a rapidly changing segment of Xerox's business environment. To be contrasted with the videotape, Day with Fred Henderson (9-881-502) and the case, Fred Henderson (9-480-043). View Details
Kotter, John P. "Renn Zaphiropoulos, A Day with, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 881-501, August 1980.
- January 1980 (Revised October 1993)
- Case
Renn Zaphiropoulos
By: John P. Kotter
Focuses on the management style of Renn Zaphiropoulos in the context of a rapidly changing business environment within Xerox Corporation. To be contrasted with the case, Fred Henderson and the videotape, A Day with Fred Henderson (9-881-502), which are appropriate for... View Details
Keywords: Situation or Environment; Management Style; Consumer Products Industry; Electronics Industry
Kotter, John P. "Renn Zaphiropoulos." Harvard Business School Case 480-044, January 1980. (Revised October 1993.)
- December 1979 (Revised October 1983)
- Case
Fred Henderson
By: John P. Kotter
Focuses on the management style of Fred Henderson in the context of a relatively stable business environment within Xerox Corporation. To be contrasted with the case, Renn Zaphiropoulos and the videotape, A Day with Renn Zaphiropoulos (9-881-501), which are appropriate... View Details
Keywords: Situation or Environment; Management Style; Consumer Products Industry; Electronics Industry
Kotter, John P. "Fred Henderson." Harvard Business School Case 480-043, December 1979. (Revised October 1983.)
- October 1976 (Revised February 1987)
- Case
Cramer Electronics, Inc.
Designed to be the second day of a two-day series on the electronic component distribution industry, following a day spent discussing Note on the Electronic Component Distribution Industry and Raytheon Co.: Diversification. The important teaching themes which this case... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Management Style; Resource Allocation; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Cramer Electronics, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 377-063, October 1976. (Revised February 1987.)
- Teaching Interest
Professor Bernstein currently teaches a second-year MBA course in Managing Human Capital (MHC). He is also the faculty chair for the Harvard Business School Online Developing Yourself as a Leader course and teaches in a variety of executive education... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Innovation Leadership; Management Practices and Processes; Management Succession; Management Style; Management Systems; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Organizations; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance; Information Technology; Strategy; Human Resources; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Recruitment; Resignation and Termination; Retention; Selection and Staffing
- Research Summary
By: Jorge Tamayo
Professor Tamayo’s research focuses on theoretical modeling and structural estimation of firm decision-making and productivity.
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
- Research Summary
The Emergence of Charismatic Business Leadership
Since World War II, a handful of individuals have helped transform the face of modern-day leadership, making charisma essential to the role. In The Emergence of Charismatic Business Leadership, Richard S. Tedlow examines how pioneers like Steve Jobs, Oprah... View Details
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