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- All HBS Web
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- November 2016 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Godrej Agrovet Ltd (GAVL)
By: Jose B. Alvarez, Anjali Raina and Rachna Chawla
Nadir Godrej, chairman, and B. Yadav, managing director of Godrej Agrovet Ltd (GAVL), grapple with the challenge of growing their cattle feed business—should they integrate vertically despite the challenges of the dairy industry and risk the profitability of the... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Vertical Integration; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; India
Alvarez, Jose B., Anjali Raina, and Rachna Chawla. "Godrej Agrovet Ltd (GAVL)." Harvard Business School Case 517-014, November 2016. (Revised March 2017.)
Emily Truelove
Emily Truelove is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. She teaches LEAD in the MBA program. She also teaches in executive education programs, including Leadership for Senior Executives,... View Details
- September 1991 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
First National Bank Corp. (A)
First National Bank Corp., a major regional bank in the Northeast, must decide how large a provision for credit losses to accrue in its 1990 financial statements. The recession in New England has caused serious problems in its loan portfolio. View Details
Keywords: Financing and Loans; Financial Statements; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry; Northeastern United States
Barth, Mary E. "First National Bank Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 192-042, September 1991. (Revised April 1994.)
- October 2012 (Revised September 2013)
- Teaching Note
The Dabbawala System: On-Time Delivery, Every Time
By: Stefan H. Thomke
The Mumbai-based dabbawalas are a 5,000 or so person organization that achieves exceptional service performance with a semi-literate workforce. Every working day, they deliver and return about 130,000 lunchboxes to offices throughout Mumbai. This entails more than... View Details
- January 2023
- Article
Psychological Safety Comes of Age: Observed Themes in an Established Literature
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Derrick P. Bransby
Since its renaissance in the 1990s, psychological safety research has
flourished—a boom motivated by recognition of the challenge of navigating uncertainty and change. Today, its theoretical and practical significance
is amplified by the increasingly complex and... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Risk and Uncertainty; Leadership; Working Conditions; Research; Performance; Learning; Organizational Culture
Edmondson, Amy C., and Derrick P. Bransby. "Psychological Safety Comes of Age: Observed Themes in an Established Literature." Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 10 (January 2023): 55–78.
- 24 Feb 2011
- News
Latest sales, price data point to weak, tentative recovery
- October 1979 (Revised March 1986)
- Case
PC&D, Inc.
By: Evelyn T. Christiansen and Richard G. Hamermesh
Covers history of PC&D from 1960 to 1975 as it grows from a single business firm to a diversified firm. Emphasizes the use of subsidiaries for product development and fast growth. Other issues include problems of a new CEO in keeping control of fast growing divisions. View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Business Subsidiaries; Diversification; Growth Management; Product Development
Christiansen, Evelyn T., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "PC&D, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 380-072, October 1979. (Revised March 1986.)
- 04 Nov 2015
- News
Why Organizations Need to Make Learning Hard
- July 2009 (Revised August 2011)
- Case
What Happened at Citigroup? (A)
By: Clayton S. Rose and Aldo Sesia
What went wrong at Citigroup? In 1998, the Travelers Group and Citicorp merged to create Citigroup Inc., considered the first true global "financial supermarket" and a business model to be envied, feared, and emulated. By year-end 2006 the firm had a market... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Model; Decision Choices and Conditions; Globalized Firms and Management; Leadership; Risk Management; Failure; Financial Services Industry
Rose, Clayton S., and Aldo Sesia. "What Happened at Citigroup? (A)." Harvard Business School Case 310-004, July 2009. (Revised August 2011.)
- 09 May 2011
- News
Suit Opens a Window Into Google
John P. Kotter
John P. Kotter is internationally known and widely regarded as the foremost speaker on the topics of Leadership and Change. His is the premier voice on how the best organizations actually achieve successful transformations. The Konosuke... View Details
- March 2011 (Revised May 2011)
- Case
Inequality in Brazil
By: Aldo Musacchio
This case examines the evolution of inequality in Brazil in the last few years and generates two debates. First, the case discusses inequality and whether it is a problem or not for capitalist societies, in this case Brazil. Second, the case discusses some of the... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Economic Systems; Policy; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Poverty; Equality and Inequality; Brazil
Musacchio, Aldo. "Inequality in Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 711-086, March 2011. (Revised May 2011.)
- July 1996 (Revised January 1997)
- Case
Northwest Airlines: Brush with Bankruptcy (A)--November 1992
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger and Davis Dyer
Deals with Northwest's financial crisis between the fall of 1992 and the following spring. Northwest's leaders face the problem of how to meet an impending $600 million payment on the 1989 LBO loan when the airline had run out of cash. Concludes by outlining options... View Details
Keywords: Air Transportation; Restructuring; Leveraged Buyouts; Crisis Management; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Financial Strategy; Financial Crisis; Air Transportation Industry; United States
Schlesinger, Leonard A., and Davis Dyer. "Northwest Airlines: Brush with Bankruptcy (A)--November 1992." Harvard Business School Case 897-030, July 1996. (Revised January 1997.)
- 09 Nov 2011
- News
US uncovers alleged 'click fraud' ring
- February 2019
- Case
Lisa Thomas at LaMont Engineering
By: Boris Groysberg and Carrie A. Blair
The case details the challenges faced by Lisa Thomas of LaMont Engineering after the company is acquired by Munday Consultants, Inc. Thomas, who supported the acquisition, was asked to chair a team charged with implementing the changes necessary to make the acquisition... View Details
Groysberg, Boris, and Carrie A. Blair. "Lisa Thomas at LaMont Engineering." Harvard Business School Brief Case 919-507, February 2019.
- 12 PM – 1 PM EDT, 14 Sep 2017
- Webinars: Trending@HBS
Why Competition in the Politics Industry Is Failing America
It is often said that "Washington is broken," but this reflects a common misunderstanding of the problem. Washington isn't broken--it is delivering exactly what its currently designed to deliver. The problem is that our political system is no longer designed to serve... View Details
- May 2003
- Module Note
Managing Product Development
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Introduces students to the managerial aspects critical to conceiving, designing, and developing innovative products and services. Considers the full range of activities required: learning about customer needs, understanding and managing experimentation and problem... View Details
- November 1998 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Houses for Africa
Traces the founding and development of Houses for Africa, a firm established to build low-income housing in Zimbabwe. Explores entrepreneurship in an emerging market, the problems that arise when complementary markets do not function well, and the importance of... View Details
Kennedy, Robert E., and Maurice F Dunne III. "Houses for Africa." Harvard Business School Case 799-041, November 1998. (Revised March 1999.)
- October 1984 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Describes Nike's corporate culture and looks closely at individual key senior and middle managers, outlining the processes by which the management group conducts its business and noting the values which bind the management group together. The teaching objective is to... View Details
Keywords: Values and Beliefs; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Culture; Management Teams; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Christensen, C. Roland, and David C Rikert. "NIKE (B)." Harvard Business School Case 385-027, October 1984. (Revised March 1999.)