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- Faculty Publications (3,694)
- March 1985 (Revised August 1985)
- Teaching Note
Challenge Ahead: Economic Growth, Global Interdependence, and the New Competition, Teaching Note
- February 1985 (Revised September 1988)
- Case
Komatsu Ltd.
Reviews and updates the structure and characteristics of the earth-moving equipment industry presented in the companion case, Caterpillar Tractor Co. After revealing that CAT has suffered major financial losses during the period from 1981 through 1984, the case... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Machinery and Machining; Price; Growth and Development; Brands and Branding; Product Development; Production; Competitive Strategy; Global Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Komatsu Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 385-277, February 1985. (Revised September 1988.)
- January 1985
- Background Note
The Challenges, Motivations & Mentalities of MNC Management
Bartlett, Christopher A. "The Challenges, Motivations & Mentalities of MNC Management." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-250, January 1985.
- December 1984
- Article
Misrepresentation and Stability in the Marriage Problem
By: A. E. Roth
Roth, A. E. "Misrepresentation and Stability in the Marriage Problem." Journal of Economic Theory 34 (December 1984): 383–387.
- November 1984 (Revised March 1989)
- Background Note
Leadership: The Problem of Intervention
By: Richard R. Ellsworth and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.
Ellsworth, Richard R., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. "Leadership: The Problem of Intervention." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-198, November 1984. (Revised March 1989.)
- October 1984
- Background Note
Goals: The Problem of Balancing Multiple Constituencies
By: Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. and Richard R. Ellsworth
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr., and Richard R. Ellsworth. "Goals: The Problem of Balancing Multiple Constituencies." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-187, October 1984.
- September 1984 (Revised March 1993)
- Background Note
Marketing Planning and Organization
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents guidelines for effective marketing planning. Provides a general outline of the contents of a typical marketing plan, the process by which the plan is developed, and considers the benefits successful firms reap from their planning efforts and the problems that... View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "Marketing Planning and Organization." Harvard Business School Background Note 585-106, September 1984. (Revised March 1993.)
- August 1984 (Revised October 1992)
- Background Note
Marketing Implementation
By: John A. Quelch
Describes a framework for evaluating marketing implementation problems and assesses the interfaces between marketing strategy and implementation. View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy
Quelch, John A. "Marketing Implementation." Harvard Business School Background Note 585-024, August 1984. (Revised October 1992.)
- May 1984 (Revised May 1989)
- Case
Cleveland Twist Drill (B)
Describes events at Cleveland Twist Drill between April 1982 and February 1983. Jim Bartlett's approach to the union and the implementation of the "move strategy" are described. Students are asked to evaluate these actions and to develop plans for dealing with current... View Details
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Cleveland Twist Drill (B)." Harvard Business School Case 384-163, May 1984. (Revised May 1989.)
- April 1984
- Background Note
Export Controls
By: David B. Yoffie
Explores the problems and opportunities associated with export controls--one of the most widely used tools of international trade policy in the 1970s and early 1980s; and the role of the United States and Soviet Union as major players in the international economy.... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Problems and Challenges; Opportunities; Soviet Union; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Export Controls." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-008, April 1984.
- December 1983
- Case
ADM and the Corn Gluten Feed Problem
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "ADM and the Corn Gluten Feed Problem." Harvard Business School Case 584-073, December 1983.
- November 1983 (Revised October 1989)
- Case
Procter & Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch
Describes P&G's expansion in Europe, including the development of a strong country subsidiary management, responsive to local market differences. The launch of a new product presents strategic and organizational challenges as P&G considers making this their first... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Launch; Emerging Markets; Organizational Design; Problems and Challenges; Expansion; Europe
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Procter & Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch." Harvard Business School Case 384-139, November 1983. (Revised October 1989.)
- November 1983
- Article
On the Problems of Applying Ramsey Pricing to the Railroad Industry with Uncertain Demand Elasticities
By: William B. Tye and Dutch Leonard
Tye, William B., and Dutch Leonard. "On the Problems of Applying Ramsey Pricing to the Railroad Industry with Uncertain Demand Elasticities." Transportation Research Part A: General 17, no. 6 (November 1983).
- October 1983
- Article
Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Management Accounting Research
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Kaplan, Robert S. "Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Management Accounting Research." Accounting Review 58 (October 1983): 686–705.
- September 1983 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
Cleveland Twist Drill (A)
Deals with the problems of implementing strategy in a declining industry and the negotiation of strategy with external constituencies, particularly labor unions. Traces Jim Bartlett's first nine months as president and asks for a plan of action. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Management Style; Negotiation Tactics; Labor and Management Relations; Corporate Strategy
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Cleveland Twist Drill (A)." Harvard Business School Case 384-083, September 1983. (Revised December 1988.)
- August 1983 (Revised December 1987)
- Case
Hewlett-Packard: Challenging the Entrepreneurial Culture
Stevenson, Howard H. "Hewlett-Packard: Challenging the Entrepreneurial Culture." Harvard Business School Case 384-035, August 1983. (Revised December 1987.)
- August 1983 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Railroad Problem and the Solution
A vehicle for a discussion of the causes and consequences of the Interstate Commerce Act. View Details
Keywords: Transportation; Rail Transportation; Fluctuation; Outcome or Result; Public Sector; Government and Politics; Business History; Complexity; Problems and Challenges; Rail Industry
Tedlow, Richard S. "Railroad Problem and the Solution." Harvard Business School Case 384-032, August 1983. (Revised March 1995.)
- January 1983 (Revised February 1988)
- Case
Hospital Corp. of America (B)
By: W. Carl Kester
Focuses on HCAs financing options for reaching its target capital structure. The options include new equity conversion of convertible debentures, a debt-for-equity swap, the sale of assets, and fixed-rate debt. Students must address the problem of market timing and... View Details
Keywords: Assets; Capital Structure; Cash Flow; Equity; Debt Securities; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Health Industry; United States
Kester, W. Carl. "Hospital Corp. of America (B)." Harvard Business School Case 283-054, January 1983. (Revised February 1988.)
- December 1982 (Revised July 1985)
- Case
Kennedy and the Balance of Payments
By: David B. Yoffie
In 1960, the United States was facing a balance of payments problem. Gold reserves were being drained, American products were losing competitiveness, and the dollar was under attack. This case analyzes the roots of this problem, provides an opportunity to discuss in... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Accounting; Macroeconomics; Money; Currency; Trade; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Kennedy and the Balance of Payments." Harvard Business School Case 383-073, December 1982. (Revised July 1985.)
- winter 1982
- Article
Solving the Problems of Business Planning
By: Joseph L. Bower
Bower, Joseph L. "Solving the Problems of Business Planning." Journal of Business Strategy 2, no. 3 (winter 1982).