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- Faculty Publications (401)
- April 1999 (Revised August 2004)
- Case
Tarnished Rings? Olympic Games Sponsorship Issues
By: John A. Clendenin and Stephen A. Greyser
Focuses on the impacts for Olympic sponsor companies of the bribery allegations related to the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee's successful bid for the 2002 Winter Games. The spread of the scandal to the International Olympic Committee board members and the recent... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Crisis Management; Marketing Channels; Consumer Behavior; Value Creation; Sports Industry
Clendenin, John A., and Stephen A. Greyser. "Tarnished Rings? Olympic Games Sponsorship Issues." Harvard Business School Case 599-107, April 1999. (Revised August 2004.)
- March 1999 (Revised June 2004)
- Case
United States Agency for International Development (USAID): Campfire Program in Zimbabwe
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Jay Sinha
Raises the issue of customer definition in economic development. Because of the multiple stakeholders and their varying interests, understanding where and how value is created is critical to understanding the customer. View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Development Economics; Marketing Strategy; Programs; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Value Creation; Zimbabwe; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Jay Sinha. "United States Agency for International Development (USAID): Campfire Program in Zimbabwe." Harvard Business School Case 599-090, March 1999. (Revised June 2004.)
- February 1999 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
Royal Dutch/Shell in Nigeria (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Mihnea C. Moldoveanu
Working with Shell's country manager for Nigeria, the company's Committee of Managing Directors must decide how to respond to the Nigerian government's decision to impose the death sentence on Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other leaders of a movement for the rights of the... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Multinational Firms and Management; Courts and Trials; Rights; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Social Issues; Nigeria
Paine, Lynn S., and Mihnea C. Moldoveanu. "Royal Dutch/Shell in Nigeria (A)." Harvard Business School Case 399-126, February 1999. (Revised October 2009.)
- February 1998
- Case
Creating the International Trade Organization
By: David A. Moss, George R. Appling and Andrew D Archer
In the late 1940s, officials at the U.S. State Department began campaigning for the creation of an International Trade Organization (ITO). This new organization would oversee global negotiations on trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, cartels, and commodity... View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Globalized Economies and Regions; Agreements and Arrangements; Foreign Direct Investment; Economic Systems; International Relations
Moss, David A., George R. Appling, and Andrew D Archer. "Creating the International Trade Organization." Harvard Business School Case 798-057, February 1998.
- January 1998 (Revised April 1998)
- Case
Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Jamie O'Connell
Lincoln Electric, a 100-year-old manufacturer of welding equipment and consumables based in Cleveland, Ohio, motivates its U.S. employees through a culture of cooperation between management and labor and an unusual compensation system based on piecework and a large... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Restructuring; Transformation; Construction; Compensation and Benefits; Management; Market Entry and Exit; Labor and Management Relations; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Manufacturing Industry; Ohio
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Jamie O'Connell. "Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad." Harvard Business School Case 398-095, January 1998. (Revised April 1998.)
- November 1997
- Case
National Pork Producers Council
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Tom Clay
Al Tank, CEO of the National Pork Products Council, is facing an environmental and structural crisis in the U.S. pork industry. Can he resolve the environmental and image problems of his industry in time? Can he receive the support of both his growers and the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Situation or Environment; Crisis Management; Environmental Sustainability; Business and Community Relations; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Industry Structures; Reputation; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., and Tom Clay. "National Pork Producers Council." Harvard Business School Case 598-053, November 1997.
- 1997
- Chapter
Intercultural Connections and Chinese Development: External and Internal Spheres of Modern China's Foreign Relations
By: William C. Kirby
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; International Relations; Developing Countries and Economies; Globalized Economies and Regions; China
Kirby, William C. "Intercultural Connections and Chinese Development: External and Internal Spheres of Modern China's Foreign Relations." In China's Quest for Modernization: A Historical Perspective, edited by Frederic Wakeman and Wang Xi, 219–248. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies, 1997. (published first in Zhongguo xiandaihua wenti [Issues of Chinese modernization] (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 1994))
- January 1997
- Case
Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (B)
Since the 1960s, SMI has quietly executed a series of brilliantly negotiated takeovers throughout Europe, often acquiring companies much larger than itself. Despite formidable obstacles, SMI has managed to acquire state-owned competitors in Italy and France, as well as... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Corporate Governance; International Relations; Negotiation Tactics; Consolidation; Mining Industry; Europe
Sebenius, James K. "Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (B)." Harvard Business School Case 897-085, January 1997.
