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- Faculty Publications (3,694)
- October 1982
- Supplement
Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson, Video
A two-part taped interview with Pat Paterson. Paterson describes the action he took in dealing with his company's profit problems, then talks about the outcome. His decision to dismiss 1,500 workers may have accelerated the company's bankruptcy. View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Profit; Resignation and Termination; Outcome or Result; Problems and Challenges
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 883-512, October 1982.
- September 1982 (Revised October 1988)
- Background Note
Note on Implementing Strategy
Presents a framework for thinking about problems of implementing strategy. Defines the tasks of implementation and the range of implementation situations, then develops four approaches to implementation and reviews a range of implementation skills. Intended for use in... View Details
Keywords: Strategy
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Note on Implementing Strategy." Harvard Business School Background Note 383-015, September 1982. (Revised October 1988.)
- December 1981 (Revised September 1986)
- Background Note
Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents basic issues in survey research, covering both measurement and sampling error. The intention is to consider each element of the survey process: problem statement, questionnaire design, sampling, and data analysis. View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research." Harvard Business School Background Note 582-055, December 1981. (Revised September 1986.)
- 1981
- Chapter
Risk Aversion and Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem
By: R. Kihlstrom, A. E. Roth and D. Schmeidler
- September 1981 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
John Street Problem
By: William J. Poorvu and John H. Vogel Jr.
Keywords: Problems and Challenges
Poorvu, William J., and John H. Vogel Jr. "John Street Problem." Harvard Business School Case 382-028, September 1981. (Revised December 1988.)
- 1981
- Chapter
Sparsity and Piecewise Linearity in Large Portfolio Optimization Problems
By: André Perold and Harry M. Markowitz
- April 1981 (Revised January 1997)
- Case
Corning Glass Works: The Z-Glass Project
By: Kim B. Clark
Considers decisions facing the leader of a manufacturing staff project team assigned to a plant where yields have deteriorated sharply. The process is complex: the plant organization is not cooperative and there are deep disagreements about what is wrong and how to fix... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Production; Problems and Challenges; Conflict Management; Performance Productivity; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Groups and Teams; Consumer Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Clark, Kim B. "Corning Glass Works: The Z-Glass Project." Harvard Business School Case 681-091, April 1981. (Revised January 1997.)
- April 1981 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
General Electric: Strategic Position--1981
By: Francis Aguilar and Richard G. Hamermesh
Describes the introduction and evolution of General Electric's strategic planning system from the 1960s to Jack Welch's tenure. Allows discussion of the interplay of problems and circumstances to the evolution of the strategic planning system, and how Welch might use... View Details
Aguilar, Francis, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "General Electric: Strategic Position--1981." Harvard Business School Case 381-174, April 1981. (Revised March 1993.)
- March 1981 (Revised October 1998)
- Case
Corning Glass Works International (A)
Follows the impact of a change in global strategy on a diversified company's global organization structure. Traces two failed attempts at bringing a business perspective to a geographic organization, and poses the problem of what the international division president... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Framework; Global Strategy; Organizational Structure; Perspective; Power and Influence
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Corning Glass Works International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 381-160, March 1981. (Revised October 1998.)
- March 1981 (Revised February 1993)
- Case
Hank Kolb, Director, Quality Assurance
By: Frank S. Leonard and W. Earl Sasser
Designed to introduce the systemic nature of product quality and the complexity of quality problems. Uses a new director, quality assurance, and the discovery of a quality problem. The new director has to decide if it is a real problem, what to do about it, and how to... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Product; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Quality; Attitudes; Complexity
Leonard, Frank S., and W. Earl Sasser. "Hank Kolb, Director, Quality Assurance." Harvard Business School Case 681-083, March 1981. (Revised February 1993.)
- March 1981 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Sedalia Engine Plant (A)
By: Michael Beer
The new plant manager must deal with the problems and potentials contained in this highly participatory management style plant. View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Employee Relationship Management; Management Style; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael. "Sedalia Engine Plant (A)." Harvard Business School Case 481-148, March 1981. (Revised April 1993.)
- March 1981 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Sedalia Engine Plant (B)
By: Michael Beer
After one year as new plant manager at a highly participatory management style plant, Denny Goble assesses his handling of various problems. View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Employee Relationship Management; Management Style; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael. "Sedalia Engine Plant (B)." Harvard Business School Case 481-149, March 1981. (Revised April 1983.)
- December 1980 (Revised December 1984)
- Case
Hudepohl Brewing Co.
Presents the problem of how an established regional brewer can survive the onslaught of national breweries, some of which are being cross-subsidized by diversified parent companies. Requires detailed analysis of what operations are profitable and unprofitable for... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Profit; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Industry Growth; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Competition; Diversification
Salter, Malcolm S. "Hudepohl Brewing Co." Harvard Business School Case 381-092, December 1980. (Revised December 1984.)
- April 1980 (Revised September 1985)
- Background Note
The Disposable Diaper Industry in 1974
Describes the rapidly growing disposable diaper industry in 1974, a period in which Procter and Gamble's industry leadership faced strong challenges from Kimberly Clark, Johnson and Johnson, and Union Carbide. The latter two firms were in the process of entry into the... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "The Disposable Diaper Industry in 1974." Harvard Business School Background Note 380-175, April 1980. (Revised September 1985.)
- January 1980
- Case
Technotronics, Inc.
Describes the problems of resolving differences between two departments in a decentralized company. Based on Voltamp Electric Co. by T.C. Raymond. View Details
Schlesinger, Leonard A. "Technotronics, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 480-054, January 1980.
- January 1980 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
Describes the U.S. large turbine generator industry in early 1963, a period of severe price cutting and depressed industry conditions. Presents data to allow a structural analysis of the industry and an analysis of the strategies of the major players since 1946. The... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Machinery and Machining; Cost Management; Price; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Industry Structures; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)." Harvard Business School Case 380-128, January 1980. (Revised August 1986.)
- 1980
- Working Paper
The Value of Information in the Delegation Problem
By: Jerry R. Green and Nancy Stokey
- October 1979 (Revised March 1986)
- Case
PC&D, Inc.
By: Evelyn T. Christiansen and Richard G. Hamermesh
Covers history of PC&D from 1960 to 1975 as it grows from a single business firm to a diversified firm. Emphasizes the use of subsidiaries for product development and fast growth. Other issues include problems of a new CEO in keeping control of fast growing divisions. View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Business Subsidiaries; Diversification; Growth Management; Product Development
Christiansen, Evelyn T., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "PC&D, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 380-072, October 1979. (Revised March 1986.)
- May 1979
- Article
Proportional Solutions to the Bargaining Problem
By: A. E. Roth
Roth, A. E. "Proportional Solutions to the Bargaining Problem." Econometrica 47, no. 3 (May 1979): 775–778.
- February 1979 (Revised December 1983)
- Case
Allied Chemical Corp. (A)
Describes Allied, the chemical industry, and the effects of the Kepone problem (a toxic pesticide dumped into the James River) as of 1976. The executive in the case must decide whether the company should support the passage of the Toxic Substances Control Act and an... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Decision Making; Laws and Statutes; Welfare; Legal Liability; Business and Government Relations; Chemical Industry
Lodge, George C., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. "Allied Chemical Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 379-137, February 1979. (Revised December 1983.)