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- All HBS Web
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- 03 May 2022
- Research & Ideas
Desperate for Talent? Consider Advancing Your Own Employees First
Job openings in the United States continue to hover at record high levels, exacerbated by the Great Resignation and a sputtering emergence from the pandemic. Competition remains fierce among companies struggling to find qualified workers. Yet many employers,... View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 15 Dec 2023
- News
Exploring Business Opportunities in Africa; Alumni Grapple with Plastic Waste Problem
Clubs News Clubs News Webinar illuminates broad array of business opportunities across Africa On December 5th, the HBS African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA) hosted ‘Doing Business in Africa: From Opportunity to Action’, a webinar panel of HBS alumni who shared... View Details
Keywords: Margie Kelley
- 18 Nov 2002
- Research & Ideas
Where Morals and Profits Meet: The Corporate Value Shift
analysis. And a few are motivated simply by the vision of a better and more humane way of conducting business. Overall, though, my experience has been that probably half, and maybe even two-thirds, categorize ethics mainly as a risk View Details
Keywords: by Carla Tishler
- 22–23 Sep 2020
- Virtual Programming
Driving Impact: A Dialogue on Capitalism, Climate, and Social Change
Join Professor Rebecca Henderson and Sir Ronald Cohen (MBA 1969) as they debate the theories of change. The conversation will compare and contrast the authors groundbreaking approaches to rethinking the role of business in driving impactone through the lens of... View Details
- 30 Nov 2007
- What Do You Think?
What Is Management’s Role in Innovation?
Summing Up Can creativity and innovation be managed? Judging from responses to questions posed by practitioner panelists at a recent colloquium on "Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations of the Future" at Harvard Business School, many feel that... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- August 2006 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Leadership in Law: Amy Schulman at DLA Piper
By: Boris Groysberg, Victoria Winston and Shirley Spence
What does it take to build a successful career over time? Describes Amy Schulman's career progression and role as a star senior litigator and top executive at one of the world's largest law firms. It focuses on different stages in her career and what she did to be... View Details
Keywords: Work-Life Balance; Employee Relationship Management; Groups and Teams; Time Management; Personal Development and Career; Gender
Groysberg, Boris, Victoria Winston, and Shirley Spence. "Leadership in Law: Amy Schulman at DLA Piper." Harvard Business School Case 407-033, August 2006. (Revised September 2008.)
- May 2009 (Revised August 2010)
- Case
The Jenner Situation
By: Richard G. Hamermesh, Andy Whittemore and Eliot Sherman
Dr. Bill Lemont is the new chief medical officer of a large academic medical center. During his first week on the job he has become aware of the abusive behavior and temper outbursts of a prominent orthopedic surgeon. How Dr. Lemont handles the situation will be... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Employee Relationship Management; Managerial Roles; Behavior; Conflict Management; Health Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., Andy Whittemore, and Eliot Sherman. "The Jenner Situation." Harvard Business School Case 809-070, May 2009. (Revised August 2010.)
- June 2018
- Teaching Note
Kvadrat: Leading for Innovation
By: Boris Groysberg and Sarah L. Abbott
In 2013, Anders Byriel, CEO of the family-owned Danish textiles company, Kvadrat, considered the firm's strategic plan. In 2000, Byriel and Mette Bendix, Kvadrat's Product Director, had taken over management of the company from their fathers, who had founded Kvadrat in... View Details
- 10 Nov 2011
- HBS Case
HBS Cases: Making Lincoln Center Cool Again
intellectual capital was drained" —Reynold Levy Levy, who was a senior lecturer at HBS before he took the Lincoln Center job, has stayed committed to the institution's funding base—the fiercely dedicated baby boomers who have... View Details
- 27 Nov 2006
- What Do You Think?
What’s to Be Done About Performance Reviews?
category who may be given help or advised to leave the organization. Proponents of forced ranking claim that it is more humane and effective than most qualitative systems for employee appraisal in which employees don't receive frank... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- January 1991 (Revised March 1991)
- Case
Prepare/21 at Beth Israel Hospital (A)
In response to escalating cost pressures throughout the hospital industry, the management of Beth Israel Hospital (BI) decided to implement a productivity plan to cut their operating costs. They chose the Scanlon Plan, an employee participation and incentive program... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Cost Management; Employees; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry
Friedman, Raymond A. "Prepare/21 at Beth Israel Hospital (A)." Harvard Business School Case 491-045, January 1991. (Revised March 1991.)