- June 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Background Note
Economic Gains from Trade: Comparative Advantage
By: Robert E. Kennedy and Nancy F. Koehn
How nations trade and whether they benefit from it are two of the oldest and most important questions in political economy. In the 170 years since David Ricardo formally developed the theory of comparative advantage, it has become one of the principles most widely... View Details
Kennedy, Robert E., and Nancy F. Koehn. "Economic Gains from Trade: Comparative Advantage." Harvard Business School Background Note 796-183, June 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- April 1996
- Case
Controlling International Oil (B): The Rise and Fall of OPEC (Abridged)
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Debora L. Spar
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Debora L. Spar. "Controlling International Oil (B): The Rise and Fall of OPEC (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 796-165, April 1996.
- February 1996
- Background Note
International Institutions
By: David A. Moss, Louis T. Wells Jr. and Lakshmi Gopalan
Describes the IMF, the World Bank Group, the regional development banks, the Bank of International Settlements, the OECD, and the Group of 7. View Details
Keywords: Financial Institutions; Banks and Banking; International Finance; Trade; International Relations; Banking Industry
Moss, David A., Louis T. Wells Jr., and Lakshmi Gopalan. "International Institutions." Harvard Business School Background Note 796-116, February 1996.
- February 1996
- Case
Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard (Abridged)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The pharmaceutical division of a diversified company has been asked to develop a Balanced Scorecard. Research and development projects take about ten years to bring a new product to the marketplace and the division depends on good relations and active feedback from its... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Research and Development; Product Launch; Commercialization; Consumer Behavior; Customer Focus and Relationships; Performance Evaluation; Pharmaceutical Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 196-124, February 1996.
- 1995
- Chapter
Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Climate Convention
Sebenius, James K. "Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Climate Convention." In Shaping National Responses to Global Climate Change: A Post-Rio Guide, edited by Henry Lee, 41–79. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1995.
- April 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
World Trade Organization, The: Toward Free Trade or World Bureaucracy?
By: George C. Lodge and Jack High
In January 1995, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) evolved into the World Trade Organization (WTO), which faced the task of implementing the recently approved Uruguay Round of international trade agreements. This case describes the development of GATT,... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Process; Business and Government Relations
Lodge, George C., and Jack High. "World Trade Organization, The: Toward Free Trade or World Bureaucracy?" Harvard Business School Case 795-149, April 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- January 1995
- Case
Controlling International Oil (B): The Rise and Fall of OPEC
By: Debora L. Spar and Richard H.K. Vietor
Spar, Debora L., and Richard H.K. Vietor. "Controlling International Oil (B): The Rise and Fall of OPEC." Harvard Business School Case 795-066, January 1995.
- December 1994 (Revised February 1995)
- Case
Controlling International Oil (A): The Seven Sisters
By: Debora L. Spar and Richard H.K. Vietor
Spar, Debora L., and Richard H.K. Vietor. "Controlling International Oil (A): The Seven Sisters." Harvard Business School Case 795-065, December 1994. (Revised February 1995.)
- October 1994 (Revised October 1995)
- Case
AT&T and the International Settlements Problem
By: Willis M. Emmons III and David Riordan
Emmons, Willis M., III, and David Riordan. "AT&T and the International Settlements Problem." Harvard Business School Case 795-035, October 1994. (Revised October 1995.)
- October 1994 (Revised November 1994)
- Case
British Airways: Using Information Systems to Better Serve the Customer
By: W. Earl Sasser and Norman Klein
Explores the uses of scanning technology, interactive software, and powerful data bases to assist customer relations representatives in resolving customer complaints. Competitive alliances in international markets are noted, but the focus is on the evolving commitment... View Details
Keywords: Debates; Customer Focus and Relationships; Globalized Markets and Industries; Service Delivery; Alliances; Information Technology; Aerospace Industry
Sasser, W. Earl, and Norman Klein. "British Airways: Using Information Systems to Better Serve the Customer." Harvard Business School Case 395-065, October 1994. (Revised November 1994.)