- 27 Apr 2022
- News
Rolling Back Degree Requirements Expands the Pipeline for Tech
- 2010
- Working Paper
Employee Selection as a Control System
By: Dennis Campbell
Theories from the economics, management control, and organizational behavior literatures predict that when it is difficult to align incentives by contracting on output, aligning preferences via employee selection may provide a useful alternative. This study... View Details
Keywords: Accounting; Decision Making; Governance Controls; Employees; Selection and Staffing; Management Systems; Financial Services Industry
Campbell, Dennis. "Employee Selection as a Control System." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-021, August 2010. (Revised September 2010, April 2012.)
- October 2024
- Supplement
Hakluyt: from Corporate Intelligence to Trusted Advisors (B)
By: Joseph B. Fuller and Lena Duchene
This case is a continuation of an earlier study chronicling Hakluyt & Company (Hakluyt)’s transformation from an obscure boutique to a global corporate advisory firm with an outsized reputation. In August 2024, the firm faced a pivotal moment as managing partner Varun... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Talent and Talent Management; Capital Structure; Cash Flow; Corporate Finance; Equity; Stock Shares; Corporate Governance; Business History; Compensation and Benefits; Recruitment; Leadership Style; Growth Management; Management Succession; Management Teams; Organizational Culture; Performance Evaluation; Networks; Partners and Partnerships; Business Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Consulting Industry; Europe; United Kingdom; England; London
Fuller, Joseph B., and Lena Duchene. "Hakluyt: from Corporate Intelligence to Trusted Advisors (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 825-087, October 2024.
- July 2021 (Revised September 2024)
- Case
Supreme: Remaining Cool While Pursuing Growth
By: Jill Avery, Sandrine Crener, Marie-Cecile Cervellon and Ranjit Thind
Following VF Corporation’s acquisition of cult streetwear brand Supreme, consumers and industry pundits were nervous that becoming part of a large, public corporation would put an end to Supreme’s slow and careful growth trajectory as pressure for quarterly results... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brands and Branding; Luxury; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Growth Management; Fashion Industry; Retail Industry; United States; North America
Avery, Jill, Sandrine Crener, Marie-Cecile Cervellon, and Ranjit Thind. "Supreme: Remaining Cool While Pursuing Growth." Harvard Business School Case 522-006, July 2021. (Revised September 2024.)
- 01 Sep 2022
- What Do You Think?
Is It Time to Consider Lifting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?
into your work, realizing you are serving something bigger than yourself, your employer, peers, etc. that shows in your work and can positively impact others. Brian Thatcher said, “I am for maximizing both profitability and human View Details
Keywords: Re: James L. Heskett
- 08 Dec 2020
- Research & Ideas
Why Companies Hunt for Talent on Digital Platforms, Not in Resume Piles
colleagues also find that companies are becoming more sophisticated about identifying talent. By analyzing the skills that US firms want from prospective human resource workers, the researchers discovered that companies are increasingly... View Details
- October 2006 (Revised August 2007)
- Case
Marketing Chateau Margaux
By: John A. Deighton, Leyland Pitt, Vincent Marie Dessain, Daniela Beyersdorfer and Anders Sjoman
Chateau Margaux, luxury brand or connoisseur brand? Although France is awash with unsold wine, demand has never been stronger for the very finest Bordeaux. How should Margaux sustain and grow its business? The Chateau management team is wondering if it can take more... View Details
Keywords: Price; Growth and Development Strategy; Brands and Branding; Distribution; Luxury; Food and Beverage Industry; France
Deighton, John A., Leyland Pitt, Vincent Marie Dessain, Daniela Beyersdorfer, and Anders Sjoman. "Marketing Chateau Margaux." Harvard Business School Case 507-033, October 2006. (Revised August 2007.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- Web
Investing in Emerging Industries | Baker Library | Bloomberg Center | Harvard Business School
created its own closed-end investment company, the Lehman Corporation, which traded its own stocks and bonds on the New York Stock Exchange. “The management of someone elses [sic] money is a great responsibility under any conditions,”... View Details
- 22 Apr 2022
- Research & Ideas
Companies Can Expand Their Talent Pool by Giving Ex-Convicts a Second Chance
approaches to increasing demand for workers with criminal records. The experiments asked hiring managers to make hiring decisions under different randomized “incentive-compatible” conditions. The researchers partnered with Wonolo, an... View Details
Keywords: by Jay Fitzgerald